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Posts posted by cyrus106

  1. Are we sure about that?


    I mean, I'm all for fusion cores coming back and I'm a bit worried this isn't it, but there's no need to jump the gun complaining. Until we get some actual gameplay in it's hard to tell.

    It's not just blatant speculation, I'm using the actual drop-table calculations. Notice DE didn't say "removed all other rotation A rewards in high end survival and interception"


    This hoping the chances are equal and not weighted accross the options, which seems unlikely for me.


    5 r5 cores having the same chance of 2000 credits?





    Your point? If they ARE weighted then they are even lower, still an issue regardless, even in the best-case-scenario

  2. Let's look at why this "re-inclusion of R5 cores" might actually be waaaaay worse than running t4 survival:


    Drop rate of high level survival missions on star chart:


    +2000 Credits Cache,1,COMMON, 14.2% (estimated)

    +2500 Credits Cache,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated)    

    +Fusion Core,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated)    

    +Fusion Core,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated) 

    +Steady Hands,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated)  

    +Stabilizer,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated)    

    +Power Throw,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated)



    Let's add R5 core packs into that, assuming they are also categorized as "common"


    100/7 rewards = 14.2% (the old rates of rotation A in high level survival)


    100/8 rewards(Add the r5 core pack) = 12.5% chance. in rotation A


    Why is this terrible?


    The old T4 survival rates were 77% (they were the only "common" drop in rotation A). By including O cellsx3 in the "common" type, rare 5 packs were cut in half: 38.5%.


    Now tell me....which is better? 38.5%? Or.....12.5%?

  3. Let's look at why this "re-inclusion of R5 cores" might actually be waaaaay worse than running t4 survival:


    Drop rate of high level survival missions on star chart:


    +2000 Credits Cache,1,COMMON, 14.2% (estimated)

    +2500 Credits Cache,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated)    

    +Fusion Core,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated)    

    +Fusion Core,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated) 

    +Steady Hands,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated)  

    +Stabilizer,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated)    

    +Power Throw,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated)



    Let's add R5 core packs into that, assuming they are also categorized as "common"


    100/7 rewards = 14.2% (the old rates of rotation A in high level survival)


    100/8 rewards(Add the r5 core pack) = 12.5% chance. in rotation A


    Why is this terrible?


    The old T4 survival rates were 77% (they were the only "common" drop in rotation A). By including O cellsx3 in the "common" type, rare 5 packs were cut in half: 38.5%.


    Now tell me....which is better? 38.5%? Or.....12.5%?

  4. interesting, do you have confirmation/sources for both of these?

    does sitting around for 5mins w/o starting the timer also work for zanuka/g3?

    Yes the sitting around for zanuka and g3 works, but only on their respective tilesets.My source is my own farming, I've used this method for well over a year

  5. I keep all my messages, I counted once, I had 32 maybe, last time I counted, got a few more since, maybe 36 now, and I've encountered him at least 36 times. 21 Dreads (2 at once one time) equaling 20 + 1 Hate = 21 + 4 previous horrid drops = 25 + the 8-12 other times I killed him and got bad drops, equaling anywhere between 32 and 37 + the 12-15 times he's killed me making a maximum possible total of 42 encounters, but less than 40 marks. And these are only counting solo encounters, he's come after me while in squads before.


    Also, many moons ago, he came after me for killing Vor 3 times, when I only had 1 Vor mark.

    Messages do not == marks, those are merely part of the inbox system. EVERYTIME you kill a boss you are marked by stalker, period. The Stalker also picks random-&#! names out of a hat, you cant count your specific boss kills as he just names a random boss that you HAVE killed in the past. Why does this matter anyway? Everybody has hundreds of stalker marks, that's all that matters

  6. The wiki also says his marks stack, which is a lie, if they did, he'd have about a 96% showing up in every match I play.


    Where is your proof of this? Haven't heard anything about assassin spawning consumables...

    You misread the wiki. By marks stack, they mean if you kill multiple bosses you are marked multiple times. When you defeat stalker or he defeats you, you lose one mark. This wiki does not say "multiple marks increase appearance chance"


    edit: I PMed you my proof. It's been around since january

  7. Well, that cowardly piceceof S#&$ never comes after me. 

    NEVER. I've had a mark since ages godammit. I took a nearly unranked Sheev, Lato and Mk-1 Strun.

    That useless piece of S#&$ still won't come after me. 

    He's appeared only thrice in nearly one year for me, and never dropped ANYTHING. Not even the Dread.

    He isnt going to appear if you bring low conclave gear, that is a myth, and has always been a myth. People got his scripts a long time ago. He works like this:


    • There is a 1.5% + (0.5%*player count) chance that the Stalker will appear in any mission the Tenno embarks on (including Void missions). If there are no valid targets, the Stalker will not spawn.
      • There is a delay of 30 to 280 seconds (~4 minutes) before the Stalker will spawn in a given mission.


    Basically the best tactic is to bring 4 marked players to an infested survival, afk for 5 minutes (go watch youtube) while listening for stalker. If he doesnt appear in 5 minutes, abort, retry, repeat. You do NOT need to start the survival to trigger him. He spawns within 4-5 minutes


    If you are sick of farming him, however, there are consumables to be released in update 16 that spawn assassins. Wait for those then farm stalker

  8. Volt's pose as he does it shows the buff it needs.


    Volt extends for his palms, and blood doth drippeth from them.


    "Drinketh of the electricity, my sons" he says.


    The grineer all weep and begin to bow.


    Chanting and singing fills the room.


    "Eateth of these bullets, my children." says Volt. "For they are my body, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen."


    Then Volt ascends loudly through the ceiling and rises into the sky disappearing in the sunlight.


    All the dead Grineer are found spelling out the word "skoom" with their battered corpses.

    Each bears a blissful dead smile.

    What the actual F***

  9. Warcry is cool but i rly like this idea...the warcry would be the last thing i'd change though... hysteria is probably the ability that needs a mayor rework on valkyr as second buff of some sort, instead of this @(*()$ endless, weak godmode you have to deal with now...

    Edit: you could even add this concept to a hysteria change...imagine this popular special mode as a ability that locks you on your melee weapon, teleports you in melee range, offers life drain and buffs your armor and life. Range defines the charge range, power the buff and duration the time. This would make valkyr a awesome melee frame.

    I like the way you think

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