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Posts posted by Artekkor

  1. 1 час назад, Tangent-Valley сказал:

    Meanwhile, I'm over here being butt-hurt, NOT because they changed all the weapons Dispositions (for Better or for Worse) as they SAID they'd do before, but because they DIDN'T nerf the Kohm's Disposition at all because "That would ruin some people's Rivens, and we couldn't do that".

    ALL of them, or NONE of them, DE. Don't personally undermine your own system.

    Sure enough. Nobody likes hypocrites... Although i wish to know more. Why do you think it should be nerfed? Is it that bad? I dont remember when was the last time i saw kohm, ever.

    I mean its probably justified if the only people who use kohm are the riven users... Unless they actually secretly have the best weapon in the game, in which case - yeah, lowered disposition would be justified. Probably...

  2. 1 час назад, Genitive сказал:

    Not telling about adjustments was on purpose.

    But I agree with the rest. Rivens are not very well introduced and there should be more info on them in game.

    One clarification: not telling about WHEN adjustment happens and WHICH ONES. And i'm mostly okay with that.

    Im talking about the fact that adjustment CAN, IN FACT, HAPPEN. Because i see that's something the game fails to mention often enough, and something people didn't know about / didn't wanted to think about, hence why people thought (mistakenly) that their 5000 platinum riven purchase is 100% risk-proof transaction. Which it isn't.

  3. Recent riven disposition adjustment has caused quiet a lot of controversy. Some people hate it, some love it (me, for example).

    However i noticed a certain pattern in the negative comments about it: people were taken off-guard by riven disposition adjustment - by the possibility that its even a thing that could happen.
    Somehow, this was a very big surprise for them, a real gut-puncher. And while i would argue that its somewhat on their fault (for not knowing it), i also have to say that its absolutely the game's fault for not being clear enough about.

    Rivens were bestowed on us from nowhere. One day they just appeared as a thing, and the game barely tells you anything about them. Hell, until the recent update i didn't know that they were made by some Cephalon, instead - judging by the fact that i got my very first riven from The War Within - i thought that they come from the void or something.

    Since then, the game did nothing to improve the general population's knowledge and understanding of the riven disposition system. From my personal experience - there's nothing inside the game that explains directly the purpose of rivens (allow weak / unpopular guns to stop collecting dust) and does not mentions how riven disposition works. Particularly - and most importantly - it does not mention that its dynamic and can be adjusted.
    You will not know anything about it unless you are very engaged with the developers - watch devstreams, read forums, etc.

    I think that understanding of the system is a very important part of this whole deal and it should be adressed.
    The best course of action would be to have some kind of very noticable reminder (not some small text in the corner) every time the player opens his rivens collection / decides to roll it / decides to make a trade that involves a riven that reminds him:

    1. The developers' intended purpose of them.
    2. That riven disposition is a dynamic system - therefore ANY actions taken around the riven system (time, kuva and platinum investment) has an element of risk to it.

    People MUST know what they're signing up for here.
    I've already seen a couple of tin-foil hat worthy theories that DE are some kind of evil masterminds playing with platinum exchanges between the players. The worst part is that they have a point as long as the game forgets (hopefully - not deliberately) to mention the risks involved.

    So... Yeah. Riven system is one hell of a big ball that you can't just drop like that.

  4. When manics were just introduced into the game for the first time and would spawn nearly every grineer mission at least once and were also actually dangerous for real - i had an accident when i was playing solo and was attacked by manic and stalker almost simultanously when i was with underleveled guns (before MR would give you bonus modcap).

    I died to manic's 150 DPS bleed proc twice, killed him and was immediately greeted by a stalker who also almost cut my ass in half. If only every missions was like this...

  5. 42 минуты назад, (PS4)teacup775 сказал:

    Not if the stats were capped or became exponentially more expensive to level out side of some range. Others have suggested base stat enhancement which may be better suited.

    I’ve never been a fan of gambling  rng because really good and dedicated players can get screwed and lucky so so get gold. I know a couple of amazing players that rnjeezus really hates.

    What i could get behind is paying a decent amount of kuva (lets say current roll price x3) to lock a stat in its place. So that next time you roll you would get a stat that you liked (fixed in there permanently) + a new stat.

    If the locked stat was buffed due to having a negative - a negative would stay as a negative, but new negative stat would roll each time.

    Or you could lock the negative and all stat past that have a negative buff on them.
    Then you lock one of the positives and just keep rolling the last one which you can never lock again.
    Trading a riven destroys all locks and next roll will roll it all.

  6. 2 часа назад, (PS4)teacup775 сказал:

    Should DE decide to pick up the ball, they could ditch disposition entirely to replace with a systemic upgrade system where people can farm for, select and pay (kuva) to increment specific stats.  A weak weapon would take more effort to make godlike, and perhaps advancement can be mastery gated but kuva farming could be a progressive process and not (so much) RNG. This would allow people to make weapons their own and put love into them if they want.

    Im afraid such a system would create a gigaantic power creep. People would absolutely go an extra mile to make their Tigris Prime even more powerfull than already is.

    Disposition system makes sense to me (mostly), its just its a system that requires constant adjustment and DE doesn't seem to have time for it.

  7. I think most of criticizm of these warframes comes from either boring gameplay or lack of originality. Khora was meant to be a damage-switching exalted whip user, but that was droped.

    Revenant is actually cute to play, he's basically a more fun alternative to nyx, although i just do not understand 3rd skill. I don't even remember what it does...

  8. I mean its not like we dont have a reason to not like content drought. For newcomers / mid-game players there's still stuff to do. For veterans who have every weapon maxed out, every quest completed and every syndicate maxed... Not so much. We have almost nothing to do, and what's left is just generic grind of credits / endo / focus / kuva (usually corelated to opportunistic nature of getting daily login booster).

    Content drought causes the game to "fall asleep" because players just move on to play something else only logging in for that daily reward and maybe do a sortie.
    Constant stream of content is what keeps warframe alive, that's just a fact. And even developers aknowledge the CD. 
    Fortuna is simply a gigantic project that cant be released until its done 100% and it probably slows down any side-content like tenno reinforcements, etc.

    So... There's that. That's just how things are.

  9. One question for clarification: how "rude" are we talking about?
    Example: i drop couple of F-bombs there and there, just in general sense as emotional exclamation or emotional enhancer (to show that i feel emotional about it), but its not directed at anyone?

    Something like "Its so #*!%ing inconvinient and bad... Here's why: ____ and here's how it could be improved: _____"

    • Like 3
  10. Recently i got a riven for Marelok. For a moment there i was hyped, because i sort of like Vaykor Marelok (at the very least for fashion) and would be happy to have a reason to use it.
    But then i saw the numbers and its just... I honestly have no reason to use that riven. Why would i pay almost 8000 endo and something like 500.000 credits for a mod that is probably less efficient than any of the normal ones i already have? Vaykor doesnt even suffer from any particular inconviniences like slow reload speed or projectile speed or anything of that kind.

    Now why this upsets me... Is because i have issues with Vaykor Marelok regarding its' power.
    Im probably at extreme minority here, but i just dont like how Vaykor Marelok performs. There are multiple reasons for that:

    1. For a pistol with a fairly long barel (longer than some others) it has a very bad accuracy. The only way to be sure is to use it close range like some kind of shotgun. In which cays i would be using shotgun like Brakk, right?
    2. Critical stats are not worth investing. 20% crit chance is good enough, but x1.5 crit damage offsets it completely.
    3. Status chance builds - which marelok should be all about according to its' stats - are just not worth it.
      - Fire rate is too slow to utilize corrosion. And low accuracy isn't helping either.
      - Marelok does not hit hard enough to justify gas builds, mostly because grineer are VERY resistant to it, so it does nothing to them in higher levels.
      - Viral / Radiation is probably the best bet, but again - vaykor doesn't hit hard enough and radiation as a proc - from my peason experience) - does nothing useful.

    So, generally speaking: Vaykor Marelok is too slow to justify status builds, doesnt have a worthy crit potential and raw damage... Well, we all know what happened to Boltor Prime until it was transformed into (far better) status monster.

    I just can't get the thing to work no matter how much i experiment with my builds. I try to avoid fire rate (so no lethal torrent) because i want to keep that "slow but powerful and calculated" feel (mostly because the "swinging reload" animation gets silly with high fire rate, and i will intentionally not shoot until its done).
    From my personal experience a fair bit of other secondaries just perform better and in a more reliable way... Includung Lex Prime (obviously), AkJagara, Pandero and some others.

    So i was quiet hyped to get a riven for it and hopefully fix it for me. But nope, with those numbers i might as well use... I dont know, that "accuracy on hit" mod? Seeing how i cant hit anything past something like... 20 meters?
    I asked people in region chat multiple times to share some good and reliable build that works, but NOBODY provided one, nobody even tried to in fact.

    So here i come to ask: is Vaykor Marelok still considered a powerful weapon in comparison to other secondaries available?
    Is such label justified considering all the inconviniences and contradictions (accuracy and direct corelation of status' efficiency to fire rate, when vaykor is clearly not intended to be fast)?
    And as a conclusion out of previous question - is 1/5 disposition justified then? Why not 3/5 or at least 2/5 so that there was at least a possibility to get a desirable set of stats / stat?

    Because so far i genuinely feel like the answer to all 3 of these is "No."
    But that's just my personal opinion.

  11. I think harpak is fine. I used it quiet a bit, it has a decent crit potential (although nothing to wrtie home about) and it gets job done. Although then again burston or tiberon do it even better, and they are hit-scan instead.

    Is harpak underpowered? Not really.

    Does harpak's power justify slow projectiles? No. If anything the power should be adjusted for that.

  12. Yes please.

    One of the reasons i dont like sniper rifles is because the scope (which is mandatory, otherwise snipers suffer hardcore aim debuffs without it) hides both my warframe and gun's models.

    I really like the design of some snipers and would be happy to have them in frame when i use them. There's 2 ways to go about it:

    1. Have an option to not use sniper scopes, but instead a simple hardcore zoom (like latron prime, for example);
    2. All snipers to have a "no scope" zooming option / degree, in which the scope isnt used and instead its a very slight zoom, with every zoom mode after that using scope.
  13. 1 минуту назад, xKoobo сказал:

    The tool should only check the ping, cause your CPU, GPU, etc and stuff doesn't change your Ping.

    It does affects one's stability as a host. You lose a bounch of FPS on weaker systems - that's something i know first hand. Dont know how that affects the clients though... Need some research on that. But i'm not doing it...

  14. Ability to purchase other warframes' animation sets and put them on your favorite warframes was an amasing idea. It grealy improves the ability to create your truly unique warframe / tenno invidividuality.

    I suggest to push this ability even further: custom animation sets.

    Every animation set right now consists of multiple context-based idle animations .
    Those are:

    1. Idle - no weapon.
    2. Primary weapon - firearm.
    3. Primary weapon - bow.
    4. Primary weapon - speargun.
    5. Secondary weapon - single.
    6. Secondary weapon - paired.
    7. Secondary weapon - throwing weapon.

    I suggest to allow the players to customise each of these animations individually.
    This would allow for even greater personality customisation of a warframe as opposed to having a separate "out of character" instance.

    For example: i really like Umbra Noble animation set. For some reasons Umbra really appreciates his weapons and acts like a soldier around them (especially the way he holds solo secondaries with two handes in soldier-like posture).
    But i dislike his no-weapon idle animation. Its way too tense and angry. But i can't get rid  of it without losing the amasing animations for weapons.

    Another example: i generally like Oberon Noble animation set - its my most used set probably. But one thing i dislike about it is the way it handles spearguns -  Oberon does it a little bit too gracefully. Would be lovely to adjust that.

  15. 1 час назад, (PS4)guzmantt1977 сказал:

    Wait.... You've built every frame around Rage? A mod that is only of use if you take damage to health? A mod that benefits when you build and act in a way that encourages you to take significant damage? 

    And this... is a thread, about you taking significant damage to health... and having to deal with..... 

    You didn't understand.

    I didn't start putting [Rage] on my warframes and then run off to take all the damage in the world.
    Its the opposite correlation: at some point taking damage to health just became a common pattern. Heavy units like bombards, napalms, corpus techs and those goddamn grineer cat women can pretty much take you out solo by the time they hit levels somewhere between 35-45 and it just gets worse from there. Don't even get me started on those grineer stationary turrets, that deal no damage to our enemies when we use them - but when they do, they just tear you apart.

    [Rage] became my Plan-B emergency response mod for those exact occasions, so that at the very least i had energy to retaliate (provided i won't get oneshoted right then and there, which happens surprisingly often at inapropriate enemy levels).
    Even if that's not going to work: at the very least if one of the teammates will bother to revive me - i will be revived with a considerable energy pool and lots of opportunities for furhet actions.
    The ONLY warframe right now who doesn't have [Rage] on is Limbo, and even then that's an experiment. A fairly succesfull one and only because Limbo has a reliable free-to-use option to escape into the safety of the rift whenever the hell he wants to.

    Again: i did not build myself around [Rage], it was a logical and pragmatic response to the fact that health loss is simply inevitable and i don't want to be taken down zero-energy-naked without a proper fight.
    When wouldn't i use it? Well i know when - if i only played the game at <30 levels, if i played Trinity, or used energy restores every 30 seconds.
    But we already established that i'm not not a newcomer, i'm not playing Trinity for role-playing reasons, and especially not touching those restores unless i absolutely can't be bothered and just want for mission to end ASAP. Which by definition means that i'm not having fun in that mission to begin with, so nothing is lost.
    Thankfully, that does not happen often.

  16. 2 минуты назад, DiabolusUrsus сказал:

    Seems nice, though some suggestions:

    • Lower default drop chances (based on playtesting) and add increased chances on headshot or finisher kills.
    • Weight locker orb type drop chances based on current player health %. For example, if a player is at 5% health they get notably better chances of large orbs from lockers.

    This makes it so that skillful and precise play is more rewarding than simply AOE-nuking everything if what you need is health, and makes locker drops into more of an emergency supply type option.


    I forgot about drop chances dependant on current player's health.
    And yes, i was very concerned with AOE nuking capabilities of some warframes being too rewarding. Skillfull drop chance boosts (finishers, headshots) are a perfect solution to this. I'm just not sure if DE are ready to go through the struggle of programming all this.

  17. So here's something i came up with while strolling:



    Instead of having a singular health orb, instead make 3 different kinds of it:

    • Small Health Orb - restores 5% of health on pick up.
    • Medium Health Orb - restores 10% of health on pick up.
    • Large Health Orb - restores 25% of health on pick up.


    The type and drop chance of the orb is dictated by the enemy killed:

    • Weak enemies (such as butchers, common lancers, common crewmen, common MOAs, shield ospreys, infested walkers and crawlers, etc.) will have 10% chance to drop Small Health Orb (approximately every 10th enemy killed).
    • Moderate enemies (such as ballistas, crewmen snipers, oxium osprey, fusion MOAs, mutalist MOAs, etc.) will have 15% chance to drop Medium Health Orb (approximately every 7th enemy killed).
    • Heavy units (gunners, bombards, napalms, corpus tech, nulifiers, ancients, etc.) will have 25% chance to drop a Large Health Orb (approximately every 4th enemy killed).
    • Eximus Enemies always drop a Large Health Orb.


    As for drops from crates / lockers:

    • The chance of crate / locker droping any Health Orb is 50% which is then divided into 85% to get a Small Health Orb, 10% to get a Medium One and 5% to get a Large One.

    (i'm not sure if there is some hidden in-game difference between crates and lockers and what they drop, otherwise i would think of separate drop rates for crates and lockers)


    There. I'm now both encouraged and rewarded (by being allowed a chance to stay alive without calling for help on the side) for both killing my enemies and seeking out loot containers, including the secret rooms and stashes. You know... The usual core-gameplay stuff i do.

    All numbers (healed amount and drop chance) are up to debate, obviously.
    I changed them at least 5 times while i was writing this (mostly nerfs).


  18. 1 час назад, (PS4)guzmantt1977 сказал:

    I'm sorry I'm confused, you say that you do it because it's how you survive AND have fun, but you're also upset because it's not fun? 

    The two statements seem to be contradictory. 

    They really do out of context... Had to go back and re-read my own posts to remember what i was talking about.

    I meant that in the context of choosing between many healing methods and having at least some fun.
    In other words: [Life Strike] is a better (more fun) option than others, but still isn't quiet fun enough (it disrupts me from gameplay i came for - shooting with guns). The lesser of two evils.

    1 час назад, (PS4)guzmantt1977 сказал:

    Regarding Nidus... The frame that actually has a form of what you seem to be requesting for all frames to make the game more fun for you...... uh... You don't like it?

    I do like it. I like it a lot. Its very comfortable. But i never argued for passive health regeneration for all warframes.
    And its not that i don't like health regeneration or that i don't like Nidus himself.

    For health regen - i think that's too easy of an answer. Most importantly - its not engaging. You just have it... I don't want to just have it i wan't to get it, for health to be a reward for my in-game actions (and by in-game i mean: IN A MISSION. Anything that i do / don't do in my orbiter doesn't count). After this post i'll write a solution that i came up with while strolling, maybe you'll see what i mean.

    As for Nidus... I simply don't play him. I do sometimes - especially after they released his deluxe skin - but i'm not fanatical about it. At the very least - i still don't feel comfortable with playing him. And i don't mean his gameplay - i mean his fashion, the way he feels to be played.
    How do i put this... He... Doesn't quiet fit my general fashion-frame theme of "Military Special Forces". He's more of a "a mutant gone rogue" and that feels a little bit in-conflict with character of my tenno.

    And he's not even the only one. I have that issue with like 90% of warframes these days. Thank god Faven keeps putting out those amasing Graxx skins, so i can enforce my military thematic further (in fact i only could play Vauban and Ember after i bought his skins, with them collecting dust before that).
    But that's going off-topic.

    And about Ember - yes, its to make sure ring hits as many enemies as possible, while also hoping that enemies wont shoot me because they get an accuracy debuff when you bullet jump.
    As for energy - nope, that's not from orbs. Which are a whole other issues on their own... That's from [Rage] i have installed literally in every single warframe of mine.

  19. 19 часов назад, (PS4)guzmantt1977 сказал:

    And you typically do this, or something like it particularly often (every 15 enemies or so, per your previous post which no longer exists)? Do you think that may be a part of your problem? Do you think that people will now be able to believe that you are intentionally shedding your damage negation because you just don't like it? (While I've taken you at your word that you prefer to eschew all other forms of health regen from the start, some people are asking me why I am claiming that you don't choose to use the other options available to you.)

    Yes, i do that all the time. That's how i stay alive AND have fun in the process, As opposed to all those other Rhino who cast Iron Skin the moment the load into the mission and extract still wearing it. I never say a word... But i secretly judge them for it.


    19 часов назад, (PS4)guzmantt1977 сказал:

    And what do you do for those frames? And what sort of issues do you face with them? Or perhaps frames that don't have any shields at all? 

    Warframes that dont have shields are: Inaros, Nidus and Valkyr. And also Mesa, to a point (her shields are just weaker).
    Inaros has an amasingly overpowered 1st skill that allows him to heal quickly and efficiently whenever he wants to. That's part of his gameplay.
    Nidus... I honestly have no #*!%ing idea how Nidus is supposed to stay alive naturally. I believe he has a natural health regeneration (the only warframe to have that, btw) and receives additional health regen when using 4th skill. But i don't remember how efficient it is. Just barely good enough, i would guess?
    Mesa has 3rd skill that actually makes hes shields better than those of a lot of shield-heavy warframes. So at the very least she has that.
    And Valkyr can heal with her 4th. Although i do want to point out that playing first 10 ranks on her is a pain in the ass if you dont have any healing method available to you - because her fate is basically sealed with shields that low. That's how it was for me when i just started playing warframe, reached Jupiter, got her and found her to be the most frustruating thing to play just because i had NO healing methods until she got to rank 10. Did... Did she even had healing on her claws back then? I don't remember...

    As for Squishy bastards like Vauban... Well first of all - they die 2 times as fast as my Rhino because no armor and they actually have less shields than him. 2nd of all - i still heal using lifestrike. With Vauban when he starts dying and getting all that [Rage] energy i just start blindly spaming bastile in every direction hoping its going to stop whoever is shooting at me from doing that. If i get lucky and catch the guy - i'm saved and can proceed to get my [Life Strike] revenge on him. If i dont - time to say hi to dirt.

    With Ember its even worse... What i do for her is that i bullet jump high in the sky from where i spam 3rd skill (fire ring, which btw spreads slowly and has issues with not touching some enemies, i would guess due to LOS reasons) in hope that its' knockdown is going to give me enough breathing room to take out melee and put [Life Strike] to use again. Usually at that point i just turn into melee-only guy, because running into cover and waiting for those worthless shields to recharge is a stupid idea, so i just keep on Berzerking by spaming 3 and meleeing things until room is clear and i can finally swap back to my gun again.

    Until some level 40 Napalm ambushes me around the corner, knocks me down and puts a napalm bomb up my ass, which immediately burns through my 740 shields like its paper and its all back on the menu.

  20. 17 часов назад, (PS4)guzmantt1977 сказал:

    You've said that you don't like any of the methods other than Life Strike. Given that you only use Life Strike, and are complaining about the methods of health regen not being fun and engaging, then it seems that the main issue is that you just don't want to lose any health at all.

    I don't mind losing health. I do mind that the game does not provides any NATURAL sources of restoring it. All the ones we have right now are artificial, were added post-production and must be discovered, build and made efficient while simultaneously disrupting the core gameplay of "gun-&-loot" that we all came here for.

    There's a few games out there. A fair bunch of them are made with an idea that players will take damage one way or the other - and warframe seems to have this idea too.
    But what others game did that warframe didn't is provided natural way or healing yourself in the context of the game. Lets think of some examples:

    1. Call of Duty is famous for its "take a breather and heal yourself" mechanic. While not the best example (and not one i want to see implemented anywhere ever), its still an example of the game having an innate natural way to get lost health back.
    2. Borderlands series (which i would argue have a very similiar gameplay to warframe, just with different pace) had health pick ups that could be often found in loot and also droped from killed enemies fairly often. Even more so - my anecdotal experience suggests that their droprate was proportional to amount of health the player had.
      They also were % based and ranged from healing like 10% to healing 50%. And it was GOOD. There was nothing quiet like to have a brutal fight, be left clinging onto your dear life and then find a 50% health restore or just a pile of smaller ones. Looting them was fun, therefore healing yourself was fun too and it didn't strayed far from core gameplay of "gun-&-loot". You didn't had to to commit to healing builds, shields or weapons unless pick ups just were not enough for you, because most of the time - they ARE enough.
    3. Dark Souls - a game famous for making you take damage and die - provided you with a healing item 5 minutes in, the one that you would use from begining till the end and was at the core of the gameplay. It had limited usage (so it was still preferably to not take damage at all, if possible), had to be refilled by reaching checkpoints and using it during a hard fight actually could lead to your demise. While something like that would not work in Warframe - it makes perfect sense for Souls' gameplay and is a good example of the game providing you with basic healing tool, assuming that it knows you are going to take all the damage in the world.
    4. Hollow Knight - also a game where taking ungodly damage and dying is a given - had a mechanic where you could heal yourself at any point by focusing your soul. The pool of soul, however, was limited and if depleted had to be restered by hitting enemies. Essentially you could heal yourself as long as you actually dealt damage to your enemies (provided you could find a safe opening to do it, much lime in Dark Souls). This ability was provided to you from the start, made sense (didn't disrupt core gameplay because it was a part of it) and was fun to use.
    5. EVERSPACE, a game i'm currently playing, and ALSO a "gun-&-loot" game has a special resource that you can use yourself to repair your ship. The resource is somewhat rare, so its generally recommended to avoid damage alltogether, but then again that game has actualy good shields and if you do need to heal yourself - finding those nano-bots is rewarding experience on its own, considering that you spend a big chunk of gameplay actively searching for loot among asteroids and space debris.
    6. DOOM (2016) also makes taking damage a normal occurance. Yet it also had lootable medkits all over the map, and even if it didn't - glory-killing enemies would force them to drop some, and same as Borderlands - it seems they drop more the less health player has at the moment.

    I could come up with dozens more of interesting examples of ability to heal being natural to core gameplay of the game, but that would take inapropriate amount of my time as well as make this post so long nobody would ever read it, so i'm not doing that.
    The point is: all of these games take damage for granted, and provided the player with a way to heal lost health with mechanics that do not disrupt core gameplay. In fact - they often make those mechanics a major part of it (most importantly they do it from the moment you meet your first enemy).

    Warframe didn't do that. Well, it tried... Health Orbs exist, but they start very early to suffer from inflation of health as a resource - your health pool grows give times larger, enemy damage grows even more, but Health Orbs do not grow in neither efficiency nor drop rates and become absolutely redundant as a gameplay mechanic. Hm... That's actually something Warframe is generally guilty of, but that's a discussion for another thread.
    In other words: i want for taking damage and healing to feel natural. Because right now - it just doesn't.
    Shields are but a common courtesy, health attrition is a thing and healing is, metaphorically, me bringing my own pack of sugar to tea-party because the host forgot to do it, even though he used to do it in the past. Am i making sense here?

    I'll adress other points of your previouis post in a seperate answer, if i'll feel like it because writing these takes a toll on me.

  21. 2 часа назад, (PS4)guzmantt1977 сказал:

    So, please bear with me, because I must ask whether your earlier description was hyperbole, or if you do actually have such significant issues as described? 

    I'm not having issues with SURVIVING. I'm having issues with the process of surviving not being fun and engaging in the way i want it to be.
    I'm a Rhino Main goddammit! If i wanted to i could spend entire mission in Iron Skin and not even bother to invest into shields, health or armor. But i don't because i find such approach to be lazy and boring. Didn't someone couple of posts ago mentioned how easy the game was?

    I only use Iron Skin when i'm forced to (shields are down and health is taking considerable amounts of damage), which is then followed by Roar > Stomp > Melee > Life Strike > Health to 100% > Back to guns > Wait for shields to regenerate to 100% > Dispel Iron Skin (Iron Shrapnel basically got permanently fused with my Rhino's butt at this point, just because i don't want to be covered in Iron Skin any longer than i actually need to... i'm probably one of few Rhinos who wants Iron Skin to be nerfed by having an actual duration / degeneration added).

    But that's Rhino. I also have similar emergency protocols for most other warframes, save for those that do not have instant "i dont want to be taking damage anymore" button (like Ember or Vauban for example).

  22. 1 час назад, Klokwerkaos сказал:

    Up your arsenal.  Life strike is a scrub mod, I don't even use it, don't think I ever did except to test it and find out it's a waste of a mod slot.  If you can't stay alive from chip damage get adaptation and throw on your umbral mods on or play a tank frame.  If you can't do those things sounds like you have some work to do before your opinion is what I would call informed.  

    I can do these things. I know how they work. I simply do not like to use them because i find them obnoxious, game-flow or immersion breaking.
    Life Strike is simply - from my subjective point of view - the least intrusive and in-your-face alternative out of all of them, although it still affects my gameplay style more than i would prefer.

    Predicted comment #3: "Git gud".
    Predetermined answer: "I did and i still don't like it."

  23. 6 часов назад, Fallen_Echo сказал:

    As for the rest of the argument, having reliable healing method is pointless. This is a game what uses a scaling system what exponentially increases enemy damage as you go on.

    You can equip lifestrike, get medi-ray on your sentinel, put in ehp mods but you cannot escape the inevitable, the time where enemies simply oneshot you.

    The sooner you realise this and adapt the better, becaue death will come no matter how hard you are healing or how much you resist.

    Anybody who tried to push the limits knows this, nothing matters because in the end the gameplay boilds down to a pretty simple principle:

    You either shot first or get shot down.


    Unfortunately - that's a legit point. Although this only becomes a reality after enemies hit level 70+, which is a fairly rare occurance.
    The only places where one would naturally meet something like that are Sorties 2-3, Plains' highest bounty and Kuva Flood. Everything else is just sensible enough to not be a complete glass cannon simulator.

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