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Anybody loves radiation hazard in sortie?


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1 hour ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

can't wait to do rad sorties as Revenant and activate his 4.... murder on the dancefloor! :laugh:

It's hilarious! I've done this more than few times in the last rad sortie when he came out. There were a lot of whoops said as I revived them. Even our Rhino didn't stand a chance.

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Generally when I rad Sortie these days I take my Assimilate Nyx because I assume either idiocy or malicious intent are going to be the norm.

I think the last time I didn't was when I brought a Titania and on the second or third time when I got insta-downed by one of my team (never did figure out which) I blasted them all in the face and left them to bleed out in a hallway........ The moral of the story is DO NOT MESS WITH THE TITANIA WITH THE ZARR


1 minute ago, angias said:

Well. I would like 2 things, an icon to inform us if someone is under rad proc, and radiation hazard on regular mission modifier. (Endurance-run would be quite interesting)

They already have that tho, "Press X to respawn" 

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2 minutes ago, angias said:

Lack of precision, i meant in the hud where they show their stats and buff effect.

Oh I know what you meant, but much like shield gating knowing who has the radproc isn't going to do/change much of anything. 

I mean maybe you will be able to suss out who killed you if you look fast enough but that isn't a guarantee of who actually killed you as the guilty parties proc could have worn off in the second it took you to look over. And if someone is repeatedly intentionally killing their team for "teh lulz" you're better off just finding a new team rather than keeping a constant paranoid vigil over their proc status. 

It isn't even like Screenshots/reporting are an option because the developers have given people carte blanche to do exactly what they're doing by proxy of creating and allowing this Sortie mutator to continue to exist. If they considered it an actual problem they simply would have removed Radiation Hazard from the Sortie options but they haven't so they have effectively signed off on this behavior. 

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Il y a 1 heure, Oreades a dit :

Oh I know what you meant, but much like shield gating knowing who has the radproc isn't going to do/change much of anything. 

I mean maybe you will be able to suss out who killed you if you look fast enough but that isn't a guarantee of who actually killed you as the guilty parties proc could have worn off in the second it took you to look over. And if someone is repeatedly intentionally killing their team for "teh lulz" you're better off just finding a new team rather than keeping a constant paranoid vigil over their proc status. 

It isn't even like Screenshots/reporting are an option because the developers have given people carte blanche to do exactly what they're doing by proxy of creating and allowing this Sortie mutator to continue to exist. If they considered it an actual problem they simply would have removed Radiation Hazard from the Sortie options but they haven't so they have effectively signed off on this behavior. 

I'm not talking about calling people out for their mistake/misdeed but instead be aware of what could happen.

I am for radiation hazard.

I am talking about team mentality, kinda the same way you check the squad composition upon joining.


It's not for casual who doesn't care about the state of their squadmate, buffing only themself and dropping their plate far from everyone else.


Has for trolls.....i rather have one, than have teammate who works on autopilot, not thinking about what they are doing.

Edited by angias
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13 minutes ago, angias said:

kinda the same way you check the squad composition upon joining.

..... I don't ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The odds are the only reason I'm going to even notice a specific frame/gear is IF I tab(?) to check for obvious leeches. Only then because I need to make sure that there isn't a specific gear related reason for the disparity as simply looking at the DPS/Kills is generally not useful without additional context. EG "Is the reason they have low kills because they are actually a leech or is it that tryhard maiming strike equinox". 

Outside of that I really don't care what frame/gear people bring. 

But again knowing that someone else is under the effect of a rad proc doesn't really help and or do anything for me. Because they are either going to try to kill me or they aren't and knowing about their proc status doesn't change that. I mean I guess there is no technical reason not to have it just more of a "but why tho?" similar to needing to display any of their buffs, there just isn't a real reason to do it. 

Edited by Oreades
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6 hours ago, thegreatAce21 said:

Anyone who also enjoys the radiation hazard in sortie? Like shooting your allies to add a challenge into the mission. 😂

P.S. Just bored with the game and just want to chill here.

Exterminate with Radiation Hazard makes me MEGA-MOIST I take the lead and run ahead as fast as i can with Volt, if people want to try and keep up then I hope you can dodge my 4 

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il y a 1 minute, Joe_Barbarian a dit :

Exterminate with Radiation Hazard makes me MEGA-MOIST I take the lead and run ahead as fast as i can with Volt, if people want to try and keep up then I hope you can dodge my 4 

Wonderful prick, i would like to have that sometime.

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