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Posts posted by cyrus106

  1. That build you listed gives great power efficiency but it means iron skin only has 2200 or so HP which is really not that a lot at higher levels.

    It's basically a stomp spam build which is technically viable but is the kind of thing that many folks find the kind of ULT spam that isn't a good thing. To get the best iron skin (3400 hp) requires a mod set up that uses all power strength mods (including blind rage) which will lessen power efficiency. To bring power efficiency back you need to lower power duration witch kills charge and turns roar into something you have to spam.

    This reasoning is exactly why many frown upon rhino mains. Focusing SOLELY on iron skin is a selfish build, at least a stomp build brings cc to the table and helps the team friend
  2. "Decent" from what I see. She doesn't visit really hot topics regarding some critical issue about the game "Ability Spamming" etc. unless she suddenly wants to. You see, there are so many thread on the feedback with really good points and arguments YET is never visited by her. Like I mentioned, everything doesn't need to be visited, but if it's a HOT topic, it should be visited, she's the community manager after all. From what I see, she just handpicks the threads she will reply to. Again, why "decent" cause at least she's better than other community manager on other forums.

    Just because they dont reply to them doesnt mean they dont read them. Sometimes replying as a dev just adds fuel to the fire

  3. My point is that you can say repeatedly that something is bad because REASONS but that doesn't actually make it bad.  In this case the things that make Overload "bad" are broken armor scaling and the avilability instant win 4 buttons.  Asking for a pure CC Overload will lower Volt's direct-damage potential (bad and unnecessary) while also likely creating another gameplay-eliminating godmode ability (very bad and gameplay-numbing.)  We don't need more Stomps and Radial Disarms, which is what the Overload would become if you got your wish.  


    There also seems to be a fallacy circulating among players where it comes to frame design.  Some frames are branded as "damage" while others are branded as "CC" or "utility."  Frames don't have to overtly have a "focus" like that.  I facepalm when I read things like "Vauban should have the damage taken off Tesla so he can have more CC" or "Overload should have stronger CC and negiligible damage because Volt is a utility frame."  Every frame's abilities should be moderately effective in all situations and very effective in niche situations.  Overload satisfies this principle, though tweaks and polish are always welcome.  Almost entirely changing its paradigm to make it more exploitable for farmers and infinite content players doesn't make sense and would definitely be a blow to the game's overall health in the long run.

    (your example still sucked, but regardless).

    If its so bad for the game's health, what do you propose? And "its fine the way it is" isn't a valid response, its a terrible ultimate atm. Give some feedback instead of just playing devil's advocate

  4. I am trying to farm Triton for cores, and the node appears dead + recruiting shows little interest(probably ignorant of its rare drops, no biggie).

    The squad will consist of 2 frosts and 2 cc/crowd control frames(im not picky, but remember its a MASSIVE horde of corpus).

    If you are interested in just casually running these when anybody is online, just post here and ill try to whip a squad up when I can. More than 3 others are welcome, as not everybody can be online at once.

    For those that have no idea about Triton, it's an excavation that has hard survival drop tables, so you run about 13~ extractors and get t3 keys and about 10 or 15 rare 5s usually

  5. Power creep is an enemy lvl 100+

    That's called enemy scaling, that's not power creep at all that's called a poor scaling system (that could be easily rectified by adding a soft cap to armor scaling). Back in Update 5 players were using nyx and loki to go hundreds of waves into Xini and fighting enemies level 1000+. What is your point? It could be done with weapons that were far weaker than they are now

  6. Overload is actually a step up in design compared to most radial nukes since it has a stun and the potential to boost its damage (I'm not talking about electronics.)  Compare to Miasma, which does an excessive amount of damage, and RJ, which does less damage but can hit the whole map instantly.  If you think Overload is useless then you probably are just want a win button; Overload is undeniably useful.  "My frame's ultimate can't map-clear as well as another frame's ultimate" is an abhorrent perversion of "feedback" that sends the message to DE that their userbase doesn't care about anything besides big damage numbers and game ease.

    Your reply tells me you didn't read my post. I said "If you don't want another nuke frame, then give me a worthwhile 4 that ISNT a nuke". Overload is worthless, the stun is buggy the range is crap the damage is crap. Give me a Utility ult, I'd rather have that than a terrible nuke

  7. And that is why we need "power creep" stuff!

    There is no power creep in this game. We can go endless missions so we need a few weapons that are able to kill quite fast enemy lvl 80! After that we all know that everything else is warframes!

    Why the mod system? Because you can tune up a weapon that you like. Your starter planet was enemies lvl 1-3 on the last planet left to finish you had to deal with enemies lvl 38 so that pretty obvious that you need better weapon or put some more "love" on your current.

    The ballance some said. ..off course there is ballance in weapons! Ehhh...suprice suprice ferrari is better than toyota! Soma is better than braton, and it should be!!! 10 years of hard trenning of mma will make you better fighter than begginers!! Playiung your a#$@ out every day to get mods and fussion should be rewarded some how. ..

    Smom prime was not made for mercury missions!!!! Same boltor prime. Why there are different opinions about this? Because every player is different! And for personaly thd problem is ballance between players normally i ate fact that player who just started playing this game can use same weapons that i do (almost every) and can do same missions with same rewards that i do (mr 18) but...this is a free to play game and DE must make money somehow so my final standing about this is: i don't care! I can do wathewer i want in this game. When therd is alert on any solar mission i am not taking there my dread but my tiberon or magnus or dual ethers! Why? Because i cane make that i will have no poer creep or op warframes on missions that not require that!!

    And that is why we need "power creep" stuff!

    There is no power creep in this game. We can go endless missions so we need a few weapons that are able to kill quite fast enemy lvl 80! After that we all know that everything else is warframes!

    Why the mod system? Because you can tune up a weapon that you like. Your starter planet was enemies lvl 1-3 on the last planet left to finish you had to deal with enemies lvl 38 so that pretty obvious that you need better weapon or put some more "love" on your current.

    The ballance some said. ..off course there is ballance in weapons! Ehhh...suprice suprice ferrari is better than toyota! Soma is better than braton, and it should be!!! 10 years of hard trenning of mma will make you better fighter than begginers!! Playiung your a#$@ out every day to get mods and fussion should be rewarded some how. ..

    Smom prime was not made for mercury missions!!!! Same boltor prime. Why there are different opinions about this? Because every player is different! And for personaly thd problem is ballance between players normally i ate fact that player who just started playing this game can use same weapons that i do (almost every) and can do same missions with same rewards that i do (mr 18) but...this is a free to play game and DE must make money somehow so my final standing about this is: i don't care! I can do wathewer i want in this game. When therd is alert on any solar mission i am not taking there my dread but my tiberon or magnus or dual ethers! Why? Because i cane make that i will have no poer creep or op warframes on missions that not require that!!

    I'm sorry all I read in this post was "power-creep == balance"

  8. No, all of you are seriously missing the point. Volt's overload is crap, and saying "so is x power and y power" or stating that people just want an "OP power" is not constructive. It's a trash ability, the majority of players spec for 2 and 3, never 4(overload). If you dont want him to be a nuker, give him a useful ult that ISNT a nuke. Give him SOMETHING worth my time as a 4. His 4 is crap, and you honestly cant debate that. Even the "8 second stun" is crap because the electric proc is bugged and doesnt even work consistently

  9. I'm not going to bring out the charts and damage calculation, because most of you know what I'm talking about. In Damage 1.0 puncture/piercing weapons reigned supreme because they ignored armor, which was nice due to extreme enemy armor scaling. DE wanted players to have more diverse options and to fix armor scaling, so they slaved away to make damage 2.0. I know this is a bit late and has already been discussed, but was the ENTIRE point of 2.0 forgotten at the last second? The crux of the issue was armor scaling, let's be real. What emerged from damage 2.0? The use of corrosive(reduces armor) the use of viral(takes away % of hp, counters scaling) and radiation. Since armor ignoring weapons are now gone we see endgame squads stacking corrosive projection. Why? Because of armor scaling. Think: What is the least popular physical damage type? Impact. What does impact do less damage to? Armor. Everything leads back to extreme armor scaling. Thoughts? I feel like if 2.0 was meant to fix armor scaling, it failed miserably

    Corrosive is used when you dont have 4x corrosive proj, viral and radiation are used when you do. Seems screwed up to me

  10. It's not even debatable. Look at Primed mods, enough said.

    If you really want evidence, start with the boltor. Not the boltor prime, the boltor. it used to be THE gun to use during damage 1.0, due to how puncture worked in 1.0. Then I believe ogris and acrid reigned supreme, then flux rifle, then brakk, then synoid. This isnt all the examples but these weapons used to be/ are god tier, no doubt about it there is power creep

  11. Huh, it works on chrome for the iPhone.  I'd test out a couple different browsers to see, maybe make sure your chrome version is up to date, I think they just pushed out some new versions in the last few weeks.

    My chrome is indeed up to date. I use a galaxy s4

  12. I think it's better if you contact warframe support, since I do not think the playerbase would be a lot of help.


    Also, try to use a different browser, just in case.

    It's my phone bro, I don't have a different browser for it

  13. (I don't know where this belongs in feedback, so feel free to move this)


    I go on this forum a lot on my phone, especially during work when it gets slow. I noticed recently you guys implemented a mobile version of the site, and it's missing my favorite feature (recent topics and recent staff replies). I thought that this wasn't a huge deal, since you have a button at the bottom of the site that says "view full version of the site" and it's basically the same version that you see on the PC. Here's my issue, however. The Recent topics tab on the right is straight-up blank, all the time. This issue never existed till the mobile site was implemented, so I'd like to report it.


    Here's a screenshot



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