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Everything posted by Digital_Malz

  1. I like the way people disregard opposing opinions calling others toxic. Yeah, bro, you’re the guy, you’re good, you’re perfect. Why do you waste time with inferior toxic people?
  2. Fellow tenno! Surprise Hotfix #8, and according to DE the team continues to address and assess player reports of further LoS issues, what everyone here knows it’s a lie. DE refuses to acknowledge over 100 pages of feedback on how LoS has ruined Tragedy. It seems the developers have really turned their backs on their player base. DE, once and for all: we don’t want you to further address LoS issues! We want you to ASSESS player reports and feedback and REMOVE this flawed mechanic that has ruined Dante. Simple as that. And, to my fellow tenno, the question: now what?
  3. Actually, the problem is not LoS on Dark Verse, but LoS on Tragedy that had ruined Dante.
  4. Option 1 is absolutely the best. All this LoS nonsense started because Dante was nuking Hydron. Tragedy dmg itself may be enough to nuke a low level mission such as Hydron, but it's totally irrelevant in SP and endgame missions. On the other hand, if you tell DE to nerf range, they'll its range smaller than Dark Verse.
  5. I already commented about this. Not only I have put my Dante to dust, I also ask players who are as unsatisfied as I am, to abort missions with Dante in squad. I have been doing this since the nerf. When I get into a mission and see Dante, I politely explain that as a peaceful protest, I won't take part in that mission with that frame. Wish all good luck, and leave.
  6. You're lying. There are a lot of constructive feedback this forum. There are many players suggesting much more balanced and interesting ideas (such as reverting LoS and removing Tragedy base dmg). There are many other players giving feedback on how LoS for Tragedy doesn't work... DE won't listen. They know they did something stupid, YOU know they did something stupid. They will never admit because they are too proud and stubborn to do so. You won't admit it because you'll simply side with them no matter how they trash the game.
  7. See? You insist on a topic that hasn’t been the focus of all the discussion around the nerf of Dante. Maybe because it’s part of your strategy diverting attention to a matter that, as I’ve said before, most players agreed that could receive a tweak. The real problem, the one that is responsible for hundreds of pages in this forum is how useless Dante has become with the introduction of LoS to Tragedy. it seems DE pays good.
  8. Dante’s OG didn’t last that much in Steel Path. If you play SP, you know that. And, in fact, if you had read the feedback given by the community, you’d see that nerfing OG was never the problem (most players agreed it had to be tweaked). If you had read, you’d see the problem lies on LoS, a totally flawed mechanic that does not work with Tragedy. It’s clear that you either don’t know SP, or Dante, or your just sided with DE to try damage control after this stupid nerf… or both.
  9. No. People are tired of mediocre frames dominating the meta because their only “super power” is survivability. Maybe people want other frames to be as good as Dante was, instead of having Dante as useless as the rest. Sorry, Ember. And sorry, if you think Dante was OP just because he “nuked Hydron”, that’s the reason why we will never have good endgame.
  10. No, he’s not, and you know that. Tragedy was meant to be used after priming enemies with Dark Verses, Pageflight and weapons. You would strategically prime groups of enemies and finish them all off with one “FINAL Verse” (irony of the name). Now you can’t do it. By the time you finished priming them, they are already out of your stupid LoS. Playing Dante now means to mindlessly chase down enemies spamming 3/3/4 ad inifinitun, and pray you’ll hit them. It’s time and energy consuming. Dante can do better with a solid weapon than with an unreliable spell. What a great wizard he is.
  11. It seems DE doesn’t care about our feedback.
  12. I understand your point, but it seems you fail to see one important point: Tragedy’s absurd dmg is due to it “exploding” previous procs. Before nerf, you already had to position yourself as you said. You did this because you needed to prime enemies, either using Dark Verse (which always had LoS) or weapons. Before nerf, you had to strategically prime groups of enemies and then, only then, use Tragedy to finish them all. Now, with LoS in Tragedy, Dante is totally dumb. There’s no more option of strategically priming and exploding procs, because you can only cast tragedy in front of you, and pray there’s not a mosquito between you and the enemy. Dante now is only a stupid energy consuming of 3/3/4. You run around casting this combo, because you have to immediately explode procs, otherwise enemies will go out LoS. Is it funny? Maybe. But it’s so time and energy consuming, that my Felarx will do the same job faster. What’s the point in a Wizard whose primary weapon is more efficient than his spells? Tragedy was already behind TWO Dark Verses LoS 😉
  13. I'm not the one that said Dante can nuke a room. You said it. So, I guess it's up to you to prove what you said, right?
  14. Guys, please, stop discussing translations. This is not the issue in this topic. Can't you see this is all the moderators want to have an excuse to shut this topic down? Let's focus on what is important: @Reitrix told us he can NUKE rooms with his Dante, and we're waiting for him to post his video showing how he does it, and finally shut us up by showing that LoS really works for Tragedy.
  15. I don't want you casually bombing anything. I want you to STAND by what you said and provide me a video in which you NUKE rooms with you Dante, as you have said in your first post. Actually, you don't even know what you're saying. Tragedy per se doesn't do stupid amounts of damage. It depends on you carefully building dmg up by strategically priming enemies and them finishing them off with Tragedy (whose stupid dmg comes from exploding stat props). Now, with stupid LoS, it means you have to chase down enemies endlessly and uselessly spamming 3/3/4 (3 casts, 150 energy). Better using your weapons. You CLEARLY don't know what you're talking about. As I've said, show us your video NUKING rooms in SP. You don't have it. You're lying.
  16. Nuking rooms? Seriously? Take him to SP, record a video and post here. I want to see you nuking rooms with Dante. 🤣 After being trashed with Tragedy LoS, Dante can't nuke a 5 x 5 feet room, my friend! 🤣 We all know that, you know that too. Unless you can post a video here of him nuking SP.
  17. I back your idea, @-Felix-sama-, it seems an interesting way to stop the low level hysteria "Omg! He's nuking Hydron", and keeping a good performance on SP, where Tragedy base dmg is irrelevant. It's just amazing how we, players, seem to know more about Warframe than its own devs. Hey DE, what about stop lying about "we are listening to your feedback" and start actually listening to our feedback? Maybe we should even get rid of some incompetent stubborn devs there and open space for some great players who love and care for this game much more than you do. 😉
  18. Please @DarthVZ, no more bandaid over bandaid over bandaid... No, we don't want punchthrough for LoS checks, we don't want another flawed mechanic trying to fix a first flawed mechanic. LoS must be removed from Tragedy, plain simple.
  19. I just wouldn't go too far with Saryn, Octavia and other frames. After all, we're fighting for Dante to be restituted to his former glory, not asking for other frames to be nerfed down to the ground. And if we start doing this, we're at the risk of having it backfire. DE will go: "Ow... they're OP just like Dante? So let's trash them too! What's next?" I myself am an Octavia Main. And, for sure, she's an outstanding frame. I don't want to see her nerfed and trashed like Dante. I don't want the same to happen to Saryn. I don’t want Octavia, Saryn, Mesa players to feel the same frustration when Dante was obliterated. Quite the opposite. I want more amazing frames like them, I want Dante to be amazing again.
  20. I’d say more, not only not buying Prime Access, nor spending a dime on any other bundle, but also taking in game actions. Clan leaders, talk to your clan members. Let’s simply boycott Dante. It makes no sense complaining about him here, but continue using him there. I put my Dante to dust, and I keep on politely aborting missions with Dante players, after telling them this is my way of peacefully protesting against what has been done to a once great frame. And I do believe that if we all take monetary and in game actions, and spread it, we’ll have chances of being heard.
  21. I totally agree with you and the previous post. As for me, I have done some peaceful protests, that maybe won’t change the world, but I’m doing my part, and I believe that if everyone does their part, maybe we’ll be heard. One of the things I’ve been doing is quite simple: whenever I see a Dante in my squad, a politely apologize, I explain that it’s nothing personal, but I won’t play with a Dante, then I abort. As I’ve said, I myself won’t change anything alone, but I found my way to protest IN GAME also.
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