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Posts posted by DroopingPuppy

  1. 6 hours ago, (XB1)DeathBlade23456 said:

    You're trying to argue with one thing alerts y not both alerts for money and exp and lazy thinking while nightwave with it's challenges and intertwine with alerts to get nightwave points when completing alerts that way everyone wins so stop being a stubborn idiot and help bring back alerts with nightwave 

    ...Pardon? I don't get what you want to say sir.

  2. 25 minutes ago, SpycrabSurprise said:

    Could you please explain the problem with having both Nightwave and Alerts? In my ideal system Nightwave, if anything, would have more credits, allowing those who don't have time to actually get some things, while having normal alerts means players with time don't have to sit for 4 days to get new things to do. 

    The very presence of Alert is a problem, actually. It suggests to forcing the player's life cycle in order to get the actual benefit.

    The word 'players with time' is only futile. Even for them, they can only sit on the device for 1/3 of the whole day, means they are likely lose two chances per every three chances. Not to mention for the much many casual gamers. The very idea of alert is sucks.

  3. 2 minutes ago, SpycrabSurprise said:

    The same successful mobile games that make you pay to roll the dice in a similar way?

    It sucks but at least it doesn't forcing your daily cycle, sir.

  4. 5 hours ago, SpycrabSurprise said:

    From a business standpoint, those "no lifers" are the ones who make continued development possible via purchases of platinum and cosmetics

    And is it good to forcing them no lifer lifestyle, rather than simply keep them faithful, you mean?

    Alert is bad because it forcing us to follow Warframe's randome schedule(if it exists, of course) in order to get the real advantage. It is a dumb idea even for the mobile games.

  5. 5 hours ago, (XB1)DeathBlade23456 said:

    Basically nightwave idea is not a bad one but the missions or challenges are so not a good replacement for alerts it's better as an add-on u know what an add-on is dum dum

    I am agreed on replacement is usually worse than the addition. But, alert is sucks and must be removed from the entire of the game history, as I said above.

  6. Mag is infamous just because she is one of the starting frame.

    Although Mag's power level is only mediocre, but in endgame she is a capable anti-grineer specialist so at least she has a job. But starting frame needs to be modding-free to work well, able to react on various situation and is easy to use, which Mag is not.

    Sure, many warframes are sucks when unmodded, and many warframes are even worse than Mag when unmodded. But, it doesn't cover the fact that Mag is only functional with modded. Meanwhile Excalibur and Volt are work well even unmodded, and they are not so bad after modded as well. Consider it is one of the three frames that the newcommer can pick as their first warframe - and the only warframe for some days or even weeks - they are required to be quite usable even without a mod. And Mag fails newbies because it NEEDS good mods to be functional.

    As a grineer specialist, Mag doesn't have a reason to employ on the other factions, and she doesn't do much. It is also a flaw compared by Excalibur and Volt which are work on almost any situations.

    Mag doesn't needs that much controls, but still her kit is weird. Her crush needs too much casting time, even slower than Discharge. Magnetize is a troll ability that protects the enemy from the ally Tenno's bullets. Her mediocre overall power level is also a problem compared by Excalibur and Volt.


    Anyway, Mag is not the unplayable trash like Ember. But, because she is one of the starting warframes, it is natural that she is so infamous.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, (XB1)DeathBlade23456 said:

    Removing alerts is a bad idea nightwave is exclusively making the rewards of alerts easier to obtain however the system of how it works is a bad replacement alerts were random the level the area the mission type all randomized the rewards were kinda random but more like a routine if u missed your chance then you have to wait till it shows up again for nerds like me who give zero beeps about the rewards don't care we just like the system and how useful and fun it is. Nightwave: a replacement for alerts which the developers thought was a good idea all it does is remove the wait u can get your rewards at your own pace without having to wait 100 years for you nerds that want the rewards that's fine but the way in how you get it is terrible instead of random missions u now have challenges mini missions to do to get a score and eventually get the alert reward u want which is stupid there tedious they involve thought and u need everything to be able to do them in general. Nightwave isn't a bad idea but the missions to do are if anything it should be an add-on to alerts and like every alert you complete could add some score like 100 or 1000

    Sorry, I don't get it at all, and I am not even able to understand what do you say and what do you actually want to say. So, what is the point, at first?

    The point on alert is you have to dedicate your own life to Warframe in order to get an actual benefit, because we can't know when the actual benefit is given so we have to stick with the terminal unit all the times and need to wake up even if you are sleeping.

    Random reward is already on the system - AABC drop table is already random.

    Missions issued on alert is not random mission and we was able to know the type of the mission before we enters.




  8. 49 minutes ago, Nyx219 said:

    And your opinion completely conflicts with the opinions of people who work those long hours.


    My husband works 12 hour shifts, and thinks Alerts was by far and wide vastly superior to NW in structure, and never hatched the Alerts system to get anything whatsoever. He played in 2 hour spurts once or twice a week. Won't touch WF with a 10 ft pole now, on account of NW being a complete waste of grind time he doesn't have, to accumulate over weeks for the same damn reward he could have got in a quick Alert. And he's a Founder, no less, played when the game was much less optimal than just having Alerts to whine about. When Founders are turned off, it's an issue. They, better than any of the rest of us, know the barrel-scraping the game has been through before and see writing on the wall more clearly.


    My clanmates are similarly employed or work 2 jobs, and the feeling is mutual -- Alerts was superior in structure, they got more in less time and missed much less goodies. Nobody's logging in anymore, and those were rather long-term players as well. Nice job, DE.


    We all feel NW shortchanges the hard working long-hours-clocked-in players whereas Alerts did not. The Alerts cycle was far faster than the NW cycle is. Miss something this week, wait a week, it'll be back. Miss enough NW junk because of, I dunno, working to pay the bills and stuff being more important than an aimless grind is, and you miss those rewards, period. Who knows then THOSE will cycle back in. If ever.

    Well, only people who already farms enough catalyst and reactor by alert may say like that, because they no longer need to await an alert to get it and already forget about the agony what alerts are caused. But you don't consider the situation of the newbies.

    Man, wait a catalyst/reactor/nitain/Vauban parts for month and month was like a hell. Although I have a stock of spare catalyst/reactor/nitain enough to sustain for years, Vauban and and enough auras, by spend around two full years, but I remember these days when I have to await month or even years for it. Sometimes I have to wake up in order to farm a catalyst/reactor during sleep, not just once. Far more times I have lose the chance to do because I am out of my PC by either works, go out or sleeping. Alert may forcing me to quit the other games and enter Warframe as well. It was a terrible nightmare actually.

    I don't think that forcing the misery to the newcommers is a sane idea at all. Mistakes to introduce ridiculous system such as alert may happen, but in order to advance we need to discard the cancer within.

    • Like 1
  9. I don't think we need to have alerts at all. Only no lifer that dedicates his life to Warframe can fully benefit by alerts. Alerts has no sign before it announces, and only last for up to 1 hour(or two hours if it is reactor/catalyst).

    We are human being that need to sleep 1/3 of the daily cycle and need to work for 1/3 of the daily cycle, so even if you spend all the free times to Warframe you end up with losing 2/3 of the chance to get alert. Alert is not locally given so DE can't focus the alert to 'peak time', so it means people are usually lose the chance to get catalyst/reactor/nitain alerts even if it is luckily come out.

    And in order to play alert we must need to access for Warframe - that needs either a PC or specific console depend on your server. Not even mobile games(that is far easier to access during a small amount of spare time) of nowdays are not stupid enough to put such a ridiculous system.


    Perhaps Nightwave is not so good, but, not even a single idea seems worse than alert - unless you want Warframe plays you.

    • Like 1
  10. Well, as I said, only 'no lifer' can actually benefit by alert.

    With alert system, we are required to be online on Warframe within around 1 hours(or 2 hours if the reward is catalyst/reactor), when the ramdom alarm is triggered, and no one have an idea when does it rings.

    And, look back yourself. We are human being, that needs to sleep about a third of the entire of your daily life, and usually needs to work about a third of the entire of your daily life, so even if you are dedicate the whole free time to Warframe you will lose 2/3 of the rewards bestowed by alert.

    Will you get up when the alert is triggered while you are sleep all the times? Will you set aside your daily work just because you want to run an alert? And more importantly, will you keep stay near of your PC or console and ready yourself to dive into alert when it triggers? Hey, it just means Warframe plays you, or your entire life is bounded to Warframe, not you play Warframe. That's why only 'no lifer' can actually benefit from the alert. Only who dedicated their life to Warframe can get the actual reward by it. What the hell?

    Also, no one guess WHEN the alert is raised, so you can't even wait a while before it releases, only makes things even worse.


    If I remember correctly, even the mobile games - which are uses the devices much easier to carry and much easier to use on the little spare time during the work or any free time - of today does not use such an outdated mechanism. Then what if you are required to use effectively fixture device in order to participate it? That's nonsense.


    Well, I am agreed on that Nightwave reward seems weird - why tier bonus does exists, in the first place? But, anyway, anyway... even at worst, Nightwave is always far better than alert, that is not only outdated, but also unreasonable and senseless system.

    In short, anything can be better than alert, sir. Yes, I mean, anything.

    • Like 1
  11. 7 hours ago, nickstergames said:


    Dark Split sword, standard Blood Rush, Berserker, Condition Overload Build can shred max level Wolf in under 20 seconds. Don't doubt it until you try. 

    Condition Overload won't work against Wolf because Wolf is immune to the status effect.

  12. On 2019-04-03 at 5:38 PM, TheSkunkyMonk said:

    You mean a system that served the game well for 6 years? Only people who have already ranked up most things and have all the auras think Nightwave is a good replacement. For me alerts where more than just the reward it broke up my own tasks that I had set, now I get a chores list I have to complete before I consider doing what I wanted in the game which is making me play less and less each week add to the fact they reset our progress and it just becomes a stressful waste of time instead of being fun.

    Nightwave was more about limiting the progress of new players so we don't rank up to fast in my opinion it was never about creating meaningful content.

    I was really enjoying the game up until they removed alerts and there was no good reason to do so either other than they wanted to slow us down.

    They should of had them both side by side and if no one did alerts anymore then you remove them, but I bet plenty would.

    Enjoy your Umbra.

    Ha, that's totally opposite, and far from the reality. Only people who have already have all the auras are not have a benefit by nightwave, actually, and the others are no longer need to await without any promise in order to get anything by alert.

    For now, everyone can buy the aura by farm nightwave standing, and it doesn't requires them to online on specific time when the alert is on, don't need to await when does the random mission pops, and just need to spend some time WHEN you want and when you can spare.

    Only who have enough time to await such a chance are acually benefit by unreasonable alert system, only who want to sell these to who doesn't already have it will argue against far reasonable system as well.

  13. 3 hours ago, AvPCelticPredator said:

    Are u sure what u talking about?

    How blurrness of tree's can improved performance on plains!?

    That's the basic of the 3D engine; if you don't apply an object on the screen, it doesn't cost your burden of the graphic card at all, and non-detailed object costs lesser burden than detailed object.

  14. 4 hours ago, AvPCelticPredator said:

    Is wonderful for his PC, but he didnt ask other peeps how they feeling in the Plains!?

    It is wonderful for their PC's!

    Probably OP has a 5k bucks worth PC!

    My PC is an old one that bought about a decade ago, and even at that time it was a used one. Although my graphic card was changed, but it is not the newest one either(NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660).

  15. For now small objectives are slowly appears, and its detail is gets better when you are move closer to it. And, because of that, performance in plain is very improved. Also, loading time on plain is reduced as well.

    Honestly, it is the best update on the plain what I have seen. Great work!

  16. 6 hours ago, (XB1)DeathBlade23456 said:

    Excuse u there's no other fun way to lvl and max out gear doing the same thing over and over is boring as heck the complete randomness was the only exciting thing in warframe who cares about the dumb rewards anyway 

    Well, is it even make sense? First, you don't get the point. Complete randomness is not the nature of alert. Its nature is, you need to stay through your life in order to get the proper benefit. Just for random missions, Nightmare, Kuva Siphon/Flood and Arbiteration already serves this. Also daily Sortie.

    Honestly I don't understand why both of them are connected in the first place.

  17. 3 hours ago, Jan_Boyega said:


    Im not sure how you think that only nolifers like these alerts. Im a nonregular Warframe player and I love them as a start for a 20 min game session or so. I think they are great for players who dont like every part of the game and are sometimes lacking inspiration what to play. Im also confused why it should be removed just because you dislike it? You can just not play it and let the ones that like this feature play it.

    I mean 'enjoy' not as 'like', but more like 'utilize' or something similar.

    And, it is terrible. They are only last for 1 hours, and 2 hours for reactor/catalyst. So in order to get the benefit of alert we need to stay 24 hours in a day. But in the reality, we are human that sleeps 8 hours, and usually works for around 8 hours, means we are not able to stay 2/3 of the time even if we are dedicate all the free time to Warframe.

    But no, change this to give you something by spend the items bestowed on good standing means you can get the bonus HOW you play, rather than when you play. You are no longer forced to be fixed through your entire life in order to get the rare benefits such as rector, catalyst and Nitain. So the change is only improvement from the flawed mechanism.

    If alret system is on the single-play game and you can't play the others when you pick one, it may an interesting thing. But from here you are need to be accessible to Warframe in 1 hours of real times if you want to play an alert. That's nonsense. Not even mobile games of recent era are do the folly, so alert needs to be scrapped.


    Finally, still Nightmare, Kuva Siphon/Flood and Arbiteration missions are out there, so you still able to get the temporal missions nodes, eliminating your argument that random generated missions are needed.

  18. 2 hours ago, Datam4ss said:

    Nova is more useful for a larger variety of missions and for support. She works well almost anywhere.

    Equinox is better for certain niches, so you would take her if you enjoy certain kinds of content like ESO or Stealth Focus Farm.

    They have their uses but if you only want one of them I would recommend Nova.


    Nova does quite well on almost any mission. You need to optimize the settings on the missions though. For example, on defense mission Nova should set her Molecular Prime to not reduce the enemy speed(non-Infested) or fully increse the enemy speed(against Infested, unless the level is too high), but on the most other missions reducing the enemy speed would be better.

    And, unless you set her duration high and keep her Null Star active(by use Molecular Fission augment) she is fragile, so you need to be careful. That is the only survival kit for her. Although Molecular Prime's slow effect makes her survives better.


    Equinox can mimic Nova's trait that reduce/increase the enemy speed, and is a good low-level cleaner. She have some tools but anyway that's not so versatile.

  19. 4 hours ago, (XB1)AlingsasArrende said:

    Have you tried Ash? When there are many enemies around one often marks 15-20 enemies in a few seconds, much quicker than it would take to shoot them all. Another way to play him is to always run with Blade storm active and set it off once you have collected some enemy marks.

    I can relate to the "coolness factor", but that coolness wore off after a while. The old Ash was rather boring once you had played him for some time. The new one allows for several different strategies and also provides more tactical options to open up in the situation. This simply makes him much more interesting and fun to play, as I see it.

    Have I tried, and even against many enemies it is very annoying job to do actually. Why we have to do that with Ash in the first place, for there are much better solutions that does not requires annoying mark at all?

    And it doesn't fit into his playstyle either. Honestly, current mechanism of Bladestorm is only acceptable on Loki, for he can hide behind of the enemy ranks and seek the chance to backstab the enemy. But no, not on Ash, who is concentrated on swift strike and retreat. Ash is not a sniper at all - despite he comes with Vectis Prime. His role is not the covert ops either. His other toolkits requires him to strike fast. Not to sit behind and manually mark the enemy.





    Anyway, the topic should be moved to feedback forum.

  20. 15 hours ago, (PS4)dursereg said:

    Name a single nerf DE has reverted. Ash is just another frame the whiners cried about till it was nerf into the ground.

    Well, actually they still cried even if it was nerfed to the ground, sir.

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