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  1. I don't play on mobile, but I'd like to know what situations like this mean for account syncing and access exactly for future information. For example: if the platform I FIRST played on and use as my primary account has a cert issue and gets an update delayed, does that mean I can still log in on PC and play fine? Additionally, if I log in on PC am I then locked out of playing on my initial platform until the update hits, or am I able to play with a desynced account that will have progress re-synced after the update? Similarly, does this mean that if I were primarily a PC player and I wanted to play on mobile after the Dante release on PC but before it came to mobile, would I lose any progress once the update came to mobile during a resync? Clarification and open communication when it comes to situations like this is key, as the initial announcement isn't particularly clear about what will happen to our account data once the update does come to mobile for anyone who does play on mobile and another platform.
  2. Roar vs Eclipse, comparing the two based on where they'll be at a proposed 30%: Eclipse is a multiplicative 30% damage buff to only yourself and only your weapons. With an augment it can buff allies as well, but only while in range. This is compared to 200% at base. It also only costs 25 energy and has the option to be used as a defensive ability, but we'll be ignoring the details on that up here because that's not what the vast majority players use it for. Roar is also a multiplicative 30% and without an augment it applies to your guns and abilities, as well as all allies in range when it's cast for the full duration, and even your pets, and it's a 50% boost at base. It costs 75 energy. For the sake of simplicity I'll assume that eclipse will function like a faction style multiplicative bonus like roar and apply to damaging status effects done by your weapons. When would players actually choose eclipse over roar with these changes? When they have a frame who does no ability damage, has a low energy cap/bad energy economy, or when they want the defensive ability of it and are playing solo. I mention the "playing solo" portion there because in a group, you would want to buff your allies with the eclipse augment, which means you're giving up a mod slot that could be used for the superior damage reduction of adaptation, which is tradable and can be obtained by any player. The nerf of roar is a 40% overall reduction in power when used via helminth, the nerf of eclipse with the proposed 30% would be an 85% nerf when used via helminth, which is absolutely excessive and out of line with what the helminth system normally feels like to use. What number would make sense? Obviously the desire from DE is for more than the nerf roar has due to the added reliability and higher number, if it works the same as roar but only for weapons that's okay. But that restriction of it only working for your weapons means it should absolutely be a stronger buff than roar for damage. Given the current numbers and plans for it, I would suggest keeping it at a buff of 60% but only if DE plans to revisit it and buff it if needed. If this is going to be like so many situations where the change is released and left as is for potentially years, I would much prefer seeing the buff be released at 100% in order to ensure that the buff still feels good to use in areas where it's dominant currently with the 150% buff that can be guaranteed via lighting snapshotting with invisibility, heat procs on yourself, etc. I'm glad that it's no longer going to be additive and an entirely useless ability, but if it's made to be "roar but cheaper and worse" then it will simply be replaced by roar, or xata's whisper, in almost all cases. If the goal is to indirectly shove more players into using "group buffing" abilities like roar, then this change would accomplish that goal. If the goal is to encourage greater build diversity, then the numbers should be at least a fair amount higher than roar's buff to ensure warframes that have both ability and weapon damage will have some incentive to take eclipse on occasion.
  3. I would love to see both it be a toggle, and having a tap/hold choice for whether you get the damage or defensive buff. Even if the effectiveness was greatly reduced for helminth or Mirage herself, the QoL would be so nice that I would honestly be more inclined to use it.
  4. That seems insane to me that they would prevent a merge due to an account split years ago. I really hope they allow a merge for you and anyone else in that position. It was bad enough being held hostage by my PS4 waiting on cross save, if I had gotten news like this after cross save came out I would have quit and found another game to play.
  5. I've been waiting for this for years now, and I'm so happy to be moved over to PC and not stuck on my PS4 with crap load times and processing power. I'm sure anyone who runs into me in public matches will be happy too. I would love to see console-specific cosmetics be available when logged in on other devices, since those require a purchase on the console that gives money to that platform anyway, but I understand Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft are all a pain in the butt about it and am more than willing to sacrifice my obsidian skins to be off PSN forever.
  6. I can confirm from my experience that yes, your PSN account will still let you log in and play. I moved from PSN as well, I'd highly advise against it if you get a PS4 again, because oh god the loading times feel so much better now on PC.
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