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Posts posted by cyrus106

  1. I did 3 runs (4? I don't remember) on Gamblii on Ceres last night - the Dark Sector Survival node.


    I got two R5 Core 5 packs, one R5 core drop from an enemy and one 3 pack of Uncommon Cores.



    Not sure if this helps anyone or not but it helped me ;)



    No life strike though :(

    Now to fix that 25% rate! Give us a 50% chance and most of us would be happy

  2. My Mesa finished cooking yesterday and I've had a chance to play her. 


    She doesnt seem too squishy to level, which is nice, but she feels like the slowest frame. Like, her passive sarent worth not getting to move during her ultimate. She has no escape moves aside from maybe rolling. The slightly increased sprint speed doesnt really counter the loss of mobility from not weilding melee, which frankly makes her feel as slow as frost.

    mesa is honestly fine as she is right now

  3. Hek + we can get random key packs + prime parts coming to the solar system (for duck cats) + cores decentralized out of T4S and into all kinds of endless non-key nodes.


    I'm not sure any key farms/walls are even going to be left after the prime stuff expands.


    Unless you count Lephantis.


    lol @ you if you count Lephantis. :3

    I don't count lephantis. My point is the void is still cluttered with crap and is STILL the go-to place atm. Don't count your chickens till they hatch.

  4. ah but new people to the fourms are not forced to look at that at all so they wont even know the rules in the first place.


    also it doesnt actually say what posts will actually get locked or not. just says that u will get  a warning point. 

    Warning point is usually followed by lock or deletion. And ignorance of the rules isnt an excuse to violate them. Just report the posts that you see violating the rules. I report 2a violators all the time, if they wanna share that they should post it on reddit.

  5. so my idea is to put in the rules and guide lines what kind of posts will get locked stright away.


    things like pc to console migration. data mined data etc etc.


    and maybe make it so people who are new to the fourms have to read the rules and guide lines at least once. so they know the rules and guide lines and dont have a excuse for not knowing them.


    yea i know that this wont stop them in the long run but it might help

    There is already one dude






    "2a) LEAKED CONTENT- Please do not promote or share leaks in the forums. If you are concerned about leaks please PM the DE " stuff like that

  6. Mostly comes down to decentralizing rewards. DE already seems to be going that way. They buff dozens of missions and nerf the one OP one. The forums blow up about the "nerf" but among regular players the landscape is steadily shifting from "go there to get that" to "play any of these kinds of missions anywhere". Combine that with awesome new tilesets and I think we're already full speed ahead towards improvement in this area.

    Agreed, they have good intentions ,they just need to tweak a few things still

  7. Taxi services have gotten a little silly (see: Mercury alert taxis, my lord). However bashing taxi services is the wrong way to go. I propose we implement more incentive to unlock nodes on the starchart (I.E.: Reward bonuses for completing all of a planet's nodes, etc.). There is little to no incentive to play any of the starmap nodes except a select few, and I feel this problem should be addressed. Please feel free to discuss incentives for both veterans and new players alike to play anywhere on the starchart, not just a select few missions


    That sounds like the exact opposite of what they did:


    Mission Reward Changes


    The following Missions / Rotations have been updated to include a pack of 5 Rare Fusion Cores as a reward:


    • Hard Survival Missions (Enemy Level 20+), reward available on Rotation A .
    • Hard Interception Missions (Enemy Level 20+), reward available on Rotation B.


    It's still nerfed bro. The drop rate is 25% in those missions, it used to be 77% in t4 survival. They are shafting us, plain and simple

  9. It's not silly.

    You can't tell me what to do :I  (I kid, I kid.)

    Seriously, though, if your goal is a discussion about the star map, then let's make a constructive discussion about the star map.  Starting out with, "Taxis are out of hand," and going on to talk about lazy players not clearing the star map.

    Frame the conversation on the constructive element ("How can we make the star chart worth completing?").  I liked the reward for clearing planets bit.

    Valid point. Ill either edit the OP or make a new thread with more constructive themes after this one dies

  10. Pyrana might work well. It works well for hostages in rescue missions. But it might require the specter to not have any primaries equipped. But then.. you know shotguns and their damage falloff.

    I dont think you can craft a specter without all 3 weapons, can you? They tend to only use secondaries while downed

  11. Topics like this make me go out of my way to taxi people for a few days.

    It doesn't really matter.  The offense you take at my desire to taxi people and the choices other people make to accept my taxi services does not make taxis a problem.

    I think you're missing the point, friend. I am not yelling at people for doing taxi service. I am in disbelief at the lack of attention to the starmap, this is a huge flaw and should be addressed by the developers, I just wanted a discussion about it as well.


    Also, you can't really defend somebody playing as long as an MR 10 has and not unlocking a mercury node, you can't tell me that's not silly!

  12. I'd like some suggestions on Both Warframe and weapon selection for tenno specters. I tend to craft vapor and force specters, and I find them a lot of fun. The Valkyr specter in particular scales with armor very nicely in high level missions, so she's a nice distraction. However, I can't find much info on them, nor can I find any builds on the wiki OR the forums. Any advice?

    (Also, don't tell me not to use them, I use them for fun, I know they arent game-changing but they're just nice to have around).

    Few Questions:

    -What high status-proc weapons work well on them?

    -Best all-around weapon (primary)?

    -Best damage (primary)

    -Best Warframe selection?(Or is valkyr actually the best for her tankiness?)

    -Melee suggestions? Seconaries?

    -Is Cosmic specter worth it? Or should I just stock up on Vapor and Forces? I don't know how the level scaling affects their hp, shield, armor, and base damage so it's a tough thing to decide

    What I do know:

    A specter's level is based on it's type as well as the minimum level of enemies in the mission. Their level influences the base damage of their weapons as well as their armor, health, and shield scaling

    Any advice is appreciated!

  13. just wondering, are you are it was a Taxi and not some guy saying " Anyone want a Taxi to the alert"


    just yesterday i think, i said just that and someone thought i wanted a Taxi. . . was Confused when the person was question why i needed a Taxi as a mr17 player

    100% sure. He said "can I pls have a taxi to the reactor alert" and he was MR 10

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