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  1. I took a long break from the game and came back, but looking at my stats after 6 years hiatus, I still have 5 times the number of grineer kills vs Corpus and 3x infested vs Corpus and that's after i started farming orb vallis. I just really don't like how they play. Corrupted are a far better faction with equal amounts of mechanical difficulty but less hard cap gimmicks
  2. It's good to hear from you again Xzorn. I transferred my account from ps4 so my user might be different but it's still (PSN)Crixus044. Been gone for a long time but now I'm back. The nullifiers were always a cheap addition, though it's definitely toned down compared to how it was. I have been grinding Orb Vallis missions and in the higher levels like steel path levels, it becomes a clusterf*** of gimmicky counters to literally anything you want to do. If we all play corpus the same exact way because that's the only way to play, that's how things get boring, when things become a process rather than a project. Cutting variety cuts longevity. This is known for all games since the beginning of time
  3. In lower levels, I 100% agree that corpus don't have much, but in levels that our builds are oriented towards, the eximus density and shield gating makes up for their lack of EHp. With slash builds hard countering Grineer, it kinda evens out don't you think? Infested also have the unique ability to counter CC on a map wide scale, but nobody uses CC frames anymore since TTK is so low nowadays
  4. Mechanics, absolutely. Mechanics that completely negate our mechanics, idk. If they had so many ways to counter warframes, how TF did we win? You see where I'm going with this. I completely agree that Corpus' biggest method of challenge is how they interact with warframes, vs grineer how just try to beat us in a test of endurance and power. Infested are super aggressive. and that's their nature, but they aren't zipping around the map faster than our reticle. Why are the corpus faction the only enemy that 1-ups us? It just doesn't make sense, at least not at the scale they do it
  5. Infested are some of the most annoying too because they were even more boring and added challenging enemy on top of challenging enemy until it became a cluster of synergizing enemies. I think the only infested enemy nobody like is the disruptor, which acts like a nullifier lol Infested are also my favorite faction though. I think they have the most interesting design. I think they are a little 1 dimensional, but it fits the theme. Corpus being able to have abilities that surpass warframes however, don't make sense. This is why I love the Corrupted, because it strike that balance. My favorite factions are Infested, Corrupted, Grineer, and then Corpus. Grineer are the easiest and most boring too me.
  6. To preference, before anyone reads only what they want to read like they do on reddit, I am not having a hard time fighting the Corpus. I know how to play the game and I hardly fail any corpus missions. That being said, they are the most annoying faction in the game. Too many gimmicks and really tedious mission mechanics. I don't think Corpus are the most difficult faction, since they are very open to counterplay, but the whole idea of "countering your counter with my counter from your previous counter of my original counter" is really irritating. I understand that back in the day, corpus gimmicks were their only abilities to counter us, since EHp wise, they were super weak, but with shield gating, eximus changes and enemy variety, their ttk has shot through the roof, since in general, eximus units make up the majority of the damage taken by enemies in any high level mission. That being said, they really suck when it comes to gameplay feel because half the time, you're battling your ability "permissions" against the skater bois and bubble boys, which in Orb Vallis can be everywhere and in Steel Path, can cover your whole screen. I just think we need to tone down on the gimmicks. Eximus units are a legitimate threat and hard to play. They are fun though. Nullifiers should be an eximus class and reserved for corpus eximus. Overguard in nullification range should work like overshields, or how overguard works on enemies. Nullifiers do not dispel enemy overguard, even if they are of a rival faction, specter, or confused (overguard's inconsistency is another topic for another time). Even better, why don't we have an overguard drain like how shadow specters work? Would have some nice synergy with leech eximus and make them tougher while reducing the cheesy gimmick of a lowly crewman telling the man that punched an asteroid "No" to everything like a Jojo Requiem Stand. I know we already have enough counterplay to make corpus hardly a challenge, but if we already have the means to easily rid ourselves of the enemies, why not make it fun and interactive? Why settle for the current state just because "It's something that can be dealt with"? If that was the case, then we wouldn't be at this point in the game. We'd still be in melee 1.0. That's just my take
  7. A lot has changed since I've been involved with the game and to be honest, I'm not a fan of what's going on. I'm wondering if there is a plan to clear up this confusion. Specialist enemies are still very cheesy but now they are more prominent for some reason which takes away the fact that they're suppose to be specialist and mechanics are very inconsistent for no reason. Xata's Whisper is void based but doesn't damage eidolons even though the standard team comp still cycles through their animation timer, nullifier bubbles can be shot down but never destroyed yet the nullifier can be killed, arctic eximus are basically nullifiers as well (I thought we were done with the nullifier/arctic combo but now it's back and about as good), eximus auras work through the rift but their physical attacks don't and they're immune to CC since they have iron skin. Dot doesn't proc on hit, fury and berserker now take up the same slot condition, same with some corrupted mods, but not spoiled strike or nightmare mods or warframe ability mods can be stacked, etc. It's a lot of "this...but not that, but this...unless it's that....but this works...but that doesn't on that specific thing" I'm sure with playtime, many players have adapted and can memorize what is what, but from and game standard perspective, this is a mess. I've worked on dev teams before and this is kind of a bad read for a game's dev team to have no true plan on how to manage mechanics. Also, not a fan of damage 3.0. Melee 3.0 is fine but could've been done way better. Also, why is support taking 3 weeks to get back to me on a ticket submission? The game is not as popular as it was yet support is saying that they're overloaded. Is this the new state of the game? What is the plan for this guys? Everything speaks. Everything you see in a game speaks volumes about the game's condition and right now I see confusion.
  8. Damn, looks like the website is down. Just got back into the game and I'm tryna get my old builds
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