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  1. So, I only just recently learnt that Gianni now voices the Stalker. Because of that, I had been thinking about scenes with Stalker, and was thinking about how both in The Second Dream and Jade Shadows, he has a thing for collecting Warframe heads. It's not really my niche, and I probably wouldn't really use them. But I think for Trophy Hunters, or people who just want a bit more edge in their decoration. Heck, might even help with making statues in Dojos, it could be a potential idea to add into the game. Bonus points if it allows you to choose any Warframe helmet, similar to Glyphs so you can use Tennogen or other skin helmet types.
  2. Being spawncamped by enemies before I even finish hacking the Netracell starting computer.
  3. Ever since the first Rhino deluxe came out I've wanted this.
  4. Personally I'm more bothered by how Leech Eximus heal other enemies, or certain enemies were unable to be affected by it. Watching a Sister of Parvos, Lich, Demolyst or another high priority target go from 25% HP back to 100% in mere moments is not fun imo.
  5. I think he was referring to "Fan The Hammer" types, based upon Revolvers of which I'm not a big fan of either. I guess if that's your thing, more power to you but I feel like DE has an obsession with it, and adding it to more things just makes me less interested in weapons with it. For example, I loved the Detron, using the Mara Detron, when the Tenet Detron came out it felt like a downgrade to me. Mostly because it was another "Fan The Hammer" type of alt fire. But yeah, I wouldn't really consider the Plinx in that same catagory since it behaves differently. (also having a battery mag helps make it more viable)
  6. I had thought about those, but it didn't feel the same, (also Tetra joins that catagory)
  7. Was playing around with my Nataruk as usual, and a thought occurred to me. "I don't think there's a single weapon in Warframe where there is variation between when all the projectiles hit a target" (Assuming you're firing parallel at a wall or other flat surface.) Or to put it simply, all Multishot has the exact same projectile speed. Even if it was just an experimental one-off. I wondered what it'd be like if Multishot had different projectile speeds across its projectiles when firing. Obviously if this were to exist, it'd have to exist within a given range. I don't want players to suffer from having hypersonic projectiles and then projectiles with 99% slow. Mostly because the latter would probably result in performance drops. Or to put it simply, the entire payload when releasing the trigger doesn't all hit at the exact same time, it's more like a volley.
  8. I thought Balefire Charger was only used for taking down Nullifiers with the augment. Ok but being serious, Hildryn desperately needs some help. She's in the same place Inaros is/was (debatable if Inaros was properly fixed) This might be a hot take, but I feel like if a Warframe has an obvious Subsume slot, it should really be used as an indicator that said ability needs to be improved upon. Hildryn has two, only reason I subsumed her 4th (which I would've assumed would be a higher priority skill) was because Balefire Charger does benefit from the Augment that targets Nullifiers. Allowing me to use it as an alternate to the Miter. The reason I say that Hildryn is similar to Inaros, is because I described Inaros in the past as being a "Selfish Tank". This isn't a fault at players, but rather how the game discourages their skills from being Support. All of Inaros supportive skills got nullified by the fact enemies would be killed before they had a chance to help teammates. And truth be told, that's still the case. Only thing that changed was he has a useful grouping tool now. I feel Hildryn is the same. She has a playstyle that wants to be Support, but isn't fun to play. Her best tool is armor/shield strip. Balefire? Doesn't do much. Pillage? Great for Hildryn! Less impactful for allies (hence why I compare her to Inaros being a Selfish Tank) Haven? You have to actively sit next to allies to support them. Ignoring the fact that Overshields are honestly kinda terrible in the current meta. Jade Light Eximus defenders tell me what Haven does, is playing Warframe wrong. If Pillage instead granted Shields to allies it'd be more useful. And finally...Aegis Storm. It's not fun to play, and while it can stun enemies and generate Energy Orbs...Again it's just...not fun to play.
  9. Thing that annoys me more than anything about Void Sling, is it's described as a SLING yet you cannot use it to Slingshot your Warframe. Instead if you transfer to your Warframe after a Void Sling, your Warframe is caught in the afterimage instead. Along with not carrying your momentum. I could forgive Void Dash being replaced if Void Sling synergized better with Warframe's parkour system.
  10. Honestly, I wish we'd just dock the Orbiter straight into the Dormizone. New War made it seem like we actually docked our Orbiter into the Zariman, so why not just do it for the Dormizone? Saves DE a lot of effort in having to place Orbiter necessities inside the Dormizone. Between the area below the plants, the boarded up room past our quarters or just...simply creating a new hole I feel like it'd be easier and I'd probably actually use that as my true Home if done.
  11. Feel free to mention multiple things or just a single thing that is bugging you. For me there's two things that has been annoying me as of late. I'm sure there's more but these are the two I can think of right now. 1. Gyre cannot cancel her own Cathode Grace (Before its 60s cooldown is over it makes sense, but after it I feel you should be allowed to without throwing yourself out of bounds.) 2. On-Call Crewmates and Railjack Crewmates cannot be seperated (e.g. I want to use my Lich as On-Call Gear but have my Railjack Crew be Tenno/Syndicate Operatives)
  12. I'm unsure if I want the Unum Tower to be a new hub, similar to Entrati Labs, but I can also see the appeal of it at the same time. The Unum Tower is a living organism. So if handled well, I could suspend my disbelief under the guise that the Unum tower is reshaping its internal structure. Though it might require reworking the Tower to be larger to make it more believable.
  13. So, just had a Duviri game where we did a Lone Story mission, after defeating the Orowyrm we opened the chest and then... We got stuck. It didn't progress us back to Duviri and we had to leave. I could have asked the Host to leave the game to fix it, but I would've felt bad if I did. Situations like this are common, where the mission messes up and requires a host migration to suddenly fix it. I'd like a designated command players can use in mission, similar to the /unstuck command. (That's only for if your warframe gets stuck in the terrain or etc) Basically, one person types /reload in the chat and it will come up with a prompt in the Squad bar when you press ESC or similar. It starts a vote, like when you join a mission. If 3/4 players select yes, it will force a 'Host Migration' without actually kicking the host or changing the host. In the UI, next to Voting Yes or No you get a Question Mark, when clicked it'll present a Help window saying something along the lines of "A Player in your Squad wants to Reload the mission. This is intended for when the Mission breaks and may require a Host Migration to fix. Mission Progress will be Preserved. This is only intended as a Last Resort in the event the mission progression breaks completely and may or may not solve the issue."
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