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Posts posted by cyrus106

  1. Don't get me wrong I respect players that taxi new players to alerts in say....pluto. But when I saw someone asking for a taxi to the orokin reactor in MERCURY I kind've facepalmed. "Is he a new player?" you ask? No, the guy was MR 10, there's really no excuse at that point. It's bad enough I see people asking for taxis to EARTH alerts, considering it's the new starting area. What is everybody else's thoughts on taxis getting a bit out of hand? I just feel like players should actually unlock nodes. I don't think anybody realizes nodes give you mastery, they aren't ENTIRELY a waste of time.


    In their defense, however, unlocking nodes is extremely boring, so perhaps we could find a middleground for this issue. Thoughts?


    Edit: I am not bashing taxi services themselves, I just feel this is getting a bit out of hand and perhaps there should be more incentive to play the starmap

  2. I must say I have played t4's not extremly often - but how can the current form still be way slower than then? In every mission I've done today I got one package of 5 rare Cores after the 5 or 10 minute mark.

    Okay - 15 runs isnt a valid amount of trys, but 10 minutes (max) for 5 cores without a need of a key... Tell me, is that really too less?

    EDIT: If my opinion (farming speed related) is wrong I still think its pretty easy to farm cores.

    the old drop rate was 77%, now its 25%. Our grind was just tripled

  3. *sighs* I have to post this once more because they refused to fix this or they missed it. I swear this better be fixed by U16, or im going to lose hope in DE



    Still No Fix For:

    No Mesa Bonuses 



    Prime PBR Issues With Targis





    Prime PBR Issues With All Weapons & Warframes:





    Issue With Syndicate Syandana's Locking: 




    Issue With Delayed Prime Rotation:


    Delayed prime rotation? It hasnt even been 60 days dude, the rotation takes 90 days. Be patient

  4. 77%. WOW.


    You know in another thread, I stated that the low % rate makes sense because of how powerful the R5 cores, but this would just ruin them. It'd be like having legendaries from BL2 have a drop rate of 80%. You'd be swimming in what should be a rare and powerful item.

    Are you guys....you know....not reading the topic? T4 survival had a 77% chance, this was the NORMAL chance.

  5. Someone I know has been spouting that lower level or even specific weapons taken into missions causes more loot to drop. He tries to back this claim by saying "dataminers" he knows have dug this up. Is there any truth to this? Will taking a rank 10 weapon to a t4 Defense yield more fusion cores or rare mods?

    Lies. There is only one dataminer, dont believe anybody else but deathmax, to be safe.

  6. Just my opinion.


      We got spoiled. Before packs of 5 were a thing, how much did it take to max Heavy caliber. I remember going from rank 9 to rank 10 in a snail pace, it felt like weeks. Any time I had more then 50 rare cores I felt rich. Prices on trade told the same story. Most expensive rare mods would cost 5-6 hundred plat, while Primed chamber was changing hands for 6,7k easy. That was more then a year ago.


       Primed mods and maxing them is just something to do. Pick 1 or 2 from which your play style will benefit most and go slow.


    People were actually whining how 2 mods every 2 weeks was too much because they could hardly max both... but they still could. 1056 r5 cores!


    We just got spoiled. Don't no one remember how rare they were before 5 packs?


    Edit: Truth be told, a year ago, we didn't have r10 kubrows or r10 archwing mods to max out.

    We all do, but we didnt have FRIGGIN LEGENDARY MODS EVERY 2 WEEKS BACK THEN either

  7. How dare you ?! I trusted you!!

    *hands over a bucket and a mop*

    You better clean this boy, for I will not tolerate to look at your mess a second longer!

    I was trained in the art of the sword and gun, I have no idea how to use this "mop". what mods do I put on it?

  8. Ithink iknow it dropped fusion cores lol, was op anyways should of been nerfed to many cores and before you say 'primed mods are out so we need them' i don't care not hard to level.


    But...putting effort into a free to play game is unfair right.

    Not everybody can play 24/7 to level these mods. It IS hard to level

  9. to show you've been mentioned and have a 32 page thread, that is now way off topic and a troll thread? ^_^ Congrats man ;)

    Can we stay on topic? Just would like to get to know some people on the forum. Yeesh

  10. That was sarcasm, not rudeness.

    Prime Access and the trade channel exist for a reason. If people want to spend money to jump right into the top of the power curve, then they are free to do so.

    Being a vet player who "earned" your gear the hard way does not, in any way, give you the authority to limit how others "earn" their gear.

    Perhaps you have a point.....I retract my previous statement

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