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So What Was The Lore Behind This Event?


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When did all three factions learn that they can kill Tenno by cutting off air?

Why did all three factions decide to do this all at the same time?

Why do Corpus robots need air tanks?

If the Lotus have that air spreading technology, when are they going to terraform the sun?




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How does the Corpus cut off oxygen on a planet's surface? (Is it actually biosphere?)

How does Infested cut the oxygen supply?


More seriously though, it's as people said; it's just to introduce the mode. Still silly how the Infested can cut the oxygen supply, unless they are smarter than we think (the Ancients).

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First off, terraforming the sun would potentially cause every living thing to die. No light = no plant life whatsoever, which = much less food. Much less food = mass starvation. Mass starvation = a sudden ending to the plot. 

As far as the Corpus bots having oxygen tanks, maybe the could be carrying them to lighten the load for the other Corpus soldiers.

As for when the factions decided that they could kill tenno by cutting off oxygen, maybe just an assumption in hopes of finding a weakness.

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LOL! I made a thread about this over the weekend. I just don't get how the Grineer could cut off oxygen to us selectively and without killing themselves in the process. I mean, there were so many shield lancers and cleaver dudes running around with no face masks. In the end my conclusion was:

It's the Grineer. XD

Edited by sushidubya
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LOL! I made a thread about this over the weekend. I just don't get how the Grineer could cut off oxygen to us selectively and without killing themselves in the process. I mean, there were so many shield lancers and cleaver dudes running around with no face masks. In the end my conclusion was:

It's the Grineer. XD

They could have a hose directly into the lungs from their armor, exposed face is not a problem as there is still an atmosphere. Just no oxygen.

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Why is alpha team's performance inversely proportional to ours?

Either you suck -> mission complete in two minutes -> alpha team did what they needed to very quickly.

Or you are amazing -> mission complete in an hour -> alpha team took that much longer to do what they needed to.


Conclusion, there is no alpha team. Lotus is sending you on a mission whose true objective is suicide (that's why when you die-> mission 'complete').

That's why lotus stops helping you after 10 minutes.

That's why infested somehow seem to have the presence of mind to cut off oxygen. Lotus is the one cutting oxygen in the first place; everyone is just rushing into the room to defend their area from tenno with no idea that the air is shut off and the tenno will slowly die on their own anyway.

That's why there is no extraction tile. The only way out is death. Even the name "SURVIVE OR DIE," while at first glance seems tautological and a simple oversight, is actually the lotus just hastily trying to amend the original title of her so-called mission: "DIE"


tl;dr lotus is super duper evil guys

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When did all three factions learn that they can kill Tenno by cutting off air?

Why did all three factions decide to do this all at the same time?

Why do Corpus robots need air tanks?

If the Lotus have that air spreading technology, when are they going to terraform the sun?

when are they going to terraform the sun?


terraform the sun?



You don't understand the sun very well do you? I do feel a bit of sarcasm though so if it is, then tell me.

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Why is alpha team's performance inversely proportional to ours?

Either you suck -> mission complete in two minutes -> alpha team did what they needed to very quickly.

Or you are amazing -> mission complete in an hour -> alpha team took that much longer to do what they needed to.


Conclusion, there is no alpha team. Lotus is sending you on a mission whose true objective is suicide (that's why when you die-> mission 'complete').

That's why lotus stops helping you after 10 minutes.

Its just a lack of audio from lotus.

10m mark: "Good work Tenno, Alpha team found the main supplies and are collecting them now. I'll be now aiding their recovery. (last air support)

20m mark: "Good work Tenno, Alpha team recovered more than they could have hoped, disengage at your discretion.

30m mark: "Tenno... are you ok?

40m mark: "I'm turning the lights off..."

50m mark: "Seriously? You're on salary, there is no overtime pay"

1h mark: "If you cant wake up for work tomorrow, it's all on you."

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Why is alpha team's performance inversely proportional to ours?

Either you suck -> mission complete in two minutes -> alpha team did what they needed to very quickly.

Or you are amazing -> mission complete in an hour -> alpha team took that much longer to do what they needed to.


Conclusion, there is no alpha team. Lotus is sending you on a mission whose true objective is suicide (that's why when you die-> mission 'complete').

That's why lotus stops helping you after 10 minutes.

That's why infested somehow seem to have the presence of mind to cut off oxygen. Lotus is the one cutting oxygen in the first place; everyone is just rushing into the room to defend their area from tenno with no idea that the air is shut off and the tenno will slowly die on their own anyway.

That's why there is no extraction tile. The only way out is death. Even the name "SURVIVE OR DIE," while at first glance seems tautological and a simple oversight, is actually the lotus just hastily trying to amend the original title of her so-called mission: "DIE"


tl;dr lotus is super duper evil guys


That's so messed up!!! I busted my @$$ this weekend to give Alpha team more time. XD

Edited by sushidubya
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Cause lore gives us a reason to shoot stuff, not mindless boring shooting everything in sight for no reason. 

So you mean the handful of lore that you have to dig to find makes you feel like you're not just shooting everything in sight for the sake of playing a game?

Cool story.

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When did all three factions learn that they can kill Tenno by cutting off air?

Why did all three factions decide to do this all at the same time?

Why do Corpus robots need air tanks?

If the Lotus have that air spreading technology, when are they going to terraform the sun?


The right question should be.

How were they able to cut off air supply on a planet's surface.

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