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Posts posted by DroopingPuppy

  1. 41 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

    It's actually really good against tenno. Radiation hazard sorties, sometimes those Wu Kongs can be tough to team kill. Well im here to tell you that magnetic damage is the answer. No energy means no Defy😉

    And also ineffective on the hands of Tenno as well.

  2. Well, for me I am barly able to get tier 25 right now, and I had many weekly challenges through two months actually. I think that I can try tier 30 this week, though.

    That said, if you can stick with Plains/Valleys you may reach to the tier 30 within some weeks even if your starting point was 1. But isn't it same as Gara farming before Fortuna with mining update? Stick with the Plains all the times for farming the minerals, days and weeks, or bust, make me set aside the plan to build her until mining update was released.


    The problems are, you must reach to the tier 30 in order to get the benefit and it requires you to participate in months of time on the game, some of the challenge is too weird, and it is not open to everyone. Why we need to say no for someone?

  3. 1 minute ago, WhiteMarker said:

    I will say it again: The system isn't meant to be a piece of cake for every player.
    It's meant to be more difficult for newer players. And again, you only need 60% of the points. There is no problem in not doing some of the challenges.

    You just don't understand the quote that you brought up.
    The quote is saying that the Nightwave system in general isn't mastery locked. You don't need to be Mastery Rank 20 to start gaining Standing for Nightwave.
    Some missions might be mastery locked, yes. But this isn't what the quote was talking about...

    It is pointless. It is no more than 'all players are equal but some of them are more equal than others' for me.


    2 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

    DE also said you only need about 60% of the points to get to rank 30...
    Most of the challenges are pretty easy and can be done in about 2 hours, if you are trying to.
    So there is really nothing wrong with the limited time. 

    Seems like you didn't read the title of these challenges...
    There are called Elite Challenges for a reason. There aren't meant for low level players that just started playing the game. And honestly I'm happy that DE finally stopped trying to please these new players. We had a lot of things changed in the past, because low levels couldn't do them at first...

    I'm mean... yeah... you did fail the challenge because you made a mistake. That's how it's supposed to work.
    It's really not that difficult to not activate a life support tower.
    If we were talking about a major bug, then this would be valid feedback. But you are saying you made a mistake. That's on you.

    Nothing is proven false.
    The Nightwave System isn't mastery locked. And that's what the quote is telling us.
    Some challenges might be locked, yes. But the system isn't.

    Again: ELITE challenges.
    If you can't/don't want to do them, don't do them. You don't have to.

    This newby has other things to worry about. They aren't supposed to do the elite challenges. If they do them, go for them. But they aren't meant to do these challenges.
    And Warframe is a Coop game. It shouldn't be difficult to do those "friend/clan mate" challenges.
    Just use recruit chat, ask someone, if you could run a Friend-challenge together. You make it sound as if you have to play 100 missions together before you get to be friends.

    But we have that. It's called Nightwave.

    Well, I can do most of them quite easily, actually. But I don't make sure that most of us are able to do so easily either. Also, the problem is you need to fulfil 60% of the challenges in some months, while holds unique benefits.

    Also it is false that Mastery Rank is not locked, for there are something that requires it as I said.



    1 minute ago, Walkampf said:

    Wow, what a load of nonsense...

    To adress just a very few points,

    you don't need to do every Nightwave Challenge, around 60% is enough to complete Rank 30. So you have quite a bit of freedom to leave tasks which you can't access yet or you don't like.

    And yes, new players don't have acess to Nightwave mission. So?

    They don't have acess to eidolon hunts either. That's what is called progression. And it's a very normal concept in videogames.

    A new Level 5 Player in world of Warcraft doesn't have acess to te latest raiding tier, for example. This is normal.

    Do you mean "changed" or "chained"?

    If the former, you don't make sense.

    If the latter, no you aren't. The system is quite lenient. I played very casual and I managed to finish rank 30 last week with only around 3 hours per week (not per day).



    Please use google translate.

    It is latter, and is a typo.

  5. Hell no. Although Mastery Rank has some real benefits such as give some capacity by default, but its main purpose should be show off the vanity. Why we need to penalize the newcommers, for the game that already too cruel for them?

  6. First off, I do think that everything else would be better than toxic alert system. It tries to interfere our real life, so it must be removed for good. I never, ever advocate alert system at all. It is the other side of the coin, while all the others are on the front arc. We can't live with them - either it or we are need to be perished, and both of them are not able to be coexisted at all.


    So, back to the topic. Nightwave's concept is actually interesting, but its detail is flawed.

    The most problem is weird 'tier' benefits. With this, you need to fulfill up to 30 tier in order to get all the unique benefits. And DE said that each Nightwave episodes lasts for the limited period. Are you kidding? Then we have to reach to tier 30 on the limited time or bust. It means we are have to be chaned to Warframe. I don't think that it is the freedom we want to. Even boring Thermia event would be better than that.

    The worst part is there are something that only acqurable via Nightwave tier benefit. Isn't it supposed to be on the Nightwave store? You have changed daily bonus that we can pick the unique weapon/mods what we need, but why you did the folly again after fix that?

    The challenge is pointless as well. Nightwave is the replacement of both alert and mission challenge, so requires to kill by specific elements or weapon type is only natural. But what about the ridiculous challenges? Say, run a 60 min Kuva Survival without pop the life support? Yes, for an ENDGAME USER I can do that, really, and it is not so difficult job if I can sustain a full 60 min on my chair. But the problems are, that's only the perspective ofthe ENDGAME USER and it requires too much time on a single game. These problems means;

    • You need to clear The War Within, and also clear the Nodes through the Kuva Survival. It is not even visible for the Tennos that doesn't clears The War Within as well. Did you really want to had spoiler to the newbies? Really?
    • You need to have the settings enough to survive a full 60 min. It is not that difficult for the players that already able to reach Sedna, though.
    • Also, you ensures you don't have any real life problems during the run.

    Not to mention about the 'small' problem, such as accidentally activates the life support ruins everything. Hell, I was actually did it once, and I am not the only player that lose everthing just because of only one miss.

    So, only for the challenge it is divided to two problems:

    • Only endgame users are able to access for the node, and only they are actually do that.
    • Requires a full 60 minutes. No less.

    DE declared that,



    Are Nightwaves Mastery Rank locked? 
    Nope! No restrictions to participating asides from having completed Vor's Prize of course. 

    But it is proven false, for at least Mastery Rank 5 is required to access for The War Within, that is prerequisite for acces for Kuva Survival. Same applies to complete Sorties challenge as well.


    Requres a full hour is an another problem. Although we sometimes made a 40 or 60min run for a survival, but basically AABC drop table allows us to only run a 20min game and extract and we will get the full benefits. Then, why we are have to back to the old Void Key era and have to be bounded to a 60min run? That's nonsense. Also, although we are want to run for a long time, but that's our invidvidual choice on each missions and we may have some reasons to extract because of the reasons caused by our real life. And the challenge totally against that.


    Requires a friend or clan member to be functional seems disgusting as well. Then what about the newbies that doesn't have any of? Have a friend is nice, but forced have a 'friend' just sucks. When my sib(that doesn't play Warframe) heard about the Nightwave challenge that requires friend and have a long time in a single run with them, he says "So, it means you will lose a friend per the challenge, then." I am fully agreed on him. Even consider I have some friends and clan members, but I don't want to do that for it forces your friend to had a long run.


    At least, volatility nature of Wolf Cred is fine. Else we can stack it all the time and simply buy new stuffs as soon as it is released, likewise oldbies that stacks hundreds of Nitain Extracts after some months and years after its release, not need to be bounded to the Nitain unlike newbies that thirst for it desperately. But the rest of them are just sucks.


    In the conclusion, I think that these would be the correct solutions for current Nightwave system:

    • Remove all the 'Tier' Bonus, and replace that by the 'currency' type of items such as Wolf Cred. In this way, every Tier Bonus are replaced by some of Wolf Cred, and nothing else.
      • Also move every other Tier Bonus to Nightwave store, and allow them to be buy by currency item, and ensures that these items are also available on the future Nightwave episode. If DE really want to cap the numbers of the specific items(such as Umbra Forma), then it is fine to simply limit the numbers to buy the specific item during an episode. Then, well, losing an episode means you lost a chance to buy an Umbra Forma, but it does not means you can't buy it on the each episode.
    • Remove all the challenges that requires much time on a single mission, such as run a x min survival, or x round on defense.
    • Remove all the challenges that requires some Mastery Rank or mid to end of the star chart - infamous Kuva Survival and Sorties. I don't like something that requires Plains and Valleys, but since both Venus and Earth are easily access so it seems fine - for now.
    • Perhaps, even kill with the element seems a problem for the newcommers, for they are unlikely to have some sets of mods.


    In short, can't we have something that both newbies and oldbies are able to enjoy alike, and can't we have something to enjoy, not annoying? Even we discard the toxic alert, we can't live better....

    • Like 2
  7. 17 hours ago, BlackRoseAngel said:

    I completely agree with OP. Baro being gone for 2 weeks, being only here for a day and a half or so and then never having fair warning about what he'll be selling this time.

    There are lots of ways that DE could improve this stupid mechanic since Baro is the only way to get certain items.

    They won't tho, they might if we had more critical thinkers willing to take DE to task instead of all these drooling fanboys lining up to defend them from the slightest criticism.

    He lasts for full two days, 48 hours, not a day and a half, actually.

    Well, the time he arrives is weekend, and he lasts for two days so I think that many players are easily able to access for him. He doesn't comes totally randomed timing and leaves after few mins or hours like alert. He comes and leaves on the fixed time, and the duration is not so short either.

    If he is easier to access then it seems not so bad, though.

  8. 3 hours ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

    Limbo. Because when played wrong he can be malicious to the rest of the team and affect the session negatively.

    -when played wrong (x)

    -when played without very strict code and setting that doesn't expected on the other warframes (o)

    Many will agreed on its a design fault, though.



  9. Well, available for two full days seems not so unfriendly to people's lifecycle, I think. He is not like foul alerts that run away after 2 hours of his arrival. He arrives at the weekend so most people are expected to be access for him.

    And you can farm ducats when you want, not only when Baro is present.

    Make him available for full three days seems not so bad, though.

  10. Yeah, my main frame is Volt, but it doesn't means I didn't play Mag at all. Actually I use Mag as high level grineer specialist, that easily tear aparts even 100+ level grineer heavies.

    I don't fond on Magnetize but it has uses on solo play with shotguns - I don't use it on co-op because it is uncontrollable without an augment and usually end up with blocking your teammate's bullets. But if you need to survive and killing is not the main objective, you may cast it. Although it is usually sucks.

    Polarize is always surprise me that able to kill the enemy by itself, not only strips their armor. Its damage after cracking armor kills the enemy have weird mechanism if I remember correctly.

    Crush's overshield seems good on the survival(not the mission type). Although shield is unaffected by armor level but you will know that more shield is much better than nothing. In my experience it is not so good to use it and hold the enemy without an argument, though. It requires that to bind the enemy, otherwise only stops the enemy while you are casting and it doesn't helps further gunplay.

  11. 1 minute ago, MagPrime said:

    Except, it isn't.

    This topic was originally placed in Off Topic, and is now misplaced here in Feedback.  I say misplaced because this isn't a topic providing feedback to DE, it's OP's attempt to foster a discussion between players on Mag's ins and outs, tips and tricks, builds, etc. 

    Ah, got it.

  12. Just for 'controlling the battlefield' Volt is superior, sir.... By making the barricade and stall the enemy, while get the advantaged positions. Mag is more about crack the armor and concentrated fire of sharpnels.




  13. 1 minute ago, DatDarkOne said:

    That's not an accurate gauge of if a frame is good or not.   

    This based on very old information and not correct at all now.  

    This one completely overlooks just how effective Pull is at killing enemies at lower and in some cases even higher levels.  Casting time of Crush got reduced.  Also it doesn't make her vulnerable as every enemy that is around her are all immobilized and can't do anything to attack her.  This is one of those things where actual usage shows different than those WF Builder theory crafters.  

    Well, most of my experience for Mag is actually AFTER the buff for Mag's 3 and 4, so it is not an old information sir.

    Pull is still not a good ability to kill - for 25 energy DD killer ability many other frames are also have the same or the better one.

    Crush is still slower than Discharge, and Discharge holds the enemy even after casting. Why not just pick Volt if you spam 4 then?



  14. On 2019-04-14 at 10:37 AM, SpycrabSurprise said:

    That doesn't answer the question. Why can't they coexist?

    Because the very idea of alert is bad, as I said above. I don't think that a content that requires the player to dedicate the life to the game in order to get the actual benefit seems good enough. It's presence is only viral to the game and community, so it must be removed for good. The only problem is, the existance of alert itself.

    I don't want to advocate Nightwave's current situations, but at least it is far better than alert - I doubt that there would be an even worse idea than alert, though.

  15. On 2019-04-14 at 4:10 AM, (PS4)Kaneki9597 said:

    Okay now here's how I build mag and the synergies that I use. I have 155% duration, 130% efficiency, 175% range, and 144% power strength. That's just the way mine is built, you do not need your mag to be just like mine. Mag's magnetize bubbles will deal much more damage to enemies if you use a projectile weapon. These are weapons that have travel time for the bullets such as the drakgoon, bows, the exergis, etc. Anything that walks into your bubble should almost instantly die. Using pull to get enemies inside is also pretty effective. It functions as great damage mitigation if you walk inside. If you are fighting grineer, use her Fracturing Crush augment for her 4th ability. It makes enemy armor decrease by 50% and scales with power strength to about 80%. Enemies also become unable to move so it functions well as CC. Both effects only affect enemies for 7s, but you can make the armor strip permanent by stripping armor with mag's 3. You can strip armor completely pretty fast by doing this. If you are fighting corpus or infested, your best bet is using the augment for her 3 which will make enemies unable to move for a few seconds. This is the most effective way of playing mag that I have found but that does not necessarily mean that you have to play her the same as me or even that my playstyle is the best way. What's most important is to just have fun and enjoy the game.  

    Well, the topic is focused on picking Mag as the starter, I don't think that it is meaningful at all.

    I do think that Mag is quite playable on endgame, but starting warframes means they are expected to be quite usable even without any mods for mastery rank 0 players. We don't talk about her endgame settings, in the first place. Also, I do use her on the endgame grineers, so don't think that I am disagrees about the settings of her against endgame grineers - I just want to ensure that endgame level is out of topic.

    • Like 1
  16. 12 hours ago, 000l000 said:

    Mag is infamous cause people who don't know a single thing about anything think that giving their own opinion matters. Volt or Excalibur are starters too and i don't see many people saying they're bad frames or anything.

    Mag is one of the best frame around and shines at any level especially since she has scaling abilities such as Magnetize - her only weakness is a lack of efficiency against infested since her 3rd won't help much there. Anyway she can do a lot of things from Nuke to armor stripping and CCs thanks to her augments - Really a strong frame and not that fragile anymore since we have adaptation now (it synergizes well with shields/overshields).

    Well, if she is good that much it would be shown on the stastics. But no, it is not.

    Although I admit her uses, but her overall performance is only so-so level, she is a specialist against specific faction, not a generalist, and only usable with modding, means her bad reputation have enough reasons.


    At first she is not so good in low levels. She is only useful on endgame level of grineer games, for her only advantage over the others is crack the armor easily. Against Corpus she does something but not so efficiently. We are agreed on that she is sucks against Infested, so pass.

    On low levels, starting to mastery rank 0 that don't expect a mod to add, although she is not unplayable but she is a lackluster choice compared by Volt and Excalibur. And her only advantage - to crack armor - is not so viable on the low level as well. Armor is only threatening when the enemy reaches to 40+, or 30+ levels. Well, she can kill them, but with her guns, that the others are able to do as same. She don't have an advantage on the low level at all. Only for press 4 to win, Crush costs too much casting time, makes her vulnerable more badly.


    Hey, Chroma, Trinity and Loki are even worse than Mag if all of them are unmodded. But why only Mag is blamed for doesn't work well on unmodded? That's because Mag is a starting warframe, which serves the newbie as their only warframe for days and weeks - or even months. They are need to be stick with their starting warframe for a long time before they have a chance to make a second one. And, they are not expected to have a good mod, and high ranked mods are not usable consider they are not able to afford a reactor as well. They don't afford much endo too.

    Her specialized role also means she is a bad starter, for the newbie's starting frame needs to be a generalist that works well on most situations.

    Then, will they say Mag as a good warframe? Not really, for their grievance during their early playtime is filled with the rant against Mag, or they knew their choice was bad when they are able to access for Excalibur or Volt.


    Well, I don't think that Mag is a powerful one, but it is also true that her bad reputation is not directly connected to her power level - she is quite usable on endgame, actually, although she is not powerful that much. However, there is a reason why Mag is so hated.

    Only if Mag was not the one of the starter choice she doesn't deserve such a hatred as that, for if Mag was not a starter picking her is only a choice given to us during the playthrough, rather than considered as a perpetrator of hype and spin against newbies. Why we are need to put the trap against the beginner? That's nonsense.

    Well, maybe, perhaps the power level of Mag seems debatable. But, no, the answer of 'is she eligible for the starting warframe' is 'not really', without a doubt.

  17. 3 hours ago, SpycrabSurprise said:

    if you somehow still can't understand:
    what is the problem with having alerts and Nightwave?

    The problem is simple and sure - we have alert system.

  18. 6 hours ago, (XB1)DeathBlade23456 said:

    You're trying to argue with one thing alerts y not both alerts for money and exp and lazy thinking while nightwave with it's challenges and intertwine with alerts to get nightwave points when completing alerts that way everyone wins so stop being a stubborn idiot and help bring back alerts with nightwave 

    ...Pardon? I don't get what you want to say sir.

  19. 25 minutes ago, SpycrabSurprise said:

    Could you please explain the problem with having both Nightwave and Alerts? In my ideal system Nightwave, if anything, would have more credits, allowing those who don't have time to actually get some things, while having normal alerts means players with time don't have to sit for 4 days to get new things to do. 

    The very presence of Alert is a problem, actually. It suggests to forcing the player's life cycle in order to get the actual benefit.

    The word 'players with time' is only futile. Even for them, they can only sit on the device for 1/3 of the whole day, means they are likely lose two chances per every three chances. Not to mention for the much many casual gamers. The very idea of alert is sucks.

  20. 2 minutes ago, SpycrabSurprise said:

    The same successful mobile games that make you pay to roll the dice in a similar way?

    It sucks but at least it doesn't forcing your daily cycle, sir.

  21. 5 hours ago, SpycrabSurprise said:

    From a business standpoint, those "no lifers" are the ones who make continued development possible via purchases of platinum and cosmetics

    And is it good to forcing them no lifer lifestyle, rather than simply keep them faithful, you mean?

    Alert is bad because it forcing us to follow Warframe's randome schedule(if it exists, of course) in order to get the real advantage. It is a dumb idea even for the mobile games.

  22. 5 hours ago, (XB1)DeathBlade23456 said:

    Basically nightwave idea is not a bad one but the missions or challenges are so not a good replacement for alerts it's better as an add-on u know what an add-on is dum dum

    I am agreed on replacement is usually worse than the addition. But, alert is sucks and must be removed from the entire of the game history, as I said above.

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