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Posts posted by cyrus106

  1. Hi, wall of text in coming, adhd generation scroll to bottom for tl;dr

    Having patiently waited for a month or so now for the release of nullifiers and bombards I read the the hype, the drama, the tears, the whinging, the praise whatever group you associate yourself with I am aware. Having pretty much afk'd hours of t4 survivals now since their release it has become incredibly clear that their is a huge discrepancy in player ability across the board and it is doing more harm than good in regards to feedback and how DE balances the game, less dedicated players are being punished for what the hardcore players achieve and it is unfair for everyone.

    You would have to be an absolute fool to disregard the potential of possible damage that warframes and weapons hold currently and I am certain the top tier PC guys are more than aware of the capabilities of certain frames synergy with weapons/abilities allowing numbers in the hundreds of millions and even into the billions. Should these stratagem become commonplace DE will be faced with damage 3.0 and if possible thats something I hope we could be avoided.

    REP FARMING: A highly contentious issue among the community, On one side of the fence you have the run N gun purists who vehemently oppose the reliance upon warframe abilities and believe your weapons should be how you primarily dispose of your enemies.

    Then on the other side of the fence you have players who maximise their load outs to its highest efficiency(in most cases not so much people have incredibly bad builds lol) in disposing of enemies through use of abilities that are in the game.

    Now, lets be real unless you suffer from mental illnesses this can not be defined as exploiting, using radial javelin is not an exploit, what The syndicate system brought to the game was a huge evolutionary shift in playing the game, prior to this system being in place we never had any need to do it and I would venture to guess only the most informed players who understood the game knew of this levelling method.

    I will agree with the run n gun purists that it has 'cheapened' the value of mastery rank and there are many mr15+ out there that are completely hopeless with their artificially gained rank but on the same hand arguments can be made how necessary a mastery system really is.

    Either way it doesn't matter what side of the fence you sit on, DE is quite adamant in not wanting players to be forced into playing a certain way and given the changes and refinement to their syndicate system over time it is quite obvious that it was rushed content and with DE not even aware of their own game mechanics we have the current predicament that divides players on how the game "should" be played.

    Easy solution on that regard stop caring what other people are doing and play at your own pace or find people who you enjoy playing with stop trying to decide what is and isn't legitimate, as long as it is not blatant bug abuse(limbo banish glitching) Efficiency is not exploiting, it is a legitimate method in any game, why do it that way when i can do it this way and save myself 100's of hours or why rush the game and become jaded because you excalibur'd to mr18.

    I'm not defending either of them just play your own damn game and let DE assess the data and balance accordingly.

    8 MAN RAIDS:

    8 man raids sounds unbelieveably promising in terms of difficulty, however given previous examples of increasing difficulty(nullifiers and bombards are a joke) I can't help but think given the synergy among using 8 frames/guns with people you know it will be once again a poor attempt at end game content and all it will do will create even more of a divide, if having to use recruiting/alliance chat is worthy of getting nervousness i cannot imagine how horrible 8 man raids would be and the only challenge then would be dealing with the players rather than the content itself.

    How can DE create endgame content keeping the top players quiet whilst giving something people to work for?

    TIER 5 VOID KEYS, The ultimate endgame and a very simple equation, the chances of failing the mission far outweighs the chances of succeeding. There are a lot of incredibly talented people at DE no one would be dumb enough to dispute that but give them free creative reign to create the final tier of the void and really challenge us. I love the concept of 8 man raids but unless you have dedicated servers or something i can just see a huge mess on the way.

    I personally am not privy as to what feedback DE takes seriously if at all but it just seems players are often chalked up as collateral because DE focuses on all the wrong things, i feel as of this current moment the game is in very good balance(still &!$$ed off about the core nerf on t4survival, however you have to adapt and i will) DE can start focusing on bigger and better things then being caught in this cycle of nonsense because some dad gamers don't want the game to change.

    I am really looking forward to this year of quality and i just pray to whatever god is out there that DE will focus on giving people something to work for while disregarding the outcries of ignorance and intolerance.

    No more void tiers. Tier 4 was a failure, T5 will be too

  2. Some people may be misinformed, so I figured I'd post this. I'm noticing that on the community hot topic people are voting that cores are fine now, when we could EASILY vote to slightly tweak it

    The drop rate is a pathetic 25%. Why not compromise and ask them to to raise it to 50%(the old rates were 77%)? Don't settle for the bare minimum guys, it's never wise

    However, if the current rates are truly fine with you guys, vote as you please of course

  3. Quote of the Week folks.  I hope people really understand this comment, please look at the bigger picture of things.  Go way back to the Communities L,O,S rants and compare it to now.   What is obvious shouldn't have to be explained.


    I'll make it simple yet straight to the point.  Half of the player base are *sniper shot*

    This guy gets it

  4. In celebration of Valentine's day and thanks to the free valentine's day color palette, we spontaneously did a pink frame party in the relay! WOO.


    If I do say so myself, the nyx prime and my volt were FABULOUS! And so many EXCAL PRIMES HOLY CRAP.




    "This is the least threatening cult I've ever seen"


    My favorite pic:




    AND the album!































    Bonus album: THE PINK COUNCIL



  5. There are already incentives in place to finish all nodes on a planet:


    1. The ability to place extractors

    2. Access to nightmare mode nodes on the planet

    3. Each node grants Mastery experience

    4. Access to any alert or invasion on the planet


    I don't really think adding more incentives for completion are going to motivate those who don't do it already.

    The mastery gained is tiny, nightmare mods are obtainable elsewhere,excavators are pretty crappy from my experience with them , and people taxi to alerts anyway. None of that is SATISFYING

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