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Changes to Launchers


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I'd like to propose some changes to Launchers. I've several gripes I seem to keep coming back and forth from recently when it comes to using my Ogris or my Zarr in missions. I'm not saying that we should remove the self damage from Launchers, but I feel there are times where the game can become.... frustrating. Look, I know a new mod came out that can reduce the self damage of Launchers, but honestly this feels far more bandaid than anything and requires us to sacrifice a slot also. 

1. Squadmates

Do you know how many times I've gotten ready with a good shot with the Ogris and fired it at a hallway of enemies, only for a squadmate to run infront of me, block my shot at point blank and end up blowing myself up?

Way too many times. Can we have a way of changing it so that Launchers have innate punchthrough in allies. This is actually my number 1 reason why I cannot stand to bring an Ogris into missions at times. It's happened so many times in survival and defence that it's come to a point where I have this lovely 5 forma'd Ogris sitting in my inventory, but isn't seeing play much due to the fact that at any moment an ally will always just seem to move infront of me as I'm raining death as a Mirage or something only for the raining death to end up blowing myself up.

2. Abilities

Sometimes abilities get in the way of Launchers also. Ever lined up the perfect shot with a Launcher and fired, only for a Frost to throw up his Snowglobe and you, again, blow yourself up due to Snowglobe deciding it has to block your perfectly aimed shot? It's incredibly frustrating. I understand that Snowglobe would be insanely powerful if it didn't block allied bullets (At one point, if I recall correctly, it didn't.) But it feels like a harsh punishment for me to just blow myself up during an Endless Mission because I line up a beautiful shot only for a Frost at the moment I let go of the Trigger to decide "NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO SNOWGLOBE!" It's not just Snowglobe though. It can be Nekros' Shadows of the Dead or other abilities that generally block bullets.

In short: All I'm asking really is that Launchers (espcially the Ogris due to how it fires) should have innate Ally Punchthrough. With this small change, I would feel that Launchers would be played far more often, especially the Ogris. 

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15 minutes ago, KaijuKraid said:

1. Squadmates

Do you know how many times I've gotten ready with a good shot with the Ogris and fired it at a hallway of enemies, only for a squadmate to run infront of me, block my shot at point blank and end up blowing myself up?

Ugh, this one is so annoying! 😠


+1 DE listen!

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IRL explosive projectiles have a fix range where they won't explode on impact to prevent injuries to the user and allies from accidental fire or missed shots.

Imho I think ig weapons could use such a mechanic. Maybe cause a massive impact proc/ragdoll to enemies, or maybe impale them like Boltor darts and explode once they reach the fixed range. 

For allies and abilities, I think PT would be great. I personaly can't think of something better to prevent allies to cause self-damage.

Edited by Blade_Wolf_16
Precised "mechanic" to be sure people don't think I'm talking about a mod. It would be awfull.
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4 minutes ago, Blade_Wolf_16 said:

IRL explosive projectiles have a fix range where they won't explode on impact to prevent injuries to the user and allies from accidental fire or missed shots.

Imho I think ig weapons could use such a thing. Maybe cause a massive impact proc/ragdoll to enemies, or maybe impale them like Boltor darts and explode once they reach the fixed range. 

For allies and abilities, I think PT would be great. I personaly can't think of something better to prevent allies to cause self-damage.

What makes it even faster for DE is that, well, they already HAVE the code for this.....the Corinth Air Burst grenade only detonates at 30m (before flight speed is added or taken away *rivens*), it just needs to be applied to the rest of the launchers....and NOT as a mod.

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I'm usually against suggestions on removing risks of self damage.

But considering some people will repeatedly try to go in front of you on purpose, i think it would be acceptable if the projectile just stopped without exploding. Punchthrough would turn other people's body into convenient shields for laucher users.

Edited by Robolaser
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14 hours ago, Robolaser said:

I'm usually against suggestions on removing risks of self damage.

But considering some people will repeatedly try to go in front of you on purpose, i think it would be acceptable if the projectile just stopped without exploding. Punchthrough would turn other people's body into convenient shields for laucher users.

It's not just on purpose, infact I'm sure almost all the time with my examples above it's by pure accident. (Though I always seem to have people who always go infront of me just to kill the tons of enemies that I'm already muderating dead.) If it's on purpose, it's probably actually far easier to deal with than on purpose. As for using other peoples bodies as a shield: That's actually pretty hard unless it's something like a Saryn Molt where all the aggro (is meant to anyways) go to the Molt. 

I wouldn't mind if it did just stop the projectile/refund the ammo like Xarteros said also. Anything at the moment would be better than just blowing yourself up because someone decided to do something and didn't realize it would blow you up also. 


14 hours ago, Blade_Wolf_16 said:

IRL explosive projectiles have a fix range where they won't explode on impact to prevent injuries to the user and allies from accidental fire or missed shots.

Imho I think ig weapons could use such a mechanic. Maybe cause a massive impact proc/ragdoll to enemies, or maybe impale them like Boltor darts and explode once they reach the fixed range. 

For allies and abilities, I think PT would be great. I personaly can't think of something better to prevent allies to cause self-damage.

Oh, I like that idea. Combined with the other one which points out the Corinth already has it, that could be hilarious. Though that may be too strong with use of something like the Zarr or an Ogris with Napalm. Also combine with Zephyr Jet Stream. 

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