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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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Looks badass, seems useless in combat.

What HE can do, others can do BETTER.


#1 Needs a buff to outclass Rhino's Roar since it would be much more difficult to use and affects a single enemy. (usually a boss)

#2 Seems like his best ability, which is just normal CC. Don't put a limit on this like Bastille has. Really, please. Also, would be nice if you could make the freeze radius the same as snowglobe, and the one to make others run in fear a bit larger.

#3 Seems useless. No way anybody is gonna use this.

#4 Don't know enough to be able to talk about this, but it would take making it OP to make summoning familiars not useless.

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SEARCH THE DEAD: Generates loot from corpses (health, energy, ammo, etc).



Honestly can't tell if this is a joke or something...

Can we please have a new warframe that doesn't have practically useless skills, especailly when the new sentinel basically has this. 

We really do not need skills that just cut down looting time or get you marginally more loot.  We need COMBAT abilities, not more bloody UTILITY abilities.


The Necro frame has a COMBAT UTILITY skill which is TERROR  (why totem, it's stupid to force another frame to be static...)

Here's my suggestion.

Necro's number 3 ability SHOULD be a life drain ability.  I mean come on.... what necro doesn't have some sort of life drain ability, it should be a given that we get this.

REAVE: Drains the life of all nearby enemies and transfers it to Nerco and his alllies.

Drains 10% health (+5% per level) + 200 damage (+100 per level)

This way Necro has a strong combat ability and allows him to support his team well  along with having a useful combat ability for HIGH TIER missions.

I completely agree. Necro, just doesn't seem as Combat focused as other frames are.
Frankly, I think and suggest they make this Necro frame Combat focused because... it's a Necromancer... They tear stuff apart.
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Would love to see a phase shifting ability but too many warframe's have something similar to invisibility. An ability that could set up kills for the ultimate would or a buff for held and teammates.

Mummification: Necro and allies are mummified by his nanites, increasing armour drastically and reducing speed.

Plague: Necro releases the nanites that lower the armor of enmities in a certain area. The enemies glow purple as they are "marked for death"

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Ye as others have already stated search the death is simply not wanted for the necromancer warframe.

I hope the devs don't push it trough and actually read the forum because over 90% of the people I've seen talk about the necro stated they dislike search the death.

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A big problem with Necro's abilities is the lack of synergy. What is his role? I mean sure, the names of the abilities and probably the visuals will fit his design, but how do I apply his abilities together on the battlefield? He has no area of effect attack and no way of hitting multiple enemies with an ability from what I can see, which doesn't allow him to combo into his ultimate ability.


His first ability is a debuff, primarily. Followed by a disabling move. Followed by utility. Then an ability that relies on him killing enemies. The problem here is that he can't feed into his last skill with any of the others directly.


DE needs to select a role for him to fulfill, and then reformat his abilities to specifically fill that role. That's where they messed up with Ember and Trinity. They didn't make the abilities fit the role, and when they finally fixed it, people were used to the way it was and didn't like it. They need to get it right when Necro releases instead of later in the update when he's reworked.

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Problem with changes to trinity and ember is that they did fulfill a very definite role, and the changes took that role away, forcing a clumsily implemented "intended" role, that works about as well as a glass hammer.


Necro is probably ment to be an experiment on devs' behalf, but the downside of that is that DE rarely ever comes back to revert it's experiments into something proper.

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While it might well be impossible to say that I, amongst the entire populace of Warframe, wanted this warframe to happen the most... But I can most certainly tell you that I have been told, directly, that I am at least constantly thought about in the DE offices when the Necro-themed warframe came up... as shown here. https://twitter.com/sheldoncarter/status/368851518755069952

At E3 I had the chance to interview and geek out with Sheldon, Scott, Steve, Rebecca and other members of the Warframe team... and while standing with all 4 of them, and watching The Calling trailer together on the Sony PS4's giant ring-shaped screen, I lamented that the Necro frame had lost the Design Council's voting by such a tiny margin. For the next 5 minutes or so we talked about the frame, what niche it might fill, it's look etc... I suggested it bear a resemblance to a Dungeons and Dragons "Lich", gaunt but smooth-moving and using grand gestures. To say I'm glad to see those traits manifest is an understatement. Also, I do hope the name suggestion sticks. ;)

However... back then it's abilities were only theoretical... and looking upon these abilities here, I must draw upon something I said which took Scott aback when I was describing my play style in Warframe. You see, I play a Rhino as my "Go To" frame, but I don't slot Rhino Charge, or Stomp (back then also it was Blast as well). Back then, I only slotted Iron Skin... and as it still is today, I told him that I had Formaed the Ability 3 and 4 slots since I really had no interest in Charge, Stomp and Blast. Scott told me he took a little offense, since he designed those abilities and if I had no interest in them, then the abilities weren't up to snuff.

I then must reference this by saying... Search the Dead will not be an ability I slot into my Lich (Necro). It's an ability which either becomes necessary for farming (if it drops resources or mods) or is nearly worthless (if it only drops ammo, energy etc) as either mods or ammo boxes take care of any shortages, or weapons are swapped... it's an ability so situational that I would rather Forma out the ability slot and put in extra survivability...

I implore you... I beg you... Scott, my man... as the guy who fought tooth and nail to see this Frame, the guy who blew your mind at E3 at least twice with what I had to say... please reconsider Search the Dead. Classic Necromancy (or Nano-Necromancy here?) should involve some sort of life-draining ability. Give Lich an ability that helps heal himself and his party... we have a female healer warframe... I think we could use a male one as well. :)

And if I may... though such suggestions are small...

"Soul Punch" renamed "Soul Driver" (Suggests a more 'punching through' feeling, considering the cone of damage behind the target)

"Terror Totem" renamed "Terrifying Visage" (Instead of a totem, briefly put a ghostly image of something horrible overtop the Warframe. Same effect though.)

"Clone the Dead" renamed "Reanimate the Dead" (Friendly nanobots reassemble pieces of defeated enemies into faximilies of your foes.)

I can only hope this reaches you... and I can only hope my words resonate enough. Either way... Lich here will be my default warframe.

Goodbye Rhino... we had a good run buddy. But it's time for the dead to rise...

Edited by LordOda
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SOUL PUNCH: so mags pull but a push? could it pleas rage-doll every thing :D in a small cone aoe much small then mags pull but same range over all range.


TERROR TOTEM: would love to see this as the thing you throw down when rez-ing team mates, rather then what it currently dose could it giv team mates in range the TERROR effect making them lose all aggro, don't what to see it do the same thing bastille did before and be king of defense.


SEARCH THE DEAD: ok... giv it a chance to giv mods and ill use it. seems kinda of out of place tho.


CLONE THE DEAD: should have the cap change depending on what was killed, is it lite or heavy, like 50 lite infested vs 25 accents or something. other wise the only thing ill won to kill are the useful mobs and leave the rest for team mates.


would love something that lets you poses an enemy and re-gen hp.

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it's an ability so situational that I would rather Forma out the ability slot and put in extra survivability... I implore you... I beg you... Scott, my man... as the guy who fought tooth and nail to see this Frame, the guy who blew your mind at E3 at least twice with what I had to say... please reconsider Search the Dead.  Give Lich an ability that helps heal himself and his party... 


That's what it does do!  It is extra survivability!

Edited by noneuklid
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imo the names are terrible, soul punch sounds like some drink, terror totem could just drop the totem part, search the dead sounds lame, grave robber would be better, and clone the dead is kinda ok, i'd still go for raise the dead, i wouldn't care if you clone them or not, but that's just my take on the names, i like the concept though, necro seems to be more centered around utility and crowd control, which wins in late game content

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I personally would like to see Necro bloody murderer, a product of darkness, without a single drop of respect for the life of the enemy on this I would like to see his abilities at about the:

1. Soul Eraser: Necro takes charge of the enemy with outstretched hand to his neck, grabs the soul and destroys squeezing her body, meanwhile, falls twitching.

2. Sacrifice: Necro creates around syabya for a certain radius, glowing magic sign, like pentogrammy or alchemical circle, and all who fall into this sign, rises and dies violently. (as an example of violent death can come tearing out of the heart through the mouth or chest and burst over the body, followed by a fall lifeless body, as for inorganic enemies, the heart can be replaced by an important part of the mechanism).

   While this is all that came into my head, but I will continue to think about this question! I would like to get feedback on the proposed my abilities!

Thank you!

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I want 4 totally op skills how look aswome and os all ennemies in a mission (os boss to).


I reject your proposition because a skill how give us more chance to lot energy and heal sucks (but I always complain about toxic dps)!!!

Why try to understand the healing/ cooperative aspect of this skill


And when DE will give us a warframe op as we asked, I'll whine because Nova Necro's players will "Stealh all my kills"...



Some of us really got to think a bit more on what they said...



Seriously, I think this set of skills look really interesting, can't wait for trying them.

Hope for a boss drop for part's bluprint and not as alert mission reward like vauban (don't want to go to bed at 4am for playing night alert) :p


PS: As I read, add a  little explosion with the search death, could be fun and visually cool.

But not too powerful (don't need another Molecular Prime). ;)

Edited by ZeGreymane
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So the basis of this WarFrames powers is manipulation of the technocyte virus im assuming? It would be exciting if this necromancers abilities were able to syncronize with eachother in some way at a biological stand point.


Soul punch for example, i do like the idea of the stacking armor debuff, but the idea for it would be more in-depth. The armor debuff would be a result of the necro taking control of a portion of the technovirus to manipulate it. Thus priming it and reduce the afflicted targets natural resistance on a cellular level (Sorta like how Magneto from Xmen is able to control metal, from moving a steel bridge to manipulating the iron in a persons blood stream).


"Search the Dead" sounds like Diablo 2's Barbarian "find potion" or "find item" ability......



"Viral Decay" would be the 3rd ability that would be able to sync with the first one, Possibly the 4th ability as well....

It would be something that augments or activates when cast on a enemy afflicted by the soul punch debuff. Like a rapid decay of the targets body similar to toxic ancient but a aura that damages the target and a small surrounding area.


Or it could be used on the clones from the 4th ability "Clone the Dead" to some degree, possibly buff them with greater damage or faster attacks and movement at the cost of reduced life time.


Just some food for thought for our DE design staff, great work so far on the character and I hope you continue to surprise and surpass our expectations :)
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Whats with the hate for search the dead?


Am I the only one that gets energy and ammo starved?

Bring ammo boxes

Bring amo mutation mods

Bring Trinity

Bring Necro.


Search the dead should give energy or amo but please not both.


Its just another frame people will want to bring over everything else.



Soul punch would be nice with a ghostly effect that continues through boddies and objects but not walls at max rank.

WTB the name terror ward.

Edited by Mezyo
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Okay DE, i'm sure you have realized by now nobody likes your idea of "Search the dead" Now, ive got an idea for an alternative for this if  you want to hear me out


Infect wounds: Doing x armor ignoring damage to target if this sucessfully gets the targets health under X% it will inflict a modified version of the technocyte virus causing the target to rot from the inside. After x seconds it will become a friendly "Zombiefied" version of the target wich will try to inflict the same virus to its previous teamates.

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