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  1. currently i'm using teh tennant plasmor i think its called, the corpus shotgun with the huge energy shield projetile lol. As to mods, thats where i'm unsure. i've been trying the 'auto install' and it does more damage lately >< normal mods, are outdoing the 'rare' mods and such its why i'm having issues. i'd love to go back to my ignis wraith, but unless i get a 2nd one and them it to corpus/infected etc, the mod slots dont' allow multi-enemy modding
  2. Ok, seriously, i give up. Can someone please tell me a primary weapon i can use for steel path? I am just dieing trying to get above level 80's. To my own credit, i went form mid 40's to high 80's but thats where i'm peaking, and boss's are just immune to everything i do, it feels like. So can someone please give me a suggestion to a weapon/build that can help me clear steel path T_T bc i can't even handle my own litches anymore either, my lvl 4 litch just refuses to die, even against its 'weak' element.
  3. So i know we have a few beam weapons, but i just really want a high power beam rifle :D We don't really have a solid beam to fire/sustain and I'd love to see an infinite ammo with a 'overheat' feature beam rifle be released. it would obviously be a corpus weapon, potentially a tennet weapon to boot, that fires a high energy magnetic I'm thinking, beam. The longer you who the trigger, the more damage it does, and the faster it over heats. once over heated you have to 'purge' the heat aka, a reload of sorts, and wait for it to cool down. magazine size would allow you to do more damage as it would take longer to build up the over heat charge, where ass fire rate would make the overheat charge up faster, but gain damage quicker. I'm just a huge sucker for solid beam weapons, and yes i do have most of the beam weapons in the game, except maybe the phasma, plasmor i dunno what its called. I didn't know it was a beam, so...if you excuse me, ima go get it :D
  4. ok, seriously, whats the garbledegook here? i'm trying to find songs, but i just find letters and numbers that mean nothing, with no explination. can someone explain please? T_T
  5. no, i finished all the murmur missions. i just bought my first galvanized though. and will work on my second tomorrow some time. ^_^ thanks though. I'm just dreading the orokin vault grind for some of the other mods i need for the build i found T_T. bonus, finally can build a pure status build, down side....dragon keys T_T
  6. Thank yall so much for the advice and help. Finally manged to complete it. My first attempt i got spotted by a dude who glitched into the cell i was trying to free the tenno guy from, annoying, but funny. insta failed, then luckily, managed to clear on my 3rd attempt, which for teh first time in 4 days, didn't auto fail me! :D. so woo! Wisp was a great choice, made this super easy. and had to use a grineer throwing melee weapon to clear out the peeps, but worked great with wisp. Thanks so much, yall were awesome ^_^.
  7. So i managed to at least do the stupid mission in practice, but the biggest problem is, if i fail even 1 time, i still auto fail as the other 2 fail me before i can even move! This test is just dumb. Even in the practice they have ridiculously insane ability to spot. dude was at LEAST 200feet away from me and spotted me INSTANTLY. a guy was standing immediately below me and saw me above him, i was on the 3rd story of the place, and he was next to the first orb that starts right in front of you. I mean come on. >< but at least now i know it can be done, and apparently, i DO have to kill them all off anyways, because i have to lead the hostage out >_< so fun. If i wasn't being auto failed, or if DE had put time back into the Stealth mechanic of the game, this wouldn't be an issue. But as neither is happening, i guess i'll just try again on day 4 of this stupid challenge. 1 attempt per day is just dumb.
  8. anyone got some suggestions on how to complete this stupid challenge? it wants me to hit a bunch of orbs in stealth, with melee, but i can't be seen. well these idiots have GODLY vision, with a super wide view radius, and if i fail once, i fail 2 times because when i 'land' after my failure, i ALWAYS get spotted. its driving me nuts. 2 days down the drain because of this. and the first dayi failed 1 time, and the other TWO were spawn spots. I literaly spawned, with one guy looking at me causing me to insta fail. Its not even a challenge at this point, its pure stupidity. If i had a glaive i'd try that but i don't have one currently, can someone tell me if that would work? i gotta wait anyways, so i can make one real quick >< oh and if i didn't say it, no abilities either.
  9. i appreciate it. I'm home al day while i look for work, but currently i'm just trying to re-open steel path and arbitration. the galvanized mods are my current focus, while trying to get my hands on rime rounds >< i'm 14 attemps in, still nada. dumb mod. but aside from that, i'm not eager to do the orokin vaults again, i usually run them solo with all 4 keys lol. not fun.
  10. dang, i was all set to try to get one, but seems those are locked behind steel path too. i can't access that yet. but look forward to getting back into it again.
  11. i found a good oen on overframe actually, its pretty decent, seems managable to ge the mods, even got 4 of em already. biggest problem is the galvanized part. i need galvanized chamber and aptitude. No biggy right? Just do arbitrations? can't >< they are locked. i used to manage in them with my paracesis, but i'm locked otu due to all the new missions, and a large majority of them, are 70+ T_T so ima TRY to find some peeps to run vaults to grab vile acceleration and critical delay with in th emeantime. maybe when i get those i can replace the two galvanized until i unlock do you think? thats the second time yall mentioned incarnons, what are those? and as to the arcanes, i have like, 3 but only for my warframe, and just unlocked them for melee from teh murmur i think? so i dont' have any of those either. I'm focusing on trying to build up my ignis for the moment. so we'll see what happens.
  12. so i've just gotten back onto warframe after nearly a year i think? waiting fro the cross save to go live. I'm ecstatic, do the new quest, great, love it! and INSTANTLY slapped in the face with enemies i'm struggling with now. As soon as i finished whispers in the wall, all enemies for that zone, are now 70 plus. Which is fine, except its not. My melee build thats built around super crits, not enough. My gun? not enough, i have no idea how to play this new dlc, outside of my old way of fighting high level enemies. Play grendal, eat them, spit them into the void/off ledges. So anyone care to help me out? It bugs me that solid built weapons become garbage just because of a level bump. I use the Ignis Wraith, obviously not needed to stay on this, i just like the flamethrower :D, currently using the grimoire for a secondary, and the Paracesis as a melee weapon. With the vault having level 200 plus base level enemies, i honestly have no idea how players are managing ><. I'm assuming warframe has fully fallen into the 'meta build' mentality, hopefully I'm wrong, either way, here's the mods i have on my weapons for reference. Ignis Wraith: Serration, Heavy caliber, Hammer shot, Vigilante Armaments, Split Chamber, high Voltage, Malignant Force, Stormbringer, and Primed rifle ammo mutation for the Exilus. Grimoire: Hornet STrike, Augur Pact, Barrel Diffusion, Lethal Torrent, Stunning speed. I don't have the best selection of secondary mods. Paracesis: Tempo royale for stance, the new mentors legacy for the exilus. Gladiator might, berserker fury, shocking touch, sacrificial pressure, sacrificial steel, virulent scourge, organ shatter, blood rush. The only mod not maxed out is sacrificial steel, and thats just 2 levels left. so any tips would be very much appreciated. I was struggling with this before i left before, as at the time, the steel path was still quite new. But i couldn't play, because level 100's just didn't die. My warframe is good, i have great survivability (and the mods for that aren't maxed ye either! :D yay Inarus!) so I'm good there. Just need help on the weapons please T_T. I liked the freedom of old warframe where you just used whatever weapon you wanted. So please tell me i still can, and its at least just the mods that need work? :D
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