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New to warframe, loving the game but there’s a few issues that need to be resolved so no one else feels cheated as I do right now. A few days ago I decided to purchase chroma access pack to support this awesome game and when I went to the market to see what chroma access pack has, instead of showing me what’s in it as it does for everything else it instead took me straight into the Nintendo Eshop where I read that the chroma access pack gives the “chroma prime and accessories instantly” and on the other pack it says the same exact that word to word. I assumed since one was 75$ and the other was 100$ I assumed if you buy the 100$ pack you get everything and if you buy the 75$ you get some. And since I wanted all and didn’t want to buy the accessories separately I went with the most expensive pack thinking I get all of it and I was very very disappointed to find out that I only got some instead of everything that was advertised on the description. When I opened a ticket a GM with the name of “[DE]Seline” told me to instead post here to alert the devs of this issue. I have provided screenshots on the conversation as well as picture of what it says in the eshop and where my confusion and frustration comes from. Please rectify this issue and make sure no one else gets tricked into spending their hard earned cash on something less than what they thought they are getting.ECZ0RWg9V7MmLFDdbhKvaC8q6?token=eyJhbGci82-EC3-BFB-47-BB-453-D-A21-C-D30-D8-BB08195-E89-EE-BEF7-47-EB-868-D-A920-AA9062296312892-EE70-4-AC3-811-A-5-FAEA767-D67-526-BB06-D-C6-E7-44-B2-B839-66-CD20-B0-EA1-F9-E999-8115-4-A71-8-E7-F-253608538117-B141-BC0-4934-4698-94-E5-C7-AA58-EC5848611-B6-E7-982-B-4-BEF-8556-DBA7-E0-C809981-C0-F34-3309-4-D2-C-829-C-13-CFC4-C13

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Same here but I bit the bullet and got the accessories pack. I can confirm that I used to understand the descriptions of both in-game and eshop page similar to OP. It should be made clearer. There should be an in-game detail page stating price and its content before taking user to eshop.

Edited by (NSW)SummerX
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29 minutes ago, (NSW)Rey_Zephlyn said:

So what exactly is the problem? From what I'm seeing is that you bought 1 pack and made you didn't get 2

The problem is that when you look at the description on both package it says the same thing word to word and when you try to look at the item in game in the Nintendo switch version it takes you straight into the Nintendo shop and you don’t really know or it’s not very clear of what your getting from each pack. When your a new player such as myself it’s confusing when you buy a more expensive package thinking your getting it all only to find out that you need to buy the other pack as well to complete your set. It’s misleading. Each pack should have its own description and not include what’s in the other pack so that people don’t think that pack has what it says it has.

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1 hour ago, (NSW)SummerX said:

Same here but I bit the bullet and got the accessories pack. I can confirm that I used to understand the descriptions of both in-game and eshop page similar to OP. It should be made clearer. There should be an in-game detail page stating price and its content before taking user to eshop.

I agree. It needs to be more clear and each pack should have its own description and not copy paste the same for both. To a person that’s brand new to the game such as myself i wasn’t clear what prime access pack was. I only knew that if I paid that amount I get what’s in the description and when you end up only getting some of what was decribed its easy to feel cheated, robbed, lied to, tricked. At the very least each pack should atleast be bolded what your getting in that pack. Or a side note of what’s in the pack or a say something like “you must buy both pack to have the full chroma prime set”

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Firstly allow me to apologise in case I offer advice that has already been provided, I haven't read the entire post and response list.

There are usually, as I've observed on PC, two options:
Typically "Access" provides you with a full compliment of Frame, cosmetic accessories, and plat. Because you pay a higher premium these inclusions are of a higher degree.

"Accessories", this usually only provides the cosmetic items and not the frame, and a lesser plat inclusion. It allows you to still acquire the frame itself through play, while not missing out on exclusive and time-limited cosmetics.

I can't speak as to the switch's interface for external purchases but Warframe would typically open a window in the steam-browser on PC.


If the systems are comparable, you are making a simple mistake of assuming that the additional plat offered in the "Accessories" pack should also be provided in addition to what you received in the more premium "Access" pack.

I'm not saying it couldn't be more clearly laid out but if you can see a graphic of the items provided by each, that's what you're buying at the time. Either/or, and buying both would be redundant.


I hope this helps, and if I'm mistaken or repeating an early reply, sorry for that. :)


P.S Okay, I owe you an apology, I was overlooking something that's key to your point. It seems DE is tailoring the purchases for console however, as you will note from the main Warframe site;

If you ever need a frame of reference or a choice between, there's a better display of what you're getting.

It seems you bought the Elemental Ward equivalent, and also the accessories? They've compartmentalised the lot for you so as a grand total you get the same as the full package, but there are two options for console for the complete set, where PC has four.

Apologies for my earlier oversight, had to adjust to the difference. XD

Edited by Pumpkin-King
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A quick google search on Warframe Prime access would have cleared it up in about 12 seconds. Maybe it’s because Nintendo is always late to the party that their players forget the internet exists. *light hearted poking fun at Nintendo*

In the description it says “Chroma Prime Access:” and lists those items (that you paid for and received) Then states “Chroma Prime Accessories:” and lists those. The item you are showing say right on it “Chroma Prime Access” not Prime Acces Accessories or both. 

While it stinks that you thought you were getting more, but as I always do, chalk it up to lesson learned. Read more carefully and try no time to let it ruin your experience. I’m sure DE will try to clearify better next round.

Edited by (PS4)Kamranos
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52 minutes ago, Pumpkin-King said:

And on the bright side, you didn't get less than you paid for, and the system will be pretty much the same every time you use it in the future.

Not ideal, but you haven't lost out. Some small comfort

Are these prices normal for Canadian value?... 

Can't find anyone anywhere giving the price image. 

$100 & $75 is upcharged (due to Nintendo?) 

I'd appreciate knowing.. 

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10 hours ago, (XB1)Evilpricetag said:

Are these prices normal for Canadian value?... 

Can't find anyone anywhere giving the price image. 

$100 & $75 is upcharged (due to Nintendo?) 

I'd appreciate knowing.. 

Not necessarily. Make sure you check the Warframe website, and Nintendo will have it at your region's value as well.

For example; in my region (per the site-page I linked earlier), the Access pack is $88.49, and the Accessories are $55.49.

This would be visible to you when you log in and when viewed through your Switch's browser.




(P.S. Noting the difference in total value for the PC site; this is accounted for by the additional plat...)

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I think that the description is clear enough, but then I started viewing it differently.  It occurred to me that Warframe is played by a lot of people who are not native-English speakers.  Lots of praise, there DE.  I've played with people all over the world and really enjoyed that.  Now, I know OP speaks English fine, that's not my point.  I'm thinking that it would be a good idea to state more clearly that there are two separate packs so people who are less familiar with English might have a clearer idea of what is happening.  I love how inclusive this community has been, and I think this is a relatively minor change that might have a large impact.

P.S.  Love you Itskaje, thanks for joining our community.

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I bit the bullet and bought the accessories as well. To whoever saying it’s clear: it’s not. If it’s clear it’s cause your an experienced player and you knew what to expect in the packs. To the new players it’s not clear and it’s the same description word to word for both packs nothing different and it’s easy to think your getting everything your reading off the description and then feel disappointed when you don’t get what your reading. “Access pack” means different in other games and “access” could be understood as; if you buy the “access” pack you get access to chroma and all his things. And accessories pack could be understood as just getting his accessories. Now... if it was called amor pack or gear pack or clothing pack then yes it would be clear. Again these are words only you’d understand if you played the game a little. At the time of this post I was only a few hours old to the game.




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No. Its not clear. And anyone whos saying it is needs to take a look at how EVERYONE ELSE is presented with the prime access packages. 



Its made clear here without any doubt that accessories are not a part of the $80 package. Why is the switch version so different in how these packages are presented?  The only reason I knew beforehand was because I asked. But initially I was under the impression that the $80 package was the top tier deal and came with everything. But the way they word everything is very misleading. 


@OP Sorry man. It sucks you had to find it out the hard way. :/ 

Edited by (NSW)Aldent
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Yeah... this got me too. It was very unclear and looked like you got everything with prime access. This may be second nature to you but for us new players it did feel like purposeful obfuscation. I know it wasn’t but it isn’t easy to differentiate between “packs” because the market does not show both as separate packages in the chroma access window. In fact you have to search for the accessories pack. Perhaps have both clearly labeled in the future. Thanks and keep up the great work.

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On 2018-12-06 at 5:04 AM, Pumpkin-King said:

Not necessarily. Make sure you check the Warframe website, and Nintendo will have it at your region's value as well.

For example; in my region (per the site-page I linked earlier), the Access pack is $88.49, and the Accessories are $55.49.

This would be visible to you when you log in and when viewed through your Switch's browser.




(P.S. Noting the difference in total value for the PC site; this is accounted for by the additional plat...)

There is no switch browser.

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On 2018-12-05 at 5:05 PM, (PS4)Kamranos said:

A quick google search on Warframe Prime access would have cleared it up in about 12 seconds. Maybe it’s because Nintendo is always late to the party that their players forget the internet exists. *light hearted poking fun at Nintendo*

In the description it says “Chroma Prime Access:” and lists those items (that you paid for and received) Then states “Chroma Prime Accessories:” and lists those. The item you are showing say right on it “Chroma Prime Access” not Prime Acces Accessories or both. 

While it stinks that you thought you were getting more, but as I always do, chalk it up to lesson learned. Read more carefully and try no time to let it ruin your experience. I’m sure DE will try to clearify better next round.

Actually it looks very much like prime access means you get everything. The language is unclear. Read the eshop description again and forget that the accessories pack doesn’t come with access. You would think you get everything listed because there is a single product available on the page, not two.

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3 hours ago, (NSW)Badger said:

There is no switch browser.

The 'browser' I was referring to is the e-shop page you visit when looking at Prime Access/ories.


3 hours ago, (NSW)Badger said:

Actually it looks very much like prime access means you get everything. The language is unclear. Read the eshop description again and forget that the accessories pack doesn’t come with access. You would think you get everything listed because there is a single product available on the page, not two.

I agree that it's not entirely clear, but that's why reading the descriptions carefully is important, and I personally recommend cross-referencing with the website and do so when I'm looking at them, even if I've never bought one.

The two listings on the e-shop are different, once a person knows, they will be aware of it, though initially not.

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