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Posts posted by DroopingPuppy

  1. As long as archguns are made usable, I agree. The point is NOT making hitscan guns projectile. The point is, archguns are not able to hit the enemy at all in railjack right now, so revert to hitscan is not the only option. We just need it to be usable.

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  2. Seriously, what about to use the specter regiment as not only the crew but also the boarding team and fighter pilots? We are need to wage a full scale war, and they are still in the deep slumber and remain no purpose. It is the time to return them a light.

  3. Tactical alerts do exist, and it just come when it should. For example Formorian/Razorback happens when Grineer/Corpus have their own invation guage.

    As you know 'normal' alerts are obliterated into dust for good(save for gift of the Lotus, which is you can aware when it happens and have fixed and long duration). It should be because alert is toxic.

  4. 21 minutes ago, BlackVortex said:

    My experience with the Crewships:
    Odonata with shield up dies
    Itzal invisible mode dies
    Elytron with tank build can tank a few hits up to saturn, then dies, halfway through saturn and up, it dies
    Amesha, since it seems to be the meta right now I haven't really tried, but I would think even Amesha can't tank that

    The good side is, Amesha can tank everything after you can pop its 4. Then just spamming 2 if your energy is full.

    You don't need to last longer, for you just need the time to enter the enemy crewship.

  5. 4 hours ago, -JT-_-R3W1ND said:

    Lol, just have a perfect expirience today.

    The enemy fighter was flying in the perfect straight line from me. I let the bursts go and what was my surprise when it hit the target. I had already forgotten that I was trying to shoot, but after 2-3 seconds the shells started hitting the target.

    Playing this game without a point of aim is completely impossible.

    This is what we actually see in the real games right now. If the gun is usable we don't say like that.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Bregastor said:

    It only proves you don't like it. 

    A game mode might be good gameplay wise but a lot of people may dislike it anyway because they don't like the game mode. 

    It does not mean it is bad, it means that it is a mode created for the wrong audience. 

    If it is only me then it is only a personal taste. If it isn't, then it is a bad thing.

  7. Whining do exist when there is a problem. Yes, we all know that blind whiner do exist all the times, so you don't have the duty to fully sympathetic with them. But if there are so many whinners then you should think twice before simply blame them.

    Remember, no smoke without fire. And because the content was released just few days ago, it is something wrong if we don't face a hail of whiners, actually. New contents have many problems, not only the products of DE.

    Why DE make a feedback megathread on the feedback forum just for gather the new updates? That's because the new content is expected to have many feedbacks, mainly negative because of the nature of the feedback. If you feels good about it then you will only cheer it at the general discussion/legion chat/clan chat and done, so it is natural that the feedback is negative. And it is the bad side that DE needs to be fix.

  8. After have some games in railjack, I found that the nerf is not making sense. My archgun can't hit the enemy even if I close to the enemy, get its back and shoot at it. The projectile is ridiculously slow so it is unacceptable.


    Can't we expect something usable? Honestly, making it projectile itself would be works, but can't we have much more speed, and the tracer on the bullet to guess the trajectory of the bullets? For now all we can is just hijack the enemy crewship then enjoy its homing gun and durable armor enough to laugh off the enemy fighters.

  9. 7 hours ago, X_96 said:

    To make it short, people don't play warframe like it's intended to. As soon as Empyrean launched, everyone started to look for the fastest way to complete it, missing out on most of the experience. Everyone leaves the ship behind because they don't bother to upgrade it. To put it simply, it would take too long. It's not the experience they looking for, it's those items and upgrades. Not playing for fun, but for completions sake.

    If you are one of those people, please do us all a favor and don't complain once you got the content done within a week or two. Maybe it's time to stop playing. Or maybe look for another game you can finish in a week.

    Nonsense. We will do what is intended if it is able to do and it is quite playable. Your argument only prove that the player is not the problem at all.

  10. 19 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:

    Personally, I solo'd the first mission 2 times and I'm just done.

    Randoms never join until I've killed like 27/30 fighters and 1 crewship, and when they join, they got nothing to do because the stock railjack is so underpowered that flying backwards and sniping people is the only way things work.

    All they got to do was repair a single hull breach all mission, because one of the 2 crewships launched a ramsledge or whatever those are called before I could wreck the reactor.

    And since none of them bothered to use their AW, I had to go out alone to kill that crewship, meanwhile they were just standing around.


    Not only is the scaling broken as hell, the overhyped co-op also dosn't really work without premade squads, meaning that you're basically forced to join or make a clan with multiple people to even have a chance at getting a good crew.


    I'm just done with this. Until next year, when we finally get NPC crews, this Railjack is gonna collect a ton of dust. It's just bad game design when I have to use AW instead of the ship because said ship is completely worthless.

    Brilliant. Thanks to give us an idea to solo railjack. I like it.


    edit: Perhaps I have the wrong quote... but anyway deal with the enemy with archwing or the enemy crewship seems much better now.

  11. 2 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    I do feel that there should be a seperate map pre and post second dream - or atleast a match check.

    Although i do try to take new players under consideration muscle memory at times betrays me and i end up finishing the mission without thinking much.

    also one of the reasons i avoid low level missions, Getting 0% damage while trying to reach the end of the mission with legs that are not used to bullet jumping can frustrate people (both that are doing the running and those that are doing the waiting).


    We don't need to detain the newbies. They are not deserve it either. And only the new node pioneers are needs to delve into each low level nodes so it is not a serious problem too. Other than that, Synthesis hunters and special missions(nightmares and void fissure, for example) are the only reason to get the low level node in the most times.

    And, operators are not the main combatant, or the mission requires you to complete The War Within to enter(Kuva Siphon, for example).

  12. 1 minute ago, Uthael said:

    That's also a spoiler. Even though it's a lie, they'll feel the story is spoiled for them.

    But we can say that it is only a game feature, while keep the secrets of the story arc beneath it. A game feature is hard to conceal, after all. Then, it is better to have some lies to them and protect them from the spoilers, until they are ready to face the truth.

    I think that it is something like the presence of Kesheg, Zaar, (Broken) War, and Broken Scepter. We can't unequip them when we saw a newbie without complete The Second Dream and/or The War Within in a public matchmaking, in the first place. All we can say to them are 'this is a quest item' or 'you can make it after finish some quests', but it doesn't have grave spoilers within. I think that the operator is same. It may viewed as some kind of weird specter, isn't?

    That's why I think that it is more effective to say a false and vague information to the someone that doesn't know the truth - and the way that someone knows it thinks that it is an intended false information to protect them from the spoilers.

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  13. 21 hours ago, (PS4)SkroderSkrodz said:

    I just played the game for over a month ago. I'm MR7 now but with only a few hours in- 60+ in game hours. Lately this week I've been playing Coba on Earth in the Public realm.

    One game this morning, I noticed this MR18 Inaros doing some fantastic ninja acrobatics when suddenly I saw a small, lanky person come in and out of Inaros. This happened a lot of times during the game, and I've captured multiple screenshots of this small person. I researched further online and discovered about Operators. Further googling showed on the initial search results about how operators are the ones controlling Warframes. And this should be revealed when I finish the Second Dream Quest. I know I should be doing that quest already, as I've been delaying Natah for weeks now as I feel I'm very underpowered on Europa. 

    To be honest, it crushed me to know that Warframes are just sort of pseudo-armors or whatever and someone's controlling them from the inside.

    I know that this game is pretty old (6-7 years) and I think I know that I should know about operators already, but is it too much to ask the vets and high MR players to not use operators while with low MR players like myself? I may be called out here for being entitled for whining about spoilers for a 7-year old game, but I feel pretty much spoilered and it bummed me out about the Warframes I'm collecting as of the moment. 


    *sad Tenno face* 

    In this case, you can convince the newbie tenno that it is the aspect of the tenno - that is a spiritual form of your avatar - and you can summon it. Although it is not true, but at least it is not so far from the truth either and you may hide the truth behind of The Second Dream without much guilty feelings. After all you need to hide the spoiler, but you can say what you can without breach spoiler alerts.

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