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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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I have a suggestion for Search the Dead which is to change it completely to an ability that can actually kill something. It would sync better with his ultimate.

Curse - Marks an enemy for a few seconds. The cursed enemy take x% more damage for the duration. After the duration ends, the curse cause an explosion that deals 200% of the damage dealt to the target to surrounding enemies in a large area of effect.

This also has the added bonus of healing Necro, his minions and his allies if they were to be in the explosive area of effect.


Also, for Clone the Dead (which name is kinda meh), I really hope the cloned enemies will last until destroyed or until you recast the ultimate. I hope that the clones actively follow Necro around when they are not in combat and I very much hope that they are aggressive.

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I've been against giving him a heal from the start, but I just had an idea I quite like to replace "search the dead".


Basically it's a team heal, but its effects are dependant on the amount of dead around Necro.

ie. if there are no bodies around Necro he heals team mates, but at the cost of his own health. If there are over a set amount of bodies, he heals the team and himself. If there's an in between amount he heals the team at little/no cost of his own life.

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I have a suggestion for Search the Dead which is to change it completely to an ability that can actually kill something. It would sync better with his ultimate.

Curse - Marks an enemy for a few seconds. The cursed enemy take x% more damage for the duration. After the duration ends, the curse cause an explosion that deals 200% of the damage dealt to the target to surrounding enemies in a large area of effect.

This also has the added bonus of healing Necro, his minions and his allies if they were to be in the explosive area of effect.


Also, for Clone the Dead (which name is kinda meh), I really hope the cloned enemies will last until destroyed or until you recast the ultimate. I hope that the clones actively follow Necro around when they are not in combat and I very much hope that they are aggressive.

I agree changing the "Search the dead" cuz it is going be very OP or not, its still like "drain" accept that your just draining energy for nothing or having OP with it.  I am pretty sure no one is going use this or going use this a lot and abused it.


Clone the dead should be name like "Rising Dead" or "Conjure Dead" to sound like he is like he is from his lore mystical moment but it really he cloning the dead to fight with him.  I hope as well the Necro's minons are very aggressive so that they can at lest push or control tight spot.

Edited by ChaoticEdge
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Search the dead seems useless unless it drops mods too.  Otherwise it will likely not be worth to level the mod card much less equip it.  Not necro, but a corrupted tenno (pre-void) release was my idea, more like Cthulhu and madness with tentacles and some cc.  The rest seems pretty good idea but ability 3 is meaningless in any type of play except the very fist mission while leveling a new weapon on Mercury as you run out of ammo, any other mode drops handle your supply needs 99% of the time, not to mention ammo packs.  If ability 3 stays the way it is, it should be guaranteed health every time from every single corpse, which would help that new +2 health pick up mod may become somewhat useful, and some kind of level based chance of a mod dropping, higher level equals more chance (like 10% chance per cast maxed at high level 50+ enemies.)

Edited by Nickeltoe
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I have to point out something that strikes me as incredibly bad about this frame:


The first thing you noted is that power #3 increases the loot found from killing enemies.


The second thing you noted is that power #4 makes this frame awesome for solo play.


Now, just think about that:


A frame...

That works better solo...

And gets more loot than other frames.


I'm not sure why that doesn't immediately strike you as a bad idea, but if the best loot is on a frame that's best solo, you're automatically pushing the entire game community towards solo play.


That seems like a very bad idea for a game where you actually have a community. Why play with others if it's going to be easier and more-rewarding to play by yourself?

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That seems like a very bad idea for a game where you actually have a community. Why play with others if it's going to be easier and more-rewarding to play by yourself?


Why indeed should I suffer random groups? >_> Seriously, what is it with the prejudice against solo players?


I have a different issue with this frame - a "soul" doesn't exist, at least not in any way that can be scientifically proven. As such, punching people in the soul is impossible. Call it a "Nano Projectile" instead or something along those lines.

Edited by Rule34
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They wont fit in the coridor hue hue.

Also I guess it will last for like 10 seconds at best.

if thats the case then the Necro Warframe is going to suffer like just about every other minion class in every other game...

please dont give them a stupid timer... and if it IS one make it a large timer so you can actually get USE out of your inevitable little paper munchkins...

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Why indeed should I suffer random groups? >_> Seriously, what is it with the prejudice against solo players?


I have a different issue with this frame - a "soul" doesn't exist, at least not in any way that can be scientifically proven. As such, punching people in the soul is impossible. Call it a "Nano Projectile" instead or something along those lines.

You, sir, have no sense of the dramatic. Never mind the debate on whether or not a soul actually exists, Soul Punch is such an over-the-top cheesy name that I would be terribly disappointed if it were to be changed.

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1) Rending Claws- 15 energy -  a cone wave(30 degrees Rank1, 60 degrees rank2, 90 degrees rank 3) of X freeze damage and an additional % based amount of damage based upon health remaining dealing greater damage the less health targets have. Also, causing 5%(Rank1), 8%(rank2), 12%(Rank3), armor debuff, stacking to no more than 60%. 


Animation - Necro slashes at the air, causing ghastly claws to rend all enemies in affected cone area. Also, lots of blood spatter animation. Used in quick succession Necro will use alternate hand in next cast.


Damage wise this ability shouldn't be high, it's main purpose is to stack the armor debuff as it is meant to be cast in multiple succession.


2)Phantasm - 25 energy - Necro causes wraith-like phantasm(s) [1 phantasm @ Rank 1, 2 phantasms @ Rank 2, 3 phantasms @ Rank 3] Each phantasm will latch on to 1 enemy and devour it completely(will not devour bosses) leaving only gory bits behind , causing X number of enemies with radius to be paralyzed with fear, and also causing the rest to flee.



3.a)Corpse Harvest - 50 Energy - Necro sends out a swarm of Nano-tech insectoids to turn any corpses within range into X health or energy(50/50 chance), X Rifle,Shotgun,Sniper Ammo(depending on which is equipped), X Pistol Ammo. Additional chance of X% mod drop from loot table of corpse type.


Animation - Necro holds dominant hand outward palm facing the ceiling as a swarm  erupts upward, then the swarm proceeds to convert corpses into useful loot.


3.b) Soul Feast- 20 energy/second channeled ability - Necro drains the souls from x victims in x radius for x health/second. Cannot fire weapons/melee while channeling this ability. Enemies killed by this ability are left as a hollowed and decayed husk of a corpse on the ground


Still not sure as to whether or not we should be able to attack while healing.


Animation- much the same as the capture animation used on enemy informants, except more sinister and obliviously multiple targets at once. 


4) Resurrection - 150 Energy - Necro creates X(rank 1 1 clone, rank 2 2 clones,  rank 3 3 clones) Nano clones of the last X(rank 1 last enemy, rank 2 3 enemies, rank 3 5 enemies) enemies he has killed and/or assisted killing. 

Edited by Aeronite
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Clone the dead:

No one seems to notice the problems it will cause. Nyx players will agree with me in the fact that teammates never look on what they are killing. You ask them to not kill the ancient healer under control, they kill it anyway. You position yourself between the monster and those shooting it to let it actually heal the team, they run around you and continue shooting even if they have 10 HP left. So, my point is that if theses clones will be friendly (meaning they take no damage from the squad) and look the same as or similar to the original monsters, they will create obstacles, and teammates will fire them without regard not kill anything.  The only good idea I've seen thus far is this:


Clone the Dead: Other than its awfully similar name to the above ability, this is what everyone expected from Necro. Unfortunately, the OP makes it sound like a re-theme of Nyx's Mind Control mixed with Chaos, which doesn't really amuse me. I think the "risen" troops should be given traits to differentiate them greatly from their living counterparts. You could make them melee only units that have been buffed with more speed, power, and health/armor/shields. Something that would make me use it on anything that ISN'T a dead Heavy Gunner.


Yet, it eliminates only one half of the problem. There was a suggestion about wraiths, just applied to fear totem. I suggest to apply it to the fourth abylity instead. Let it create not the clones, but "extract the energy from fallen enemies and create wraithlike apparitions from it to fight for you" or something like that. Something holographic.


Soul Punch:

Necromancy is flesh "magic", not soul. Leave soul treatment to prists. Necromancy is based on decay and corruption. Decayed and corrupted bodies have some problems with movement, as they become stiff, fragile, dehydrated, rusty, and so on. I like the idea of it weakening target's defences, but Nova's M.Prime does the same thing just 10 times better for 60% less energy (10 times soul punch = 250 energy) literally dwarfing the soul punch, as it is a huge AoE with 50% slow atop of that.


Search the dead:

I dare not comment on this one as it is completely weird and unnecromancylike.. Better would be to replace it with something that creates a pool of living flesh around you, which grows tentacles to catch nearby foes and smash them head first into the floor and name it Creepers.

Edited by Bouldershoulder
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Right off the bat, SEARCH THE DEAD needs to be a frame mod. It's essentially just extra loot from kills. This is a really poor fit for this warframe; it seems like you really were scavenging for anything to put here. We aren't thieves, we're necromancers.


We aren't anything, yet.  Even with the other abilities, the frame is more of a particularly morbid nanotech engineer than a necromancer.


Looking at the skill as 'extra loot from kills' is a lot less useful than looking at it as 'on-demand health, energy, and ammo.'  Making it a mod would remove the on-demand aspect, which might be enough of a nerf but feels pretty bland.

TERROR TOTEM. I really don't want to make Vauban and Nyx any more obsolete. So many control skills already dispersed among the frames, do we really need another skill to control the enemy AI?


Do we need another skill to damage enemy health?


This is an incredible concept and would be fantastic to replace Search the Dead. A perfect combination of utility and power, an armored skeleton created from nanites to both defend the Necro and attack his enemies. I'd be happy if it could just thrash nearby foes for a few seconds. 


Actually, I guess I wasn't being rhetorical.  Do we really need another damage skill on this warframe?  I understand that it doesn't have a "nuke" at-present, which is a little unusual.  But I think the lack of inherent AoE is a great balance-point for a frame that benefits so very much from having a lot of dead enemies around.  It gives it something to look for -- out of weapons, sentinels, or even (Lotus forbid) teammates.


The necroframe as-written initially is pretty pro.  It's got some powerful -- possibly too powerful, but I addressed that in another post -- control, but it's also got a steeper learning curve and has to work a bit more to get the most out of its tools.  The thing you've presented here is... kind of like a Nickelback album.  It's got a strong beat to it but after listening for a while, you realize it's just more of the same.


The art for the Golem is beautiful and I hope there's something else that can use that visual concept.  But it isn't needed here and it doesn't fit.  And to end on one last positive note:


Soul Rend: Direct % damage that rips away part of their life energy, permanently damaging their HP with a stacking % armor debuff


Yes please.  Although I still like "Soul Punch."  ;p

Edited by noneuklid
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Sounds like a nice Necromancer/Zombie themed Frame that strikes the heart of our foes with fear.


BUT  "Search the Dead"  does not really looks like it would fit in there, would be funny if it would let you scavenge a slain enemy. Like pick up a weapon from it(Grineer & Corpus) or rip out a body part of it (infested).

Just think about it how funny it would be to rip out an Ancients spine(if they have one.. not so sure) and strangle the next runner with it, using the head of a fusionMoa to vaporize the corpus it should hat protected or running wild with a grineer Flamethrower.


for the infestet part... that may be a bit brutal....


Mod lvl could influence the ammout of ammo/durability you "pick up" and what kind of weapon you get.

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This far down I hope someone sees it.


1. soul punch: its delightful, I'm even fond of the name.


2. terror totem: It seems like it will only be useful for defense. It needs a way to be moved/ maybe it could be more of a fear golem thing. Something capable of tanking medium damage for a time.


3. search the dead: I am a proud necromancer- not a thief, I care not what's in their undead pockets so long as they do my bidding. Instead I would suggest this:


3. (Alt) soul call: 5-10 energy : calls your undead minions allowing you to order them to move to a location or to swarm on an unsuspecting victim. (would place a marker visible to the necro. I'd suggest a nice dark purple for it, with a skull emblem please.)


4. clone the dead: this is alright, but it could be way better. here's another take on it.


4. (Alt) undead wave: 100 energy : necro disperses technocyte cells to form (X) abominations (for the time being they could be infested chargers to save on assets) from enemies corpses. These abominations would be 75/100/125/150% of the enemies strength ( level). Every time they kill an enemy there would be (12.5%/25%/37.5%/50%(Y) chance for a new abomination to spawn.


(X) is affected by the 'focus' mod. Base number would be 3-(at lowest rank)-6 (at highest) for a max of 8 . (Y) is affected by the 'continuity' and 'constitution' mods. for a total of 79% chance to spawn another abomination.


I understand that there would need to be a cap for the max you can have at one time. / alternatively they could be stronger but less numerous.

Edited by adaroe
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You, sir, have no sense of the dramatic. Never mind the debate on whether or not a soul actually exists, Soul Punch is such an over-the-top cheesy name that I would be terribly disappointed if it were to be changed.


As long as they only NAME it Soul Punch I don't have any problem with it. But it'd be silly if they show some ghosts or something leaving the enemy's body.

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Clone sounds like a Chaos/Mind Control restricted to dead enemies.


Totem is a yet another CC skill, and doesn't really seem very effective to me.


Search the dead is the weakest link, unless it has a 100% chance to drop mods or something.


the only direct damage ability is Soul Punch, which means this is going to be Defenseframe.

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1#  First ability sounds nice: "Soul Punch" DO WANT! Moreover, it's effects are pretty fine as for 1st ability. 

2#  "Terror Totem" - I really don't mind it, seems like a decent cc skill.

3#  My first reaction was WTF?! Loot from corpses, useless 'coz orbs and 'munition I can easily get as normal drops. DE, you should put other skill in here, I don't have any ideas what but I believe any change will be good. Maybe as NEcro got his 1# and 2# skills decent cc's why not a defensive skill here also with potential cc  (ie. Necro sacrafices some of his HP to create inpenetrable for enemies and allies wall of nanobots or something like that).

4# OH it's gonna be sweet! :D However, I fear about number of nano-corpses(clones) that can be raised ( too many = bad, not enough= lame). Also, if raised clones attack power and armor wil depend from mod fusions(ultimate's mod fusion level, focus etc.) or raised enemies levels? 

For now, it seems that this warframe gonna be cool ... only if it'll undergo some minor changes.  

Edited by darkhades2012
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Oh, and a better name for clone the dead: "Rise from your grave" for reference joke, and "Arise" for pure coolness.


Making the name sound like a command adds nicely to the necromancer feel as you can imagine a raspy voice saying the power name :)


Also if keeping the body looting abilty "corpus conversion" is a good name.

Edited by Nothus
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I'd like to see his #3 replaced with something like a wraith form that uses the old iron skin mechanics (invulnerability for a limited time) coupled with a damage boost or armor bypass. And maybe no animation. Because you KNOW they're gonna make this frame squishy like the Nova and Vauban. I for one am tired of frames that can't take a hit from a high level grunt without having to stop to scoop their intestines back in. =(

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