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1 hour ago, (PS4)Vexx757 said:

Tbh this is disappointing, Idc about these relics (when the parts already exist in the game) and in the future, we are going to get double of each anyways. I would of rather had dax armour pieces instead. Also this would have been a whole lot better if it gave you 10 future prime relics plus 100 void traces instead of credits THAT would be a better reward but that's just me.

You're still going to get whatever new dex item they have prepared, along with all of the old items. This is secondary to the actual anniversary event.

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you want large updates like new war, wolf of saturn,  exploiter, gas city, melee 3.0 and railjack no? somethings going to suffer for it.


DE does not have unlimited staffing power.  find something legit to complain about. like how orb valis still lags >_> and glitchs archwing causing your warframe to air walking.

Edited by hazerddex
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On 2019-02-15 at 6:23 PM, Rawbeard said:

yeah, non content takes so much work, we gotta half ass events, the thing players keep asking us for. no way we could change our schedules to push back the non content to make something to engage our players beyond what the new numbers in their arsenal will look like.

The playerbase never stops asking for more, and DE wants to give everyone what they want. That's impossible. They're just trying to make everyone happy. If this keeps up, and DE succumbs to the communities wishes further, we will have another phase of low-effort mass content being pushed into the game.

That's not good.

I'd rather have little high quality content over a bunch of low-quality content

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45 minutes ago, IllogicalLogic420 said:

The playerbase never stops asking for more, and DE wants to give everyone what they want.

why shouldn't players ask for more in a live service? it has been months since Fortuna release and we really haven't gotten anything since, other than REALLY tedious grindwalls within very low content missions. and I feel like the Orb Mothers were intentionally designed to take as long as possible to fight without anything interesting happening. Jeez, Eidolon fights look almost epic in scope now...

so... yeah. I will not be content with getting nothing, or changes to grinds that make those even MORE tedious because some dude figured out how to be done within 30 minutes and then could go back to playing the game.

If I had to hazard a guess there might be some influence from the chinese owners. I really hope I am way off base and DE just completely mismanaged their schedules instead

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China can eat feces.

Also, players can ask for more.....but thats exactly the issue, the players ask for too much. We have already gotten a plethora of stuff. If your rushing through everything, that's on you. The game isnt meant to be completed in a day.

If youre not content with what youve already gotten, idk what to say then. You did it to yourself lol.

Although I do agree....the amount of grinding/farming required in this game is just sickeningly insane.

I can't put enough emphasis on "stop being greedy, appreciate what we have so far, or go play another game that is probably crappier than WF" (general statement, not directed at you)

Do games like Destiny constantly shell out content? WF does more than most games.

It's like the playerbase will never be happy until content is force fed down their throats until they die from overfeeding on content

Edited by IllogicalLogic420
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2 hours ago, IllogicalLogic420 said:

It's like the playerbase will never be happy until content is force fed down their throats until they die from overfeeding on content

They would complain even then.  You just can't win against people like this.  I'm truly surprised sometimes that DE still tries, and doesn't get discouraged by the complaints.  

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this...isnt the anniversary event though? thats next month. this is for unlocking bonuses FOR the event. It's not meant to be a big thing, hell, its stuff that was basically guaranteed anyway because it involved killing basic units of each faction and some vaulted relics. this was literally just to give people something nice for the weekends leading up to the anniversary.

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I don't remember previous anniversaries even having events. Last year they had a handful of alerts to get the Dex weapons, but before that they just gave the Dex weapons to anyone who logged in during a certain timeframe.

Obviously this isn't a huge event like Operation: Gate Crash, but I would consider a community event to unlock doubler weekends a better event than a Fomorian or Jackal.

Also, you're missing the fact that this isn't the actual Anniversary stuff, that will come with the doubler weekends.

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On 2019-02-15 at 8:29 PM, Loza03 said:

1: Gas City 2.0 and Wolf of Saturn are both radical changes to existing systems, so those are fairly considerable pieces of content. Gas City 2.0 will feature new enemies and most likely a couple new mission types, alongside a completely redesigned area to play in. Wolf of Saturn is a rework to alerts that will provide more meaningful stuff to do.

2: Melee 2.99 is basically setup for melee 3.0, and isn't actually changing any of the numbers in the arsenal, so that point is just entirely wrong. It's a change to how we interact with one of our core weapon systems.

3: So, what, Warframes and Weapons like Hildryn and her associated weapon/s aren't content?

4: I forgot, they're also working on Exploiter, which they described as an Event.

Don't forget Railjack, this will also be huge.

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