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Xbox one X -Bad performance/Advices


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Hello guys,

I left from the game a few months ago due to switching jobs.Back at it again on my one X and the performance is terrible.
4 Man squad, survival, interception, excavation etc insane framedrops, like im playing at 30 fps.
Tried every setting possible, GORE off, everything but the problem still persists.
Is the problem on my side or its a large spread problem?

Tnx tenno's!

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7 minutes ago, GrimDelta said:

Hello guys,

I left from the game a few months ago due to switching jobs.Back at it again on my one X and the performance is terrible.
4 Man squad, survival, interception, excavation etc insane framedrops, like im playing at 30 fps.
Tried every setting possible, GORE off, everything but the problem still persists.
Is the problem on my side or its a large spread problem?

Tnx tenno's!

I’ve not noticed such a problem, in fact my X always loads faster than all my friends. Even slightly better graphics and textures. The only time I get a split second of frame drop is when a player joins the game. How’s your X handle other games?

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Just now, GrimDelta said:

In witcher 3, forza series etc its whisper quiet and pretty stellar.Its only Warframe that manifests this weird issues.
I've tried everything but i cant get to the main source of the problem.

Hmmm that is odd. My Xbox one x is actually quite noisy depending on the game, but performance wise it’s been stellar so I haven’t cared. It’s just the fan that’s a little loud. When was the last time you hard reset your console?

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2 minutes ago, GrimDelta said:

Today, after reinstalling the game.Tried even with particles off or set to max..still the same.


2 minutes ago, GrimDelta said:

Today, after reinstalling the game.Tried even with particles off or set to max..still the same.

Do you have other apps running in the background? I’ve made it a habit to manually close Netflix, HBO etc. Before playing a game.

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Did a bit of testing last night.Solo mode all perfect no drops anything.
Multiplayer cranked everything to max, particle, gore etc.Funny enough when i dissabled depth of field and added blur the FPS issues went away.This is quite strange.


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I've got a solution: get a PS4, we have better exclusives as well! :crylaugh: 

jokes aside, I've not had these problems running mostly default settings, though my console likes to get loud when running Earth Tilesets, which is apparently something a lot of people experience. my console can handle it 99% of the time, but it makes kind of a big deal about things.



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3 hours ago, ConzyFTW said:

Well..... y’know.... it is still a console...

And a powerful one. Moreso than many of the PCs we've seen people use on WF. 

One look at the yearly Steam survey will show you that about a third of the PCs people use for gaming are inferior to this generation of consoles, much less the XB1X. 

I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary with my XB1X. I'd check the physical position of the console in regards to cooling. Is anything blocking air intakes? How is it in relation to nearby objects? Is it choked with dust? 

Lastly, if you're playing at 4K, I'd view 30fps as about normal. It'll do better in many situations, but WF gets pretty hectic in full on MP missions and 4K is the graphical big league, even if the console cheats a bit in displaying it.

Also, some fan noise isn't something I'd be concerned about. I sit about 8' away from mine and don't notice any--but I'm 8' away. My primary PC is about two feet from me (maybe three; the radiator is on top) and I really notice its fans, particularly when the GPU cranks up. Of course, if it sounds like someone rattling ball bearings in a soup can, then there might be a problem. 

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