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Expand Riven Mod Max Capacity


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There are multiple ways to get more riven mods (sorties, login rewards, special alerts) but only a 90 mod capacity... why?

Please DE, increase the riven mod max capacity either indefinitely or at the very least double or triple the max number (180 or 270) we can have at our disposal.

Sometimes (I would even go as far as to say most of the time), you need to forget about new content and just fix these types of basic game mechanics so as to not needlessly frustrate and complicate the player's gaming experience.

Hope you take this into consideration and come up with a solution ASAP (transmuting is not a solution).

Thanks in advance.




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DE has stated that there are server limitations which is why Riven Mods have a cap. I am also of the opinion that when you reach 90/90 Riven Mods, you can always improve an existing one. Very few Rivens are perfect to keep forever anyways. The cap forces you to prioritize and not hoard every mod you get. What we have now is not the greatest, but it suffices.

Edited by Voltage
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I prefer some leeway on when I get to choose to examine a riven mod rather than be pushed in a corner where I need to forfeit mods because I did not have the time or give the time to examine them.


Plus, there is also the matter that for each riven you really want to see its potential, you need to invest (and acquire) the kuva for it which demands a fair amount of time as well. I do not want to be in that position so frequently, which is the case for someone who like me does his sorties every day.

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3 hours ago, Voltage said:

DE has stated that there are server limitations which is why Riven Mods have a cap. I am also of the opinion that when you reach 90/90 Riven Mods, you can always improve an existing one. Very few Rivens are perfect to keep forever anyways. The cap forces you to prioritize and not hoard every mod you get. What we have now is not the greatest, but it suffices.

Would be nice if we could have at least 1 for every weapon though -.-. I´m currently trying to complete all the things in the game (like scans, relics, artefacts) including mods but due to the limit I already know it´s impossible to finish my collection.

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4 hours ago, Arcira said:

Would be nice if we could have at least 1 for every weapon though -.-.

You do realize to do that, DE would have to allocate the space for (1x player base count) new Riven slots in their servers, every single time they add a new weapon that qualifies for a Riven.

That sounds like a rather ridiculous thing to have to do instead of leaving the cap as-is.

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1 hour ago, --Q--Stryker said:

You do realize to do that, DE would have to allocate the space for (1x player base count) new Riven slots in their servers, every single time they add a new weapon that qualifies for a Riven.

That sounds like a rather ridiculous thing to have to do instead of leaving the cap as-is.

I have no idea how much data space a riven mods needs but to be fair as far as I know the amount of warframe and weapons you can build isn´t limited and they have a huge amount of different stats and numbers let alone idividual customization combinations. Doesn´t sound too ridiculus to me to buy an additional riven slot with a maximum of four stats for every weapon/warframe.

Edited by Arcira
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15 hours ago, Arcira said:

I have no idea how much data space a riven mods needs

Neither do I but based on DE's reasoning for a Riven cap, it's much more than other items.

15 hours ago, Arcira said:

but to be fair as far as I know the amount of warframe and weapons you can build isn´t limited and they have a huge amount of different stats and numbers let alone idividual customization combinations.

You forget that when people build new Warframes or weapons, they're all exactly the same. No one is gonna magically build a Soma with a higher base status chance, or a Rhino with more armor. It pulls the info for said item from the server and you have your item. With Rivens, they'd have to store each individual randomized one for every player.

I'm not gonna comment on how changing colors/mods might make a difference since that doesn't have anything to do with the storage space Rivens take up.

15 hours ago, Arcira said:

Doesn´t sound too ridiculus to me to buy an additional riven slot with a maximum of four stats for every weapon/warframe.

Sounds more like willful ignorance of the workload that DE would have to make that happen that they don't need.

Edited by --Q--Stryker
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2 hours ago, --Q--Stryker said:

Neither do I but based on DE's reasoning for a Riven cap, it's much more than other items.

You forget that when people build new Warframes or weapons, they're all exactly the same. No one is gonna magically build a Soma with a higher base status chance, or a Rhino with more armor. It pulls the info for said item from the server and you have your item. With Rivens, they'd have to store each individual randomized one for every player.

A number is a number whether it´s randomized or not. Sorry but can´t see why a riven with 9 attributes (https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Mods) and up to 4 randomized values + names gets even close to the amount of data needed for a warframe and weapon.

2 hours ago, --Q--Stryker said:

I'm not gonna comment on how changing colors/mods might make a difference since that doesn't have anything to do with the storage space Rivens take up.

Pretty sure it does matter. In the Warframes apearance options every color or object slot needs at least a link/reference to the color you choose which is nothing more than a number stored on the dataspace (just like the randomized number on your riven mod). In addition every equiped mod on them needs to have this kind of ID reference as well.

Edited by Arcira
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No, it doesn't seem like much, but it's asking a lot of a studio that has had 5 years to fix a big that either can't figure it out or its not worth the time/effort.


You DO know where you are, don't you?


Anyhow, it's not bad to have a cap, keeps people from being able to collect and hold too many for the simple act of merching.

You're never going to use that many weapons on the regular. If you do, ask a friend to hold onto it (the riven) for you.

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Congrats on missing the point(?)

31 minutes ago, Arcira said:

In the Warframes apearance options every color or object slot needs at least a link/reference to the color you choose which is nothing more than a number stored on the dataspace (just like the randomized number on your riven mod). In addition every equiped mod on them needs to have this kind of ID reference as well.

And this is where you seem to miss it. Those items only need one ID reference, regardless of how many people own it. Every single riven needs their own, so with the current cap of 90 per player, that's still a lot of IDs. Even if each individual Riven ID is small, there's so many of us that it adds up.

As an example, say the ID for one Riven takes up only 1 MB of space (pulled that number out of thin air as a example, no idea how much it actually is). Using the 90 slot cap for each player and the player count that they gave last year on the 5th Anniversary (which has surely grown by now) which was 38,083,936 players, the total space those Riven IDs would take up is 3,427.5 Terabytes. You can do the math yourself with the numbers I used if you think I'm exaggerating.

Of course, no doubt I could be hilariously wrong about the size. But between the space it takes up + no one has any necessary reason to have a Riven for every single weapon, there's little incentive for DE to allow for it.

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1 hour ago, --Q--Stryker said:

Congrats on missing the point(?)

And this is where you seem to miss it. Those items only need one ID reference, regardless of how many people own it. Every single riven needs their own, so with the current cap of 90 per player, that's still a lot of IDs. Even if each individual Riven ID is small, there's so many of us that it adds up.

As an example, say the ID for one Riven takes up only 1 MB of space (pulled that number out of thin air as a example, no idea how much it actually is). Using the 90 slot cap for each player and the player count that they gave last year on the 5th Anniversary (which has surely grown by now) which was 38,083,936 players, the total space those Riven IDs would take up is 3,427.5 Terabytes. You can do the math yourself with the numbers I used if you think I'm exaggerating.

Of course, no doubt I could be hilariously wrong about the size. But between the space it takes up + no one has any necessary reason to have a Riven for every single weapon, there's little incentive for DE to allow for it.

Ye 1 mb would be kinda ridiculous ^^. If an ID has let´s say 5 digits the highest possible number would be 99,999 which should be about 19 bit in binary. Nonetheless the name of the riven effects (damage, multishot, etc) is probably represented by an ID as well because the list of effects is equal for all rivens of the same type. It´s a relatively small pool though I doupt you need such a big number

The actual number of the effect (+ 123,5% etc) shouldn´t be too big either with 1111 1111 (8 bit) you can have numbers from 0-255 and probably an extra bit for the +/-. If there is a problem with space I´d get ride of the decimal digit though which can be a big part and is kinda unnecessary anyway. What´s left is the randomly generated name which actually consist of the same listed parts as well depending on the riven effects. Anything else on a riven mod like polarity, rank, capacity drain is equal to a regular mod.

The only real issue I can see compared to regular mods is you can´t stack them like you theoretically could with all lv1 Serration mods for example. But even then compared to the amount of data from objects the server already have to manage (warframes, weapon, mods, ressources, parts, ayatan) a small amount reserved for a riven mod slot for each weapon doesn´t sound impossible to me still.

Edited by Arcira
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I own about 34 Rivens with my cap being 36 and I have one for each weapon I use on a regular basis. The impression im getting from all those "Increase Riven Capacity"Topics is that those who have are at 90 Rivens tend to be Players wanting to hoard viled Rivens to sell when new weapons drop.

So a Limit at 90 Rivens is not a Problem for anyone who just wants one for his favorite Weapons. Which is the intended use according to DE.

Also every increase in Capacity would quickly result in someone hitting the Cap and asking for more.

Also also with more than 38.000.000 registered loo...users this could already create quite a amount of data if everyone were at the 90 Riven Cap. This would add another 3.420.000.000 unique Entries to the Database and that amount of space has to be reserved for the unlikely case every player would reach the cap. 

So each increase of the cap even by one Riven could add more than 38 Million new Database entries that is a huge margin more Data than a new weapon or a new Warframe, where anyone would use the same entry for the stats. 

Sure for one Player an increase to 360 Rivens would not be a problem but if you multiply the server space needed for that increase by hundreds of thousands or millions of players than the Server space required will escalate quickly.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2019-02-10 at 12:22 PM, Menex said:

There are multiple ways to get more riven mods (sorties, login rewards, special alerts) but only a 90 mod capacity... why?

Please DE, increase the riven mod max capacity either indefinitely or at the very least double or triple the max number (180 or 270) we can have at our disposal.

Sometimes (I would even go as far as to say most of the time), you need to forget about new content and just fix these types of basic game mechanics so as to not needlessly frustrate and complicate the player's gaming experience.

Hope you take this into consideration and come up with a solution ASAP (transmuting is not a solution).

Thanks in advance.




I want at least 1 Riven for every weapon. They allow for 20 extra load out slots - I have all 34 total loadouts - I have a unique weapon for each of the 3 weapons you can carry for each of the 34 unique Warframes im using,  90 is not enough to have a riven for each weapon with all my loadouts! More rivens means more things to do in Warframe for me - more time playing.

Right now I get an annoying pop up about my capacity all the time and im punished further being bared from sorties.

In an interview with tactical potato DE Scott said it is possible when asked about having one for each weapon however it brings more demand on the server.

Ya know - With all the inactive clans and Dojos and Accounts - Why not compress all that and put it in an archive server to make space and reduce load. When someone comes back make it a process of decompressing when an inactive account comes online and recheck to make sure it fully active.

This capacity needs to be raised or limited to one or 2 for every weapon.

Just DO IT - Please DE

Edited by 5nak3Doctor
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  • 1 month later...
On 2019-02-10 at 7:22 PM, Menex said:

There are multiple ways to get more riven mods (sorties, login rewards, special alerts) but only a 90 mod capacity... why?

Please DE, increase the riven mod max capacity either indefinitely or at the very least double or triple the max number (180 or 270) we can have at our disposal.

Sometimes (I would even go as far as to say most of the time), you need to forget about new content and just fix these types of basic game mechanics so as to not needlessly frustrate and complicate the player's gaming experience.

Hope you take this into consideration and come up with a solution ASAP (transmuting is not a solution).

Thanks in advance.





I would collect all every riven mod for each weapon available!!!

I have formed (and catalyzed) almost all the weapons and i would enjoy to use riven on every one of it.

Please DE fix/enhance max riven mod capacity (i will pay it, i don't want it for feee) 🙂

Best regards 


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As someone who has forma'd and potato'd all the things, including all variants of each weapon, I would love to get more slots to customize more weapons. DE should look at how many players are actually at the cap and how many players don't have a single riven and see if the servers could handle an upgrade in the capacity. It would also be nice if they could show those statistics as well so the player base could be shown what is happening with rivens so we could make an informed opinion on them increasing riven capacity.

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