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Getting Sick Of Pay To Win Creaping Into The Game.


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There should be no items in game that cannot be earned, by all players, other than purely cosmetic skins that have no game effect.


Excalibur prime and the Skana prime being only for paying founders, stands completely against this equality of play that should be of paramount importance.


I have paid money for color palates and can even live with paying for storage space, but to pay for an item, that other players cannot earn in game, makes me feel ill, and want to quit this game.


This is about fairness of play and good gamesmanship.  I don't want to get my weapons and frames with my wallet, I want to earn them in game and feel I accomplished something.


If this pay to win element doesn't change I will be leaving this game.


Another change that is a must is:

Catalysts and Reactor alert missions should also remain rare, but when they do appear should last for a long time, where players can win one as long as they play on that day that they appear.  Much like the survival reward.


I am certain I am not the only one who is sick of coming home after work to find out they missed the one catalyst or reactor alert for the month by a few minutes and knowing its going to be another month before we get a chance to miss it again.  I don't like buying anything that gives me advantage in game it makes me feel its unearned.  Let us earn our items in game!

Edited by WNxSpectre
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excalibur and skana prime will not help you win anything, ever.


WF has it's issues but payment is not one of them. In my opinion, DE handled payment perfectly.


Any item of power/prestiege will be earned by your own hours, RNG and grinding. Go get a Braton Prime and a Supra and let's have this convo about pay-to-win again :)

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You do understand that the founders package prime gear has no advantage tied to it correct?


 Lato prime is a cool gun, don't get me wrong.  But the Acrid does a much, much better job.


 Excalibur prime is a copy of excalibur with gold linings.  Sure you could bring up the free energy in the void,  but face it, excalibur is a beginner tier warframe outclassed by almost all the others. And energy is not really a problem anyways.


 Skana prime just sucks. Period.

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Had maxed excalibur and skana, then sold them for slots. Got founders pack (excellent deal for Platinum, by the way, it's even worth upgrading your founder status to the next if you're out of in game cash), got excalibur prime and played it a little, it's nothing to write home about. A prestige item, that you get because you're a founder.

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An unconvincing counter argument.  with little to defend the poor gamesmanship of building a game around wallet warriors.

You have provided no evidence that warframe is pay 2 win.  There is nothing to argue against.


In fact, most of your argument is complaining that you missed a potato alert.

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Except that the stats on the Skanna Prime are equal to that of the cronus (Which BTW is the first GAURENTEED drop from Vor) and the stat boost from Excalibur to Excalibur prime is so small as to not even be noticeable.

So please do enlighten me on how that is 'p2w' at all?

Or why exclusives like that are a bad idea? Because I have yet to see a game suffer from founder rewards...

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Excalibure, Skana and Lato Prime are really just "minor" upgrades that are trivialized via Forma. It's a skin-badge that Founders have to say "hey I ponied up and support the game"


You can farm every BP in the game to my knowledge not a single item cannot be farmed in some way. Before I went Founder I hoarded my Reactors/Catalysts and guess what? I have a Reactor in EVERY warframe I own and still have 1-2 left over. There is no Pay to Win in Warframe it's Pay for Convienence.


If you want it fast you buy it. If you want it cheap you farm for it.

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There should be no items in game that cannot be earned, by all players, other than purely cosmetic skins that have no game effect.


Excalibur prime and the Skana prime being only for paying founders, stands completely against this equality of play that should be of paramount importance.


I have paid money for color palates and can even live with paying for storage space, but to pay for an item, that other players cannot earn in game, makes me feel ill, and want to quit this game.


This is about fairness of play and good gamesmanship.  I don't want to get my weapons and frames with my wallet, I want to earn them in game and feel I accomplished something.


If this pay to win element doesn't change I will be leaving this game.


Another change that is a must is:

Catalysts and Reactor alert missions should also remain rare, but when they do appear should last for a long time, where players can win one as long as they play on that day that they appear.  Much like the survival reward.


I am certain I am not the only one who is sick of coming home after work to find out they missed the one catalyst or reactor alert for the month by a few minutes and knowing its going to be another month before we get a chance to miss it again.  I don't like buying anything that gives me advantage in game it makes me feel its unearned.  Let us earn our items in game!


It's not pay to win. They paid so that the game can continue to grow. Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime and Skana Prime are rewards for those who contribute. You want to have things that are given to people who donate as a reward? Then buy the founders pack. What's so pay to win about it? It's not like Excalibur Prime and the respective Prime weapons are OP. On the contrary. Lato and Skana Prime are quite weak and Excalibur Prime is nothing more than an Excalibur with an extra polarity (which you can put on your regular Excalibur) and cosmetic features.

If you missed those alerts then it's not the game's fault. You're just unlucky. How about spending the money you spent on the color palettes to buy the Catalysts and the Reactors?

If you want to leave, please do. These types of rants are completely unnecessary.

Edited by J.C.Santos
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To be honest, Excal Prime is kinda ........... well ................. an Excal with 1 forma in it.


Lato Prime is a nice skin I suppose.


Skana Prime is utter junk, it really is.



In fairness, it's going to be a rare occaision you see any of them in game and an even rarer one if they actually use all 3. Let me know is such an adventurous fellow beats you on the end of game e-peen statlist so I can send them congrats.

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Please kindly respond with "constructive" criticism instead of nonsensical hatred.


An unconvincing counter argument.  with little to defend the poor gamesmanship of building a game around wallet warriors.


1. founders gear (excal prime, skana prime and lato prime) are not these god tier items you seem to think. they will not help you in the long run save for getting you more mastery at what little value that is past a certain point.

2. you can get anything that will actually help you be more powerful for free as it is. no money is needed at all to have a frame/wep be high tier.

3. most things that money is spent on are only for convenience. having more frames/weps is in fact a convenience.

4. taters are rare. deal with it.

5. warframe is not so much "p2w" as it is "pay to win faster". its a shortcut, nothing more.

warframe is not p2w.

if you think it is, stop playing.

i shutter to think of a day when those kinds of people actually play a p2w game.

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Excal Prime is Excal + a forma (and a non-noticeable upgrade in shield recharge rate. I think its 22.5 compared to 20)

Lato Prime is a reskin of Lato without being an actual upgrade

Skana Prime is a Cronus (that's all its stats equate to anyways) that you get as a gaurenteed drop from Vor.

None of that is "top tier" or P2W in *any* way.

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You could make the Founders gear Cosmetic and nothing would realistically change in how popular they are to use.





I should get everything easily and for free without paying for anything, regardless that the people providing this game do it for a living and need to make money.



Exactly the poor gamesmanship I'm talking about that is ruining this game.

I could buy everything as well as you can, and I already have spent money on cosmetics in game and storage, but there is no point to using my wallet to play the game itself.

Wallet warriors are pointless.    The point of a game is to earn your way through by achieving the goals, not buying them.

Edited by WNxSpectre
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This is ... you're serious aren't you?


Ok ... Games, though they might be free to play, are not free to make. Game companies who put out free to play games rely on that game's "marketplace" to bring in the funds necessary to keep developing that game. No cash flow, no Warframe. Very simple.


DE does this in 2 ways. One way is to offer Platinum with which to buy items that are obtainable in the game. Think of it as a shortcut. You're paying for airline tickets as opposed to train tickets. You get to the same place, you just get there faster and for more money.


The second way is their Founders Packages. These packages have a set price that begin higher than the basic Platinum purchase, but also offers more Platinum per dollar. It also, depending on the tier, offers a little bonus item for supporting the developers and allowing them to conitue to make this game.


Additionally, the Prime items obtainable through the Founder's Packages are in no way even remotely pay-to-win. Pay-to-have-something-that-most-people-won't sure, but the weapons and frame are in no way top tier, they in no way give the owner any significant advantage over another player, and you can bet with almost complete certainly you won't find very many of the three in T3 Defenses. Pay to win implies that the best can only be obtained through money purchases. This is in no way the case here.


You paid nothing for this game, a pretty good one I believe. Try not to be so ungrateful.

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You really need to learn the definition of what "pay 2 win" is before you start criticising a game for this factor.

EDIT: My story:

1. Skana Prime is terrible.

2. Excalibur Prime is one of my least played frames, I own all and farmed them same as you would have to (bar banshee).

3. I own most of the weapons giving me mastery 10. I farmed them all.

4. For the potatoes, catalyst and forma, I was really unlucky so I bought quite a few with platinum even before I became a founder.

5. I am sitting on a lot of platinum from my founder's purchase - from my clan mates I can tell I share this trend with others.

So can't really see how my founder's status has enabled me to 'win' there. This is all after putting 340+ hours into the game.

Another aside, as the game is currently pve only, as a team game if I win, you win, we all win. Why should it matter if wallets were involved?

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