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Posts posted by Cubewano

  1. 2 minutes ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

    & why? You suspected me to take a normal name before Operators were even introduced & then tell me: "btw, that's you now deal with it"

    Yes, because it's clear from the very start you are playing as someone, finding out its a child is a minute detail. You are a being of sentience from minute one of the game with your own individual existence and that is not hidden. 

  2. 1 hour ago, SilvaDreams said:

    Actually you can damage and break them. Done it a couple of times. They just can't be "broken" until they start to pop out of the wall, they are essentially an environmental hazard that you can defend against to some degree.

    Really? I had a full team hammer on those orbs for a couple minutes and it didn't seem to have any effect. How long did it take for your to break them? 

  3. 1 hour ago, (PS4)AyinDygra said:

    The Orokin death orbs, sentry turrets, moving wall lazers, Grineer landmines... on one hand...

    Corpus Jupiter wall fire explosions, toxic grineer water, electrified orokin derelict water... on the other....

    There's potential for there to be something special to this new tileset, especially after the stuff they put in Jupiter's design. I wouldn't discount the possibility off-hand. I wouldn't get behind this 100% either.

    More investigation is in order.

    The first group is all traps/enemy tools and can all be damaged and destroyed. 

    The second is environmental hazards and cannot be damage or destroyed.

    These orbs can be damage but not destroyed presently as some odd inbetween.  


  4. 55 minutes ago, Kyronz said:

    DE   has refused to put neither time nor effort into it since it's release.   That is the definition of abandoned.

    There have been 8 updates since empyrean launched with all of them directed towards the empyrean update/content. Every update since it's launch up until this moment has been in regard to this new game mode and had balance and bug fixes implemented with it in mind, with the exception of de being on break by which they cannot work more on the update they have put work on this content each week since it's arrival and expressed plans for future developments. The mode is about as far from abandoned as it can be. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, (PS4)Shaun-T-Wilson said:

    It was said they're buffing the others instead.

    not instead, along with. they said they were going to bring up the other archwings but also that it was probable nerfs would be done to amesha as well as it seems they don't want them operating at that level of effectiveness. (amesha is effectively immortal, has infinite energy, a massive slow, and a bullet attractor, that's a lot for a single tool)

    21 minutes ago, (PS4)ChaosTheNerd said:

    If that's what they said the  praise whoever came up with that idea!

    they're planning to heavily rebalance the entire archwing structure to better fit railjack, it means bringing up quite a few options but it also likely means bringing down some too aka amesha. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Smilomaniac said:

    DE has a hard-on for players wasting time picking up items. I suspect it's Scott, because he likes to rationalize things like this, but I'm not sure.
    Anyway, they keep sneaking it in, like the reactant (fixed since), sentient cores, ayatan stars and other little stuff.

    It's basically developer ego at play, it happens in all games and it's as annoying as its ever been.

    Can I get a link to where he has tried to rationalize direct looting like this? There are so few times DE actually addresses how looting works in this game, especially since the vacuum debate blew up. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)hades297youthful said:


    Exactly why they needed to be weakened. 

    To normal people in the Origin system, to whom we're protecting, not the Sentients. It was already established early in my response the tenno were the only threat to the sentients. Are you saying making hostile factions towards human kind less capable of committing mass violence is a bad thing? 

  8. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)hades297youthful said:

    The weaker something is the better it is for sentients.

    Tyl regor is perfecting grineer kill him and sabotage his work.

    Corpus council are working on new proxies destroy the factory.

    Only the infested are necessary to curb due to their uh nature.


    Better how? The only opposition the sentients ever had to dominating the system was the tenno, even the Orokin in their prime couldn't do anything to them, and the tide of the war only shifted once they discovered the tenno and how to weaponize them to fight back. The moment the Orokin fell and the Lotus had the tenno in stasis the system hers (and the sentients') for the taking if she so chose. Every moment of wait past that moment actually worked against Sentient favor and was wholly unnecessary as it gave the system a chance to re-stabilize and create a new order and advance their technology, which they in some ways they have. 

    Sabotaging Regor's research was our choice, not the Lotus', we decided between saving Alad V or curing the grineer, we the tenno chose to save Alad V at the cost of the potential cure. It's also up for question how they would use said cure at the time to strengthen war efforts against the rest of the Origin system. 

    The Proxies were a tool of mass Warfare. 

    Each faction is dangerous due to their beliefs and overly hostile behavior. The Grineer want to dominate the system through violence and exert their power, the Corpus are a extreme capitalistic cult that prizes wealth over human life and do the most heinous acts in the pursuit of maintaining their wealth/power structure even if it leads to enslaving entire groups and butchering their bodies for consistent laborers (they're effectively the new orokin), and the infestation is a virus and as such believes its sole duty to spread and consume the rest of the system. 

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  9. 29 minutes ago, (PS4)hades297youthful said:

    Uh no it cannot be avoided I need to put a bullet in Natah's head she can't just use us to weaken the origin system and get away with it

    weaken it to what end? it already is in a weakened state on its own with fragmented factions at constant war with a bunch of even smaller sub factions trying to survive the hot mess while also doing what they can to rebel/escape the carnage themselves. at most lotus along with us have been trying to strengthen the bottom end so that they can pull out from the top end and patch up this hot mess of constant violence and hostile rule. 

  10. 30 minutes ago, (PS4)zeratul____12 said:

    I think we could, the Sentients waged the first War to destroy the Orokin and the Tenno just happened to be fighting for them at the time, but now with the Orokin destroyed by our hands we could try and negotiate peace with them.

    We even have a trump card, since we know where they can get a vast quantity of Kuva for them. Which in Garas story reveals that Kuva can restore their reproductive systems. So we give them the location of the Grineer Queens asteroid base along with assistance retrieving the Kuva, we can also kill the Grinner Queens, who also happen to be body swapped Orokin. Then we forge a truce with them. 

    It's possible that we could end the War before it fully started, but likely? Not very. Even without the Orokin in rule humanity as a whole is seen as a threat by the Sentients to their way of life, we display just as much destructive tendencies, preferences to warfare, obsessions with class, it wasn't even the Orokin directly that killed off the sentients the first bout around but the tenno. To them humanity is every bit as much a menace to the health of the world as our Orokin predecessors were, and to be frank given the state of system after their fall the Sentients aren't wholly wrong to draw such a conclusion. Everything we display validates their notion that we are a threat no matter what, and that our annihilation is the safest way to preserve their newfound civilization in their own system, combine that with the already stoked flames of the previous war, and our long standing possession of it seems their monarchs child, and its a steep mountain to climb towards even finding a way to pacify the Sentient faction (or their leadership) far enough to even convince them to hear us out on a matter of peaceful negotiation. 

    Sure we could use kuva to bargain with their compliance but even that is dubious at best since it's a forceful partnership through veiled threat really of never letting them recover which can breed resentment which can lead to eventual rebellion/betrayal just like Ballas which is just delaying the war more than anything.

    Frankly our greatest hope of avoiding the war (or more likely ending it before it has gone too far) is through the Lotus, who is the only sentient we are aware of who has spent enough time with humanity to learn to empathize with us, and understand there is more nuance to our surface level destruction than us just being a doomed species. If we could pull her back from whatever mind washing has been forced onto her, and make her a kind of voice of reason against their war effort we could have some potential sway on what is probably a heavily polarized affair and begin some kind of real reasoning with the sentient faction past just outright warfare. 

    Note according to Steve the sentients have developed something akin to a religion to inform their world views which can easily as well make any negotiations more difficult since faith is hard to halt or reason with. 

  11. 10 hours ago, (PS4)Blackninja024 said:

    Thank you for this information. There is no in game notification that rewards wont be lost so i figured they weren't recieved until warp out.


    Smh. This update.

    Hopefully DE includes this information in whatever tutorial Rebecca mentioned them working on, as always their lack of explicit information sharing can cause a lot of frustration and friction during play. 

  12. 10 hours ago, Landaros said:

    Hi, its me, the guy who droped it.

    I get all the frustration , that the rng is S#&$, that its so #*!%ing rare.
    But lets thing about it differently.
    If it was something you just get, if it was easy, if there was a timer on it, it wouldn't be exclusive. Can you get it on your first try? Yes, but you guys know how hard id be. And you guys are already bragging how much you'v spend on the grind. I think it actually might be cool to have those exclusive item that are so rare, that when you see someone who has it you'r like "OMG YOU HAVE IT YOU'R SO LUCKY IV SPEND YEARS ON FARMING IT AND I STILL HAVEN'T GOT ONE"
    I guess what i mean by it is that you don't have to have every item that exist in warframe. And if you rly like the ephemera you are willing to spend those thousand of hours looking for it. As long as they don't make it a legacy item, you'r fine. You don't have to have everything on day one. (And MK III components are another topic and i think it be nice to see some improvement in those)

    Also feel free to hit me up in game and if I'm available I will link you the ephemera and answer some interesting questions (and I do mean interesting, don't ask for the millionth time where did I got it, its a public information)

    Who cares about exclusivity? DE have been actively working away from that mindset for years because it's just toxic and unhealthy and benefits effectively nobody by fanning some malformed videogame egoism. If people need a reward to be hyper exclusive to feel good about it they need to step away from what they're doing and work on why they need that kind outward validation so much, not be humored for it. Giving people options is good, allowing them to work towards those options in reasonable pathways is good, throwing an item behind a high tier rng system like some lottery reward is not, especially with things of very explicit effect visual or mechanical. 

    Frankly I can't fully speak to just how rare this item is yet, the apparent lack of anyone else acquiring this item gives me pause but that could just be people not being vocal about it, and without actual spawn/drop rates for these items I can't concretely say if this breaks the line past reasonable or not. But a state of extreme rng based rarity just has no reason to exist and is by no means fine, at least to me, and that is presently looking like how this situation may be, with a reward even rarer than the previously railed against notably rare ephemeras, and that is only available in a rotating time slot of very limited control. 

    Edit: That said, to a more on topic statement, has any ever found one of these rare crates inside the hidden rooms/amp walls? Because as of now I feel like the pattern for the crates seems entirely in open areas only. 

  13. 3 hours ago, JMan31337 said:

    lol Worst comment ever on Kuva Lichs they are so much work it is not that easy. The amount of time wasted hunting the Lich most of the time you can just get the loot somewhere else and save yourself the time. The should not be able to steal special items like gift of the lotus mission rewards, rivens, ect.

    don't activate a lich if you don't want them around/to beat then? it's like an incredibly optional system. 

  14. 9 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Hey it’s not DE fault that they had to cut ties with the guy. And honestly their tweaks to the concept art made it look better.

    And we shouldn't fault artist for standing by their work, if he didn't like how they altered his design (a design that would have his named tied to it and represent his quality of work) then he's free to take his stand. I'd also agree to disagree about the tweaks making anything on the design look better, the weird head blade felt particularly forced and out of place for that matter. 

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