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Feeling squishy?


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Now this might be entirely subjective, but since Fortuna landed, I'm sure something has changed. Either Corpus damage has been buffed, or something has either gone wrong with armour damage reduction or specifically with Valkyr.

I basically main my Valk, she's easily the most tanky frame before powers get involved (imo), and thinking about that, probably the only frame that relies on a large amount of base armour. Lately I've been getting downed pretty easily by what I would have previously considered to be weak enemies, i.e. less than level 100. I'm talking level 40-50 downing me quickly. At 1.5k armour and 740hp that just shouldn't be happening, that's 83% damage reduction, 4514ehp!

That's why I think something has changed in the armour calculations. Since other tank frames don't rely on base armour it's not as noticeable (Nidus/Inaros relying on large health pools and regeneration or Rhino/Nezha having damage mitigating powers for example).

Now I can't think of a way to prove or test it, it's just something noticeable through play. I'm a Warcry Valk, and I primarily use Hysteria as an oh S#&$ button; going into rage-kitty mode to save my bacon and heal up. Lately I've been on my back in Corpus missions, or around Orb Vallis before I can react. I just do not know what is going on. Maybe it's just a case that Corpus damage has had an adjustment, and since they tend to deal a lot of Puncture I'm feeling the effect (Tenno armour is Ferrite and vulnerable after all)?

Anybody else feel this way?

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I do agree that I take damage far faster on OV than on the rest of the map versus the same level of enemy. 

IMO OV Corpus are more accurate and have a faster fire rate meaning that even at the same damage output as non OV corpus they can do more damage per second due to the faster fire rates. 

Do I like it, I'm meh about it in all honesty, but at the same time I kind of feel that if an enemy is rank 15 then it should damage like a rank 15...  mind you if you ask for things on OV to be 'balanced' with the rest of the star map for consistency sake you'll get moaned at by the 'I want a challenge' players. 

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