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Everything posted by SovietSilviu

  1. I doubt those npc will generate revenue for them, so you can do what the devs did and forget about em
  2. if it say credentials are incorect check youre username and pasword. try to change youre pasword if cant log in, if you cant change youre pasword its posible somebody else is on your acount
  3. man if you realy belive they will compensate theyre players you have some prety dam high expectations of this devs, as more and more people sayd here, there are bugs who were never fixed or touch and are old as a crazy grandma, acording to steam charts in june they lost a litle over 20% of the people who were still playng, and the start of this month seem to be the same, i wonder how many people should live before the devs wake up? the games was better when was runed by the core founders, now its a trash, developers like tencent should never be alowed to work on here, if the founders will realy care about this game they wont let guys like tencent have a word in to do of this game, what games have tencent? pubg, look at reviews from a briliant super nice game at start a total crap with mixed rewiews going into negative, cod m and several games on mobile who are known for the don`t care of teh comunity except it brings money think set, also they have a role in riot games to, and some ex riot staff sayd the tencent dudes are against feed/trolls extensive bans cause they bring money to, in total when they sign up with tencent kinda showed us up how much they care about the comunity this days, or what, no decent gaming company will come to them? Did anything happen? Didnt log in 3 days, when i loged in today i saw the terms of use update, most of teh updates where ragarding what can you not recover from the company if you sue em, also something regarding sue em, i did not read it all cause i wont spend any more dime on a bugged game with no decent new content (yes il type this in every post i made till some mod will get mad and ban this whinnie crapper). Back to the topic, did anything happen? Most of the game companies put those kind of terms after they lose some big process or get wanked by a player, for exemple the dudes owning legion td2 lost a process to a european dude with some big losses for them, after that they put in terms of use the fact that if you wanna sue em you must do it i a californian court
  4. Like you farm 2 guns to make the ak version, like ak lex for exemple, i wonder what will be if they make like farm again this incarno and have an ak version of the icarno, just a taught
  5. You can farm plat, i mean with the standyng i can take relics, with steelpath essence you can tale relics, farm em easy 100 200 plat a day if you farm all day depend on luck to. Cosmetics are not what we need, you can get plat and get em all for free just take youre time, what we need is fixing the 10 bugs added for each fixed one thet do, and maybe some actualy new content with maybe a decent quality? Well at least they know how to reuse theyre bosses being lazy....
  6. well im not british :) and i agree with some of what you say but is still treason also :))) but im happy i turned some colonists on :))
  7. cause the world is not orbiting usa maybe? the rest of us dont give a crap about youre day like you dont give crap about other coutntries to here a gifr for you
  8. i mean they can add lore and locations regarding those cities, they can add a quest or two based on those locations, and what did we get, recycle jackal for a crap addon to duvri wich is still anoyng, bugged, and in my opinion the wortst content ever released to this date
  9. look at archwings content mates nothing changed in years, so dont expect the devs nwoadays to actualy come back to a dead content and do anything new to it its not rentable for them
  10. I`m the only one thinking that the devs kinda stoped to care about good content? I mean the most part of the last few devs streams even before duvri upate was mostly about presenting new cosmetics new things to buy and less and less about actualy fixing bugs and actualy new and enjoyable content. I made my first acount in this game around december 214 when i was in highscool, since than all i see new now are dead zones, tons of useless resources good for only one thing and also only good to anoy new players who will never understand why they exist. There are bugs not adressed or fixed, or a better question, when was the last new content released who never comed without performance problems or bugs? I remember all the comunity cryng about duvri on launch and on devstream they cared about showing and presenting the blue doll in the pack. Now in the last dev stream since i understood from some body duvri got his last update for a while, hmmm dead forget zone already? I looked at the new arena thing also they reused the jackal as the boss, what they dont make enouph money to actualy pay somebody to create a new boss? The game has a ton of problems and all they seem to care are more cosmetics and more ways to get money, i mean yea f2p game need money tu survive, but for hell guys do you realy think they dont get a decent profit? I mean the model of the game who let you farm the plat is making the people actualy buyng plat cause its not some p2w crap, i made this acoutn a few months earlier and dump in ir around 350h and 500$, but it seem i need to find myself a game were new content is actualy new content with no bugs or dead farming zones
  11. Hello, i post this in the general section cause the problem is general, not in the new quest. The problem is this, with everything on max i haded about 160+ fps everywhere, after the today update i have in some places under 60 FPS. Considering its a high end laptop its crazy, the laptop is in perfect order i even use it for work, the other games are running perfect, my os is uped to date (Windows 10) and the temps are inder 60 degrees (celsius i know you guys use the other one) My specs on are this: AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX 128 Gb Ram Quad Chanel (Kingston Fury Laptop Kit) NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti 16GB 4 SSDS Of 4 Tb Each. Drivers are all up to date. Any solutions cause it mai be ok for others but if i need to reduce graphics just to play will be useless for me.
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