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Posts posted by Mrevasivepants

  1. So i was doing this T4 survival mission just fine until at some point between 10 minutes, when vor appeared, my warframe becomes unresponsive, i have to literally spam my key numbers for it to cast an ability, i could not revive my allies when i was nearby them (the "Press X to revive" would not happear) and i could be full on energy but quick thinking wouldn't protect me using any energy what so ever.

    This also occured the same earlier while i was playing nekros and it was taking me forever to cast desecrate, i was at some point headbutting my keyboard to cast my abilities.


    No, this is not lag or fps breaks, because if it were the enemies would teleport around, the damage numbers from my weapons would come up late and i'd take no damage from lagging and teleporting around, which was not what any of that happened.


    Is anyone else suffering the same? and is DE going to ignore this post like it did with almost all of my bug reports? 

  2. Despite your attempts on fixing the crashes on the archwing missions, i'm still crashing everytime i try to play the archwing quest node, almost after 2 minutes in flight:
    Game Freezes;
    Goes back to normal;
    Next second, it crashes with a bug splat on my face.

  3. Errr seriously guys? bumping a real old thread? Anyways, if the chance really is 1/3, i've learned in math that probabilities don't always line up like they should, for example, if you throw a coin 100 times to the air, it's not gonna give you 50 tails and 50 head, it's going to give you like 47 head and 53 tail, but always a number close to what it is suppose to be.

    It happens to me in MOBA games where % is a thing, like for example i've a 25% crit chance, for a moment of like 2 minutes i would never crit for crap, but after that my first 8 hits were critical, it's just how probabilities work.

    Happened to me in warframe as well with loki chassis, for a moment i got 4 of them in a row, but after that it took me like 25 runs till i could find another one.

  4. I'm going to make this simple in hope OP can understand me:


    The Stalker is the last of his kind, since the tenno annihilated his race and he was there at the ceremony. Therefore it's logical that he knows our weaknesses and strengths.


    Also, in my opinion, the stalker is like jumping into a ring of fire in which this case if you can't find him when he spawns you might have a hard time, but otherwise, just crowd him with your best weapons as he is made of paper.


    He makes things challenging, you have to dodge while shooting, which makes it quite of a challenge and can improve your skills dramatically (i know it did to me).

  5. Somebody lock this already, it's been dragged to the whole founder pack thing FOR THE 1000TH FREAKIN TIME.


    Also, let me make this clear:
    Short version:

    Long version:

    Ok seriously, this has been carried for over a year long enough and i'll repeat it again:
    They had the founders program open for almost a year, if you didn't got in time, it's your fault. I in my case didn't got it because i live in POORtugal, but hey you don't see me complain, i'm just super glad people actually invested their money into this game and it's developers.
    Warframe has the best community i've ever seen, the best developers i've ever seen and the best FREE TO PLAY content i've ever seen, and trust me i've played a lot of games ever since i was 6.


    What keeps a game alive it's his community, and if it's community is a piece of crap, then the game won't live long enough(Irrelevant to games like COD, and other MOBAs).


    Now what makes a crappy community? crappy developers, and that would be DE if they would put the founders program in again, founders would feel betrayed and they would forever hate DE, not to mention the fact they would storm rain DE with lawsuits.


    DE is loved in everybody possible way, especially for their interaction with the community and the way they keep their word.


    TL;DR it has never happened, it isn't happening and it's never going to even happen.

  6. Vauban (or booben as the community like to call it) is a great defensive warframe, although it is by far the hardest warframe to adquire throught non-plat methods, since his parts only show up sometimes on alerts.


    I mostly use vauban to troll with the bouncies really.


    Here's my opinion: 
    Want to play as a support? get Trinity.
    Want to play as a tank? Get valkyr or rhino.

    Want a super fast att speed/mov speed warframe? Get volt (which is my main)

    Want garbadge? Get Oberon.

    Want to speed up the farming methods? Get nekros.

  7. Greetings! Volt is my favorite warframe, with him i only use 2 abilities however: Speed and Eletric shield.


    Speed makes him really fast if modded correctly! here's a few tips to make Speed better:

    Maxed power duration mods can increase its duration to 23 seconds, however the mods you need are:

    -Maxed Continuity
    -Maxed Narrow Minded

    -Maxed constitution.


    I myself sit around the 20 seconds since i don't have constitution on it, and it feels really great.


    When the ability reaches rank 3, it can give you and nearby players a 50% boost on movement and melee attack speed, however with Power strenght mods you can increase that.


    A maxed power strenght build increases volt's speed buff to 114,5%, for this you need the followed mods:
    -Maxed Blind Rage
    - Maxed Intensify


    I hope this helps, have fun!

    EDIT: About a stealthy/caster warframe, you have Ash and Banshee, Ash is more of a badass Insta-kill-everything-is-the-only-option guy. Banshee is more of a AoE debuff that reveals a weak spot on enemies and if anyone shoots it the enemy recieves increased damage, well modded, the extra damage can be 1145% bigger.

  8. I don't get your point here. I just know that thinking that prime frames are better than ordinary is wrong, they have diffrent looks and diffrent polarities.


    There are no good or bad frames in this game its in their user, get over it!

    as much as i agree with this, i have to forcely admit that oberon and nekros atm are quite bad...

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