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Remove MR restrictions and use a meta score


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At MR25, with every mod in the game, my newly formaed frame is about 20x stronger than a MR 6 with their first level 30.  Locking out things like ESO, Arbitrations, and even Sorties using MR, in my opinion makes little sense at this point in the game.  There should be some type of meta-score that uses the mod numbers and quality that you are currently wearing that determines your entry.  This would also theoretically eliminate the possibility of someone coming to a zone like this with a level 30 frame with no mods on.

Bored AF of leveling in Hydron

Edited by Mad5cout
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Excuse me, do you really think R0 just forma'd Frost with only 1st ability unlocked is more powerful than R30 Frost with no forma but all abilities available? You can say R10 can be gained fast enough and you'll have all your 4 abilities, but still their potential will not be full.


I know, buddy, I know, you can successfully finish the sortie with R0 warframe and one mediocre weapon. But this doesn't mean you'll be allowed to do that. huh.

UPD: don't do Hydron. Do Bere. Do endless Axi fissires (I'm sure you'll not let down your teammates with R0 frame here). Do regular Onslaught. Find an Equi and do Adaro.

Edited by Zanoza-chan
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On 2018-10-23 at 1:42 PM, Zanoza-chan said:

Excuse me, do you really think R0 just forma'd Frost with only 1st ability unlocked is more powerful than R30 Frost with no forma but all abilities available? You can say R10 can be gained fast enough and you'll have all your 4 abilities, but still their potential will not be full.


Not only do I think it, I know it.  Having skills unlocked is not the end all be all of how a frame performs.  Some frames are built around their first skill (e.g, Saryn) and lose virtually nothing in terms of playability and power in forma resets. 

When you are MR25 and everything in the game is leveled and all you have left is maximation of everything you own, this process becomes tiresome.  When low- or mid-level, you can maximize time by doing multiple things at a time - leveling gear while doing fissures, bounties, unlock nodes, farm materials, etc. - that are actually meaningful for your personal gameplay goals.   When you get to max MR, this (as in doing multiple things that actually matter for your gameplay) is no longer possible because of these MR caps.  Other than releveling forma'ed gear, the only things you really need are things like focus farming (ESO), get new/rare mods (Arbitration), run sortie dailies for rivens, or do eidolon hunts.  I don't even really need fissures anymore except when I run out of forma BPs, which are often easier to just buy with plat at this point in the game.

And to be honest (LISTEN UP HERE DE), this is one of the reasons you lose longtime players because they get effing annoyed with unnecessary barriers and forced grinding like this.  Removing annoying restrictions like this is likely to keep experienced players around longer.  I know the frequency of my playing has decreased ever since I hit this wall.  It isn't just about content drought.  Some of the problem is stuff like this.

Edited by Mad5cout
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