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Everything posted by stash777

  1. If you join a public group as Titania and a Volt is spamming his speed the game is unplayable for Titania.. (you must have known this for years) But Dante effects Chroma's overshields so you rework him. Fix the Titania Volt problem!
  2. here is another video for you not to watch (I know you don't watch because I see 0 views) your fix increased the amount of damage attenuation to the point damage was healing the necramechs. Have a look or don't it's your game. https://www.twitch.tv/stashhimes/video/2124446191
  3. my Revenant subsumed eclipse went from 469% damage buff from solar eclipse to 93.4%. Is that a fair nerf? I get people complained it was undependable but was the response appropriate? I never complained about having to look for light areas. I feel like Pablo got angry and said you don't like the solar eclipse? Well f-u community I will nerf the hell out of it and you will never use it again! It seems to be a common theme with your programming team, what you don't like Dante? Too strong you say? we'll teach you players to complain.... and nerf the the hell out of it. (How do like me now!) Then the community team and management scramble to get programming team under control. A few people will always complain about something, instead of overreacting to these few people complaining listen to the 98-99% percent of people that thought eclipse (dante, nourish, styanax) were fine and not saying anything? If you are worried take polls and ask 30 days after release, Do you like Dante? (for example)
  4. Nerf is firmly in place with a 94% solar eclipse damage increase shown in the upper right vs the 629% damage increase stated in the armory. We know you want to nerf this so just do it no need to try to deceive us!
  5. In truth for PC users for Eclipse is still nerfed, In the armory satas say nerf was removed but in game damage is still 94%. much less than the 469% before the nerf and not close to the armory saying 629%.
  6. tried unstuck tried dying tried everything I could think of, stuck had to abort. https://youtu.be/UBJ6vYhAwM0 $20 says you ignore this and never even watch the vid
  7. Fix things form 5-6 years ago before this new stuff or keep losing 80% of new players. They will never get to New War or Whispers in the wall. The idea of pay to skip was great but instead of listening to community you listened to crybaby Pupster ( still can't get over him calling Octavia a special needs warframe for people that are mentally handicapped) and other terrible content creators. Not all are terrible but most of the ones youtube directs me to are. Fix the energy cells not dropping during excavation solo runs. And excavation missions are bugged in so many ways enemies spawning on excavators instantly destroying them no enemies spawning for 5+ minutes no enemies with energy cells...this is unique to solo runs. 11 years and you didn't fix these things I guess you don't care? or maybe you don't want solo players? Other solo run problem is extermination mission 1 enemy 100 meters away kill him map shows you have to go back to where you were kill 3 enemies now go beck again kill 5 enemies. Next enemy is 847 meters away... kill 24-25 then rinse 1-3-5 up the stairs down the stairs up the stairs down the stair. you need a link to a video? 20 minutes to kill 211 enemies is a waste of time. I know DE programmers and they will say it's a skill issue... right. Bug reports most often DE responses are it's a skill issue...giggling all the way to the coffee machine. Zarimen and Duviri (for the most part) great Whispers is fun old missions are bugged.
  8. New bug? First time this has happened. https://www.twitch.tv/stashhimes/video/2074008900 Stopped replying to my bug reports, do you respect my time? (your question not mine)
  9. Just spent 1 hour finishing a mission that usually take 30-40 on a daily basis because excavation mission does not spawn power cells. This has been the case since the beginning but growing to ridiculous wait times. Second thing I'd like to bring to you attention is during the Nightwave crack 10 relics requirement I noticed that cracking radiant relics when solo offered 0 rare rewards and 9 of the 10 drop were straight up lowest common 15 ducat pieces. I don't care too much but if I was new to the game and cracked 10 radiant relics after farming 1000 void traces and got 0 radiant relic rewards, pretty sure I would have quit the game. You also know for many new players solo game play is the best option because the OG of warframe like to "f" over new players by leaving before some players can crack relics and like to bail at the last second when doing defense relic cracking mission causing players to be stuck solo and lose all rewards. So you just said you fixed the SP Duviri circuit why not fix all loss progression missions? You ask in an in game survey "does the game respect your time" if you answer no there is no feedback option?
  10. I run 2-5 sp duviri experience mission per day (if warframe and weapons choices allow) this week I had to waframes that almost always succeed fail. I think the number of Exumus in the third wave was double the usual amount. Is this a bug or intended? Included Revenant success and Vauban failure starts at 12 minute mark. around 15 minutes defense starts
  11. NO horse ability in use message for first part, Mesa regulators start at 0 rank Mesa freezes and dies during undercroft defense. Mesa regulators stop working periodically https://www.twitch.tv/stashhimes/video/2044770926
  12. According to Pupster China is changing gaming laws and that will effect Warframe. First is there a way DE can buy back it's shares from Tencent? Maybe open stock or ownership to players? Probably a huge amount of money though. And why would Chinese laws effect a Canadian based company? And is what Pupster saying true? Recently he seems to dislike the game and seems to be streaming for money only... so I have my doubts.
  13. is there a way DE can allow all or any clan members to place the statue for events like this because making a clan wait for one person seems to be bad for business
  14. we still have no gargoyle in our clan.... people want to go find a clan with a gargoyle. We get messages that we do not have permission to set up a gargoyle. Many people want to leave.
  15. So I'm replaying New War and it isn't any better than the first time I played. Here is a link to some of the play through. What is it with the Archon fights? I this what you want people to experience? My first time I was MR level 7 and thought just new that is why it is so terrible but now I'm level 24 and still can't do Archon kills. I do Duviri SP arcane farming solo all the time solo Archons in the regular game taking hours to kill 1 Archon from keyboard failure or mouse failure or evil algorithm Watch the last hour and tell me is this what the Dev want people to experience? https://www.twitch.tv/stashhimes/video/1951674874
  16. I thought they said a new Nercamech was coming but then I read no new necramechs are coming. Did I hear wrong or did the other person get it wrong?
  17. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1889949369 it took an additional 3 hours to complete this... it wasn't a lack of understanding, I watched 5 videos on youtube and understood what they wanted. bullet jumping was the first try unfortunately that skill was disabled at various times of the game.... the response time between hitting keys and and jumping or dodging varied throughout... his vertical strikes were an issue if I stayed still he hit me if I moved right he hit me you will also see (if you watch long enough) I would die on platforms he didn't hit. you missed the first 1 hour my game play.... I would be hitting keys 3-4x to jump without jumping I compared how many times he spit ammo at me with youtube videos on he would spite 4-5 time in a row for those players...if he did that for me I also had success. At one point he stuck 7 times with 0 ammo.. This isn't the only mission you have unwinnable situations...when playing solo you often have survival missions without enough life being dropped from enemies or stand to complete mission on excavation missions in Duviri SP solo arcane farming runs no power dropped and excavators blowing up with no visible enemies. Are these bugs or things programmed into the game? I get what the OG call Easter egg pop-up boxes like the one in the video. showing the game being altered by someone....developer or timed "fix" to give you back normal control? My friend speculated that I don't buy enough things and these timed "bugs" are programmed into the game...for example spend $100 100 percent control $75 75 percent... etc.... we understand it is a free game you the company needs to make money but come on really?
  18. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1889773587 is this what the developers intended?
  19. Could you add this to your twitch schedule please? You have prime time listed but not Dev Stream.
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