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The Idiocracy of Venus Arcanes and the damage system(especially in concern to Eidolon/Orbs)


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So the new Operator Arcanes have really nice features. But why do a lot of them not work against enemies where we use them the most.

To give an example:

With Magus Destruct (Increase DMG to Puncture on void blast) we could have a nice option to open the Eidolon up to more damage. Together with Virtuos Spike to convert our void damage to puncture damage and get a nice 50% boost. But no it doesn't work on Eidolons. So why should we even buy these arcanes? It is not like normal enemies are easier killed in Operator mode and neither the AoE arcanes like Magus Lockdown give any advantage over having Magus Elevate equipped.

Having an alternative way of applying damage to enemies we encounter in "endgame" would maybe shift the meta a little bit and give people more reason to purchase these arcanes in the first place. As of right now most of them have idiotic effects and with the removal of the effect being applied to all enemies even less of a reason over boosting our Warframes with something like Elevate.

If our operators don't become the nuclear power house they should be in first place and void damage is still being mitigated by armor of sorts these arcanes will be used by a very small amount of players and only because they are bored. Void damage should be changed to true damage bypassing any armor anyways.

So this is my suggestion.

Let us be able to apply the arcane effects to every enemy and stop narrowing down our options.

Or why even have these combos:

Magus Melt --> Virtuos Forge

Magus Destruct/MagusLockdown --> Virtuos Spike

Magus Overload --> Virtuos surge

Full sets of these Combos are always 200k Standing. That is no small investment for a dumb unproductive way of killing fodder enemies.

So again please reconsider the way they work!

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vor 4 Minuten schrieb (PS4)lagrue:


Idiocracy is a coined term that refers to a government run by idiots.
Idiocy, on the other hand, is general stupidity. 

Yes and i mean the way the arcanes are being governed to the point that they don't apply to all of the damage system. But i guess both terms would apply in this case as it is also stupid.

Edited by GA-Bulletproof
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1 minute ago, GA-Bulletproof said:

Well the wiki already says it doesn't. Why do you think a video would be more convincing?


Pal, if u didnt test, then dont complain, if you believe to much in wiki, then continue to believe in that.

Show video with your own test, or find on YT, Twitch, Mixer...etc someones video who is test and show us!?

For everyone else working, but only for you doesnt!?

How that can be possible!

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vor 1 Minute schrieb AvPCelticPredator:


Pal, if u didnt test, then dont complain, if you believe to much in wiki, then continue to believe in that.

Show video with your own test, or find on YT, Twitch, Mixer...etc someones video who is test and show us!?

For everyone else working, but only for you doesnt!?

How that can be possible!

So what you are saying is that the Wiki is wrong and for you it works? And just because i said that the wiki already is referring to the same subject as "not working on Eidolons" i automatically infer that i didn't test it because i asked you why it would be more benficial to make a video.

Wow "PAL"...so why don't you post a video of the arcanes working and making a forum post that says that the wiki entry is wrong?

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4 hours ago, GA-Bulletproof said:

So why should we even buy these arcanes? It is not like normal enemies are easier killed in Operator mode and neither the AoE arcanes like Magus Lockdown give any advantage over having Magus Elevate equipped.


Well... This is one reason. I have a few others but this is more notable.


I think your argument could be better focused on the incredibly narrow and almost cheat design of bosses rather than the Arcanes themselves. I'm aware you mentioned both. It's just some of the Arcanes are quite good. Just not for the things DE has specifically cheated their own damage system in order to present difficulty.

I myself have made comments on quite a few enemies and the bosses mentioned and how Damage 3.0 is more needed than ever in order for DE to stop having to make exceptions to their own rules but that solution doesn't seem to be coming anytime soon.

Sadly Eidolons / Orb Mothers are just one flaw of the incredibly repetitive and uninteresting method of content that is the "Bite size Warframe" approach. Metas have been created and unlike community created ones they're very much a real standard. The old meta options created by the community are easily avoided but when you make something that's immune to majority of the rules in the game. You create few alternatives for a player to approach a problem.

I also agree that Void damage itself is comically misrepresented in Warframe. I do enjoy some of these new Arcane though and how the further incorporate Operator use into Warframe and I generally don't consider Eidolons to be Warframe any more than I do Archwing missions. Their impact is similar, the only difference is the rewards. Be assured when you have those rewards; it's less likely you will do that content and Que the inevitable dead-end of Vallis and PoE as content in Warframe yet Survival lives on.

I think it wise for DE to capitalize on the Alert level system presented in Vallis as a means of endless content options in these places.

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vor 25 Minuten schrieb Xzorn:

I think your argument could be better focused on the incredibly narrow and almost cheat design of bosses rather than the Arcanes themselves. I'm aware you mentioned both. It's just some of the Arcanes are quite good. Just not for the things DE has specifically cheated their own damage system in order to present difficulty.

I myself have made comments on quite a few enemies and the bosses mentioned and how Damage 3.0 is more needed than ever in order for DE to stop having to make exceptions to their own rules but that solution doesn't seem to be coming anytime soon.

Sadly Eidolons / Orb Mothers are just one flaw of the incredibly repetitive and uninteresting method of content that is the "Bite size Warframe" approach. Metas have been created and unlike community created ones they're very much a real standard. The old meta options created by the community are easily avoided but when you make something that's immune to majority of the rules in the game. You create few alternatives for a player to approach a problem.

I also agree that Void damage itself is comically misrepresented in Warframe. I do enjoy some of these new Arcane though and how the further incorporate Operator use into Warframe and I generally don't consider Eidolons to be Warframe any more than I do Archwing missions. Their impact is similar, the only difference is the rewards. Be assured when you have those rewards; it's less likely you will do that content and Que the inevitable dead-end of Vallis and PoE as content in Warframe yet Survival lives on.

I think it wise for DE to capitalize on the Alert level system presented in Vallis as a means of endless content options in these places.

First of I have to say I agree with everything you said but with the increase of openworlds arcanes like Magus Lockdown have a very niche use as the range for these arcanes is actually tailored to non openworld content in warframe. Because what are you actually going to damage with 12m range when enemies are scattered 75-100m around you. 

The irony really starts when you consider that DE recently removed the functionality of shattering impact on Orbs but on eidolons they work. Archguns have the same IPS build up as normal weapons yet normal weapons cannot damage the ORB in return the archwing gun has more trouble with heavy gunners and bombards 😂😂😂😂

I am hoping that DE implements a little consistency through out all this. Because with a fast pace game like this I don't see why I should switch to operator to get a very time intense effect. I guess damage 3.0 is inevitable right @[DE]Steve

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2 hours ago, GA-Bulletproof said:

First of I have to say I agree with everything you said but with the increase of openworlds arcanes like Magus Lockdown have a very niche use as the range for these arcanes is actually tailored to non openworld content in warframe. Because what are you actually going to damage with 12m range when enemies are scattered 75-100m around you. 

The irony really starts when you consider that DE recently removed the functionality of shattering impact on Orbs but on eidolons they work. Archguns have the same IPS build up as normal weapons yet normal weapons cannot damage the ORB in return the archwing gun has more trouble with heavy gunners and bombards 😂😂😂😂

I am hoping that DE implements a little consistency through out all this. Because with a fast pace game like this I don't see why I should switch to operator to get a very time intense effect. I guess damage 3.0 is inevitable right @[DE]Steve


My approach to the open world content is generally "What can I get from this for my endurance runs and builds."  so I'm less critical of their performance in these open world zones. As I mentioned they have a shelf life anyways but I certainly see the comedy in getting an upgrade that's better used in another part of the game.

My hope is Arch-guns will get a serious buff and dwarf other weapons. I would like to see them become an option that justifies their cooldown to be a legit mechanic in the game rather than just another gun. DE needs to bring the different aspects of Warframe together. They're kinda doing it with Operators but more needs to be done.

You can currently jump into an Arch-wing like Amesha and take on a whole different role instantly which is really cool but there's not really any call for it. I messed with it a little while Toroid farming cuz the enemies go up to 125 but that's about it. If incorporated better the amount of options a player could have through Frame + Weapons + Arch-Guns + Operators + Arch-wings all in the same missions is huge and inspiring. To think; if only.

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