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Posts posted by Artekkor

  1. 9 минут назад, craftfaster2 сказал:

    You ever heard of dodge rolling? Works pretty good if you're trying to avoid the gas. Look man, you're pretty much the only one complaining about this, which means it's not the games problem. It is not supposed to be a breeze to kill the ghouls, it's supposed to be CHALLENGING. You aren't supposed to try to fight ghouls with melee, that's the challenge! If you don't like cold proc, well that's just to bad.



    also GIT GUD

    There is a difference between difficulty and frustruation mechanic. I know a couple games that are difficult, but either not frustruating or frustruation comes from them being difficult.
    What we have here is the opossite correlation - a frustruating mechanic that creates artifical difficulty, which is easily countered by simply picking one of VERY FEW status-immune warframes, reducing the player choice to exreme lows.

    Again, on example of Eidolon - certain warframes not being fit for the job is fine. Key word: CERTAIN.
    Ghouls are not just removing "certain" warframes from the equasion, they remove the entire playstyle of close range combat (not even necesseraly melee, but any close range weapon for that matter). Which is ultimately i see is an example of a fairly bad game design.

  2. 2 минуты назад, VadiseReikaz сказал:

    It is a bit annoying, yes. If my memory is not failing me, there is a delay between killing them and actually them exploding into a cloud. And if there isnt, there should at least be that. Like when you kill a Nox, he makes noises and explodes afterwards as an indication.

    Either delay is not there or its too short.

    The cloud appears pretty much instantly for me: i kill the guy - i'm frozen now. There's no time to retaliate.
    I, actually, would love if there was a skill-check of "can you get away before the freezing gas gets you" (a second or two) but its just not the case. Staying away or using status immune warframes is the only way to not have a bad time.

  3. Salt flows through my veins once again. Who came up with this?

    First of all, nobody explains why on earth toxins and cold are not combined into viral but most important of all - WHY COLD PROC?

    That thing is the most annoying thing in the game since the hooks of doom. Playing any warframe that doesn't have a proc immunity (Rhino, Oberon, anybody else i forgot?) or even worse - a MELEE warframe is the purest form of pain, frustruation and overall just a very bad player experience, considering that ghouls are dying left and right, AND ALSO constantly attempt to melee-rush you, which means you are BOUND to step into at least 1 of those clouds at some point.

    I understand Eidolons being a no-go for the likes of Excalibur, since his sword cant reach the tendrils, but come on, i cant cut down some grineer mutant-uglies? Like, at all? With anything? Because i get punished for it by being slowed down to a crawl? In a, what's supposed to be, a fast-paced game? Literally 0 fans are being had. Rhino it is, i guess...

    DE, i have to ask you to give it a 2nd thought.
    The cold proc is one of the worst procs to experience in Warframe (i've blown up enough cryo barrels to know that).
    Not only its extremely frustruating - but there is also no way to counter it besides playing proc-immune Warframes or avoiding close range combat all-together.
    Was that the intent? To make fighting ghouls at close range the worst idea Tenno can have? Against, basically, grineer zombies - the best receivers of sharp sticks?

    I need to know!

  4. I dont see it as DE's "disconnect" since i dont know many people share your PoV.

    I myself hate endless missions. Staying for C rotations is a TORTURE to me and whenever they put anything in there it takes me a year to punch myself in the face and get it done.

    But... Interestingly enough i've been thinking about scaling rewards not so long ago.

    There is no reason to go past C rotation, especially for a guy like me. So i wanted to propose to make it so - on example of survival a wanted to propose to remove AABC (or ABBC, i dont remember) cycling rotations and replace them with AABBC+ where A, B and 1st C rotations are achieved within 4 minutes (so its still 20 minutes to reach C), but AFTER that rotations are back to 5 minutes and ALL of them are BCBC...

    This would make staying longer and chalenging myself reasonable and not just "because i can" because i dont do that, not in warframe where i need to have that farming efficiency, and there is simply no time for challenging myself, nor why would i ever stay to fight LV100 enemies for a C rotation, when i can just restart the mission and do so with LV30 in the same 20 minutes + time to restart the mission (and to randomise my gear, so that i wont die of boredom in the process)

  5. Только что, Jim22 сказал:

    What's the point of this I know I make stupid posts but why vote for a game that hasn't had anything actually new like khora or umbra. Hopefully we get something new and playable this month.


    Implaying that TONS of content in the game already is not enough (for veterans - maybe) and that nothing will never come (even though it obviosly 100% will, DE just need time and our patience).

    That being said... I dont get the requirements of the vote. What is it about? Just game of the year in general or what?

  6. 12 часов назад, PrimeDCookieMonstah сказал:

    How do people still fall for the "type wts" "press alt+f4" "delete your system32 folder" things in 2k18.... And that's not even considered being toxic.

    Because we have a constant stream of freshly born and growing up children who didn't learn these things yet and will learn in time one way or the other.

    One generation trolls the new one, and the new one will troll the next one once it'll get born.

    A never ending vicious cycle of human race.

  7. 1 минуту назад, Melos-mevim сказал:

    body count doesn't work, but other combo extenders like drifting contact do.

    body count doesnt work cause there is some clause that none of the acolyte mods shall apply to exalted weapons (I know its weird) 

    another thing the waves don't count towards combo, only actual attacks with the sword will

    I knew about the waves not counting but... Acolytes mods dont work on melee weapons? Body Count, Blood rush? None of those?

    Welp, that's super dissapointing now... I guess no crit weapons allowed on excalibur.

  8. Playing a lot of Excalibur recently and i noticed that despite having Body Count installed into my melee weapon - the combo on Exalted Blade still lasts exactly 3 worthless seconds.
    I'm not sure, but i thought Exalted Blade is supposed to be affected by it? If not - that's a tiny bit dissapointing. Understandable, but dissapointing.

  9. 41 минуту назад, (XB1)Young Boy HT сказал:

    Yeah, it was always pretty good, but I feel like now it's a better competitor against the likes of the soma, and for me personally, better at higher at levels.

    Well it obviously is. But that's also a bad sign in a way that DE had confirmed that a good weapon in warframe should either be a status monster, a crit monster... Or a shotgun.
    So either it relies on RNG to do DPS or the Damage Per Shot must be so brokenly high it bypasses all that armor. Which is fine for a shotgun, but will never be fine for a lets say an assault rifle or sniper rifle... Which means we will never see a weapon with 0% crit chance and 0% status chance but extremely high default damage (unless its a shotgun).

    This mostly comes from the issue of insanely broken enemy armor scaling which makes corrosion status builds (or 4 stacking Corrosive Projection auras) mandatory against high level grineer. Neither status or crits are required against corpus or infested, any weapon capable of good DPS deals with them, but grineer? Even Soma doesn't do much against them in Sortie 3 without a couple of corrosive projections removing those layers of 20.000 armor.

  10. Im kinda sad the traded boltor's "raw damage monster" identity for another one status weapon.
    And the syndicate version has viable crits too, so at least you have a reason to have both.

    But i still miss mine no gimmick boltor p. RIP high caliber bolts

  11. Those systems have their little communities, but not a lot. Most people dont care for those, because they really do not play any major part in warframe experience, they are just there for fun of those who care.
    Mostly because what you do in PvP does not affects PvE experience and vice versa. its like a separate game, really.

    The only exception to this is raids (including Law of Retribution) which were removed from the game not a long time ago, due to the facts that a very minor portion of the community played them and because they were consuming too much of devs' attention (literally every update / hotfix there was a comment saying stuff like "fix raids here, here and here".
    The same does NOT applies to PvP and Lunaro, at least i dont see any comments asking to "improve" or "fix" them.

    Its up to devs really what to do with those, but as it stands - they are useless to genuine warframe experience, its just something to distract you from grind of the main game.
    Unless you actually love space basketball and playing PvP in which case - all the power to you, just dont complain that you can barely find anyone to play with you.

  12. Yeah, Warframe loses some parts of its charm after you progress through it. Focus of the game shifts and by the end of it you'll be playing it for the sake of playing it.
    Grinding is a major part of end-game, so gotta get used to it i guess. The game will basically become your job, but at least its fun (if you play fun warframes).

    The wall of limited inventory slots is an annoying thing indeed. I voted for the longest time to increase the amount of starting slots by at least twice for both warframes and guns.
    Also, in my opinion, the game should warn the player about them prior to him finishing something in the foundry and encountering the "hey wanna buy some SLOTS?" message and the player is like "Slots? What slots? There were slots?"

    Thankfully they dont cost too much. The plat can also be aquired through trading with other people (provided you have something worthy to sell).
    It is highly encouraged by literally everyone to spend you starting plat (50, i believe?) to buy slots.
    At least 1 warframe slot (20) and 4 weapon slots (12+12=24). I was one of the unlucky ones who found out about this too late and bought Excalibur Immortal skin instead. The idiot...

  13. 1 час назад, Teoarrk сказал:

    From my OP:

    There is a chat filter, but this is more for the opportunity of the sellers of other items over the buyer's ability to find what they want.

    The fundamental issue is that rivens make up so much of the trade chat, not that there is a filter option. If something is so prolific that it dominates, surely a better solution is to dedicate a new area to it so that it can give other content a chance?

    Well, i guess it wouldn't hurt. But seeing as rivens are not exactly the bane of my trading being... I don't know, honestly.
    I'm simply curious as to why DE are reluctant to implement any of these QoL changes for traders. I dont see it hurting anything besides taking devs' time to make, test and implement such features. Could this be the only reason? Or is there something else?

    And "then DE will make less profit" is not one, because frankly splitting rivens into a separate chat will probably boost the speed of plat migration.
    I'm not against the idea at all, but i'm just not sure if its really worth devs' time to make these things. Also what would be said chat's icon? That's also something they would need to implement.

    Even more so i'm concerned that players will misuse the thing as they always do - Rivens will keep poping in normal trading (for no good reason) and people will spam riven unrelated things in riven chat.

    So basically we just created 2 trading chats, just with different names. Yes, someone will use them as intended, but will they be a majority? These are all the concerns and issues i could imagine poping up. You just cant trust people these days to do what's intended to be done. Gotta come up with some enforcing mechanics. And then implement them. And that's even more time and resources... So yeah, i dont mind the idea i just dont see it working out as good as people expect it too without some deep fool-proofing.

  14. Trading chat.
    Click magnifying glass icon - that's a filter.
    Pick "exclude word "riven".
    90% of riven messages will dissapear.

    Also, to sell my things, i go the oposite route - i made a filter to show me messages that contain 'WTB" and just scan them for things that i have in my possession.

    The prices i sel things at are usually slightly lower in this case and i have to dabate with the customer a little bit, but i can't be bothered to spam WTS messages for weeks until someone notices. 30 plat that i get now is better than 40 plat in 2 weeks.

  15. 2 часа назад, (PS4)Lowk721 сказал:

    Tenno kept thier bodies as shown in Rells comic. They are at base some type of mutated organic lifeform. They breathe as well as aquire scars and implants. Turning into energy actually requires effort and power to maintain.

    Neither Marg or Lotus controlled them. Marg put them into the second dream to stabilize them because they weren't experienced at controlling their newfound powers. Which caused accidents that hurt people.

    Margs was killed because she basically went full angry mom mode explaining "you've ruined perfectly good children is what you did." Orokin leaders as it turns out, not really cool with people disagreeing with them.

    Her death snowballed in that Lotus and Tenno then had common goals.

    That's a very good TL:DR of the story so far.

    Dammit, there's really something lore-worth in those comcs? Dammit now i have to farm money for them too. Or... find one online? Do they even cost money? I dont remember

  16. 1 минуту назад, Myscho сказал:

    Game is running on server and its basically streaming to your PC, so only good internet connection matter

    Oh. Huh. So basically a livestream that you have direct control over? That's... Actualy quiet a genius concept. Why i never heard of this?

    As to why Warframe would not want to deal with that - i honestly have no idea. Perhaps they're afraid for safety reasons considering that you have to enter into your accont through unknown PC (you put your account info into a big risk), or because they're afraid for client side actions.

    Could be something else entirely. No idea. Gotta wait for that support response.

  17. Gotta agree. Considering the lenghts you go to acquare The War (buy it with 500+ plat in a bundle, or hope to hell that stalker's gonna drop it to you, and then you have to either decide to sacrifice Broken War from quest or grind a new one (which is a whole new level of grinding nightmare) - you'd think you get something decent on the output.

    First of all: the buffs to stas must happen. But preferably to only one. Leave the same attack speed, but buff damage to represent the heaviness. Leave the damage as it is, but buff speed slightly (about 10-15% would be good).

    2nd thing to adress: the damage type.  Why on GODDAMN EARTH does a light-sword deals impact damage? What's all that neon then? Just a straight up physical objects? A blunt one at that?
    Heat or radiation damage would make more sense. I would vote for 50/50 split between heat and slash damage (which would make MUCH more sense and make the weapon unique).

    So yeah. War needs some adressing, otherwise this thing is pure fashion frame and no gain.

  18. I believe that this is not a good idea. As many people pointed out - the idea of something like Octavia running Rhino Palpatine skin is ridiculous.

    We already got uni-warframe animation sets, and that's already pushing things to limits (like rhinos with Titania or Mirage animations).
    However, even that makes more sense, because as we already know - you are changing your warframe but you are not changing your CHARACTER. The shell is different, but the person inside is the same. So its fine for your Rhino to use Mirage set, if every other warframe in your collection does so too, representing your operator's (or yours) personality.

    But with skins its a different story.
    Warframes are TOOLS. They are WEAPONS. Build with specific design to do specific things. They are filters that take your operator's raw energy and make something else out of it.
    Just like design and mechanisms make the difference between desert eagle and a revolver.
    Mesa has her finger-guns (for those who unaware - she uses her fingers as hammers) because they are a part of her kit, they are a part of what kind of tool she is.

    I imagine it like this: the warframe skins change the shell of the warframe, but they dont change his innards. Whatever allows octavia to turn music into physical weapon - the mechanism for that stays inside. Outside, even! I mean, the mandachord is literally build into her hands and when you edit your mandachord tracks - you can see her hand in front of you. with the mandachord being a part of the hand. We're just gonna replace that with Ash's blade hand? Or Proto-Excaliburs one?
    I dont think that's a good idea.

    The uni-gun skins make slightly more sense, especially if the skin is some kind of energy weapon and you can make energy weapon operate in any form (althoguh mesa's deluxe guns need a custom reload animation badly) and i dont understand DE's reasoning for making new octavia gun skin boltor-exclusive (perhaps it changes the skin of bolts that are shooting out too, and that's why they cant apply it to hitscans? someone should clarify that).


    Warframes are tools.
    You can change how a tool looks like, but you cant change how it works.
    Warframes' design is not just aesthetic, but a representaion of what kind of tool they are.
    Examples: Octavia's mandachord, Ash's hidden blades, Mesa's Pistols, etc. We are just going to remove them / give them to warframes that do not use them in their kit?
    If ever implemented - it will look ridiculous and extremely immersion breaking (not that warframe had much to begin with, but still).
    My honest opinion - this is a bad idea that does not has enough ground to stand on.

  19. 1 минуту назад, Sqecmi сказал:

    well it doesnt work, because in current state of the game we have tenora, prisma grakata, prisma gorgon and supra vandal that are all better than soma p. in terms of base stats and similar gameplay, while having alot better dispo.

    Well, that was the point of the riven system, was it not? Soma Prime is a fairly strong gun by default, every knows that and already has one with 6 formas.

    Gorgon, on the other hand, was the definition of a trash weapon. With recent buffs and combined with a proper riven it now can finally rival the Soma Prime by doing the same job, which was the entire point of rivens - to even the field for popular (read: meta) weapons and unpopular (underused) weapons.

    I'm personally a proud owner of 2 very decent gorgon rivens and some simulacrum testing revealed that they actually made gorgon slightly stronger than soma prime. Probably due to higher status chance when compared to soma which allowed the Prisma Gorgon to strip enemy of armor faster than Soma did.
    Soma prime still, however, retains its strong sides of having a lot more accuracy (which is good for reliable headshoting) and superior magazine size. And a slightly stronger crit too (even though its midigated by the fact that gorgon deals about twice as much physical damage by default).

  20. В 23.02.2018 в 18:55, (PS4)magheed сказал:

    I was browsing skins to purchase and I decided to buy the Graxx Skin with real world currency I transitioned into plats. This was after 1 am late night. I then place the skin on my Vauban but nothing happened. The skin was bugged and it bugged every other skin for every other Warframe in my arsenal. So no skins on can be switched anymore. Please fix this or refund by today or tomorrow the Vauban Graxx skin purchase. 

    I believe you are posting this in the wrong section.

    If you have an issue with your purchase and want a refund - you must write to warframe support, not forums.
    If you want the bug to get fixed - you need to provide more info.

    My guess would be to clarify next things:
    1) What did you buy
    2) How did you buy it (as an actual steps you took, with buttons and such)
    3) What the bug exactly is (how exactly does it look like / what it does, preferably with screenshots or even video)

    And my personal recommendation would be to try to improve your english: wording and grammar, since the OP is somewhat hard to read.

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