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Posts posted by cyrus106

  1. ... Medals don't count toward cap and they where majorily buffed. Dailies also don't count per cap... Soo not really a huge nerf. You just can't get a bunch of rep from rep farms anymore...


    Not really that sad.

    Sorry, did the math you're wrong.


    My daily rep gain for a single syndicate is roughly 45-48k rep. That's 38k + my medallions. Now it's 19k + doubled medallions which adds up to.....about 37-39k rep. That IS a nerf, sorry bro

  2. Ah, the "you could never understand my problems for arbitrary reasons" approach.


    I actually run a balanced build for Volt (given his Jack of All Trades penchant), with a personal preference toward Speed in gameplay because I prefer melee attacks. I use Overload any time I need a burst hit (and I have a reflex of tapping it when I need a moment to revive teammates), and it works each time.


    It's not simply a defense, it's facts. Overload deals 900 damage, but it also uses the Electric procs, dealing 50% additional damage for each enemy nearby; that second portion is based on the same phenomena that made Molecular Prime so powerful, by turning every enemy within range into another bomb. With even 2 enemies bundled with each other, that's 1350 damage, before you get to the electronics breaking; with 5 enemies bundled, double that.


    Never said it was a 'great' CC like Chaos or Vortex. But it's decent, more reliable than others I can name (and did). The stuns make for an excellent opener on enemies who normally counter melee, ie heavy units with radial blasts or poisonous Infested, who cannot get those attacks off.


    I will say I agree that the electronics permanently breaking is a slight problem. Perhaps electronics should regenerate after a period? 60 second delayed backup generators...?

    Otherwise, as I said: The problem with its damage is the same that could be said of any ability, an inability to scale up.

    Perhaps you have a point. Just allow the electric proc to work properly and it could be decent

  3. Although this should not be discussed here, i think the problem is that it removes the original intent of the skill of being merely a passive buff and debuff skill. What your suggestion does is augment not just skills but players meleeing which is abit outside of the context of the skill itself.

    Melee attack speed isnt related to melee?

  4. So I made a suggestion for a warcry augment in the design council, it read as follows:

    Bloodlust: During warcry, Valkyr melee attacks allow her to dash towards nearby targets within 30 meters(affected by power range). This mechanic would be similiar to archwing melee, and remove the issue of melee feeling as clunky. This buff is also applied to nearby allies

    It had the most upvotes of any augment, yet never appeared in the following weeks vote at all. This saddens me because I feel it's a push melee mechanics need but no big deal, that's not the point. What is everybody's thoughts on this augment and or mechanic? Would melee feel less clunky with a gap closing mechanic and/or ability? Discuss here!

    I feel they didnt include it because they didnt want to make new animations. That's fine and dandy but they are also claimig they want melee to be more viable. Pick your poison! Takes some elbow grease to improve things

  5. What if i told you that I ran out of Nav Coordinates to make OD keys to get Golem Navs to make ODA keys to get Neurodes?

    Yeah.. I'm just that unlucky.

    Thats not bad luck. Nav coordinates are essentially guarenteed from all lockers and containers. Just break that S#&$ more dude

  6. Not that i agree with OP but for me, Neurodes are the most valuble resource in this game for me. 

    So yeah, they are both pretty damn rare, and also hard to farm.

    Go to ODD or fight lephantis. Trust me, they arent as rare as you think

  7. The reasoning for such biased attitudes towards frames is the fact that many frames have no abilities that are useful in long defense or survivals. As much as DE would refuse to admit players have a sort of self imposed WF tiering in place. Said tiering system indicates a frames value based on how deep into infinite content said frame is useful and a worthy addition to the squad. In late game survival/defensive missions Volt sits at about mid tier based on his Shield alone as every other skill is not very worthwhile. You can argue that his speed skill is awesome for melee but then the point must be broached that melee is nearly worthless after a certain point and is complete suicide in later times. As far as a Mag is concerned she literally has no redeeming qualities in deep infinite content. Shield polarize is a good scaling damage skill however it will only affect shielded targets and damage those around them. With the inclusion of another corpus shielded enemy into the void this should have increased it's potential but lo and behold said unit is immune to powers. As far as crush is concerned it is not viable as nukes always fall off before anything else due to scaling.


    In this instance we must look at what makes a top tier frame. Infinite usability of powers that MEAN something. Loki Radial Disarm=worth. Nyx Chaos=worth, Nova's M prime=worth, Banshee's Sonar=Worth. These abilities all have something in common and it is clear why they are top tier. They all work precisely the same regardless of enemy levels and provide a massive value per cast ratio to the party. Disarmed targets cannot shoot you=win. Confused targets will help kill their friends=win, up to 1,000% bonus damage=win, 2x damage and a decent slow=win.


    If DE wants to get out of the "Tiers" that they themselves have brought into being due to design implementations then they need to revamp various Warframe's kits to ensure they all have some kind of scaling value to make them a worthy addition to any squad. When I say revamp I do not mean add more bandaids. I mean make changes that are better than the Nekros and Ember changes. Make them worth a slot on a team for more reason than fun otherwise this will constantly continue.

    You lost me there. MAG isnt good in t4 survival? Funny, she helped my squad hit 3 hours...

  8. Okay, here's what you're saying, "I want to be able to use one weapon for all enemies"

    Take out your secondary & start shooting at the bubble, they're not that strong.

    Considering the fact that you can play endless missions until you reach lvl 60 enemies, means you have a way of surviving(invis/turbulence/whatever it is).

    Different weapons are effective for different scenarios, this is the fact.

    I solo T4 survival up to 40 min daily (for loki prime parts which i still havent get for 2 months), I know i'm going to face those nullifiers, I will always bring either a rapid-fire/burst-fire weapon on one of my loadout.

    There are also an option of taking some distance from the target, you don't always have to face them head on.

    Sometimes you have to either get creative or get effective.

    I agree with you for the most part. However me and my squad got to 3 hours in survival using plenty of strategy even with nullifiers. Eventually however, 25 frost nullifiers poured into the room and raped everyone. Seems legit.

    Conclusion: Their spawn rate is too dang high

  9. I have posted a completely different proposal for Nullifiers, inspired in Nova's MP skill.

    Nullifier Prime would be cast in a manner similar to molecular prime - but with much less range.

    NP would add an energy shield to enemies, and powers would erode this shield based on how many energy points were used to cast the power - power strength doesn't matter, and streamline makes the power weaker for this purpose.

    It would be interesting because it would give one advantage to less efficiency, and make more efficiency less good.

    Enemies would have a cap on how much shield points can be accumulated on successive casts of NP, which I propose 2 * enemy level.

    This would make it much more manageable/interesting to counter nullifiers, since their power would be relative to the Tenno's, not a complete multiply-by-zero as currently is.

    This seems like a worse idea. Does this shield drain if im using a purely cc ability? Or only if Im using a damage ability. Having no CC == your team is pretty #*($%%@ in endgame
  10. I want something a little more interesting then "everyone has this" or "everyone has that", if were ganna give something too the Grinner or other factions give them something either just as scary but different and unique.


    An infested with a nullifier.....ya that would make me laugh, then seeing 10 at once would make me run.

    Infested nullifiers technically already exist, they are just called ancient healers. Try say....using an excal ult on a group of enemies under their buff. What's that? You're doing zero damage? Working as intended heh

  11. I already supported this game with 300$+, a subscription-based system would only anger me personally. I can make plat through trading to avoid paying more money for the game, a subscription based system would ruin this. And please don't make the arguement that a subscription based system would cause them to reduce grind. Just look at FF 14 and WoW. Is their grind much better? Not necessarily

  12. Nullifiers are widely disliked by the community, and overall toxic for the game. I'm tired of people suggesting nullifiers for infested and grineer. Infested have scaling damage resistance (Ancient healers give massive damage resistance, and multiple healers can stack this buff). Grineer have massive armor scaling and incredibly stong hitscan weapons. Neither of them need a nullifier as it would only make matters worse. Corups do Not have a scaling resistance, so it isnt ENTIRELY bullS#&$ that they have nullifiers, only mostly bullS#&$.

  13. while i agree in principle that the Damage Mods are very disparate from each other, and the often same or higher Damage Sidearms having Triplex shot over Duplex shot, and more Damage Boost as well.

    while Rifles don't even have atleast 100% Multishot.

    but just adding more Damage isn't a good answer. making them more comporable yes, but not just adding more stats. just making them more equal. (which i think we could successfully do if we had 8 of each type of Mod (or atleast several) at levels that Players could pick and choose which ones support their Playstyle(s) best, all of which being viable ideally.

    the only Rifles that compete against Sidearms are ones that are Crit Based.

    elsewise Sidearms are almost always superior.

    Sidearms have a 9.6x Damage Boost from their basic 'always Equip' Mods, while Rifles is 5.3x.

    and Rifles only pull ahead with Crits because Sidearms have terrible Crit Damage Mods. which should be fixed... as they are so terrible they're not worth Equipping. but the disparity between the two classes should also be smoothed out ofcourse.


    would that be... +99% Multishot?


    what in the world are you talking about. I can name PLENTY of rifles that aren't crit that can beat out secondaries. Torid, Boltor Prime, Opticor, Ogris, Penta to name a few. Primed serration is not a solution because then people will whine that we need a primed hornet strike, then the cycle starts ALLLL over again. Power creep is always bad

  14. You can already carry 2 secondary weapons ie akbronco , and you can also carry 2 mellees like the dual zoren and such...

    That's why I was thinking maybe they could sort it out so we could carry 2 primary weapons

    Those are dual weapons. You suggested 2 primaries as in equipping 2. Please be more clear in what you want here, equip 2 primaries or dual wield? Dual wielding primaries sounds ridiculous. Dual ogris? Dual soma prime? dual boltor primes? dual torid? How the heck do you balance that?

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