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Posts posted by Artekkor

  1. The Saryn was reworked again because the synergy of her skills felt forced and her 2nd and 3rd skills were almost useless.
    There was literally only 2 ways to play her: spam spores everywhere to spread the viral or do the setup of Molt > Spores > Miasma to nuke the room you are in.

    The rework brought about general quality over her entire kit and made her less of one-trick-pony. I see that as a good thing.
    Unfortunately, as it is often the case. there happened to be some unforseen consequences to that. So now DE have to adress that because - and i said these words so many times im getting tired of repeating them - DE had showed CLEAR pattern of disliking passive gameplay styles that revolve around spaming same set of abilities from safety of a corner of the room and are slowly, one by one, they adress all the Warframes (or weapons) that can do that.

    That's why Ash has to look at the enemy in order to assassinate.
    That's why Ember got... whatever she got.
    That's why Banshee's augment was changed (although i would argue it made her even worse, so look up to nerf of that).
    That's why suicidal Trinity is most likely to be adressed in the near future.
    That's why Mesa now requires some general imput from the player to aim at the potential victims, instead of being an all-seeing turret.
    That's why LoS was added to melee, radial blind and many other things.

    The pattern of nerfing passive low-effort high damage output across a large area tools is clear and i would propose to people to take any tool that is capable of that with a grain of salt, because its a very likely event that its going to get nerfed at some point, one way or the other.

    I'm sorry, but that's just how this is, this is how DE see their game being played, and frankly - i agree with them.

  2. 2 часа назад, sixmille сказал:

    Okay then explain me what's the difference if it's not a L2P issue between me being able to go up to wave 13-14 with randoms consistently and without playing a nuke frame (either mesa or support trin) and you hitting a brick wall as early as wave 4. Am I cheating? Hacking? Using black magic? Do I have a direct line with the devs? I'm not even the best player you'll ever meet, far from it. I'm above average at best. So, enlighten me?

    I'm not saying that there aren't spawn issues, because that would be wrong. There are indeed empty maps and maps with terrible layouts, and more than I'd be comfortable with if i was a designer at DE (which I'm not, fortunately for all of you), but it's NOT preventing a half competent players to take his group up to wave 8. Efficiency is a non-issue before wave 10-12 but you need to move your fat warframe's butt out of the room where the portal is because most spawns are in the corners of the map.

    Do we need more spawns? Absolutely. But not for the reason you mention. We need more spawns because the focus has been terrible for the past two weeks. I now need to do 3 runs instead of 2 to cap my focus. We also need smaller tiles not because larger ones are too difficult, but because large tiles encourage people to get outside of affinity range. That, or we need infinite affinity range in the game mode.

    I think the reason was that particular onslaught map set was just broken.

    From what i know elite onslaught has a predirmined map set which rotates like once a week or something? A day? But definetely not game-to-game.
    Perhaps the one i played was just a bad combination of maps with very bad spawn rates which forbid me and my team from gaining good efficiency.

  3. The only reason i don't use rapiers that much is because most of my most-played warframe are military-themed (fashion wise) and rapiers just do not fly with Graxx Rhino and Graxx Chroma well...

    A fix to that would be some badass brutal new rapier stance. Like a professional assassian / villian style, with one hand behind character's back...

  4. 6 часов назад, sixmille сказал:

    I'm one of these players leaving after wave 1 if I don't like what I'm seeing, like someone leeching and doing a glorious 3% damage because he brought a full set of lvl 0 weapon, or someone playing some super annoying build like trinity castanas. You don't want others to leave? play nice.




    That's the most cringy thing i've seen today. Banshee is absolutely not meta at all, if anything it's sabotaging your run because NPCs are stuck ragdolling in spawn closets. I've done runs up to wave 13 or 14 this week (with randoms), it's hard to go further due to empty maps though.

    However, if you're having trouble reaching zone 8 it 100% is a L2P issue, I have never failed to go further than 8 unless I wanted to stop.

    It definetely wasn't L2P issues. As i said i've met more map-covering killers than just banshee on my Elite Onslaught runs 2 weeks ago aaaand... It just wasn't working.
    3 first waves were fine, but after that efficiency is quickly starting to go down, people start leavig the squad at wave 6-7 and then its over and is, basically, a waste of time because there is no worthy rewards except for wave 8.

    The problem was mostly coming from the fact that enemies were not spawning in large enough quantities to get enough efficiency. There was simply not enough enemies. And the fact that they are fairly durable is not helping either.


  5. Только что, CrazyValkyr сказал:

    It can be quite critical on high levels, when hitting or not hitting due to buggy collision-checks can mean life or death. This update turned melee into small version of RNG. Awesome, isn't it?

    And still... Im trying to imagine a case where not being able to land 1 more hit on 1 more enemy is critical.

    The only scenario for that is an enemy so strong - he can oneshot you (i assume you use life strike in order to maintain melee onslaught and get lost health back) in which case you should either avoid close combat with such enemy or use abilities in order to prevent him from killing you, and also since oneshot capable enemies are also usually immune to oneshots themselves - you should be aiming and expecting a prolonged battle to begin with.

  6. Только что, (PS4)johnsoigne сказал:

    This is why I just don’t respond to people who are saying “Just use speed holster, it’s there for you, it is a choice we can make you are not making use of” 

    It just instantly tells me that they never even actually bothered to put those 2 holster mods on their warframes. 

    What speed holster actually does is it makes the clunky animations even more akward and inconsistent so that even though I will swap it faster, I have no idea if the animation is finished so I can start shooting now or what? 

    Exactly. The process is faster, but its still the same wooden log you dealt with before, it just passes by quicker.

    Therefore speeding it up is a bandaid.

    We need to get rid of the log, not make it hit us faster so we could move on.

  7. Well, there's only so many people you can cut at once before their bodies reduce your weapon's momentum to a point it cant deal damage, i suppose... I can see this being annoying, but not critical.

    I mean, its not like you cant move around to switch LoS or cant make just 1 more attack to hit what hasn't been hit.

  8. The weapon switch is actually kinda fast, its just that it feels extremely clunky, and i think i know why:

    you cant take other actions while swaping weapons, or if you can - they reset the switching process.

    Warframe's switch speed isnt actually that much slow, its just its not fluid for such generally fluid game.

    Animations are boring and it feels like the game turns into a wooden log for the duration of switching animations.

    You also can't cancel the weapon switch, unlike for example CSGO (a much less fluid game) where you can spam weapon switching like crazy. That is also annoying. Once you start switching - you have to commit to it in a sense that you wont switch back to until the first switch animation finishes.

    DE simply need to make switching less clunky - allow us to cancel it, allow to take actions while switching (switching weapons in the middle of a melee attack or ability cast, mid-rolling, yadi yada).


  9. Orokin weaponry was just that - orokin weaponry. A superior high-tech high-quaility arsenal of unique orokin design which they bestowed onto tenno.
    So tenno adapted their fashion style, but had to create easier-to-build substitutes (mostly because orokin blueprints were lost).

    On the other hand, Grineer and Corpus weaponry are not inspired by Orokin at all. Corpus weaponry is simply applying their amasing engineering skills and 99% of their weaponry is energy based in some way, while grineer simply create weapons that work and can kill stuff via conventional ballistic means.

    Grineer were orokin slaves and never were given weapons, instead they often used their tools as weapons - chainsaws, machete, pickaxes... Which is probably why all their weaponry is so simplistic.
    We do, however, have Seer (Vor's pistol) - a unique case of orokin technologies being applied to a grineer design. This one is a result of Vor's fascination with the orokin, which is something that was only exclusive to him - being actually interested in other factions and trying to learn from them.

    We also have Prisma weapons, which work as substitute for priming - they often have increased starts and are made by Baro using "void crystals".
    He's not exactly using orokin technologies, but he does apply something similiar to that to his prisma guns.

    There's also Mara weapon series, but right now it only has one weapon - Mara Detron. And its not exactly explained what "Mara" means. But it does reffer to orokin era, so...

  10. I mean, being synthetic robot-like entities there's a high chance they swim about as good as a brick. The only reason why i would want a swim mechanic is to avoid being teleported back to the shore when i miscalculate my flight across

  11. 4 минуты назад, LupisV0lk сказал:

    That's all down to user error and how you've modded it.

    Its not at all.
    Veldt suffers the same issue that all semi-auto rifles have including Latron, Grinlok, etc.: unreliable crit chance.
    All of these are fairly crit-capable, almost all of them have crit damage above average 2.0x, but the crit chance is just not good enough and is just unreliable.
    50-60% crit chance is not an issue for full-auto high fire-rate rifles because if you didnt crit - you just keep shooting and damage spreads equally over time.

    But for these slow one-shot based rifles its just NOT GOOD. The same enemy can take you 1 shot to kill, or it can take 4 based on your LUCK of all things. That's a big difference for something like grinlok with no fire rate mods.
    Its fairly upsetting and annoying.

  12. There is something up with Elite Onslaught efficiency scaling. Me and my friend attempted if about 3-4 times and we never managed to complete wave 8 even with meta randoms (such as nuking banshee).

    I think the mode is broken right now and requires some adjustments because as it stands it seems unreal to get past wave 8 unless entire team plays the metiest meta of metas and also praise RNG gods to grant them enough enemies.

  13. I recently bought Mag Graxx skin, since Graxx Skins series is the only way i can play warframes anymore. Not a fan of weird mythology-inspired art style of recent warframes (or rather - i'm way too much of a fan of military style that Graxx series share).

    However i run into a bad fashion issues. 2 of them.

    1st problem - Mag Prime's shoulder-magnets are not removable. "Toggle prime parts" removes magnets around her tighs, but not the shouldr ones. Why?

    2nd problem - since magnets are not removable im trying to replace them with something else that might look better and more in-style. But i cant.
    All shoulder armor is misplaced on Mag Graxx (at least when used on Prime variant).
    Instead of being perfectly in the middle of her shoulder pads - everything is slightly moved closer to the back and down.
    This, particularly, causes some armor pieces to clip through her hands in a very uncomfortable way.

    So... Yeah. Can someone at DE please fix at least 1 of these issues? That would be lovely because otherwise i cant run a mission without attempt another fashion-fix that does not works out right afterwards.

  14. 7 часов назад, xXHobbitXx сказал:

    a bubble is sufficient , different colours wont even register to an active player, different colours just means more meaningless distractions

    Not really. I think its very neat idea.
    For example for Rhino who's gameplay style revolves around Iron Skin and Roar both of which count as buffs - anti-buff enemies are way more dangerous and are way more desireble to be dead for them. They will be able to know which scrambus they should focus and avoid at any cost, while for example a scrambus that will block his 1st and 4th is not as dangerous.

  15. Its good and popular because its a zaw strike that is CLEARLY focused on crit-builds. Its the most crit-focused zaw strike available in the game, and that's a good thing. Both rapiers and polearms made from that thing are brutal if use VARGEET II rings

  16. 2 часа назад, Urlan сказал:

    He is asking that Chroma's ability, likely Spectral Scream should get different effects based on the energy color:

    Fire gets Ignis type attacks Ice gets an avalanche type attack similar to Frost or Nidus' forward cone. Electricity gets an Opticor shot type attack. Toxin works like the Acrid it seems.

    Hm, that actually sounds very cool.
    Much better than BREATHING ELECTRICITY

  17. I would guess english is not exactly your first language, because in all honestly - i cant quiet read what you're saying... I get some kind of idea, but like... There's just NO context. At all.
    Are you modern media?

  18. From currently farmable ones (and those that don't cost 500 platinum per set in trade chat) - Oberon is pretty good since he can do a little bit of everything (but most importantly - heal).

    Hydroid is also nice, a lot of crowd control.

  19. I think the problem with his skins is that they all share Atlas' signature body structure. Which is disproportionaly gigantic torso and shoulders compared to his compartively thin legs and hips.

    For a change, it would be nice to see a skin that can completely change his visual appearance so something far less... comical, i would?
    Unfortunately i don't think tennogen creators can or allowed to do that, they can only reskin his base body.

    Our only hope is official DE deluxe skin.

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