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Idea for Making mining/grinding more interesting(in the Plains)


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Not sure if anyone really enjoys mining for resources, so I had an idea that has been brewing in my head for awhile now.  (Bear in mind that this is strictly talking about Mining, not grind or fishing) 

Idea: First things first, I personally don't like the whole tracing around a mineral and whatnot I thinking it could be the same amount of time, but you have to have centered on the mineral instead of drawing random shapes. Also I feel like the spawns for minerals is rather inconsistent and a little TOO random (meaning that sometimes, I for the life me cant find enough resources and then it isn't like the resources are always going to be in a certain area, if I am mistaken, please let me know.)

Idea: For making the whole mining experience it could be like a spelunking/ exploring a Large Cave system/ Dungeon filled with Resources to mine with the proposed idea above. The cave will be deep and could function as a second open area add-on to the plains (where they can be accessed) (ALSO: this will function as a separate level from the plains but will be connected to it)

The deeper you go the more valuable resources will be found and more plentiful. To add to the experience it will also have to be dark, like DARK, where without lights you can hardly see. (also you should be able to light old torches to provide more light) . 

Let me know what you all think.

Also any other ideas will be rather neat.

Also Spooks are needed => 


Edited by SuhKoleDude
Ideas man
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You know the last version of the Gem-cutter (Advanced Nosam Cutter: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Mining) - tool actually allows to show you the spawns of resources in your minimap if equipped. You do not need to manually search for them anymore (https://www.google.fi/search?q=Advanced+Nosam+Cutter&rlz=1C1GCEA_enFI811FI811&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiTuK3Lsc_dAhUNiIsKHU39ClcQ_AUIDigB&biw=1920&bih=969#imgrc=1B0tS5ivWzM7yM:) and all it takes is Cetus reputation to obtain it.

Further the game already features caves that do have higher resource density, the spawns are actually fixed but they do not spawn in all the places at the same time. All you need to do is to get the last cutter, learn few of the good spawns and you are good to go. I could say that I do not feel particularly engaged in mining, I think it is PoE's weakest point both mechanically and functionally. I like the idea of exploring a dark cave though, it reminds me of old Infested missions from way back of 2013, they used to be like that which made Infested that much more interesting, fun and dangerous to fight against. I would recommend developing this idea a bit further though, a lot of the suggested elements already exist in the game but they are not as obvious perhaps.

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I think we should be able to deploy mining drones to do it for us; like extractors we set on planets for materials, but these require you to be in the plains playing, and take at least an hour for a handful of gems / ores

Edited by Vesiga
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4 hours ago, SuhKoleDude said:

(meaning that sometimes, I for the life me cant find enough resources and then it isn't like the resources are always going to be in a certain area, if I am mistaken, please let me know.)

there is one place that's reliable for Ores and Gems. the Camp on the coast, it's called Er-Phryah's Vigil IIRC, it's a large Grineer camp by the shore with a cave in it. there's always a large concentration of mining spots there, but you will have to fight off quite a few Grineer in order to mine without interruption. be sure to mine the rocks among the campsite AND in the caves, there's plenty things to mine in there too (but again, watch out for Grineer). 

Edited by (PS4)robotwars7
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Thank you all for responding about the mining for resources aspect that should help me. 


Back to Exploring a dark and deep cave, and mechanics of mining itself (acquiring the minerals which at this point is trace the circle). 

Mechanics to mining: Compared to the other unique resource gather in PoE; fishing, (which I kinda enjoy, its a nice activity to do and chill with a few buddies) fishing is still engaging since it requires aim and learning to arc your throw, I think to make it more engaging I was wondering if we could do something that isn't trace the circle, and something like using robots to do it (for example using the new Moa pets that are coming out with Fortuna) and all you have to do is locate it and mark it and your little pet robot will cut it out. I really don't know how to make mining interesting/engaging and was wondering if it could be more interesting instead of a boring grind. (although not sure if people like running around looking for minerals to mine)  

Dark and Deep Cave Idea:  So I was thinking that it should be connected to PoE and to do this it could be like you find an old ancient mining elevator (from the old days of the orokin) that Vay Hek's troops dug up. The elevator should function like the loading room from Cetus to PoE. Upon the door opening, you would step out the map will stop working since there is a magnetic field covering the deep underground cave, and communication with the outside(Ordis/ space mom/ fake space mom) will cease. you can turn back if you want right away if you want, or you could venture deeper into the caves. (It should be silent expect for your foot steps and dripping) (also the way point system will not be functioning, instead a path of lights will be able to be turned on. (Green=Closer to the exit that you came from, Farthest away would be Red, this would also determine the Enemy level that would be giving you the spooks) 

As you explore this giant cave system loot and resources (plus mining) are found and collected. And since this is also about exploring there could be secret under ground facilities from the orokin era where they did some experiments and stuff. From which an mutated mass of flesh which is both screaming (instead of a constant scream it could scream once staggering everyone regardless how far away they may be announcing its presence)  and unable to be killed, upon finding it, it will start to chase players, screaming sometimes ( which can be heard in the distance regardless how far away), and going quiet when it go very close (as long as there is no line of sight on it from the players).  I want it to scare the beeJesus out of me. Making it either a mad rush to get out/ find the way out ASAP.  (Before I forget, The main enemy would be Infested) The writhing mass of flesh can be slowed down but not killed (but will have to take alot of damage to slow it down). 

I kinda want it like this to, and to have my heart pumping. 

Anyway let me know what you all think of this expanded idea, since I would rather have it be something different then an expansion of pre-existing content.  

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