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Posts posted by DroopingPuppy

  1. Honestly, a plain stat increasement can't save the bow - like sniper rifles, they are simply not the weapon for most of our gameplay because what we does is close-quarter gunfight that need to mop up a huge numbers of enemies at once(or fast). Bows, and sniper rifles are specialized at causing a lots of damage against a few targets, but you know Warframe lacks such enemies(or even if you encounters such enemies there are a lots of the other enemies that blocks the line of sight with it).

    So, what you need to do if you ever want to save the bow is either of them;

    -Make many types of missions that bows(and sniper rifles) are not so bad.

    -Modify its trait to be fit with our current games.

    The former is actually a bad way, for you can't force us to only play these missions and even on such missions we can take the other weapons(which is still better).

    The latter... well, it is true that we don't expect an assault rifle when we check the bow. It doesn't need to be spit the arrow like as a machine gun. But perhaps there are some traits that would be usable for all bows.... You can view it with a grain of salt, for it is only some examples, and I don't think that bring all of them. Again, these are just the examples. And, Lenz is excluded from the suggestion - because it is the only functional bow in the most missions right now.

    -Give Punch Through to all shots by default, not only fully charged one.

    -Fully charged attack has more faster bullet speed or even make it hitscan.

    -Give Stealth bonus like the melee weapon.

    -Fully charged attack removes the corpse.

    -Fully charged attack will bypass nullifier bubble - I think that sniper rifles are also have the right to claim this, for it is the marksman's purpose to clear the dangerous target.


    Anyway, for now bows are even lacks a niche. It is not even a specialized weapon - it is only an inferior weapon group.

  2. No quick melee, no melee.

    I had kicked melee weapons after the Wolf is gone and it doesn't force me to grab a Redeemer ever since, aside gain the affinity of the new melee weapons. I just have to....

    After the disaster, EVERY TIME I want to only make a melee attack, my warframe is forced to fully grab the melee weapon. EVERY TIME, NO EXCEPTION. After making the melee attack I have to manually press aim button to set it to normal. EVERY TIME. That's why I just cast aside the melee weapons at all - if you know no melee weapon is on you, you will not press it and mess up the flow at all.

    I do draw my melee weapon and fully use it sometimes, when I need it. Sometimes I do need to block the enemy attacks or I need to save the ammo. Else occasionally my both primary and secondary are bad but I have a good melee weapon and want to clear the mission with the melee weapon and ability. But why you force me to fully grab the melee weapon when shooting the stuffs and only needs a swing or two slashes of melee weapon? That's why it mess up the flow of the battle. I have to change it manually all the times, even if what I need is only some swings, so it is annoying as hell.

    It also mess up the order of primary/secondary and non-weapon equipments(scanners) as well, but it can't be compared by the ban against a kind weapon slot. Man, I cannot use the melee weapon with this. I cannot.

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  3. Just now, kebra said:

    Under water? To me it looks like she's a survivor of a Grineer attack but I could be wrong as someone pointed out that they seem to not see her... 

    And end up in a cocoon by some space magic trick, that's an option, but that'll need some explanations too.

    I think... the girl is not on the physical form at there. She only being there as a spiritual form, or only have some senses on there. And we know that the Tenno can see through the other place while leaving their actual body on the second dream or on orbiter.

    So, my conclusion is, if she is a Tenno, her sight before banished is only represent that she is awaken in 'the womb in the sky', starting to aware of the distant area - that is near of the resting place, and she is get closer to the mind of warframe and make a somatic link. It seems the process to enter the second dream.

  4. And the worst part of Limbo is he become the enemy of Tenno even if his player don't want it to be.

    Trolls, which is intended malefactor, are anywhere. But he hampers the teammate all the times unless his player have the correct settings as well as always care for the other players. He is the warframe that his very existence makes the player an unintended malefactor, because of his flawed mechanism that specialized at protect the enemy and interrupt the teammate.


    That's why I don't blame individual Limbo players. It is DE who have the responsibility for it.

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  5. 19 minutes ago, moostar95 said:

    Mag isnt S#&$. But you are. She is far better then ember.

    Well said. Although Mag is not that good warframe and she was one of the bad warframe before the update a year ago, but anyway she have her uses and at least she do have her own place. Not like the trash such as current Ember.


    And most part of Mag's bad reputation is raised because she is a starting warframe. She is not that good warframe but she is actually quite playable on endgame. However, she is a lackluster frame for the starters(or, she is simply inferior to Excalibur and Volt for them) so it is nothing wrong that beginners are hate her, which only makes her reputation even worse than her actual power level.


    Although, I bet that Mesa and Saryn would be even worse than Mag if they are the starting warframe instead of Mag.

  6. 8 hours ago, (NSW)TeddyTalks said:

    Investing in any flat damage source is incredibly terrible in warframe, as most guns you will bring with the right amount of forma will destroy enemies and scale much better with status effects. This is why I had a problem with ember. Her fire damage is negigble as fire itself is not a great element. Corrosive is a much better proc and actually do something significant. Same with viral or gas.  

    Her one is just splash fire dmg. Very slow on armored targets and shields, which is every enemy type that matter in war frame. Her four range drops to paltry level pretty quickly, to the point where you would just rather gun them down. Her Accelerant is a hard stun and a dps increase, which is something, and her firewall like a blank ability. She needs a better scaling ability, as flat damage do not do it in war frame anymore.

    Well, we have to concur that armor is not the only problem of Ember. It is the problem of ridiculous armor scaling. Many other abilities that concentrates on the damage are ineffective against high level grineers as well.

  7. Honestly, before the ridiculous nerf removes her from the game, I was use Ember by soft CC frame on the high level missions. Fire proc prevents the enemy to backstab her, gives enough time to shoot the stationary target, and also helps to trigger Condition Overload. WoF doesn't prevents you to shoot stuffs either. And fire proc and WoF's raw damage can cause some damage to Corpus and Infested, which is not great but quite serviceable. WoF can't kill high level grineers, but so what? You have the guns for a reason, and at least WoF stalls the enemy and let you shoot them easily.

    But, no more. I don't get it why she was nerfed because she is low level exterminator. Equinox does it much better already. And because low level enemies will die whatever you throw against it, so even Ember with Overextended still works against them, so the 'nerf' only removes the possibility to use Ember on high level and do nothing else.

  8. 16 hours ago, (NSW)TeddyTalks said:

    Enemy of the tenno because you cannot shoot his bubble?

    This is by far the stupidest take i seen about limbo. Expecting people to know something about how the game work is not arrogance. It is the bare minimum for good team play. Why would you bother creating team comps if you do not even know what frames does? Waste of time. Public lobbies are another matter as they are not made for you. If some saryn is making you mad because they are killing everything before you can do anything, to bad. It how public works, as it is public domain.

    If limbo abillities are annoying to you then make a team composition that does not include limbo. If you are playing public, to be expected. A frame with unique abilities that are very effective should not be adjusted because whiners cannot adjust. Get over it. It how many good games have their balance destroyed.

    The other warframes are do no harm to the others even if its teammates are fully understand its ability and what it can. Well, Mag seldom interfere the others by Magnetize, and Frost do by Snow Globe(you know, if it is not on the correct place it only blocks our bullets, not the enemy), but they are not terrible like Limbo.

    But, Limbo is diffrent. He forces the others to must follow his way or can't do anything else, and he requires the others to fully understand what he can.

    It is possible that play Limbo to not hampering the others. But it requires you to make the specialized settings and also requires to follow the strict code. Otherwise, he end up with protect the enemy, not the teammate. And only the teammates suffers the price of failure, not Limbo player, which is even worse.

    I don't said that Limbo is simply useless - actually, he is an auto-win button on Mobile Defense. But, his mechanism can prevents the teammates to shoot stuffs, means usually his very presence already makes the others annoying because he forces to prevent it.


    Hell, on recent a half of a year, I have a habit that constantly rolling on the game, just because of Limbo - rolling makes you out of the lift if you are trapped by the hole created by Limbo's roll or Banish. I can see some Limbos constantly trap me on the lift by Banish so I have to have the habit.... Understand how he does helps nothing on the problem.

  9. 1 hour ago, (NSW)TeddyTalks said:

    OP problem is that they chose to change the players and the things that annoy them, rather than change themselves. He did not even know he could roll out of the rift!


    Warframe is effectively a squad based game, although DE has not tapped into much of this potential. Much of what a person can do is predicated upon team comp to support their weakness and bolster their strengths. This means you should know a thing or two about stuff. This is why the MR system is their, to gauge your mastery over content of warframe. The highest It is, the more working experience you have and the less it is theoretical. Anyway to get to the point and TlDr:


    Limbo is a great frame that requires you to work with him. He not like mesa who kills everything and leave loot to drop. He more like oberon where you gotta know what he does to get his benefits. His benefits are huge and more than worth it, but you got to attempt to undersstand him, especially in a team game. Wanting him change because you are to ignorant to learn anything means you are probably better off changing settings solo. You aren't team minded, and probably just want to leech off the the effectiveness doing things in team gives while giving little towards cohesion

    Limbo's problem is he always forces the others to follow his playstyle, and he requires the others to fully know his mechanism. I know his mechanism, but isn't it an arrogance that requires the others to know well on your ability, NOT their own ability?


    The funny thing is, even if the others are understand the mechanism of Limbo, usually Limbo players are make the game annoying because of Limbo's flawed mechanism and the others are not able to have much solution against it.

    Well it is better than the past that Limbo can simply blow off the game unless Limbo have the strict code that do no harm to the teammates, though, but it doesn't means Limbo is fine now.

    An another fun fact: I am actually in defense of Limbo's usefulness, rather than simply deny its existence. At least I am agreed on that Limbo is useful on some situations. But it can't be helped that Limbo is usually nothing but the enemy of Tenno and also occupy the precious one Tenno slot or more.

  10. On 2019-05-11 at 3:00 PM, Infirito said:

    Bad players and bad frames are not the same thing, and if you don't understand utility, that's your personal tragedy.

    You only prove that Limbo is bad that much, because Limbo's very mechanism itself is flawed and easily makes the player the enemy of Tenno. The other warframes are usually fine with most players, but Limbo requires strict code and situation or he end up with protect the enemy and also interrupt the Tenno.

    Yes, Bad players and bad frames are not the same thing. And Limbo doesn't requires a bad players to be the enemy of Tenno. It means only one thing - Limbo is a bad frame, per your logic.



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  11. On 2019-05-12 at 8:51 AM, Chipputer said:

    Haven requires line of sight and actively reduces Hildryn's survival resource (her massive shields) per target affected. It's not even close to the same.

    I'll stop saying that Ember is fine when people actually prove me wrong. This same mentality centered around Mag and pre-rework Oberon and all they've gotten were changes that helped them, in the end. A frame is more than one power.

    Because of some reasons:

    First, there are many superior choices. Octavia does all she does(that have a damage dealing aura), have larger range, and also buffs herself and the others. Equinox can do better than Ember as well, and she also have nova(by expend Maim) and the other stuffs that buffs or debuffs the enemy. Only for the trait that have the damage dealing aura, they are simply better for they have much larger area and doesn't needs stupid restrictions.

    Not to mention about the other many warframes with area DD abilities.

    Also, there are some warframes that stalls nearby enemy automatically, such as Octavia and Equinox as above, and Banshee.

    And I bet that you know Ember is not even a good warframe on the low level extermination as well, opposite with the bias against her. Although she can does something, but the problem lies on WoF makes her not so good at it as well. You need Overextended for the stuff for now too.


    Yes, we don't always required to choose the best possible option, for this is PvE game and we can play the game with some inferior stuffs. But, is she fun enough to pick? I don't think so. Her playstyle is also annoying as well.

    Passive... well, passives on almost all warframes are sucks and you better forget about it, so pass. Although it is a flaw of her, but she is not the only frame that suffers the same problem either.

    Fireball is good on the paper, but that's all. Actually its effect is quite good, but the problem is its ridiculously slow charge time that prevents to use it on the real games. Even with Natural Talent its charge time is too slow, but it requires to fully charged to be usable. It is very hard to use it, move and also shoot in the same time.

    Accelerant is always good, but only if there are usable abilities to support. Since the other abilities on her are unusable, I don't think that Accelerant can turn the tide by its own.

    Fire Blast... hell, that is no more than a joke. Not a damage dealing ability, and it gives a negligible buff.

    World on Fire is unusable for now, really. If you really want to use it, you end up with either of situations:

    -If you let the enemy within its short about 10m range, Ember is easily bleeded.

    -If you prevent the situation above and keep recast it on each 6 to 8 seconds, you can't do anything but move and recast WoF so you better pick the other warframes and simply cast area DD abilities and get the better result and it is far easier.

    You know, Ember is a squish frame. Her defensive stat is terrible. But she needs to be stay near of the enemy. But, before the nerf at least she have good chances to use it, for the range around 20m means she can cause fire on the enemy first and have some time to shoot it or make the melee attack while the enemy is stalled. However, the range is cut to a half for now, and its delayed blast mechanism is still unchanged, so the enemy will attack first before you set the enemy fire at least once.

    Don't get me wrong - it is natural that put the full defensive mods when use Ember. But even for that, it is not enough to save her life on the real games.

    If World on Fire is on Rhino or Inaros, they will make use of it well. But not Ember. She lacks the kit for the survival at all. All she can have is some petty crowd controls, but it is nothing special on warframes.


    Anyway, I think that Ember is only competitive with weapons, not warframes. You can mimic Fireball by use a primary weapon. Melee Spin Attack have similar range with World on Fire, and it is much faster than the delayed blast. And if you pick the other warframe you can enjoy its ability. Then, why we are bothered to use Ember, apart the personal taste? I don't think we have any reason to do.

  12. You can't farm Nitain by alert well, because it was released 4 per a day, means you are likely lose two or three of them on the most times, and in the many times you end up with no alert for Nitain at all.

    Although current economy of Nightwave is bad, I bet Wolf Cred would be far better, easier and faster than Alert if you want to farm Nitains. Again, it does not means current mechaism is good - the old Nitain Alert was sucks that much.

  13. On 2019-05-07 at 6:11 AM, Ziser said:

    I have no issues with archwing other than the available maps are usually too closed up and small for being able to soar through space, railjack adressed that issue and they see to improving Archwings. Im all for it.


    Although archwing missons are sucks, archwing itself is a very good transport and utility tool on the plain/valley.

    On archwing missions you are constantly struck by the obstacle and you will quickly wonder why you are fly in the first place. But in plains and valley you CAN fly with it.

  14. 4 hours ago, Benour said:

    She got nerfed cause you could turn her 4 at start of mission and just faceroll trough it without ever caring about her energy and just CC everything to death while doing literally nothing just running forward. Same in defense just turn her 4 and afk to victory. 

    Her dmg was actually boosted significantly. And yes you have to watch timer on her 4 and just recast when it hits 100% (or you dont with 2x energize btw).

    And mag is awesome frame which can scale like crazy in dmg and has strong CC and if you have more than 2 braincells you should know/realise that by now, you 2014 ember main expert... 

    It is actually nerfed to 'no damage' actually, for it is a sucidial attempt to actually let the enemy close enough to burn it by WoF.

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