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Tartarus, the Eris Bio-Research Enclosure (with new Quest, Mods, Infested Creatures, Infested-Assassin Warframe, Weapons, Arcanes, and More!)


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3 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

That golem is canonically known as the J-3 Golem, according to the wiki. No need to get so hostile.

First off I didn’t get hostile. So please don’t assume or act like I did. Second that is not the same golem. They were separate missions and the J3 Golem is still in the codex. The Jordas Golem wasn’t a boss on Eris before either. Until DE made it so. Before you had to redo the Jordas Precept quest to farm for atlas. While the trial involved a bigger J3 Golem that you had to go inside in order to destroy. But like the Vay Hek trial, the J3 Golem trial was removed and we are just left with the smaller Jordas Golem boss on Eris and some of us are left with an extra empty spot in the codex. That doesn’t mean DE shouldn’t or can’t make the bigger J3 Golem as an event similar to the boil in the planes. DE could even make the event less complicated and make the Golem into something else entirely like how they turned a giant runner into the Jordas Golem we know today. 

But the point still stands regardless. 

Edited by (PS4)chris1pat8twins
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On 2018-11-30 at 12:09 PM, (PS4)Pauloluisx said:

I'd hate to burst the idea just yet, despite finding it good, but since DE wants to cater to new players for now mostly and Mercury is half-infested I think it's more likely they'll do it there first.

But despite that I want your idea to be located on Eris. I mean, that's the main infested place of the system and all the major stuff, like the Mycona, a full-on infested-dependant community, Helminth, main infested bosses, etc. should be there. I'd also want it to be a dark world, a world for more experienced Tenno, where infested life forms are way too much out of control and you have pesky hoardes all the time on top of you when in the open field. This would need balance for it not too be too pesky too so players don't ragequit lol.

I can see it now, the sky being greenish in the mornings, blackish by night, plants trying to eat you that 1 shot you if they get you. Infested standing near hive bubbles, giant infested monsters. Just sounds epic

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47 minutes ago, (PS4)Ghost--00-- said:

I can see it now, the sky being greenish in the mornings, blackish by night, plants trying to eat you that 1 shot you if they get you. Infested standing near hive bubbles, giant infested monsters. Just sounds epic

No doubt! That's exactly what I was thinking it'd look like. I hope someone from DE sees this thread and considers some of these ideas.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)Ghost--00-- said:

I can see it now, the sky being greenish in the mornings, blackish by night, plants trying to eat you that 1 shot you if they get you. Infested standing near hive bubbles, giant infested monsters. Just sounds epic

Don’t forget infested nests the sprout swarms of infested pests. And Juggernaut Behemoths running around the plains at night hunting for prey. Similar to the sentient.

There could be like a new infested queen. Kind of picturing like a giant infested spider body with large long legs and has like 3 long neck heads that do different things. In order to kill it you have to destroy all 3 heads in order to inflict damage to the actual body but if not done quick enough, the heads would grow back and you would have to destroy them again. And it would release eggs that sprout juggernauts and other new, similar infested minions that attack you. Once it hits day time it would dig into the grown and pretty much bury itself. 

The day and night shift I could see the day time being like how the PoE is at night while night time it’s darker and there are like red stars around or red infested lightning bugs. The water would be like an acid goo and there would be caves, inside surrounded by it.

Parts of the bounties or missions would be to destroy the nests before anymore can breed. And there would be like a Phorid to hunt vs the alpha ghoul or commander. Maybe the toxin used to destroy the boil allowed the survivors to create something of their own and you have to do a little excavation that drills into the ground and releases the toxins into the nests. Other parts would be destroying the infested pods. Maybe carrying a very flammable liquid or gas to ignite certain places due the infested’s weakness to fire. 

Sure y’all got the idea. Basically this would be the #1 place for zombie fans. 

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22 hours ago, (PS4)chris1pat8twins said:

Don’t forget infested nests the sprout swarms of infested pests. And Juggernaut Behemoths running around the plains at night hunting for prey. Similar to the sentient.

There could be like a new infested queen. Kind of picturing like a giant infested spider body with large long legs and has like 3 long neck heads that do different things. In order to kill it you have to destroy all 3 heads in order to inflict damage to the actual body but if not done quick enough, the heads would grow back and you would have to destroy them again. And it would release eggs that sprout juggernauts and other new, similar infested minions that attack you. Once it hits day time it would dig into the grown and pretty much bury itself. 

The day and night shift I could see the day time being like how the PoE is at night while night time it’s darker and there are like red stars around or red infested lightning bugs. The water would be like an acid goo and there would be caves, inside surrounded by it.

Parts of the bounties or missions would be to destroy the nests before anymore can breed. And there would be like a Phorid to hunt vs the alpha ghoul or commander. Maybe the toxin used to destroy the boil allowed the survivors to create something of their own and you have to do a little excavation that drills into the ground and releases the toxins into the nests. Other parts would be destroying the infested pods. Maybe carrying a very flammable liquid or gas to ignite certain places due the infested’s weakness to fire. 

Sure y’all got the idea. Basically this would be the #1 place for zombie fans. 

Yooooo that reminds of this game called "prototype 2" I hope there would be like, fortuna or tenno soldiers fighting and they call us for back up or something, that sounds so exciting!!!

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On 2018-11-30 at 3:24 PM, Wizardrous said:

Yeah, for the open world, the theme would definitely be wilderness and biology. Kind of like an infested safari in an overgrown, dark wilderness. The theme of the city is predominantly scientific study, with a secondary theme being survival. 

I also think the whole thing should have an underlying horror theme. Steam released from vents builds up in the biodome, creating a foggy atmosphere amidst the Victorian-style buildings; the citizens have an air of doom about them, as though they fear the imminent invasion of the Infestation at any time; the open-world area is dark and bleak, just barren stone with strange Infested vines growing over it and twisted Infested trees and fungi growing from the cracks, with dark, murky pools and desolate, ancient Corpus structures. It'll all be super creepy.

It's been such a very long time since either of these but I wonder if taking elements from Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea or Moby $&*^ might be interesting. Think you mentioning Victorian-style might have made me think that. We'll see.

Wow, they really didn't like my classic literature, did they?

Edited by Ventura_Highway
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On 2018-11-30 at 8:58 AM, Wizardrous said:

Mutalist Mod Set:

Set Bonus: +.5% lifesteal on all attacks per Mutalist Mod equipped

Mutalist Regenerate: +7 HP Regen per second

Mutalist Adapt: When hit with a Status Effect, become immune to that type of Status for 15 seconds.

Mutalist Miasma: Enemies within 10 meters of you take 50 viral damage per second, with a 50% viral status chance.

Mutalist Undeath: +2 Bonus Revives per mission, and +10s bleedout time.

Mutalist Consumption: Enemies have a 25% chance to drop health orbs on death.

Added the Mutalist Mod Set concept!

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On 2018-11-30 at 8:58 AM, Wizardrous said:

Scylla, the Infested Assassin

Lore: Once a fair Orokin woman, Scylla was transformed into an Infested aberration as a punishment for treason. She was intended for use as a weapon, but was sealed away when her handlers began falling ill with unusual symptoms and dying. It was discovered that the Infestation in her body had mutated, and she had gained control over it. She was said to have escaped during the Sentient War and was never seen again. Perhaps she lurks the Infested surface of Eris, using her affliction to help cleanse the system of the Infestion that consumed her.

Where Nidus like the heart of the Infestation, full of festering life and rage, Scylla is like the mind, stagnant and brooding, coldly calculating her next move.

(In case anyone doesn't know the story, this lore is loosely based on the Greek myth of Scylla, who was a beautiful nymph that was turned into a hideous monster out of jealousy and spite, by Poseidon's wife, Amphitrite.)


Health: 100 ---> 300

Shields: 50 --->150

Armor: 200

Energy: 100 ---> 150

Speed: 1.1

(Unlike Nidus, Scylla has a small amount of shields, as her abilities are less oriented towards health restoration.)


(The values presented below represent the statistics of Scylla's abilities at Rank 30.)

Chameleon (passive): Scylla's flesh is able to adapt and camouflage her to her surroundings, allowing her to fade from visibility after standing still for three seconds.

Shadow Dash: Scylla dashes towards her enemies with uncanny speed, striking with her melee weapon for double damage finisher damage if they are unaware, and triple damage if she initiates the ability while Chameleon is active. 

Cost: 25

Dash range is affected by Ability Range.

Damage multiplier is not affected by Ability Strength.

This Ability is not affected by Ability Range.

Infect: Scylla infects the target with a specially mutated form of the Infestation, slowly transforming them into an Infested beast that fights for her until destroyed. The transformation takes five seconds, and if the target is killed before it completes, it will be cancelled and half the energy refunded. When used on Infested creatures, this ability instead slowly converts them to Scylla's ally without affecting their physical form.

Cost: 50

Creature Damage Multiplier: x2

Contaminated creatures restore 1% of their damage done to Scylla.

Transformation time affected by ability duration (inversely, i.e. higher ability duration equals quicker transformation)

Contamination range is affected by Ability Range.

Damage Multiplier is affected by Ability Strength, but the HP restore percentage is not.

Consume: Scylla consumes the corpse of the next enemy she kills with melee, restoring Hit Points and taking on that enemy's form for a period of time. This allows Scylla to walk among that faction unnoticed. If she attacks an enemy in this form, it will not break the form, but will cause the enemies to become confused as per a radiation proc, making it difficult for them to distinguish friend from foe (unless other Warframes are present, in which case those are what they will predominantly attack). 

Cost: 75

HP Restore: 50%

Disguise Duration: 20s

This ability is not affected by Ability Strength or Ability Range (Range is affected by Melee Range only).

Ability Duration will increase the amount of time Scylla spends disguised as the enemy.

Note: Enemy animal units, such as Drahks or Hyekkas, can smell the Infestation through the disguise and will attack Scylla if she comes within 5 meters of them.

Hydra: This is Scylla's ultimate ability. The Infestation in her takes over and changes her physical form; her body becomes covered in armored scales, her arms turn into vicious tendrils with fanged maws on the ends, and her face transforms into a terrifying draconic visage. While in this form, Scylla gains Health Regeneration, Increased Armor, Increased Speed, and can attack enemies with her fanged tendrils. 

Cost: 25 to initiate, and 5/s to maintain (the initial cost is free if Chameleon or Consume are active, i.e. if her flesh is already in an altered form)

Health Regen: 10/s

Armor Bonus: +50%

Movement Speed Bonus: +50%

While in her Hydra form, Scylla's Shadow Dash gains +50% ability efficiency.

Scylla's Fangs

Special Ability: 2.5% Lifesteal 

Attack Speed: 1.25

Channeling Cost: 5

Channeling Damage: 1.5

Critical Chance: 25%

Critical Multiplier: 2.5

Damage Block: 60%

Leap Attack: 300

Spin Attack: 450

Status: 25%

Wall Attack: 600

Toxin Damage: 75

Viral Damage: 75

Scylla's Fangs are an exalted weapon and can be modded as such.

Armor Bonus and Weapon Damage are affected by Ability Strength, while Health Regen, Movement Speed Bonus, Shadow Dash Efficiency Bonus, and Lifesteal Percentage are not.

This ability is not affected by Ability Range.

Ability Duration will decrease the maintenance cost as per usual with channeled abilities.


Charybdis, Scylla's Signature Infested Dagger

(I'm sure most know the myth of Scylla and Charybdis, but in case some don't, they were two fearsome sea monsters found on opposite sides of the Strait of Messina. Charybdis is a great whirlpool/mouth that swallows ships whole. Not exactly what you'd associate with a dagger, I know, but Scylla needs her Charybdis.)

Special Ability: Although Charybdis is a dagger, its Infested flesh is able to stretch to the length of a short sword if enemies are just out of dagger range.

Attack Speed: 1

Channeling Cost: 5

Channeling Damage: 1.5

Critical Chance: 15%

Critical Multiplier: 2.2

Damage Block: 35%

Leap Attack: 100

Spin Attack: 107

Status: 25%

Wall Attack: 150

Puncture Damage: 30

Viral Damage: 20

Added Scylla and Charybdis to the original post.

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So I like the idea but *spoiler alert* we cured alad v of infestation through the operation tubemen event. 


And Alad V has been our untrustworthy ally ever since, not saying he could not be an enemy again. Under my concept I took Alad V in a different direction and introduced a completely different but known villain. 


Edited by (XB1)Nightseid
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