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September 12Th: Community Hot Topics!


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The problem with Embers change is not CC, its the loss of utility. Overheat allowed her to survive at higher levels and to use those powers that required her to get close to enemies in order to work. Without Overheat its pretty stupid to walk into a room full of grineer/corpus, pop WoF and get shot to death. 


Also unless Necros search the death has a chance to spawn blueprints or mods then just get rid of it please.

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Call me crazy, but I'm actually kind of glad the damage model overhaul got pushed back. It seems like DE hadn't acknowledged armor scaling as a problem and committed to fixing it until just recently.


I'm well aware that quicker is always better during development, but things as fundamental and ubiquitous as armor and damage mechanics feels like things that deserve a lot of attention, and it's nice to see that you're trying to be methodical and get it as right as you can on the first pass instead of throwing something together in haste.

Edited by A5PECT
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Desecrate: spawn more BPs and mods or GTFO 


I'll withhold judgement on Nekros' (name is fine I guess) other abilities until I see them for myself.


Also withholding judgement on Nova being "re-balanced" until i see more challenging enemies, and a reworked damage system  that way we figure out how we need to approach re-balancing frames in general. 

Edited by M3GAL0
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I just want the old Pull back :( I was able to cleave all of them with Hate!


And for Nyx, yes, the Absorb should do damage to those who are behind walls, crates, and doors, etc. So far Chaos is just something we spammed.


Is it possible to have Psychic Bolts have an extra effect besides damage? I believe it should have some kind of telekinesis effect like once in contact with the enemy, it should lift them up or something. Like impale them to the walls.

I don't know....I just love my Nyx too much :D

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great news! but to be honest i don't really like the fact that you can now switch sentinels weapons, dethcube has suddenly become the worst of all of them, and this even unbalances things, now everyone will play shade for cloaking and good dps, seriously who cares about vaporize?

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Very excited about all of this.  And thanks for the infested weapons teaser.  I'm still very doubtful about Desecrate, but I love the change to . . . um . . . "Scary Face" to make it more distinctive from Bastille.  I'll give Desecrate a fair shot, though.  I promise.


Just from that peek, new Arsenal screen looks AMAZING!  I cannot wait to see my rhino with his ogris looking back at me.

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Sounds Epic, cant waite, and hope it is released today (Friday)

Sure hope the stats on the weapons will be displayed now,..and updated, when you equip mods, that would be so very, very cool..

New sentinels,.. Sweet, change weapons between them,.. sweet,

Embers CC,.. erhm wut CC???


Great job guys, keep up the hard/good work..

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They chose to ignore crybabies and not give them their bottle.

Maby growing up and stop calling people names, for having another opinion than yours would help a bit,?

when the majority of players keep posting about nova nerfs, maby its because she`s OP compared to all other frames,

No other frame kills 90% of enemies on the entire map, in 2 seconds,... thats OP, and if you cant see that, you need some glasses M8.

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9.8 Warframe Balance


Many Warframes have been getting visits from the doctor and their balancing progress is not always easy. Warframes are meant to be different and unique from each other, each bringing something unique to battle.  

A few reoccurring comments about the recently reviewed Warframes are:


  • Ember’s damage needs to be buffed to compensate for her low armor and she doesn’t have crowd controlling power anymore


It's kind of saddening to see that this is supposedly the condensed feedback regarding Ember. You've got 32 pages of feedback, in addition to several additional threads on the subject, filled with posters (including myself) who are asking the devs to reconsider the notion that Ember can't be a 'tank' or at least a hybrid pseudo-tank/damage frame.


Don't take this the wrong way. I'm not asking for my 90% DR crutch back. I'm not asking for a Nova nerf. I just think that myself and a lot of other players really liked Ember as a sort of hybrid tank+damage dealer from a fundamental standpoint, and it seems completely ridiculous to throw that away.


It would take completely redesigned+overhauled skills to make Ember a competitive caster. Right now, her powers are dot-based and require Ember to be in close range with enemies. A frame that only has 10 armor and a slower-than-average movement speed. How is that a good idea? Even with 40% DR she still squishes incredibly fast and her abilities don't do nearly enough damage to make the balancing act worth it. The way I see it, Overheat and Fireblast would need to be replaced with powers that could be used from longer range, and Fireball needs greatly improved functionality. Projectile-based, big explosion on impact, etc.


And even if all that happened, you've still ticked off a bunch of people who really liked her when she was a tank+damage hybrid and not a glass cannon.


She had a niche. She had defensive functionality which actually made her a palatable Warframe. She had a playerbase that enjoyed her that way. Why not take that role and build on it, and actually make the people who regularly played Ember happy in the process?


Should I remind you, DE, about Scott's comments about the Warframe helmets? He said in livestream 13 that they realized they made a mistake with the stats on the helmets, saying that they should have been cosmetic only. But instead of changing the existing helmets (which would tick off people who do like them because of their stats) he said they would leave them as is and offer cosmetic-only helmets in the future. Why doesn't that philosophy apply to warframes as well? It just seems kind of silly to be so cautious about potentially hurting people's feelings about relatively minor stat boosts on helmets, and then completely repurpose an entire Warframe while crippling its former functionality.


Whatever you decide, all I ask is that you don't nerf or repurpose Saryn in the near future. At least not until the 'New main smell' goes away.

Edited by SnazzyWolf
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So, you're just ignoring what everyone was saying in the Trinity feedback post? You know the one where everyone who played Trinity before update 9.8 enjoyed playing her. Now that you've made her basically useless, unless you can keep her alive long enough to get to a boss? She's no longer a support frame, she's a crappy wanna be damage frame with an ability that makes her team invulnerable for a short time.


So what do you do when people complained about EV, and the new link. You add duration to blessing? What the hell is the point of making Blessing last longer if you don't have energy to cast it?

What about the people who formaed her WOL slot because it was useless? Without WOL there is no chance for the new EV to do any energy restore. It's essentially a single target stasis DPS ability. 


Like the person above me who's talking all the people about the Ember change, me being one of them. LISTEN TO YOUR PLAYERS. Whats the point of us paying to be founders, and be able to give feedback and advice of the community if you IGNORE the community?


Not to mention the best thing about Ember and Trinity, was that they were essentially tanky alternative frames to Frost, Rhino, and Saryn.


Also what was so broken about LInk? It's was no different from Rhino skin before they changed Trinity in update 9.8.


Rhino skin gives you almost 1500 extra HPs, that still has your DR from your armor and Steel fiber. Yet you couldn't let people have the old link?


It's cool I see what DE is doing, they're trying to be like Valve. Change they're fun unique game into a crappy copy of everything else we can buy on the market, ruining what they've built.


I'll be here to watch and see how many people stop playing this from all the terrible changes done with out feedback from the players. Oh wait I meant with ignoring the feedback from the players.

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The Conclave


You may have noticed a new area where you can test each other in combat. This has come sooner than expected, but soon there will be method to these grounds, known as “The Conclave”, existence. A home for feedback will be opened when The Conclave is revealed soon.




When Nekros makes his in game debut, you may notice that his third ability will be “Search the Dead”, now called “Desecrate” even after much talk about it needing to change.  Your suggestions have not gone unheard, but we feel playing his abilities first may change some opinions. And if opinions and feedback remain for a desire to change, we’ll be here. We still want your feedback moving forward.




With Update 10 poking its head around the corner, we have progress on the UI front. The Arsenal Screen is the most noticeable area that has been overhauled, with subtle changes throughout the rest of the UI.  The teaser video also offers a sneak peek into what the new Arsenel UI looks like.


9.8 Warframe Balance


Many Warframes have been getting visits from the doctor and their balancing progress is not always easy. Warframes are meant to be different and unique from each other, each bringing something unique to battle.  

A few reoccurring comments about the recently reviewed Warframes are:

  • Vauban’s Bastille struggles on higher level areas where you’re surrounded by 40+ tough enemies who can one shot kill you. The feedback is semi-split as people are withholding judgment until the damage system tweaks come.
  • Ember’s damage needs to be buffed to compensate for her low armor and she doesn’t have crowd controlling power anymore.
  • Mag’s Pull, although very powerful, makes enemies fly in absolutely random directions. The old Pull allowed for a better melee experience.
  • Nyx’s absorb needs to go through walls and Shade needs to stop using cloak while Absorb is active.  Psychic Bolts hit walls, disappear and need more damage.
  • Trinity’s Blessing ability to allow for longer invulnerability while casting is much appreciated.


Armor 2.0


The Armor 2.0 / damage system is taking longer than expected and will not be in day 1 of Update 10. Know that we have not stopped working on it, it just simply isn’t ready for Update 10.


Cant wait to try out the Conclave.


Let's see how Search the Dead works... but at 99% my opinion will remain the same, it has to be changed to something more useful


Warframe's balances: i Hope you'll restore old Pull mechanic and give back to Ember some CC/defensive feats


Armor 2.0: ok, if waiting means we will have something better, we will wait :)

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It's kind of saddening to see that this is supposedly the condensed feedback regarding Ember. You've got 32 pages of feedback, in addition to several additional threads on the subject, filled with posters (including myself) who are asking the devs to reconsider the notion that Ember can't be a 'tank' or at least a hybrid pseudo-tank/damage frame.


Don't take this the wrong way. I'm not asking for my 90% DR crutch back. I'm not asking for a Nova nerf. I just think that myself and a lot of other players really liked Ember as a sort of hybrid tank+damage dealer from a fundamental standpoint, and it seems completely ridiculous to throw that away.


It would take completely redesigned+overhauled skills to make Ember a competitive caster. Right now, her powers are dot-based and require Ember to be in close range with enemies. A frame that only has 10 armor and a slower-than-average movement speed. How is that a good idea? Even with 40% DR she still squishes incredibly fast and her abilities don't do nearly enough damage to make the balancing act worth it. The way I see it, Overheat and Fireblast would need to be replaced with powers that could be used from longer range, and Fireball needs greatly improved functionality. Projectile-based, big explosion on impact, etc.


And even if all that happened, you've still ticked off a bunch of people who really liked her when she was a tank+damage hybrid and not a glass cannon.


She had a niche. She had defensive functionality which actually made her a palatable Warframe. She had a playerbase that enjoyed her that way. Why not take that role and build on it, and actually make the people who regularly played Ember happy in the process?


Should I remind you, DE, about Scott's comments about the Warframe helmets? He said in livestream 13 that they realized they made a mistake with the stats on the helmets, saying that they should have been cosmetic only. But instead of changing the existing helmets (which would tick off people who do like them because of their stats) he said they would leave them as is and offer cosmetic-only helmets in the future. Why doesn't that philosophy apply to warframes as well? It just seems kind of silly to be so cautious about potentially hurting people's feelings about relatively minor stat boosts on helmets, and then completely repurpose an entire Warframe while crippling its former functionality.


Whatever you decide, all I ask is that you don't nerf or repurpose Saryn in the near future. At least not until the 'New main smell' goes away.

So, you're just ignoring what everyone was saying in the Trinity feedback post? You know the one where everyone who played Trinity before update 9.8 enjoyed playing her. Now that you've made her basically useless, unless you can keep her alive long enough to get to a boss? She's no longer a support frame, she's a crappy wanna be damage frame with an ability that makes her team invulnerable for a short time.


So what do you do when people complained about EV, and the new link. You add duration to blessing? What the hell is the point of making Blessing last longer if you don't have energy to cast it?

What about the people who formaed her WOL slot because it was useless? Without WOL there is no chance for the new EV to do any energy restore. It's essentially a single target stasis DPS ability. 


Like the person above me who's talking all the people about the Ember change, me being one of them. LISTEN TO YOUR PLAYERS. Whats the point of us paying to be founders, and be able to give feedback and advice of the community if you IGNORE the community?


Not to mention the best thing about Ember and Trinity, was that they were essentially tanky alternative frames to Frost, Rhino, and Saryn.


Also what was so broken about LInk? It's was no different from Rhino skin before they changed Trinity in update 9.8.


Rhino skin gives you almost 1500 extra HPs, that still has your DR from your armor and Steel fiber. Yet you couldn't let people have the old link?


It's cool I see what DE is doing, they're trying to be like Valve. Change they're fun unique game into a crappy copy of everything else we can buy on the market, ruining what they've built.


I'll be here to watch and see how many people stop playing this from all the terrible changes done with out feedback from the players. Oh wait I meant with ignoring the feedback from the players.

Now now, guys, keep it civil.

DE DID #*($%%@ up on all of us MULTIPLE TIMES, throwing red paint on our faces.

But, c'mon.. This is why they hesitates on "answering." They're scared that whatever they do will spark some civil war.

You see, if they say something, we'll swarm to their paragraphs and maybe some will bring their torches and forks.

That scares people, you know, and the devs are all people.

Maybe they WANT to revert Overheat after reading few of the first pages in Ember's thread.

Maybe they WANT to revert Link to what it was. But, they're scared because of your massive hate to them.

C'mon... You'll break their hearts if you can't tone it down..

They need critiques and feedback.

Sometimes feedbacks are harsh and brutal. That breaks their hearts.

Maybe we can all tone it down a bit more.

Anger is unctrollable, but hold it back for some times will worth it, I promise..


And, to DE, I'm so.. So sorry..

BUT. Backing away from the fight isn't really the best idea, ever.

AT LEAST tell us what you will do.

TELL US what changes, positively, you will give to Ember, Trin, Vau, Mag, and everyone else.

ASK the community, but NOT a feedback thread.

Make it like a poll. See what people wants, and then ASK THEM AGAIN if they REALLY want that change.

That's the way YOU should've done it.

You know, I like your surprises, I really do.

Small surprises, such as weapons, are all VERY welcome.

BUT never.. EVER give us surprises that majorly changes a frame without asking the community in general.

This what will happen, you know none of us want this to happen again.

I just wish you guys WON'T be the next Tribes: &#!' End.

I was wrong... I assume.

Not even Necro can redeem this apocalypse we called as "Nine-Point-Eight."

..Heh, Dead Frame..for a fun game...

Maybe that's why.. You guys put "Death" as the next frame..

You guys want to say something, subtly, don't you?


I feel sorry for you now..




Now back to the "hoping-they-will-read-these" state-of-mind..

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I fail to see the problem with Trinity's Blessing. It is fine as it is now. The only thing, that bothers people is that the duration increasement for Energy Vampire is contra productive, but I think, you can relax more and focus other enemies down, while your target is stunned for a long time, providing you and your team with Energy. The old Link could like support up to 2 guys in a real fight, the Trinity, who casted and fired a few shots to get the energy back and the guy who finally killed the mob via AoE ulti or being trigger happy. Now she has the potential to provide the whole team with energy more effectively.

Trinity was always a frame to deal with the big guys, and she still is, now even better. People just are not patient enough to wait a bit for the energy to pop out of the enmeies. Patience is a virtue.

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9.8 Warframe Balance


Many Warframes have been getting visits from the doctor and their balancing progress is not always easy. Warframes are meant to be different and unique from each other, each bringing something unique to battle.  

A few reoccurring comments about the recently reviewed Warframes are:

  • Ember’s damage needs to be buffed to compensate for her low armor and she doesn’t have crowd controlling power anymore.
  • Mag’s Pull, although very powerful, makes enemies fly in absolutely random directions. The old Pull allowed for a better melee experience.
  • Nyx’s absorb needs to go through walls and Shade needs to stop using cloak while Absorb is active.  Psychic Bolts hit walls, disappear and need more damage.


Ember needs some god damn speed and/or armor if you want us to deliver her damage to the enemy!


Also she doesn't just needs pure damage increase she needs some utility too. Besides, why increase her damage if you previous claimed the new armor system will fix the issue anyway?


Considering how quickly the community exploded about the change in Overheat, which opened up all the other issues the frame had for a long time, i think just throwing in higher numbers will not cut it.


As many suggest scrap fireball and make something more usefull out of it. Also the rest of her set needs some redesign too.


Also here is a suggestion for the future. Do not call changes to a Warframe "awesome" before you applied them, especialy if the community hears it and clearly knows they are bad news. Better go with a different word and after changes did in fact turn out "awesome" use the word in retrospective.


About Mag's pull. Making her pull the enemy to the ground is good enough in my opinion as long as you keep the damage increase.


Nice hearing they are working on the Absorb and Shade problem, i hope it will get fixed together with Loki not cloaking his Shade with invisibility. Psychic bolt needs to be hitreg or no-clip. There is no reason why a psychic attack should be stopped by walls.


Only problem with this would be that the second Infested Boss is using psychic bolts against us, he would need a new attack.

Edited by Othergrunty
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don't change mag's new pull, is one of the best first powers right now, anyone who wants the old pull does not play high level misions it seems...

(bringing a venomous ancient or grineer bombard at your side is a death sentence, no matter what melee you have and no redirection or mod can save you)

also a lot of people used old pull to troll other players, like loki and is teleportation right now, so dont change pull please...

Maybe you should just stick to easier frames like Nova or Saryn then ...  Any experienced Tenno knew exactly how to use pull to avoid toxics or bombards. If you pulled levl 100+ mobs w/o the cover of a bastille or a snowglobe, you were doing it wrong. Also you could pull things from behind a crate etc, seems to me you're the one who lacks experience on how to play Mag with the 8.4 Pull ... Also just because her ability kills a bunch of stuff doesn't make it "one of the best 1 powers", it only makes her seemingly easier and takes away from the possible team and solo synergies pull offered.

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Oh, another thing. What about the scarves?


I know the playerbase has mixed feelings about them, but are they still coming with U10, or are they delayed?

Hopefully DE makes a Uturn on this. I mean, are scarves what his game really needs at the moment ? Aren't there way more pressing matters ? Armor 2.0 ? End-game ? Lore ? Gameplay mechanics etc etc etc ...

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Define "everything"



pronoun: everything


all things; all the things of a group or class.

"he taught me everything I know"

synonyms: each item, each thing, every single thing, the lot, the whole lot; More

antonyms: nothing

all things of importance; a great deal.

"I lost everything in the crash"

the most important thing or aspect.

"money isn't everything"


the current situation; life in general.

"how's everything?"

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