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The Offical "combat Formation Bravo" Thread


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I been studying the progresson of combat formation bravo. First it started by random voice chatter from different Grineer. And after months if not YEARS of expert miltiary tranining it first showed up in their formorians.

(Please note that the spoilers are meant to protect your eyes from what may be the end of all tenno)




Then after that. I noticed the infested managed to mimic and copy "Combat formation Bravo" This was probably due to the intergration of the infested into grineer troops that have been trained to do CFB thus cuasing them to learn it themselves as the ultimate anti-tenno stratagy.




Now teams of Grineer have entered Orokian towers in recent times that have the Combat Formation Bravo training, thinking it would protect them form the tower Neural Sentry. It has not. And now! The neural Sentry has LEARNED how to do it itself!




This one is even more excessively EVIL since it uses the fabled lost Moacorns for the top of the formation!


And here is another, NEWER reported sighting of "Combat Formation Bravo" Inside of an other Orokian Tower!




This time with all Nueral Sentry controled Ancients! Is our time near fellow Tenno!? How long will it take for the Corpus to teach their bots to do this!? I assume once all factions have learned HOW to "Combat Formation Bravo" It's only a matter of time we are wiped off the map!


If anyone has anymore pictures they can catalog of these sightings before it's to late post them here!


(These are all the original forum threads that these pictures came from)





Edited by Canyew
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I made this post about the comprehensive study of "Combat Formation Bravo." To help protect us against it's sheer power and to warn you all from it. Not because I am bored waiting for U10.... I am stuck at work anyway I can't play Warframe.... :P

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Today I found something strange. The Orokin neural sentry appears to have developed a 2 person CFB that is even more efficient to Tenno extermination. 





Even with the Grineer switching to Klingon to protect their secrets more and more are learning the ways of CFB. 

The Lotus must be informed immediately about this. Otherwise we may all fall.





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