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Baruuk build - The Shaolin Monk


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Hello dear community,

I tested this shaolin monk on high level missions and he is now one of my favourite frames.

Since pictures say more than words, I will just show you my Baruuk build, give you a little comment and let yourself think about the rest. ^^



Everything that gets past his 1th ability will be blocked by your energy and with the rage mod also restore your energy. :] Stretch to increase the degree of your first ability. I think the rest is pretty obvious.

Desert Wind


Many people are saying that his 4th ability is underpowered, but I can´t confirm that at all! Using normal strikes on weaker enemies, is a one-punch or two-punch finish, using his slide-attack on stronger enemies is one-slide or two-slide finish, just like Valkyrs claws.

Best wishes



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Proved that hes no worse than Mesa or Excal in my post:

Also u can look up for some tips like 200% range beeing kinda mandatory (unless u dont cale about elude) or 90% elementals on his exalted fists beeing better than IPS mods

Edited by Raskolnikow
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9 minutes ago, Raskolnikow said:

Proved that hes no worse than Mesa or Excal in my post:

Also u can look up for some tips like 200% range beeing kinda mandatory (unless u dont cale about elude) or 90% elementals on his exalted fists beeing better than IPS mods

Edited 6 minutes ago by Raskolnikow

Ahhh! That is pretty cool, we have almost the same opinion! You made very good builds for different types of situations, I always try to make a build which works in every situation. Frames that can survive solo and are able to protect themselves against high level infested energy drainers are unique, like e.g. Revenant.

Maybe i should have searched the forums first.... you know... before posting... haha 😅

(Control yourself Tara, DON`T post, SEARCH first, SEARCH FIRST! 😣)  Sorry, i had one of those act NOW / post NOW moments... not very Ninja like... 😔

Baruuk is pretty new on PS4, forgot that on PC he is probably an old monk by now.

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48 minutes ago, Raskolnikow said:

Also u can look up for some tips like 200% range beeing kinda mandatory (unless u dont cale about elude) or 90% elementals on his exalted fists beeing better than IPS mods

Good points, but I don´t want him to dodge everything, the rage and quick thinking mods would be useless otherwise. Baruuk is still pretty new to me, so maybe i am missing something about him. Also your build for desert storm is a bit confusing. 0% status, slash and puncture dmg? Looks like it was updated on consoles. I guess i have to thank PC players for testing it. ^^

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30 minutes ago, (PS4)Tara-The-Tigress said:

Good points, but I don´t want him to dodge everything, the rage and quick thinking mods would be useless otherwise. Baruuk is still pretty new to me, so maybe i am missing something about him. Also your build for desert storm is a bit confusing. 0% status, slash and puncture dmg? Looks like it was updated on consoles. I guess i have to thank PC players for testing it. ^^

Ye they changed that to pure impact but it didnt affect my build, still think elementals are better than IPS 

Even with 360 degree elude you can still get hit by splash dmg like bombard rockets and toxin coulds but its up to you if you prefer some mana regen with rage its fine as long as it works

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Sorry, but tested it myself. Serene Storm is not only a bad exalted, it’s a bad melee weapon. I got better performance out of Ankyros prime.

And being forced to use a slide attack to kill anything stronger than a butcher is not a well designed exalted melee. Honestly, if you’re just going to slide attack to kill things just use a whip.


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50 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Sorry, but tested it myself. Serene Storm is not only a bad exalted, it’s a bad melee weapon. I got better performance out of Ankyros prime.

And being forced to use a slide attack to kill anything stronger than a butcher is not a well designed exalted melee. Honestly, if you’re just going to slide attack to kill things just use a whip.


Proof please

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18 minutes ago, Dr.Wuzzah said:

Proof please

I mean it should go without saying. Whips have like 5 times the range of a fist weapon. So naturally it’s the better choice if you just plan to spin to win. And if you want proof that it’s the worst exalted melee weapon I’ve ever used. Look up my Serene Storm II thread.

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9 hours ago, (PS4)Tara-The-Tigress said:

Everything that gets past his 1th ability will be blocked by your energy and with the rage mod also restore your energy. :]

... well, i did a bit more testing with my build and I think it is not working as i hoped on high level missions. 😔 The energy consumption is too high, especially with infested. The idea of adaptation + rage + quick thinking in combination with Zenurik Energizing dash and arcane energize to make damage irrelevant and restore energy was not bad i suppose, but it´s not working very well with Baruuk so far.

7 hours ago, Raskolnikow said:

Ye they changed that to pure impact but it didnt affect my build, still think elementals are better than IPS 

Even with 360 degree elude you can still get hit by splash dmg like bombard rockets and toxin coulds but its up to you if you prefer some mana regen with rage its fine as long as it works

I will try it out, thank you very much for the tips. ^^

4 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Sorry, but tested it myself. Serene Storm is not only a bad exalted, it’s a bad melee weapon. I got better performance out of Ankyros prime.

And being forced to use a slide attack to kill anything stronger than a butcher is not a well designed exalted melee. Honestly, if you’re just going to slide attack to kill things just use a whip.

Baruuk can only be compared to Atlas, Excalibur (and Wukong), the other melee hybrid frames. Their abilities are not mainly focused on melee like most of Valkyrs abilities. Atlas is only using one attack and can´t even use slide attacks, but he still "rocks"! It´s a lot of fun to play this "Rocky" Balboa. 😜

The range of Baruuks fists is awesome and his melee attacks are almost like Valkyrs with greater range. Excalibur Is pretty good in everything, except surviving easily on his own I suppose. So compared to the other hybrid melee frames in the game, I think it is a good improvement.

Also his fists are way better than Ankyros prime or any whip in my opinion. The range and number of enemies he can hit, the cool animations and the sound. Much more “martial arts” and variety than just constantly sliding with a whip. I just wish Valkyrs claws would have such a great range. She would be unstoppable! 😺

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Tara-The-Tigress said:


Baruuk can only be compared to Atlas, Excalibur (and Wukong), the other melee hybrid frames. Their abilities are not mainly focused on melee like most of Valkyrs abilities. Atlas is only using one attack and can´t even use slide attacks, but he still "rocks"! It´s a lot of fun to play this "Rocky" Balboa. 😜

The range of Baruuks fists is awesome and his melee attacks are almost like Valkyrs with greater range. Excalibur Is pretty good in everything, except surviving easily on his own I suppose. So compared to the other hybrid melee frames in the game, I think it is a good improvement.

Also his fists are way better than Ankyros prime or any whip in my opinion. The range and number of enemies he can hit, the cool animations and the sound. Much more “martial arts” and variety than just constantly sliding with a whip. I just wish Valkyrs claws would have such a great range. She would be unstoppable! 😺

I tested Serene Storm to Both Exalted Blade And Landslide. Those two abilities outperformed Serene Storm by miles.

And Serene Storm is bad because it can’t benefit from the combo counter and combo multiplier. It’s not like Valkyr where the low status is balanced out by super fast multi hits and the fact that it can actually build up the combo multiplier.

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12 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

I tested Serene Storm to Both Exalted Blade And Landslide. Those two abilities outperformed Serene Storm by miles.

I can´t confirm that from my experience with Baruuk. Excaliburs and Atlas moves may be stronger or more effective against higher level enemies, but for me, they are not as fun as Baruuks desert wind.

15 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

And Serene Storm is bad because it can’t benefit from the combo counter and combo multiplier. It’s not like Valkyr where the low status is balanced out by super fast multi hits and the fact that it can actually build up the combo multiplier. 

hmm, that could be easily patched, but i am not sure if that is a good idea. It could make him way too strong for people who have not reached the end-game phase. He is also described as a pacifist, so pushing his opponents away instead of killing them makes sense to me. ✌️

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Tara-The-Tigress said:

I can´t confirm that from my experience with Baruuk. Excaliburs and Atlas moves may be stronger or more effective against higher level enemies, but for me, they are not as fun as Baruuks desert wind.

hmm, that could be easily patched, but i am not sure if that is a good idea. It could make him way too strong for people who have not reached the end-game phase. He is also described as a pacifist, so pushing his opponents away instead of killing them makes sense to me. ✌️

He has to build up a meter that’s separate from his energy. If I have to put more effort than just picking up energy or a or throwing down energy pizzas I expect the ability I’ve working to use to actually be worth it. As it stands now it’s just a glorified leaf blowers.

And “Him being pacifist” does not justify his exalted weapon being bad. He’s described as a reluctant warrior who has the capabilities to demolish enemies without a second though but prefers not to use that power. His first three abilities are him being the pacifist and his 4 should be him letting loose. Don’t believe me? Direct quotes from the wiki.


  • Baruuk is described as a "pacifist Warframe" and "reluctant hero", someone who normally avoids combat but is extremely effective at it once pushed past his breaking point. 
  • Baruuk's abilities are described to revolve around mitigating, suppressing and preventing damage until reaching a certain threshold, after which he switches to all-out offense.
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44 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

He has to build up a meter that’s separate from his energy. If I have to put more effort than just picking up energy or a or throwing down energy pizzas I expect the ability I’ve working to use to actually be worth it. As it stands now it’s just a glorified leaf blowers.

I hope that i will never be reborn as a tree when he is around. 🙀 Also his 4th ability does not need any energy, very good against infested. Most frames are completelly helpless without energy. Probably the reason why the infested have been so effective considering the lore.

44 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

And “Him being pacifist” does not justify his exalted weapon being bad. He’s described as a reluctant warrior who has the capabilities to demolish enemies without a second though but prefers not to use that power. His first three abilities are him being the pacifist and his 4 should be him letting loose. Don’t believe me? Direct quotes from the wiki.


  • Baruuk is described as a "pacifist Warframe" and "reluctant hero", someone who normally avoids combat but is extremely effective at it once pushed past his breaking point. 
  • Baruuk's abilities are described to revolve around mitigating, suppressing and preventing damage until reaching a certain threshold, after which he switches to all-out offense.

"has the capabilities to demolish enemies without a second thought" - I am afraid nothing in the wiki quotes can confirm your theory.

"avoids combat but is extremely effective at it" - I can be very effective in martial arts as well, but even when i am pushed past my breaking point, i can still control myself to some degree. You should watch some martial arts movies, almost all of them have such philosophical moments. If he is so incredibly effective at it, then he can avoid lethal damage easily.

"until reaching a certain threshold, after which he switches to all-out offense." - that is not the same as demolish enemies without a second thought. If i go all-out offense, i can still avoid lethal damage. Imagine you go all-out offense against a 2m muscled heavyweight guy. You do go all-out offense, but that is not the same as beating the guy.


Edited by (PS4)Tara-The-Tigress
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1 minute ago, (PS4)Tara-The-Tigress said:

I hope that i will never be reborn as a tree when he is around. 🙀 Also his 4th ability does not need any energy, very good against infested. Most frames are completelly helpless without energy. Probably the reason why the infested have been so effective considering the lore.

"has the capabilities to demolish enemies without a second thought" - I amfraid nothing in the wiki quotes can confirm your theory.

"avoids combat but is extremely effective at it" - I can be very effective in martial arts as well, but even when i am pushed past my breaking point, i can still control myself to some degree. You should watch some martial arts movies, almost all of them have such philosophical moments. If he is so incredibly effective at it, then he can avoid lethal damage easily.

"until reaching a certain threshold, after which he switches to all-out offense." - that is not the same as demolish enemies without a second thought. If i go all-out offense, i can still avoid lethal damage. Imagine you go all-out offense against a 2m muscled heavyweight guy. You do go all-out offense, but that is not the same as beating the guy.


Ok so you just want him to remain with an unjustifiable bad exalted weapon. Got it.

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14 hours ago, (PS4)Tara-The-Tigress said:

Hello dear community,

I tested this shaolin monk on high level missions and he is now one of my favourite frames.

Since pictures say more than words, I will just show you my Baruuk build, give you a little comment and let yourself think about the rest. ^^



Everything that gets past his 1th ability will be blocked by your energy and with the rage mod also restore your energy. :] Stretch to increase the degree of your first ability. I think the rest is pretty obvious.

Desert Wind


Many people are saying that his 4th ability is underpowered, but I can´t confirm that at all! Using normal strikes on weaker enemies, is a one-punch or two-punch finish, using his slide-attack on stronger enemies is one-slide or two-slide finish, just like Valkyrs claws.

Best wishes



The build is similar to what I'm using.  I haven't bothered with quick thinking or flow since I'm confident in the DR from his two abilities.  Up to a certain point of course. I usually run a sentinel with medi-ray so in anything sub sortie, I don't really pay attention to his health.  If you were to engage in things like wave 10-15 in eso or multiple hour long survivals then yeah quick thinking/flow may be useful.  

I like the inclusion of 1 range mod.  Building for 360 elude seems wasteful.  I'll tell you this, I don't really use elude anymore aside from just having to run past dudes to get to point B or reviving teammates.   As long as there are enemies around, lull and daggers keep me perpetually in desert wind. 

For storm, I'm still on the fence about heavy trauma(primed).  Would an elemental mod in its spot be better or berserker? Maybe.  Aside from that,  The half screen damage area of the waves is pretty cool, just point the camera in that direction hit the button and all those dudes that were there....dead. haha  I often make a competition if I see a random saryn.  I usually lose but it's within 5-10%

Regarding his weapons "ranking" against other exaulteds.  I find it beneficial to focus on "does the thing function in content you would normally engage with?"  Rather than "does the thing live up to what I expect based on its wiki lore?"

Edited by robbybe01234
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People really exaggerate on desert wind being really bad. I have outdamaged and killed more enemies than Excalibur or Valkyr consistently high levels too (80-100). Yeah against single target heavy armor Excalibur and Valkyr are better but otherwise I'll take desert wind. I wouldn't argue against making changes to desert wind for combo to come off the waves but that would be pretty ridiculous.

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2 hours ago, Bl00dRedRage said:

People really exaggerate on desert wind being really bad. I have outdamaged and killed more enemies than Excalibur or Valkyr consistently high levels too (80-100). Yeah against single target heavy armor Excalibur and Valkyr are better but otherwise I'll take desert wind. I wouldn't argue against making changes to desert wind for combo to come off the waves but that would be pretty ridiculous.

It’d justify having to build up a separate meter to actually use it. I mean if  Baruuks a pacifist and is reluctant to use Serene Storm due to its power than it doesn’t make sense that it’s as ineffective as it is against armor.

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2 hours ago, Bl00dRedRage said:

Yeah against single target heavy armor Excalibur and Valkyr are better but otherwise I'll take desert wind. 

This pretty much sums it up. 

We’ll have to see what happens with the instant melee weapon switching when that drops. Because as is, Serene Storm’s shortcomings against armor are felt pretty heavily, but if we could, say, instantly switch to a Tigris Prime, then that would be a bit of a game changer. Then the worst things about SS would pretty much cease to be a problem. 

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