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Adaptation Nezha



So after testing Adaptation on Nekros, I've decided to try our new Flame King.

But my Umbral Nezha has only on mod slot open for experimentation and I have to remove other mods just to fit Adaptation without forma so

Has anyone else tried it already? Does it affect Warding Halo? I know it affects the 10% of damage you take (because that's what it effects normally) but basically is it worth the forma?

I understand fully that nezha would basically have a 90% DR ON TOP of another 90% DR, no need to tell me.

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vor einer Stunde schrieb Kyoresh:

since when?


Warding Halo absorbs 90% of all incoming damage Nezha takes and only expires when its health is depleted.

Your question tells me that you have no clue about the nezha changes and these are big, as you can see in the wiki. If you use google, the first hit are the youtube tests and those say its update 23.8.0. The changes basically changed the energy-managment of the frame, which leads to different mods and probably a different modlayout. Hunter adrenaline/rage are now very big with nezha. 



Edited by Fiewel
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7 hours ago, Kyoresh said:

how many Frames need all mods? 

And you always have to Sacrifice Aura and Exilus...

none NEED all of them, as you are so quick to point out.
and no you dont. i have multiple frames with all 3 umbral mods and i havent touched their aura or exilus slot besides unlocking the exilus.

If you had said you dont like umbral mods beacuse they (usually) lock a frame into one specific build, i mightve agreed with you but so far everything youve said against them has been actual nonsense.
i dont want to come off as mean but please learn what youre talking about.

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24 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:


TBH, I'm still a little fuzzy on the calculations. I know in Nekro's case, using Shield of shadows (90%) and Health Conversion (82%) gives around 98.25% dmg reduction (and this has been confirmed by the wiki and by youtubers numerous times). Based on that, I'm guessing 90% reduction (Adaptation) on an already existing 90% (Warding Halo) reduction would equal to 99%. My assumption though could be totally wrong on this so yeah, if someone could calculate this correctly, would be great.

Edited by R.O.G.U.E.
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Just now, -Temp0- said:


90 from halo, 90 from adaptation (even though its for one damage type) its effectively a 99% reduction
(Math if you care:
Halo makes it so you only take 10% of whatever just tried to kill you. it does 100 dmg (for easy math), you only take 10
with adaptation (max rank for easy math) after 10 hits of that 10, you take 1 dmg total (not counting the reduction getting to that point, but you get the idea)
so with both, and a steady constant damage stream, you only take 1% damage)

however that means rage only gives you .40 energy per hit (.45 for HA) so its pretty strange there, youd need really pissed gunners to get any real energy gain

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

Doesn’t Warding Halo benefits from incoming Dmg during 3s invulnerability after activation? 

yes. the damage you take during that time increases the amount of "health" the halo has, so itll last longer, but the 90% DR is the same even if you have 63 hp or 63 million hp

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

I’m afraid that you’re missing a point. More Dmg you will get during invulnerability stronger WH will become, so Adaptation is here, IMO, counterproductive.

oh during invulverabilty? you take full damage iirc. adaptation only procs when u take damage so, if your invulnerable it doesnt proc. sorry i read that wrong the first time

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8 hours ago, Fiewel said:

Your question tells me that you have no clue about the nezha changes and these are big, as you can see in the wiki. If you use google, the first hit are the youtube tests and those say its update 23.8.0. The changes basically changed the energy-managment of the frame, which leads to different mods and probably a different modlayout. Hunter adrenaline/rage are now very big with nezha. 



I do know Nezha...just didnt read all if the comment and just saw the mention of Harrow, so thats in me lol


7 hours ago, GothKazu-EN- said:

have multiple frames with all 3 umbral mods and i havent touched their aura or exilus slot besides unlocking the exilus.

that only works if you dont max them(considering you use all 3 for Max. benefit)


7 hours ago, GothKazu-EN- said:

actual nonsense

it isnt, agree, disagree, doesnt matter, for the Content that you play it may work, but dont praise it as something amazing 


edit: Please show me your build you Master Gamer 

Edited by Kyoresh
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12 hours ago, Yagamilight123 said:

So your example its a mode in wich you cheese being invisible all the time ( and based on that argument a lot of things are useless ) ? . Aside from that , you dont need to do "2 hours mot" for nothing ... so its irrelevant (and if you use another frame to do that "2 hours mot" , other things are going to be usefull) . You just highlight aspect that you want or do in the game , not a reallity of the player base , if the mods are not usefull to your playstyle its ok ... but the value/worth of the mods its not based on your playstyle (yes ... if you are invisible 100% of the time , you are not going to need health or armor ....) .

"try doing 2hour Mot with anything that isnt Octavia"

If you cant do it without octavia (or any invisible cheese frame) you are pretty bad player .

Holy Moly, how can you interpret something that wrong.

1. I dont play invisible/invincible Frames

2. I never said ist what the majority of Players do...

3. the mention of Octavia/CL was to show you that I DONT use them...

4. Actually I play Mag, Nidus, Ash(not that much) Limbo and Nekros

5. So for what Content are the mods worth in many Frames? (except stuff like U-Intensify in Ash for SS)

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Adaptation rarely gives a 90% reduction. It seems to pick whatever is highest from a given enemy. So with Gunners you will get impact or maybe slash but their puncture damage still hits like a truck. You'd need a variety of enemies beating on you to get anything near an actual 90, it is probably more like 30-50 averaged out.

Another thing is that if you come across an enemy that does high damage sometimes they'll one shot you before adaptation can proc. That's why I think for say Nezha you are better off stacking strengtg-health-armor and then everything else.

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The OP will have to run some tests in simulacrum and field and vs what content Nezha is going. Its not only about nullifying incoming damage, if that works too well, it will also neuter rage/hunter adrenaline. So its possible that for low content you run a different modsetup than high one.

Edited by Fiewel
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5 hours ago, Kyoresh said:

1. I dont play invisible/invincible Frames

2. I never said ist what the majority of Players do...

3. the mention of Octavia/CL was to show you that I DONT use them...

4. Actually I play Mag, Nidus, Ash(not that much) Limbo and Nekros

But I'M the "Master Gamer" right?

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26 minutes ago, GothKazu-EN- said:

But I'M the "Master Gamer" right?

well for one this wasnt addressed at you and I really dont get what you try to imply here.

But please show me your Nezha and another no Steel charge Umbra build 🙂

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12 hours ago, GothKazu-EN- said:

oh during invulverabilty? you take full damage iirc. adaptation only procs when u take damage so, if your invulnerable it doesnt proc. sorry i read that wrong the first time

Adaptation, thanks to her duration, is blocking incoming Dmg during WH invulnerable period, so no to Adaptation. Tested

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10 hours ago, Kyoresh said:

But please show me your Nezha and another no Steel charge Umbra build 


I already said at the beginning my nezha had to remove mods for adaptation so not sure what you want.

And exactly why should I humor you when you have the entire internet at your disposal? When you've been doing nothing but being wrong and hostile this entire time?You want an Umbral build without steel charge? I guarantee you can find one. I'm under no obligation to you.

Warframe builder still exists right? Go nuts.

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Adaptation is an excellent mod for some frames, like Inaros, because slash/toxin..etc. do less and less damage.

Nezha doesn't feel like the best candidate for the mod, since he's already really tanky AND immune to status, so the benefits of adaptation are minimal.

Even in Arbitrations the difference performance is negligible.

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5 hours ago, GothKazu-EN- said:

I already said at the beginning my nezha had to remove mods for adaptation so not sure what you want.

And exactly why should I humor you when you have the entire internet at your disposal? When you've been doing nothing but being wrong and hostile this entire time?You want an Umbral build without steel charge? I guarantee you can find one. I'm under no obligation to you.

Warframe builder still exists right? Go nuts.

dont be so offended...lol

You said you have many Umbra Builds without Steel Charge and an Exilus.

I said I dont believe you, so why not prove me wrong?

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8 hours ago, GothKazu-EN- said:

Warframe builder still exists right? Go nuts.

Okay I just did that and this is the only build I could come up with which uses all maxed Umbra Mods, an Exilus and not Steel charge: https://goo.gl/5U4SFw

So the claim that you can have an Umbra Build with all slots filled and not use steel charge is just a lie

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Just now, Eirshy said:

Curious as to what you used for "pure" impact damage.

I used Rail Moas.

Rail Moa Lvl.50 vs. Harrow, Primary Impact (Effectiveness -25% vs. Flesh, +50% vs. Shield)
1110 -> 567 = 543 = Shield Damage @ No Adaption [0% DR]
1110 -> 811 = 299 = Shield Damage @ 90% Adaption [45% DR]

Rail Moa Lvl.100 vs. Inaros, Primary Impact (Effectiveness -25% vs. Flesh, +50% vs. Shield)
6820 -> 6548 = 272 = No Adaption [0% DR]
6820 -> 6793 = 27 = 90% Adaption [90% DR]


In my tests with Heavy Gunner's Rifle melee though it appeared that it goes beyond 90% for Impact so its only 'mostly' Impact still.

Frontier Heavy Gunner Lvl.100 vs. Inaros,  Mostly Impact (Effectiveness -25% vs. Flesh, +50% vs. Shield)
6820 -> 6602 = 218 (Rifle Butt) = No Adaption
6820 -> 6798 = 22 (Rifle Butt) = 90% Adaption vs. Impact Only
6820 -> 6805 = 15 (Rifle Butt) = 90% Adaption vs. Impact + Slash [93% DR]



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