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Posts posted by cyrus106

  1. I highly disagree. Rifles are far from weak, they are among the most used and sought after weapon types in the game. Primed Serration means you'd need a rank 15 or rank 20 legendary serration mod. This would take 2000+ rare 5 cores to max and further increase power creep/ decrease weapon variety. There would be no reason to use anything besides boltor prime and soma prime

  2. really if you want them to show up lower your conclave rating 800 or lower get in a group of marked players and they well show up 4 out of every 6 games.  this is what I did after almost a year and still never got all parts 3 hours of doing this I had all parts now I have parts to make another one this parts should never be tradable .

    The conclave thing is honestly a myth, only reason people think it's true is they get attacked while leveling weapons and only remember these incidents, and not the ones where they steamroll the assassin. So then somebody got the bright idea that conclave influences it. Disclaimer: It really doesn't. Somebody looked at the code of assassins back in update 11 or 12, they have nothing regarding conclave in their spawn script

  3. 1) Crush and Avalanche are currently fighting over who's more useless right now, Overload doesn't hold a candle to their grievances. Sorry.

    2) Overload deals additional damage from the Electrical procs to surrounding enemies and stuns for about 8 seconds at a time, as detailed by Pandemonium above.

    3) I do main Volt. Speed + Berserker + Swirling Tiger; I call it the Thunderbolt Zoren combo. My only issues with him relate to how Electric Shield plays into his kit.


    The only problem Volt's damage has is the same that every frame bar Loki, Nova and Trinity has: flat amounts of direct damage. That has already been covered in the OP.


    I understand that several players believe, with Nekros and Ember "out of the way", just about every frame is free game.

    Except, I won't consider the work on Nekros quite finished until Desecrate is addressed, and neither should you.

    I love how you said that about his ult,, then told me you run a electric shield + speed build, implying that overload isnt good enough to use in your playstyle.


    Also, everybody saying that it's some great CC ability doesnt realize that it's glitched and that any enemy that is performing an action such as taking cover ignores the CC proc from electricity and shoots you anyway. The damage is &!$$-poor, electronics are one-use, and the cc is negligable. Stop defending this crappy ultimate. Frost's avalance is actually very stong and can work well as a nuke build. Mag's crush may be crap but she has the only infinite scaling damage power in the game, shield polarize.

  4. Am I the first to say torrid? Yes on it's own it is so-so add a vaubaun banshee and nova and this weapon shines like no other can, you can even bring a roar rhino if you feel frisky

    I concur, torid is a sleeper-hit that nobody is aware of

  5. I like the idea of the Consumable powers, but it would depend on how the powers are categorized. For some powers that help with defense  (E.G. Volt's Shield, Frost's Bubble, flash bang abilities, etc.) I am fine with my Tenno throwing down a nade or item at their feet that would not only cast it but take up a good amount of energy for the price of it being used (it would be easy to build and would work off the mods you have slapped onto your Warframe.) For support powers it would be nice to pitch a nade in the direction of the reticule (like Vauban does with his powers) and where it lands the power activates (E.G. Bounce pad spawns, decoy drops in place, A bubble absorb, etc.),


    Movement powers (volt's speed, Superjump, Rip line) should be either a quick cast or a point and activate ability that matches the same effect that a player would get if they used the actual frames themselves. Finally the offensive powers (Fireball, tempest, etc.) could either be a cast on point or could possibly be converted into a bullet/arrow/coating that your current weapon would use. Such examples include:


    • A sniper rifle would be able to cast Vortex from across the map by activating the power from their gear menu, then where ever the bullet from the next round hits, Vortex pops up. While a throwing melee weapon, Arrow, or slow projectile weapon creates a vortex ball around it and goes till either the projectile hits something (where the vortex ball stays) or it burns out.

    • Ever wanted to mind control somebody from afar? Slap it on your weapon and the first shot does no damage but takes over the target. Cast chaos from across the room and watch the fight break out from a distance without the enemy not knowing you were there.

    • Turn your ignis into a Prism spawn and spray death on your enemies for a certain amount of time. If you stop spraying, it will fly off in the direction you are aiming.

    As for the abilities that have a toggle with them (especially the offensive ones) you would only have to switch the weapon or re-equip the power drop. After doing either, then the consumable is removed from your inventory.

    No please. Seriously, hell no. Far too imbalanced

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