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Everything posted by (XBOX)Player244024418

  1. Man, i forgot how much i hate gun blades. Ugh. Not only do I hate the vastilok so far but now my "process" is all screwed up trying to remember to use it. Totally messing me. LOL However. I do notice a couple headshots w rubico in final capture makes a difference. Not sure how to do that with a limb. Take down shields then switch to wf then shoot head twice then shoot limb?
  2. So i swear I hit the eidolon with it but it doesn't explode. I can see it fly "through" the leg. Im not sure what's going on so i stopped using its altfire. I do use rubico when i don't have VS. What I'm wondering is how it seems some others are able to one shot while in op mode. I assume with all the replies it is simply a shooter in squad who pre-aima and shoots the moment shields are down. This is one thing i haven't been doing. Ive noticed yeah. Maybe ill try roar. Just looking for tips. I can already run eidolons and have thousands of extra shards. Just want to get better as some of the details escape me. Maybe using vastilok and watching my rubico counter is already goong to be a big help. I do have 777 components ready to go already but 177 has allowed me to one shot upper limbs due to the focused beam so that's why I lean on that (as well as angels in zariman).
  3. No, i mean using operator to take out limbs. That's what i do. I only use rubico when i don't have VS active. Rubico is much slower due to having to switch then aim again and usually i need a few shots due to not having th stacks. Prior headshots for stacks is something i wasn't doing though. Thx Good to know. Did not realize. Ok good to know. Will try to use it just after the magnetic discharge. I believe so thx. I hear the opposite. Eclipse is good at night and is a 2.8x damage multiplier and roar is less
  4. Uh, who actually ever gets the same choices? Not me. SP circuit is nice in that it simply forces you to learn to play differently or with different equip. Sometimes it's terrible because you die a lot but that is the circuit.
  5. So I want to get better. Watched some videos but honestly they are either stuff I already know or do, or they are so visually cluttered it's hard to tell what's going on. I use 177 with eternal onslaught and eradicate, magus repair and forgot my fourth. Operator performance seems fine. Volt Prime, rubico, aoe secondary and guandau prime. Volt has four red shards, 3xStrength and 1xDuration, eclipse is subsumed. IIRC the fifth is blue for more energy. Duration allows my shield to last up to three attacks if I take out a limb fairly quickly. No shocktrooper. Rubico prime with deadhead Secondary is to group vaporize voms with lures tethered to quickly clear the air of voms Guandao i sometimes use if the eidolon has stood up and I don't want my aoe secondary to accidentally kill the eido before I have enough lures charged. Modded for electric. Ok. Questions... Seems in a pub squad i will have eclipse and void strike cast and someone will insta limb a different limb. How? I have eclipse, I have VS, I have my shield and three strength shards. How are they beating me? Sometimes in a pub squad it seems like they are taking out every limb oneshot. For me I have to wait for VS to cooldown, so the secondlimb requires switch to Rubico. Again how are they instalimbing every limb?. Ive seen vids where guys do something like voidsling into the ground repeatedly? to "recharge" voidsteike. How does one recharge void strike? Vastilok / redeemer. I have both. Hiw does one use these properly? Do you use it before taking out shields? #7 propa. This NEVER does a damn thing. I have to raplak for anything to happen. I never use propa anymore because all it does is self stagger. I have stood right up on the leg and propa does ZERO. what am i missing?
  6. Happens in closed rooms with floors as well. Though it might contribute. In the video i do the exact same jump and it works on the last one. So i can't agree that's the reason.
  7. I would yes. Still need potatoes and NW is more time. Each NW level is 15 creds. You need 75 for a potato. So you need to farm 50,000 or 5 levels which is time gated and 5 levels would take more than the hour playing circuit up to level 5. No mental gymnastics here. Just rational thought. Circuit would be better.
  8. Rarely I experience this. Most ESOs go minimum two rounds full crew. After that anyone with an affinity booster has already capped their MR and it is expected they leave. Last two ESO i had full squads to level 8. Circuit is certainly more frequent with a round 1 or 2 premature exit. However, again, to be expected. The setup warrants this for ayers who get a bad RNG roll. It's happened to me, too, where I'm dying fairly quickly, then second round is a defense or assassination and I won't stick around for that. But, I'll go as far as I can until I'm dying a few times, or more, per round. It's to be expected by the rando nature of weapon fodder one receives in Circuit. I almost never get any good weapon choices. They are nearly always third tier weapons with zero forma and decree-dependent. Combined with an unfamiliar frame and yeah, see ya. Blame the game, not the player. How hard is it to at least include a WF's signature weapon, or perhaps one additional choice that is random from your top twenty weapons with the most forma? So you at least have one decent weapon.
  9. This happens in many missions. https://www.xbox.com/play/media/7YRSD63SR4 Perfect example so i decided to submit. I run the map and decide to void sling across a long straight area. I land where I want. However, the game decides it doesn't know what to do with my operator so it places me in my WF back where i first jumped up off the ground. So i do it again. Same result even though you can see me land. I do it a third time just bullet jumping across the exact same distance, basically jumping up and landing in the same two places, and it's fine. When im trying to speed run a map i use VS a lot. But this happens a lot. It's very very annoying for multiple reasons. What's more strange is in SP circuit i can fall off the ground and void sling all over the friggin place, under the floating islands even, to eventually get back up top and never have this happen.
  10. So i e reported this in other missions but now it's happening during cetus bounties. Depending on where the loot attaches, it covers half the screen sometimes. https://www.xbox.com/play/media/GR5MUMVNUU
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