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operator dialogue 2.0


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spoilers for those who haven't finished the second dream yet.




operator dialogue seems meaningless and arbitrary. Most dialogue in this game does, really, but especially so for operators. So, here are a few ideas for changing that:

-operators say different lines depending on which focus school they are a part of.

-They will even announce (once per every five minutes or so so as not to overspam the audio) when certain focus abilities (vazarin healing/shields, zenurik energy dash, unairu wisp, etc.) to other team members, alerting them that support is ready. perhaps a minimap marker could mark out support zones at the same time.

-the light/darkness spectrum from war within and the sacrifice should adjust dialogue somewhat.

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I'd like if they stopped telling me those immersion-breaking "tips". Like, technically, as a player, I AM the Operator, the Tenno, controlling a warframe. So having that player-avatar say things basically directed at the player doesn't make much sense (outside of newbie help, but that's what the loading screen tips are for, right?).

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Yes. The player IS the operator, so shouldn't we be able to better control our immersion / experience by controlling what our operator says?

that said, the operator giving "hints" doesn't bother me much since I talk to myself all the time. I totally get how it could be immersion-breaking though. 

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I love the idea of different dialogue for different focus schools, or for different alignments. It'd make these choices seem a touch more significant. Even as simple as different intonations of the same lines would go a long way.

As for the existing ones, I think they need a rewrite to seem less awkward. A lot of them feel like it's a comment they'd have the first time they saw a faction, when by the time we get the Operator, we're familiar with them. The Infested are the exception to this and they've got some of the best lines IMO, only really needing some re-records now the Operator voice actors have more experience. I've written down some examples of alterations I'd make to some of the existing quotes.

"The Corpus remind me of the Orokin… selfish and greedy." (I honestly have no idea why this isn't the line. It gets the same meaning across whilst not seeming as if we're unfamiliar with the Corpus. Two letters totally change the implications of the line)

"The Grineer could have rebuilt... but all they made is war."

"The Infestation. Yet another Orokin project that backfired."

"Corpus... nothing but cultists, worshipping money."

"You prey on the weak... but we prey on you." (Alternate, more sinister rewrite. "You're preying on the weak. So am I.")

"Alright, biological attacks, gotta be ready." (this one I've rewritten to seem more like they're reminding themselves, a mental preparation/motivation deal, as opposed to them seeming to talk to the other Tenno who should know this already.)

The same applies to the timing of a lot of the generic lines. Some of them are awkward ("M Y W A R F R A M E I S S T R O N G") but most would be a lot better if they had more reasonable triggers. Like "Come on!" would feel more in place if it played when an enemy group showed up immediately after the last - a self-motivational one-liner by the Operator to keep their head in the game, or just simply them being caught up in the rush of combat. Also, the "that was a close one" is a good opportunity for a line with variations. One for when they're actually commenting on the close call, and a sarcastic one for when a fight was comedically one-sided in our favour.

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3 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

I love the idea of different dialogue for different focus schools, or for different alignments. It'd make these choices seem a touch more significant. Even as simple as different intonations of the same lines would go a long way.

As for the existing ones, I think they need a rewrite to seem less awkward. A lot of them feel like it's a comment they'd have the first time they saw a faction, when by the time we get the Operator, we're familiar with them. The Infested are the exception to this and they've got some of the best lines IMO, only really needing some re-records now the Operator voice actors have more experience. I've written down some examples of alterations I'd make to some of the existing quotes.

"The Corpus remind me of the Orokin… selfish and greedy." (I honestly have no idea why this isn't the line. It gets the same meaning across whilst not seeming as if we're unfamiliar with the Corpus. Two letters totally change the implications of the line)

"The Grineer could have rebuilt... but all they made is war."

"The Infestation. Yet another Orokin project that backfired."

"Corpus... nothing but cultists, worshipping money."

"You prey on the weak... but we prey on you." (Alternate, more sinister rewrite. "You're preying on the weak. So am I.")

"Alright, biological attacks, gotta be ready." (this one I've rewritten to seem more like they're reminding themselves, a mental preparation/motivation deal, as opposed to them seeming to talk to the other Tenno who should know this already.)

The same applies to the timing of a lot of the generic lines. Some of them are awkward ("M Y W A R F R A M E I S S T R O N G") but most would be a lot better if they had more reasonable triggers. Like "Come on!" would feel more in place if it played when an enemy group showed up immediately after the last - a self-motivational one-liner by the Operator to keep their head in the game, or just simply them being caught up in the rush of combat. Also, the "that was a close one" is a good opportunity for a line with variations. One for when they're actually commenting on the close call, and a sarcastic one for when a fight was comedically one-sided in our favour.

Yes yes yes.

tone is everything. I'd love it if my operator was sarcastically commenting as I take 2 damage from a lancer then 1 shot him. 

Operator voices as are have little variation in pitch. The lines can be similar, but they need some variation. And it would totally be cool if your affiliated synildicates, the alignment circle, and situations affected that. Then it wouldn't break immersion, it would enhance it. 

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I prefer shutting mine up. No matter how much time and money they put into voice acting, eventually, hearing the same exact line repeated a few times loses its novel charm. I'd prefer silence with cut scene exclusive dialogue over what essentially amounts to a pre-recorded answering machine on random and repeat.

Edited by RaphaelSanzio
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