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  1. I agree that 30 eidolon bones and about probably 500 void essences is out-dated for the stuff they offer. They need to add more stuff to their vendoring system for all that to be worth it; but it is a grind. For the quills, pretty much everything in there is outdated. I don't understand why they still have not added anything of worth in his shop for that many eidolon bones. Yes, they are bones. For Necroloid, it can be easily obtainable, since you cand do those bounties and get more than one of those things requirements. For void essences, can be a pain, since you only get about 36 per mission, depending on the mission type and ranking. I have gotten 13 void essences for a 55 level destroy mission, pretty pathetic for a high ranking mission.
  2. Let us be honest, the flying horse is just horrible. The flying seems a whole lot worse than the Archwing. It is very slow and little clunky to control, but not impossible. It just takes a little bit use to driving it around, but still feels awful on the controls.
  3. Wow, that is a long list. I have a good idea, to add a name to the list of beyond Legendary. How about you put in, "Almost Impossible" as a good laugh for the % chances of %0.34 and lower? It would make peopole have a good laugh at the chances of receiving those rewards, when they get them. They got an "almost impossible" reward.
  4. What is the point of the Helmeth system, if you are nerfing the powers to the ground? Nerfing Eclipse to 30% is kind of horrible. I can use Roar and it will effect more than the damage of the weapon. People will just trade Eclipse for Roar and you will then do an update to increase the numbers of Eclipse or make Roar just as bad. This is just endless. Just make Eclipse 75% - 85% on helmenth, since it only effects damamge of weapons. Forget the nerf on Nurish and Whispers. Just bring the other abilities on par with nurish, then you will not have to nerf other things into the ground when people start using those instead of a nerfed Nurish or Whispers.
  5. Yeah, they are very rare apparently, since the bounties give out random crap instead of one thing. The odds are not in anyone's favor. I heard you can get them from Deimos, just kill the Necromecs in the new area. Still, it is not a gaurantee.
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