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Posts posted by Artekkor

  1. Isn't tripophobia is a fear of "unnatural" holes in organic environments or whatever?

    That cyst doesn't even have any holes. Just a tail. The only annoying part about it is that it doesn't copy your warframe's colors.

    And seriously: thicker skin required ahead.

  2. DE  cant focus too much on polish, because that would slow down the content generation, which is core thing that keeps this game alive.

    They still do polishing, they just do it parallel to the main content generation. Sometimes they focus on it a little bit more, but not by stoping the content generation completely. It comes in waves, really.

  3. I always haggle if i feel the price isnt quiet what i expected. Im a WTB hunter, who sells things to people that need them. So i already hunt for people who want things for cheap usually. Before selling the item i always check nexus data for average price and ready to sell the item for up to 70% of its' price, but not less (save for rare exceptions) and will haggle for it. If the buyer does not agree - we depart on peaceful note.

    So far haven't met anyone getting toxic when haggling.

  4. 5 часов назад, (PS4)guzmantt1977 сказал:

    And that's probably why it's not around anymore. Look, let's face it, there have been countless people who come on after being banned to argue about why they should be able to use slurs and not be punished. Those will never lead to anything useful. Some people come on complaining about things that weren't offensive but got picked up by the bot for a ban. Those may lead to a refined list, but if the bot is as simple as I think, that's not an easy thing to fix. 

    This thread is a request for a different system, based on the ones we already have. One that is made in recognition that new people are being trolled, and that makes up the vast majority of bot interventions. One that recognises that not everyone uses the same obscure slurs and we can't realistically expect everyone to know what is on the list. One that recognises that repeat offenders and trolls deserve harsher penalties. One that recognises that sometimes people type in the wrong channel. One that recognises that you don't actually need to be out of the chat if you just can't send any messages, so there are multiple ways to skin a cat. One that ensures that we are told what we did wrong, so we can avoid doing that again in the future. 


    If you can help us think about all of what's in the first post of the thread, find the flaws and strengths, then maybe we can get to something they can adopt for the benefit of all of us. 

    Well, hard to argue with that. A more... what do they call it?... Transparent AND more sophisticated chat moderation would be way better than the current "just nuke it all to hell".
    I do remember that i noticed this (main) thread and gave an upvote to the OP and went on my merry way to find more engaging topics. Yet i got sucked back in anyway...

    I will still also argue that current chat moderation is also ridiculous and is triggered by things that are not even worth to be triggered by, but one step at a time i guess...

  5. 5 часов назад, Fallen_Echo сказал:

    Please do not discuss what should and what should not be banable.

    The main objective of the thread is to improve bot and moderator behaviour and not to fiddle with the words what can ban you.

    Well, that's what the thread i was a part of was discussing.
    It got merged unfortunately. Or maybe it was?... I don't remember.

  6. 24 минуты назад, (PS4)abbacephas сказал:

    Here's the thing about public squares though, they aren't free-for-alls. Even in the real world, people can't do or say whatever they want in a public square without any sort of repercussions.

    In Discord, on Facebook, on Twitter, in clan chat, in alliance chat...etc. There are plenty of other places for one to "peacefully fool around". It doesn't have to be in the "in-game public square" as you put it.

    Yeah. Ignoring the obvious illegal extremes (openly inciting violence / defaming someone) - we are talking about SOCIAL repercussions, which is - people voicing their opinion about how they dont like you / your words / your ideas. That's fine.
    The police coming you and taking you away because someone's offended - now that's a dangerous extreme, concidering that anything can offend anyone.

    The alternatives you mentioned are not helpful, especially since Facebook and Twitter are already pretty tyranical too (the only reason im still on twitter is because i need to follow some people's tweets for my own curiocity. I barely tweet at all).
    And Discord implies that first i must intentionally find and invite people who are interested in some fooling. Which is quiet frankly too muchwork to just fool around and ruins the fun.

    Now, i did heard that the reason a lot of memes are kickboted like that is to avoid spam. An argument that i understand and can get behind. Yet the solution was... To just nuke it.

    Here's the thing: i don't like the extremes. "Any idea pushed to its' logical conclusion is an absurd one". Leaving everything unregulated is equally bad as just nuking everything.
    Hence why i keep reciting the "basic moderation" elements. The reason why i dislike current moderation system is because its way too much on the "nuking" side of things. Which hurts especially when you consider that:
    A) I saw moderators giving away suspensions based on ASSUMPTIONS that what was said was meant / can be hurtful.
    B) The suspended never get a reason or a basic warning that they were suspended and most importantly - why. There was once a time when kickbot would give you a private message with "why", but somehow its gone save for few exceptions.

    Its quiet annoying to post a completely legit, not-offensive (from my point view), well-thought message only to notice after about 10-15 seconds that suddenly the chat has gone unnaturally quiet. To say that it upsets me is an understatement. Even considering that i can fix it with a simple relog.

  7. 3 часа назад, (PS4)abbacephas сказал:

    Why would you assume that?

    Because region chat (and similiar chats from my anecdotal experience) have no defined purpose. They are basically in-game public squares. Same applies to relay / cetus / incoming fortuna chat. Where else one is supposed to peacefully fool around? Trading?

    3 часа назад, (XB1)Shodian сказал:

    If you want that you can go to Discord. 

    Something tells if same thing ("Go and build your own thing with blackjack and ~...") was told to preachers of safe-space chat they wouldn't accept it. Why should i?
    Not to mention that it would require to have a pinned thread on both steam and local forums reminding people (because there will be a lot of such people) that such place exists.
    And i am 100% sure that someone will complain about it too and ask to remove said PSA thread and never mention them again.
    So, no deal.

    My point is... As long as this excesive and ridiculous (and i do mean it) chat moderation goes on, and as new people keep coming into the game - threads that criticize it will keep appearing again and again.
    Here's an interesting thought: if there was just basic chat moderation (no super-fast spam, no excesive caps lock) threads that would call and advocate for MORE moderation either wouldn't exist or they would be way more rare than anti-moderation ones. By a long shot.

    So, why not just go for a compromise and just give them a separate chat?
    People that don't like memes and insanity that comes with wild internet people can just stay away from it, while the others will stay away from region (because kickbot is still there).

    Everyone's have a place to be and everyone's happy. And if someone's not...
    The only type of person that could dislike such a compromise is the type that hates when somebody does something they dont like so much - they want to have absolute power of controling everything everyone around them does so nobody could ever do something that offends / upsets said person, lest the offender faces a presecution.
    In other words: a rather radicaly-extreme individual of PC mentality.

  8. Только что, (XB1)Shodian сказал:

    I have no fear of being banned from chat because I don't talk about things that shouldn't be talked about in region chat. It's not hard either. Just stick to talking about Warframe and/or games in general and you won't have to worry about being banned.

    But who defined which things are and are not to be talked about in region chat? Words do not have power on their own, context in which they are said does. And machines are bad at seeing context.

    I always assumed that such public chats are there just for whatever, including S#&$posting and memeing.

    I already suggested this once on steam forums and now will suggest it here: maybe its time for separate "Off-Topic" chat channel in warframe? The one that wont be under kickbots's tyrany.

    Well, aside from common sense things such as no 10 messages per second and caps-only.

  9. It has to come. There is no way around it. Sooner or later DE have to do it.

    The problem is that a lot of work will go into such a gun: new animations, holsters, idles... I mean think aboit it - it'll probably a completely new weapon class and every warframe animation set out there MUST have a unique animation for it.

    While i really want for a grineer minigun to be a thing, im just afraid for poor animators.

  10. I believe git gud was created or at least made popular with birth of Dark Souls series.

    "Git gud" is often used in response to questions such as "how do i beat X?" or "Why is Y so hard? Nerf please!" 

    Git gud is a call to the player to stop seeking help on the side or whining about how he cant deal with something and instead get better as a player by developing some skill at playing the game.

    Now, "git gud" can change its meaning and tone based on context its used in. For example answering "git gud" to legit well argumented criticism of something is rather obnoxious.

    But, for example, if the OP was something like "Boss X is too overpowered and bullS#&$! Screw you, developers!" then - based on how much does the general community disagrees with the statement - "git gud" is a well deserved response.

    The slogan also applies to PvP as well, although to a lesser degree (especially if said PvP is extremely unbalanced)

  11. 4 минуты назад, DeMonkey сказал:

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but er... Super Smash Bro's is a Nintendo game... right?

    And being a Nintendo game it has... official Nintendo characters... right?

    Why would Excalibur be there? o.O

    Wasn't there like some insane crossover fighting game? It had like... Isaac Clark from Dead Space 3... Raiden from MGRR... that guy from "Infamous"... Drake?...

    Also: Smash Bros crossovers are a meme.

  12. 1 минуту назад, (XB1)alchemPyro сказал:

    That's exactly my point though. If you just slap on a Steel Fiber mod and time it right, Iron Skin will get you through most stuff up until around level 50. After that point though, additional mods such as Ironclad Charge become essential in pushing it beyond a simple holdover for glancing hits. Not including Exilus and Aura mods, Rhino has only 8 mod slots. Spending more than one or two of them purely for a single skill would be considered a heavy investment.

    I personally use Iron Shrapnel mod. It allows me to recast Iron Skin at will when i need to (and not under heavy fire from 5 level 90 corpus techs).
    Then again, ability to dispel Iron Skin at will should've been a mechanic from the start and not be a goddamn augment.

  13. Actually, Rhino is more of "golden middle" between being a tank and being an offense unit. He's almost a jake of all trades, really. Bonus damage, bonus survival, crowd control...
    But yeah, i think his armor is tiny bit too low for his character. He should have at least 300.

  14. I doubt its niche. To be niche you must be popular among a fairly low player base that found something unique in you that nobody else had to offer.
    In that sense Warframe is fairly... Generic, actually. Its not even the best Third Person Shooter, for that matter (in my honest opinion).

    Warframe's best selling point (apart from being a fine, playable game) is amasing devs and one of the greatest monetisation practices.
    I'm honestly wondering why is Warframe so little covered by any sort of mainstream gaming media. Perhaps they dont see it as an interesting game.

    Or, perhaps, this could be some sort of conspiracy theory that the industry doesn't want to aknowledge that there is a better way... Who knows. But it sure makes me happy to see warframe being mentioned by gaming media at all.

  15. 3 минуты назад, vigilant_hunter сказал:

    hopefully dispos wouldn't be a popularity contest.

    Unfortunately it is. If the weapon is fairly popular even without a riven - there's a reason for it. Usual reason being: its good. And good weapons need no rivens.
    Although it does bothers me that rivens could play the wrong card in this. For example Tiberon Prime is fine without a riven but with one becomes a monster. Same goes for Sicarus.

    As i see it - rivens should not count when checking how popular a weapon is. But also rivens should not be broknely overpowered, which they are for some weapons.
    I honesstly have no idea how DE are going to manage this mess. I just hope they wont murder my Sicarus Prime

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