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Differences on the Switch version caused by it’s playerbase?


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A lot of this game is influenced by community. I feel like the Switch community is going to be truly unique. 

Think about this. How much incentive is there for any veterans of the game to make the jump from PC to Switch? They might copy their accounts over, just because why not? Get a feel for how it runs maybe. Try out the motion controls.

There’s even less incentive for other console players, since we lose EVERYTHING. Not to mention we have to wait longer than anybody for updates apparently, and we seem to have our own heaping helping of bugs that the other consoles don’t have.

Only reason I switched was because I was done dealing with Sony. Traded in my PS4 Pro months before, and had already made my home on the Switch when the port was announced. Considering how much abuse most people are willing to take from major companies before taking their business elsewhere nowadays (how many of you still play Ubisoft titles?) I can’t imagine most people would migrate for the same reasons I did. 🤷‍♂️ They have a lot invested in their PSN accounts and won’t be crazy like me.

So that begs the question: with only new Switch players coming in, and a select few Veterans, most of whom likely won’t commit to the console, how are things going to be different? We all know Warframe has an issue keeping the player’s attention at first, rewarding only the most deeply invested.

How many of the NinTennos are going to stick around, how many are going to play it on the PC or another console now that they’ve tried it on the Switch, and how will a playerbase of mostly new players affect how we all play?

For example: when farming. Most players agree that when it comes to farming credits and leveling up their frames and weapons, Akkad on Eris is the go to spot. And because everyone agrees on that, you can more or less rest assured that there’s always going to be an open squad there.

Now consider that Eris is the last or second to last planet you unlock, and that most of these new players probably don’t know that yet. How many Veterans will take the time to Taxi them? To inform them of this wonderful spot?

And if very few people knows or has access to Akkad, will Akkad still be good if you can’t count on a pug group joining you, increasing the enemy spawn rate and benefiting from Tenno Affinity?

- and what about the Player run Marketplace? How will it look on the Switch? How long until there’s a hearty selection of Clans to pick from, with Dojos to help newer (and starting over) players get access to Orbiter Segments and other Research exclusive gear and such?

I feel like in order to get the Switch version on the level with the others, the Veterans from other versions need to come over and water the grass so to speak. Help some of the newer players, show them the ropes. Then trust that those newer players in time help others.

Obviously I’m not going anywhere, and I’ll do my part, but I’m only one player, and I usually just solo and pug stuff.

I recently helped a new player get his first drift mod (Coaction Drift) and he was actually from the PS4 himself. He’d just never actually done any of the Lua Principle trials before.

I guess the topic summarized is: who is going to be playing the Switch as their main account, and how will it’s unique and cut off community change how the game is played, for better or worse?

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You mean DE will program Switch version differently from the PC, Xbox and PS versions? I don't think so. It will only mean more things for DE to do. Everything from all consoles came from PC version. Do 1 and send out to all (consoles).

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I just migrated so I have my semi normal WF experience on the toilet.

If the switch version made someone finally try it and then alternatively move to PC WF full time. It ultimately benefits DE more so without split profits to Nintendo and panic button. IF that makes up for the cost of basically a recruitment app. I would think so.

But the weaker playerbase could hurt it more. The lack of cross save at least to PC for a ultimately mobile platform is not doing to do it any favors. But also not needing Nintendo's uselessly tacked-on Online service could funnel Switch owners to the best online experience they can get.

I mostly play simple indie games on Switch. Like Stardew, blastermaster, Shovel Knight. Stuff that wont wont kill the battery as fast nor kill my eyes with too much information on a tiny screen. I don't really play it docked. Where WF really belongs.

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It's a complete new group of people. It will take time till the NinTennos are really present. The good thing is that Warframe is there also a F2P game and there are not so many on the switch so that will also have a big impact.


Sure some veterans will from time to time there and play there as well but it will also take a while till some real NinTennos climbed up. That's not a bad thing. People dont have to rush through the content. Let them also have there story.

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1 hour ago, kyori said:

You mean DE will program Switch version differently from the PC, Xbox and PS versions? I don't think so. It will only mean more things for DE to do. Everything from all consoles came from PC version. Do 1 and send out to all (consoles).

Nope, not what I meant. 😊 

1 hour ago, Firetempest said:

I just migrated so I have my semi normal WF experience on the toilet.

If the switch version made someone finally try it and then alternatively move to PC WF full time. It ultimately benefits DE more so without split profits to Nintendo and panic button. IF that makes up for the cost of basically a recruitment app. I would think so.

But the weaker playerbase could hurt it more. The lack of cross save at least to PC for a ultimately mobile platform is not doing to do it any favors. But also not needing Nintendo's uselessly tacked-on Online service could funnel Switch owners to the best online experience they can get.

I mostly play simple indie games on Switch. Like Stardew, blastermaster, Shovel Knight. Stuff that wont wont kill the battery as fast nor kill my eyes with too much information on a tiny screen. I don't really play it docked. Where WF really belongs.

Pretty much what I was thinking. Warframe on the Switch objectively pales in comparison, even to other consoles.

It’s mobility is it’s major selling point, but playing Warframe on that little screen gets intolerable after awhile, what with Warframe being such a visually impressive game. It may look surprisingly great in handheld, but it just doesn’t capture the full majesty of the game. A good laptop would be a better alternative, if mobility is all you want.

 The motion controls strike me as gimmicky at worst, useful but in dire need of fine tuning at best. Those being the only other thing that make the Switch unique for now, they ought to perfect that.

I’m just stubborn about sticking to consoles, because every PC I get kinda turns to crud on me. I’ve dug my heels into the Switch version and won’t be going anywhere until the game is like Fortnite (synced progress, purchases etc. between all accounts) so probably never.

1 hour ago, DerGreif2 said:

It's a complete new group of people. It will take time till the NinTennos are really present. The good thing is that Warframe is there also a F2P game and there are not so many on the switch so that will also have a big impact.


Sure some veterans will from time to time there and play there as well but it will also take a while till some real NinTennos climbed up. That's not a bad thing. People dont have to rush through the content. Let them also have there story.

True, true.

It’s a big fish in a little pond, and has only a few other titles to really compete with for attention. As a result, anyone who plays the Switch is going to be a lot more likely to pay attention to it.

Funnily enough, I was talking to my boyfriend about that recently when we were having breakfast the other day. About how advertising is difficult in this day and age, since we spend a majority of our time and effort trying to avoid them, even paying for memberships just to do that. I thought it was cool how the Warframe being on the Switch would basically be the best advertisement, telling him about the newsfeed you see everytime you power the Switch on and how it’s something people are likely to actually see. How people would feel compelled to give it a try, and news outlets would be compelled to write reviews and articles, etc. etc. etc.

It’s one of the few games he’s shown interest in, aside from BOTW and Arms. I tried to convince him to keep our old Switch after we got the Let’s Go Version so he’d have his own to play on, but he insisted. Not long after Warframe came out, he regretted it. 😓 But I digress.

And I already rushed to the Sacrifice quest myself, and kinda regret doing so. So many quests have a lot of Lotus dialogue, and it feels weird having Ordis pretend to be Lotus during, say, the Mirage quest.

I know the big reveals come in their own time, and I’d have hated it if anyone had rushed me to them. I’m just worried these players might not even get to the good stuff, getting bored and quitting before they can really see the best of the game. And not having a wealth of older players to help guide them through, that’s more likely to happen I think.

And like I said, I’m interested in seeing how this community of mostly new players will change how the game is played. How will they circumvent the inferior voice chat capability in a way that doesn’t break the bank? Even if I got a 100-150$ headset (because the Switch’s unique hardware absolutely demands a wireless one) how many others are going to get one?

So many factors to consider, it’s just interesting (and a little scary) to see how it all plays out.

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I bought the switch for the sole purpose of being able to play WF wherever I want.  Mostly for when I'm traveling or visiting family overseas who only has a potato laptop or pc.

I've been slowly adjusting the controls to suit my play style and it's taking far longer than expected to find just the right settings. Had to turn motion control sensitivity way up and look sensitivity way down just to have it playable for me.  Still fiddling with minute adjustment ATM.

Once I'm done I will probably spend more time on the switch version to get used to the controls.  Maybe help the Nintennos out while I'm at it.

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14 hours ago, (NSW)Gregory said:

 The motion controls strike me as gimmicky at worst, useful but in dire need of fine tuning at best. Those being the only other thing that make the Switch unique for now, they ought to perfect that.

Fine tuning certainly, but at true best the motion controls make the switch a step above other consoles because you can potentially get the precision PC players have without relying heavily on the auto aim quality. Once i got used to it I can't go without it, just a little more multitasking using Rstick for big movements and motion controls for precision aiming.

I also think Switch will just draw users who like Nintendo and don't really branch out into other consoles. I think someone already mentioned it but worst case it convinces some players to even try it on PC if they don't care for the experience on Switch.

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7 hours ago, Beartornado said:

Fine tuning certainly, but at true best the motion controls make the switch a step above other consoles because you can potentially get the precision PC players have without relying heavily on the auto aim quality. Once i got used to it I can't go without it, just a little more multitasking using Rstick for big movements and motion controls for precision aiming.

Yeah, definitely. I suck at aiming, but with the motions controls I actually did a lot better than normal. Just had major issues when an enemy was to my left or behind me or something. I’d try aiming at them but the screen wouldn’t turn and I can only twist my hand so far...If they improve on it, I may actually be able to aim halfway decently.

Or they could just add mouse and keyboard support...since the Switch has like three USB ports.

7 hours ago, Beartornado said:

I also think Switch will just draw users who like Nintendo and don't really branch out into other consoles.

Yeah, it does have something of a following. Nintendo is basically the granddaddy of video games.

7 hours ago, Beartornado said:

I think someone already mentioned it but worst case it convinces some players to even try it on PC if they don't care for the experience on Switch.

Yeah, me. In the original post. 👍🏻  Which is great overall for DE, just not the Switch version in particular.

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7 hours ago, Gerbera_Tetra said:

I bought the switch for the sole purpose of being able to play WF wherever I want.  Mostly for when I'm traveling or visiting family overseas who only has a potato laptop or pc.

I've been slowly adjusting the controls to suit my play style and it's taking far longer than expected to find just the right settings. Had to turn motion control sensitivity way up and look sensitivity way down just to have it playable for me.  Still fiddling with minute adjustment ATM.

Once I'm done I will probably spend more time on the switch version to get used to the controls.  Maybe help the Nintennos out while I'm at it.

Once you find the ideal settings, definitely share.

Because like, the default is ridiculous. 14? Really DE/Panic Button?

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22 minutes ago, (NSW)Gregory said:

I’d try aiming at them but the screen wouldn’t turn and I can only twist my hand so far

Yeah that's where using the rstick and then back to motion is difficult. I will say I read a post recommending shoving the motion sensitivity to 75 in the options and working from there. I did just that and it does give me room for bigger movements without twisting myself out of shape when I need it.

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I wouldn't use Akkad for credits, even if it can be a mind numbing consistently easy farm, the Index is far better for that.

Aim with Switch? Isn't it compatible with a mouse and a keyboard? I remember the old days back when i was struggling with Tomb Raider on Ps1 and some of the older Nintendo FPS/platform games from even earlier, getting my first PC in the early 2000'-s was a godsend.

Maybe i will try it some time just for the lolz to see how bad my aim will go on other platforms, my PC broke anyways and i have nothing to do nowadays other than lurking the forums and watching cat videos on Youtube from my mobile. :D

I defo don't want to restrict my gameplay to melee and abilities and it sounds like a challenge, something Warframe lacks.

Edit.: Eh, i taken a look at its price -_-#, i rather just save up for a new PC or video card.

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6 hours ago, kgabor said:

Eh, i taken a look at its price -_-#, i rather just save up for a new PC or video card.

Yeah, if you can manage it, definitely should.

I wish I could play on PCs, but really, they just don’t like me. I’m definitely better at aiming with a mouse, but some of the powers + parkour movements become challenging to me on the keyboard, lol.

Consoles have consistent specs, and usually are cheaper to repair if something goes wrong. There’s a sort of security and comforting simplicity in that.

As for the Index, I suck at it. Akkad is safe, consistent, and if you manage to kill enough enemies (say with Nidus) you can get a good amount of focus without having to worry about stealth multipliers and stuff. Least that’s been my experience- it was also great for leveling up, at least on the PS4, because a squad was almost always there.

I recently tested my theory about Akkad...turns out it’s true. Very few people are on Akkad on the Switch. It’s a stark difference.

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7 hours ago, Beartornado said:

Yeah that's where using the rstick and then back to motion is difficult. I will say I read a post recommending shoving the motion sensitivity to 75 in the options and working from there. I did just that and it does give me room for bigger movements without twisting myself out of shape when I need it.

I’ll have to give that a try. (Pardon the double posts, I keep forgetting to multi-quote...)

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On 2018-12-06 at 12:51 PM, Ermiq said:

Switch users are just insane. Same as any other mobile (Android, iPhone) gamers. 😎

Not a fan of mobile games in general, but some games are kind of playable like World of Warships Blitz, you don't have to worry much about movement, you just set a course and speed and only have to aim, it's pretty fun.

1 hour ago, (NSW)Gregory said:

As for the Index, I suck at it. Akkad is safe, consistent, and if you manage to kill enough enemies (say with Nidus) you can get a good amount of focus without having to worry about stealth multipliers and stuff. Least that’s been my experience- it was also great for leveling up, at least on the PS4, because a squad was almost always there.

I recently tested my theory about Akkad...turns out it’s true. Very few people are on Akkad on the Switch. It’s a stark difference.

Arca Plasmor doesn't require mouse aim accuracy, low or med risk Index with Slow Nova/DPS channel melee Trinity with a bleed-status focused Galatine or if you can handle it Sonar Banshee can work well there esp. if you two can team up as there are less suicidal bots there in that case feeding the Index team.

Fatal Teleport Ash might work too.

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10 hours ago, kgabor said:

Aim with Switch? Isn't it compatible with a mouse and a keyboard?


Sadly only keyboard is supported AFAIK. You can use some third party converter/adapter and have kb&m controls, but that would defeat the purpose of the switch IMO, at least for me who got it mainly for it's portable mode.  I suppose it should have been an option for docked mode, but for those of us who also plays on the PC it may be bit redundant.  

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I don't see the appeal of consoles at all, but the mobility of Switch will certainly attract new demographics of people who for some reason like to game on-the-go. My biggest concern is with people duping their accounts and selling them to switch players. Also chatting and trading is massively important in WF and I wonder how those features are possible with a hand-held. Concerns aside Warframe already hit a million installs on Switch which is pretty mind-boggling. Makes me wonder if Destiny and Anthem will follow suite. 

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15 minutes ago, SenariousNex said:

Makes me wonder if Destiny and Anthem will follow suite. 

I think Destiny's price point is already going to be a hindrance. Warframe's free to play model is arguably a little more stingy on the switch because Nintendo's shop takes authority, and even then we're still a really good deal. Destiny wants you to practically pay for 3 AAA games to access it's content in addition to in game microtrasnactions. Anthem is published by EA, and while I can't say anything definitive till it's out I seriously doubt it will compete with Warframe's model. And there's still the issue of if Activision and EA would even play nice with Nintendo to work out getting their games on the switch's platform.

The biggest reason why Warframe is doing so well is because it breaks the mold of the average title on switch, it's free to play, and DE doesn't have a profit-oriented publisher breathing down their necks and focusing on selling a game than making a game. Sure we have Scott the madman, but he's a lot more fun than the lifeless puppets put at the front of other PR teams for AAA games.

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3 hours ago, SenariousNex said:

I don't see the appeal of consoles at all, but the mobility of Switch will certainly attract new demographics of people who for some reason like to game on-the-go. My biggest concern is with people duping their accounts and selling them to switch players. Also chatting and trading is massively important in WF and I wonder how those features are possible with a hand-held. Concerns aside Warframe already hit a million installs on Switch which is pretty mind-boggling. Makes me wonder if Destiny and Anthem will follow suite. 

Trading happens the same way.

Chat sucks though, both voice and text.

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Yeah. Dunno about other switch players but I just end up using my phone in combo with my switch, I use discord trade and clan chats to co-op when I need to VoIP.


The controls get alot easier with familiarity and once you switch melee to attack with r trigger. 


I also find d I rely on quick scope quite a lot more for aiming on switch thanon PC.


I basically picked up the switch just to play when when I saw it was coming to switch. I used to play on PC, but when my PC was broken I dropped play for a couple years. Since work provided me a pc and phone I can't really justify a PC just for gaming at the level of quality I want.  I also like the mobility of phone games. Anytime you have 5 minutes. Switch + Warframe is the mobility of phone games with the depth no phone tablet game has right now.

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5 hours ago, (NSW)SerRaven said:

Yeah. Dunno about other switch players but I just end up using my phone in combo with my switch, I use discord trade and clan chats to co-op when I need to VoIP.


The controls get alot easier with familiarity and once you switch melee to attack with r trigger. 


I also find d I rely on quick scope quite a lot more for aiming on switch thanon PC.


I basically picked up the switch just to play when when I saw it was coming to switch. I used to play on PC, but when my PC was broken I dropped play for a couple years. Since work provided me a pc and phone I can't really justify a PC just for gaming at the level of quality I want.  I also like the mobility of phone games. Anytime you have 5 minutes. Switch + Warframe is the mobility of phone games with the depth no phone tablet game has right now.

Yeah...I guess there’s a niche market for it. 

People who can’t justify the expense of a full blown gaming computer, don’t want to save money by building their own because it’s too complex or confusing, or people who are on the go a lot. (or just people who are intensely loyal to Nintendo 🤷‍♂️)

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11 hours ago, (NSW)Gregory said:

Trading happens the same way.

Chat sucks though, both voice and text.

Since trade is solely dependent on chat you can see why this is an issue. A good solution would be a better trade stall system in Maroo's bazaar where the price is already listed so you can trade with zero communication.

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23 minutes ago, SenariousNex said:

Since trade is solely dependent on chat you can see why this is an issue. A good solution would be a better trade stall system in Maroo's bazaar where the price is already listed so you can trade with zero communication.

Aww...I like this idea.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I know this in reply to a older post.  But, as a console player, I have an opinion different from most of these.  I have a max ranked xbox warframe account.  I bought a switch to start over.  But, the very low player count is making it very different from console play.  Many people talking about akkad.  Hell, you cannot get match-made at Seimeni.  I have made it to Europa.  I have run nearly the whole start chart to there completely solo regardless that I am set to public.  There is nobody out there.  DE should maybe open the servers to include different regions just so people don't have to do difficult missions solo.  This is supposed to be a community game.  The community is not out here.


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