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Chroma needs a rework


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11 minutes ago, (XB1)ultamite hero said:

those people I would just ignore then. Especially if those people are just randoms in public missions. That's what I do when players in public missions expect me to use what they call the best setup and get mad at me for not going this or that setup.

true. though i can understand where some people can get angry especial if they end up having to pick up lets say a rhino several times in a sortie survival match. as i had run into a match where there was a rhino doing nothing and i as a chroma kept on risking my neck on picking the guy up for that guy to go down again and again and again. i did find that a bit annoying especial when i have seen what a rhino could tank. but the ones i am talking about are the ones that feel like they have to have control.

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2 hours ago, Conflux59 said:


Consider discussing the reasons behind your opinion instead of shutting someone down.  Engage in the back and forth discussion and understand that it's very okay to disagree... in the end we all want changes so working together is imperative

May I politely ask if this info came from DE, and if it did, would you point me/us in the right direction as to where we can see or hear it for ourselves?

One of the instigators of the whole megathread was a comment on their (I think their Facebook page about Chroma P) from an employee (have to go looking for  who, I think it was Taylor)about how they see or want for a rework, they just don't have anything planned at the moment (This was like va week or so before his prime access dropped), plus the comment on the last one or two Devstreams on who was currently in line for reworks (Wukong, Titania, Nyx, Vauban). It's honestly probably somewhere in the earlier pages of this thread. 

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On 2018-10-10 at 2:51 PM, Atsia said:

There's already a megathread for this, and it's already been said chroma is way back in line for a rework compared to ones that really need it, Nyx, Wukong, Vauban, etc.

There's a long list, but it's obvious reworks aren't a priority. It takes them years to get around to it, and we're lucky if they don't #*!% it up further. Hell, with the way Chroma Prime Access sold, I can guarantee upper management doesn't give a S#&$ (despite it doubling as discount Platinum; false positives and all that).

While I've been sort of critical of some of Pablo's design, it does seem like he's doing them on his own accord and I hope he continues to do so. I mean, if we're lucky they'd have realized how his Nezha rework helped sell the S#&$ out of that new deluxe skin.

Anyway, it's a shame all the ideas dumped into this thread are never going to be considered.

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1 hour ago, Atsia said:

One of the instigators of the whole megathread was a comment on their (I think their Facebook page about Chroma P) from an employee (have to go looking for  who, I think it was Taylor)about how they see or want for a rework, they just don't have anything planned at the moment (This was like va week or so before his prime access dropped), plus the comment on the last one or two Devstreams on who was currently in line for reworks (Wukong, Titania, Nyx, Vauban). It's honestly probably somewhere in the earlier pages of this thread. 

Ah okay thank you.  I'm aware of the no rework planned fb comment but I should have specified more... I was pointing my last question towards the part about him being in line, but behind the mentioned frames.  Back a ways in this thread someone mentioned they commented on him in the last stream but I didn't bring myself to go back and watch it... I'll admit because I'm burnt out of seeing K-drives streamed.

If Chroma was specifically stated to be in line as opposed to a generalization about any frames in line for work in the future then I have my answer.  Thank you for the reply.


I'm still on the side of pushing until it's done, be it for Chroma or anything else that needs it.  Whether it's a priority for them now is irrelevant because when they do finally get around to the ... "okay let's revisit a frame"  time... if none of the push was done prior by the community, they don't have *that* feedback supporting that change at the time and may look to another squeeky wheel.

Because I've discussed this a good amount in this thread already I want to say I'm actually very happy other frames get attention.  They're all separate casses in my mind though, just because Nyx, for example, is needing attention in the way she does... that shouldn't mean another frame, Chroma or otherwise, shouldn't also get attention (I'd argue especially when DE said they'd revisit him).  I suppose I don't understand the "one at a time" stand in line +  giant time gaps in-between the reworks, be it minor or significant changes.  Yes fortuna/railjack content I understand, but that leads to another discussion for another thread, but in my opinion, should very much be cause for concern if you're so focused caught up with bringing in content while going through a drought like this... that all else important grinds (ha) to a halt *while still finding plenty of time for cosmetics and etc that are subjectively unimportant*   so... in closing and to clarify... it doesn't sit right with me and makes zero sense if important and/or significant changes like frame reworks and attention take a back seat to cosmetics and the like.  Thank you for reading that wall ._.

Edited by Conflux59
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6 hours ago, Conflux59 said:

May I politely ask if this info came from DE, and if it did, would you point me/us in the right direction as to where we can see or hear it for ourselves?

It was in the last dev stream, 117 I think? At the end of it Reb mentions the frames that they're considering for reworks. But it's worse than "bottom of the list". She mentions several frames and then says that at the bottom of the list is Vauban. Chroma isn't even mentioned at all. Their FB page said that they're "aware of a desire for a Chroma rework" which means basically nothing.

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On 2018-10-06 at 10:35 AM, (XB1)TRL kaldwin said:

Good for all the ideas. 

Not for vex armor, it needs the old formula without the double dipping damage. 

Or at least the old formula for scorn and the new ( with double value) for fury, 

Like this the damage would be lower than with the old formula but is OK. 

I read skorn as ---> SKOOM XD

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Am 16.9.2018 um 14:31 schrieb Joe_Barbarian:

Another "chroma NEEDS a rework" thread. *Yawn*

Maybe you see them popping up alot because he actually needs one?

Chroma needs a rework.Period.At its disappointing that he didnt get one before the Prime version arrived.

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13 minutes ago, K0bra said:

Maybe you see them popping up alot because he actually needs one?

Chroma needs a rework.Period.Its disappointing that he didnt get one before the Prime version arrived.


You're confusing NEEDS with WANTING. Chroma is currently being used, he's not breaking the game and there are other frames that are in dire need of a rework than Chroma, so he can wait.PeRiOd. I know this won't go down well with you, but Chroma can wait a little longer. As for being disappointed, I'm sure DE will survive.

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15 hours ago, Conflux59 said:


Ah okay thank you.  I'm aware of the no rework planned fb comment but I should have specified more... I was pointing my last question towards the part about him being in line, but behind the mentioned frames.  Back a ways in this thread someone mentioned they commented on him in the last stream but I didn't bring myself to go back and watch it... I'll admit because I'm burnt out of seeing K-drives streamed.

If Chroma was specifically stated to be in line as opposed to a generalization about any frames in line for work in the future then I have my answer.  Thank you for the reply.


I'm still on the side of pushing until it's done, be it for Chroma or anything else that needs it.  Whether it's a priority for them now is irrelevant because when they do finally get around to the ... "okay let's revisit a frame"  time... if none of the push was done prior by the community, they don't have *that* feedback supporting that change at the time and may look to another squeeky wheel.

Because I've discussed this a good amount in this thread already I want to say I'm actually very happy other frames get attention.  They're all separate casses in my mind though, just because Nyx, for example, is needing attention in the way she does... that shouldn't mean another frame, Chroma or otherwise, shouldn't also get attention (I'd argue especially when DE said they'd revisit him).  I suppose I don't understand the "one at a time" stand in line +  giant time gaps in-between the reworks, be it minor or significant changes.  Yes fortuna/railjack content I understand, but that leads to another discussion for another thread, but in my opinion, should very much be cause for concern if you're so focused caught up with bringing in content while going through a drought like this... that all else important grinds (ha) to a halt *while still finding plenty of time for cosmetics and etc that are subjectively unimportant*   so... in closing and to clarify... it doesn't sit right with me and makes zero sense if important and/or significant changes like frame reworks and attention take a back seat to cosmetics and the like.  Thank you for reading that wall ._.

that i have to agree with. they are chucking out deluxe skin content like no problem but they are being slow to a crawl in getting certain frames reworked?  how particularly focused are they on these frame reworks? sure i understand they might take some time to get some stuff correct to prevent any possible negative feedback on a bad rework but how much time are they devoting to said reworks?

joe_barbarian: I know this won't go down well with you, but Chroma can wait a little longer.

ME: define little. as we all tend to know how DE works. especial when they are working on getting their big projects out as soon as possible

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13 hours ago, Joe_Barbarian said:


You're confusing NEEDS with WANTING. Chroma is currently being used, he's not breaking the game and there are other frames that are in dire need of a rework than Chroma, so he can wait.PeRiOd. I know this won't go down well with you, but Chroma can wait a little longer. As for being disappointed, I'm sure DE will survive.

Chroma has been waiting.  DE said they'd revisit him.  It has not happened, but he sure got a nice looking prime, and we keep getting lots of other lovely costmetics and etc.  This is his time to shine ..hence the price tag that he comes with... it's his time to change, and that's why we're pushing for it.

I don't care which frame we're discussing reworks for, jumping in and saying the game shouldn't be polished or made better because ____ is not breaking the game in the first place "PeRiOd" along with a perceived snarky attitude in your post to the other member isn't conducive to accomplishing any positive changes for Warframe.

Your opinion is noted, you don't think he needs changes.  If you want to partake the way a productive member of society would, provide us some examples and discuss it along with us as a fellow fan or peer rather than just shooting people down and coming off as toxic, please.

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2 hours ago, Conflux59 said:

Chroma has been waiting.  DE said they'd revisit him.  It has not happened, but he sure got a nice looking prime, and we keep getting lots of other lovely costmetics and etc.  This is his time to shine ..hence the price tag that he comes with... it's his time to change, and that's why we're pushing for it.

I don't care which frame we're discussing reworks for, jumping in and saying the game shouldn't be polished or made better because ____ is not breaking the game in the first place "PeRiOd" along with a perceived snarky attitude in your post to the other member isn't conducive to accomplishing any positive changes for Warframe.

Your opinion is noted, you don't think he needs changes.  If you want to partake the way a productive member of society would, provide us some examples and discuss it along with us as a fellow fan or peer rather than just shooting people down and coming off as toxic, please.

Did I say he doesn't need changes? No I said he could wait with other frames in dire need. My post got mixed in to a mega thread so you've lost all context of what was said. Now going for a personal attack about being a productive member of society when this is just the warframe forums, I think you're taking this a bit too seriously and should back off for a bit, or at least take some time to learn the difference between NEED & COULD DO.

So until next time someone knocks on your kennel to hear your all so important opinion about words you dont understand.

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6 hours ago, (XB1)TRL kaldwin said:

Chimera has arrived on pc. 

A thousand changes and fixes... NOTHING about chroma, not even a fix to the resistance.

I think I saw something about some sound fx change to spectral scream, and a clipping issue with his delux skin, but nothing like what we're looking for.
That's fine, I'm in favor of pushing until changes are made, because that's the right thing to do when something is subpar. (not to mention the reason DE has feedback forums in the first place)  
The thing is... DE can be aware of our desire for rework all day long but the stronger that desire is and the louder our voices are, the more that desire is getting their attention, making the possibility of them doing something about it a reality.  I love warframe and appreciate DE enough to tell them when they're wrong, or something is broken.  

Sitting idle and hoping will do nothing for Chroma.  I'd like to think that anyone that has a love for a specific warfame would understand if it was their frame in this situation and come together to support us.  Maybe it's wishful thinking, but it's not impossible.  Imagine what mountains could be moved with the community supporting one direction on any given change. 
I never play Nyx, but very much supported her getting a rework and I'm very happy for Nyx mains.

Sigh.  Gotta keep trying...   ._.

We as a community all understand you're busy with the new content coming.  Chroma does need attention as do other frames.  Please reconsider looking at him as we want to give you revenue for him etc and enjoy playing him.  Frames are reworked in a single file line for reasons that you have... would you provide some clarity and communicate with us on why this is the case, and if anyone does have the time to address this matter... maybe some clarity on why and how you now believe Chroma's current kit is in an acceptable place from a dev point of view.  Thank you

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14 hours ago, Conflux59 said:

I think I saw something about some sound fx change to spectral scream, and a clipping issue with his delux skin, but nothing like what we're looking for.
That's fine, I'm in favor of pushing until changes are made, because that's the right thing to do when something is subpar. (not to mention the reason DE has feedback forums in the first place)  
The thing is... DE can be aware of our desire for rework all day long but the stronger that desire is and the louder our voices are, the more that desire is getting their attention, making the possibility of them doing something about it a reality.  I love warframe and appreciate DE enough to tell them when they're wrong, or something is broken.  

Sitting idle and hoping will do nothing for Chroma.  I'd like to think that anyone that has a love for a specific warfame would understand if it was their frame in this situation and come together to support us.  Maybe it's wishful thinking, but it's not impossible.  Imagine what mountains could be moved with the community supporting one direction on any given change. 
I never play Nyx, but very much supported her getting a rework and I'm very happy for Nyx mains.

Sigh.  Gotta keep trying...   ._.

We as a community all understand you're busy with the new content coming.  Chroma does need attention as do other frames.  Please reconsider looking at him as we want to give you revenue for him etc and enjoy playing him.  Frames are reworked in a single file line for reasons that you have... would you provide some clarity and communicate with us on why this is the case, and if anyone does have the time to address this matter... maybe some clarity on why and how you now believe Chroma's current kit is in an acceptable place from a dev point of view.  Thank you

And I saw a point which said they removed the damge scaling due to his energy color and now it's same for everything and i dont know abt that cuz i don't have chroma welp

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On 2018-10-12 at 12:10 AM, (XB1)ultamite hero said:

those people I would just ignore then. Especially if those people are just randoms in public missions. That's what I do when players in public missions expect me to use what they call the best setup and get mad at me for not going this or that setup.

Try this then ...

"Dude but I am a electric type" or any other element ya want to run we shall play Pokemon with chroma until de fixes him 😛

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Electricity EW is extremely useful for CC, not to mention the damage multiplier.  It's not amazing, but 4 frames all reflecting attacks at 1000x the damage back to the enemy with a stun... #utility

An enemy that's stunned isn't dealing damage to anything and is open to attacks, so the CC in this case = group survivability which also = easier mission overall.

I'm not saying they shouldn't work on it by any means whatsoever, I just find electricity not absolute garbage.

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Chroma has a fairly odd ability setup. He has 2 channeling abilities and 2 timed abilities, with no instant abilities. His 1 is nearly useless as its damage is not only poor, but prevents him from using weapons. That said, its great for status procs. Both his 2 and 3 are timed, with his 2 only being able to be reapplied after ending while his 3 needs to be reapplied before ending to retain buffs. This can make keeping both up a chore, especially for console users (limited buttons for hotkeys). His 4, while good for defense missions, lacks the "oomph" you'd expect. With all this on the table, here are my thoughts:

  • Spectral Scream: Change it to an instant/charge ability similar to Hydroid's 1. This will allow him to do burst damage and/or apply a quick proc. The charge could increase the damage and make it possible to apply procs from the element's "combined" forms (Toxin might proc corrosive, viral, and gas).
  • Elemental Ward: Turn Chroma into an Eximus. A general range buff for the passive enemy affliction, as well as a passive 25% chance to proc status on an enemy per tick of damage.
  • Vex armor: Change it into a channeled ability (available now that 1 is instant). Currently each application gives 25 seconds for 75 energy at max rank. Simple math dictates that its channeled version would give Vex Armor for 3 energy/sec.
  • Effigy: Either reduce its channeling cost or buff its stats. This thing tanks and hits like wet paper at higher levels. Its fun to have out, but not worth the intense energy drain.

I honestly think these relatively simple changes will drastically increase Chroma's utility while still keeping his overall identity. Thoughts?

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9 hours ago, (XB1)alchemPyro said:

Chroma has a fairly odd ability setup. He has 2 channeling abilities and 2 timed abilities, with no instant abilities. His 1 is nearly useless as its damage is not only poor, but prevents him from using weapons. That said, its great for status procs. Both his 2 and 3 are timed, with his 2 only being able to be reapplied after ending while his 3 needs to be reapplied before ending to retain buffs. This can make keeping both up a chore, especially for console users (limited buttons for hotkeys). His 4, while good for defense missions, lacks the "oomph" you'd expect. With all this on the table, here are my thoughts:

  • Spectral Scream: Change it to an instant/charge ability similar to Hydroid's 1. This will allow him to do burst damage and/or apply a quick proc. The charge could increase the damage and make it possible to apply procs from the element's "combined" forms (Toxin might proc corrosive, viral, and gas).
  • Elemental Ward: Turn Chroma into an Eximus. A general range buff for the passive enemy affliction, as well as a passive 25% chance to proc status on an enemy per tick of damage.
  • Vex armor: Change it into a channeled ability (available now that 1 is instant). Currently each application gives 25 seconds for 75 energy at max rank. Simple math dictates that its channeled version would give Vex Armor for 3 energy/sec.
  • Effigy: Either reduce its channeling cost or buff its stats. This thing tanks and hits like wet paper at higher levels. Its fun to have out, but not worth the intense energy drain.

I honestly think these relatively simple changes will drastically increase Chroma's utility while still keeping his overall identity. Thoughts?

I very much like your idea for a charged spectral scream. 

For effigy, I'm wondering if a long press mechanic wouldn't also be a good thing... as in tap for the effigy release as usual if a turret is needed or you need a force multiplier, hold #4 for a moment to stay in the pelt as it sprouts wings, turning into a slower/larger ...less powerful...😐  titania with a free spectral scream option while in that state (due to effigies already ridiculous drain)

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On 2018-10-14 at 9:05 AM, Conflux59 said:

I very much like your idea for a charged spectral scream. 

For effigy, I'm wondering if a long press mechanic wouldn't also be a good thing... as in tap for the effigy release as usual if a turret is needed or you need a force multiplier, hold #4 for a moment to stay in the pelt as it sprouts wings, turning into a slower/larger ...less powerful...😐  titania with a free spectral scream option while in that state (due to effigies already ridiculous drain)

If effigy would be a duration ability and would increases his stats ( giving him more armor and damage affected by power strength reducing the channel cost of vex armor ) it would be very strong, but I suggest to take off the armor debuff and the speed buff. 

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On 2018-10-14 at 9:05 AM, Conflux59 said:

I very much like your idea for a charged spectral scream. 

For effigy, I'm wondering if a long press mechanic wouldn't also be a good thing... as in tap for the effigy release as usual if a turret is needed or you need a force multiplier, hold #4 for a moment to stay in the pelt as it sprouts wings, turning into a slower/larger ...less powerful...😐  titania with a free spectral scream option while in that state (due to effigies already ridiculous drain)


1 minute ago, (XB1)TRL kaldwin said:

If effigy would be a duration ability and would increases his stats ( giving him more armor and damage affected by power strength reducing the channel cost of vex armor ) it would be very strong, but I suggest to take off the armor debuff and the speed buff. 

And also the first should be affected by primary mod ( not from vex armor) 

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hows everything in this forum topic. a funny and not so serious rework idea i thought of though i am not sure of how to implement it is to enhance and improve the his color mechanic possible giving us the option to change the elemental ditctates which element. and possibly adding a 2 tone mechanic though i doubt the devs would be too crazy for extra work on chroma for a 2 tone idea. 

thought of it since octavia was the music artiest frame why not slightly tweak chroma as to be a color artiest. just requires small tweaks and fixes to most of his abilities while allowing his breath or spectral scream cover the enviroment with the element. or in my mind i was jokingly thinking of a spry paint can.

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Could be an interesting idea.

I'm thinking of spectral scream laying down a dual elemental trail as you run/fly with it .... just wider and faster dissapating vs Nezhas firewalk, giving it more utility and increased damage potential.

Spectral scream is more like spectral dribble... I dare say the move should reflect the title and description more accurately.

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