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I see posts are getting deleted / Hidden again


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1 hour ago, Letter13 said:

There are things, vile things, that are much, much better off being hidden and never to be seen. And I mean vile in every sense of the word. There have been things posted that will make you regret having eaten anything in the past 24 hours.

This absolutely made my night. I've been cackling like Emperor Palpatine at my desk for a solid 5 minutes now.
I once Moderated a Forum YEARS ago. So the amount of truth in this is overwhelming & somehow makes it absurdly funny.

Honestly (and I know many will disagree with me here) but the Mods on these forums are actually very nice, transparent, & informative.
You all should go check out forums like the Destiny forums if you want to see some horrible moderators.
Currently on those forums folks are just being outright banned for making threads on hot topics, signing/posting in response to a hot topic, or straight up agreeing with said topic.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

I just said hello and my post was removed.. what's the decent reason behind it? (Don't forget we're in GD here..) 

I made a thread once saying hello and it wasn't removed..

Inconsistencies ò.ó

 General Discussion as in General Discussion as pertaining to the game of Warframe. It's not a blog. Making a thread to introduce yourself or say hi isn't exactly a good topic for this section. Makes sense it got removed.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

You didn't even read what I wrote.. I said the thread was NOT removed, a whole thread about saying hello, but my post here saying hello was removed.. still, inconsistencies! 

Saying hello in this thread is off topic, you know full well why it was removed, you butt.:tongue:

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2 hours ago, Letter13 said:


  Look at this ya putz I went and got pulled into doing PR for you now what in the world is this.

6 minutes ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

You didn't even read what I wrote.. I said the thread was NOT removed, a whole thread about saying hello, but my post here saying hello was removed.. still, inconsistencies! 

 Yeah, I misread. My bad. To that all I can say is that sometimes things are gonna slip through the cracks. The mods do sleep and a few of them are just players like you or me anyway. A lot of moderating is playing catch up.

Edited by Blatantfool
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