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Starting over, yet again! (Some thoughts...)


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On March 1st 2019, I will begin playing Warframe on a new platform. On my recently purchased Xbox One X.

As someone who played on the PC, PS4, & Nintendo Switch, someone who (while not a Founder) has played more or less since Launch, I think it’s safe to say I’m a huge fan and supporter of Warframe.

Yes, I critique the game, and the people running it sometimes. There’s a lot to critique. But there’s a reason I stick around no matter how frustrated I may get. It’s because Warframe is the fricken’ best, obvi.

I planned to boycott the game until they implemented item sharing. That plan is out the window. I’ll be buying Mesa Prime access on the 1st. Or I might just get the Frost & Ember bundle and get Mesa Prime on April 1st instead.

That being said, item sharing NEEDS to be implemented. Crossplay NEEDS to be implemented. I am moving forward with trust that you (Digital Extremes) will do whatever is necessary to make this happen. I will buy every Prime Access and Unvaulting when released, even if I already have them on other consoles, simply to show my support.

But y’all gotta make this happen. Make it a high priority. Put this on your 2019 roadmap, even if it’s not something you can accomplish this year. I just need to know you’re determined to make this happen and that you’re gonna fight for it. Because if you decide to make it happen, sooner or later you will succeed. That’s just how you guys are.

Having to repurchase all the Prime stuff everytime I start over on a new platform is ridiculous. Especially since some of it is out of rotation, and won’t be for sale again FOR LITERALLY EFFING’ YEARS! 😤 If you aren’t going make item sharing a thing this year, at least rework the Prime Vault to let out cosmetics more often, without their accompanying Primed Warframe & Weapons.

I want my Prime Liset skin. My Saita Prime Operator outfit. All the different cosmetics from Loki & Mirage, Nova & Mag, Frost & Ember- the stuff you can’t farm.

*sigh* Well...to all the Xbox players, I’ll be your problem on the 1st. See you then...

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I’m mad at myself, because I at least wanted to wait to rejoin until they introduced the new player experience that was teased, but literally NO OTHER GAME CAN HOLD MY ATTENTION FOR MORE THAN A FEW DAYS, ARRRGGG! 😭

What am I going to spend my day doing if not playing Warframe? Cleaning? Cooking? Volunteering at the local soup kitchen? Pbbff. (Actually, maybe I should consider doing those things regardless 😑 prolly won’t though...)

I was hoping that Anthem would tide me over for a couple months at least but...that flopped.

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Item sharing and crossplatform are unlikely. Especially between PC and consoles. PC are the beta testers and consoles get the polished product. Maybe between PS4 and XB1. Doubtful Switch would be included because of the hardware differences and it's being ported by Panic Button! not DE.

Prime vault from here on out should have cosmetics separately. We have been begging for it for years and Jim Sterling finally made enough of a stink about it on YouTube that DE took notice, and asked the community what they wanted price wise for separate cosmetic packs in prime unvaultings.

Edited by AXCrusnik
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So you demand DE value your time and money better by implementing item sharing and back this up by buying again the very items that you want to be shared across platforms? I really enjoy a lot of things that DE does and I want to support the game, but certain things just turn me off of doing so. The Riven fiascos, the way that the Login Reward System does anything but reward actual loyalty, the poor boss design and implementation of "challenging" content that equates to ridiculous amounts of damage and meta-inducing knockdown cheesing, bugs like abilities getting broken on Plains not being fixed after repeatedly being shown in detail, ignoring feedback on things like Endless Kuva, Universal Vacuum, and Hema; I guess everyone has to choose his sword to die on, and DE gives me a variety to have at it with.

I love so much about Warframe and the energy that the team puts into it as a whole is great, but ambition and pride get in the way of far too much for me to want to regularly feed the game cash despite the enjoyment I get from it. Even if I were spending regularly I can guarantee I'd never spend more than the box cost of a full title on PA on multiple platforms, that's just a ridiculous ask.

Again, whatever feels best you do, but demanding a company change an unfair practice and continuing to reward them offers zero incentive for them to do so.

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2 hours ago, AXCrusnik said:

Prime vault from here on out should have cosmetics separately. We have been begging for it for years and Jim Sterling finally made enough of a stink about it on YouTube that DE took notice, and asked the community what they wanted price wise for separate cosmetic packs in prime unvaultings.

I know, I was there. That’s not what I asked for.

I asked for more frequent unvaultings of cosmetics only. So as to not affect the player run marketplace. So stuff like Limbo Prime cosmetics or the cosmetics from Primes that haven’t been vaulted yet (but for all intents and purposes, their cosmetics might as well have been vaulted since once a new Prime Access comes out the cosmetics are no longer available for purchase and won’t be until that Prime has been Vaulted and Unvaulted) can be on sale again.


So, to clarify. Let’s say someone wants to buy Mesa Prime Access Accessories after the Mesa Prime Access has ended in a month or two. With the current system they’d have to wait until Mesa Prime is vaulted and unvaulted again before having a chance to purchase them again. What does it take, 2 years for a newly released Prime to go back into the vault? That’s how long it took for Banshee Prime to get vaulted.

So it’ll probably be 3 years minimum before anyone can buy Mesa Prime’s cosmetic items again.

I’m saying they should rework it so that’s not the case. So that, more frequently, those cosmetics would go on sale again.

Also, take note- Jim Sterling compelled DE to make improvements to the game by complaining about how messed up that aspect of the game was. That’s exactly what I’m doing.

Do I need to become a popular game critic for DE to listen to me? 🤷‍♂️ Probably.

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Considering how platform migration works, even if they implement item sharing (as unlikely as it is. it really isn't THAT important, nor are they in any position to implement it), the thing players really care about won't be able to be shared, namely plat and Tennogen ( maybe Rivens too, though I'm not sure event of they didn't allow  it for the switch to Switch.

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4 minutes ago, (NSW)Gregory said:

So, to clarify. Let’s say someone wants to buy Mesa Prime Access Accessories after the Mesa Prime Access has ended in a month or two. With the current system they’d have to wait until Mesa Prime is vaulted and unvaulted again before having a chance to purchase them again. What does it take, 2 years for a newly released Prime to go back into the vault? That’s how long it took for Banshee Prime to get vaulted.

So it’ll probably be 3 years minimum before anyone can buy Mesa Prime’s cosmetic items again.

I’m saying they should rework it so that’s not the case. So that, more frequently, those cosmetics would go on sale again.

Ok that makes more sense. Pretty easy to misconstrue your meaning when you put it as vaguely as you did in the OP. I wouldn't mind a faster turnaround for cosmetic unvaultings after their Prime Accesses end either.

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3 hours ago, True_Naeblis said:

So you demand DE value your time and money better by implementing item sharing and back this up by buying again the very items that you want to be shared across platforms?

I really enjoy a lot of things that DE does and I want to support the game, but certain things just turn me off of doing so. The Riven fiascos, the way that the Login Reward System does anything but reward actual loyalty, the poor boss design and implementation of "challenging" content that equates to ridiculous amounts of damage and meta-inducing knockdown cheesing, bugs like abilities getting broken on Plains not being fixed after repeatedly being shown in detail, ignoring feedback on things like Endless Kuva, Universal Vacuum, and Hema; I guess everyone has to choose his sword to die on, and DE gives me a variety to have at it with.

Again, whatever feels best you do, but demanding a company change an unfair practice and continuing to reward them offers zero incentive for them to do so.

No. No. You’re right.

I should at least hold back on repurchasing frames and cosmetics I had on other consoles.

2 minutes ago, AXCrusnik said:

Ok that makes more sense. Pretty easy to misconstrue your meaning when you put it as vaguely as you did in the OP. I wouldn't mind a faster turnaround for cosmetic unvaultings after their Prime Accesses end either.

Yeah, guess I don’t always elaborate enough.

I’m the opposite of concise.

4 minutes ago, Atsia said:

Considering how platform migration works, even if they implement item sharing (as unlikely as it is. it really isn't THAT important, nor are they in any position to implement it), the thing players really care about won't be able to be shared, namely plat and Tennogen ( maybe Rivens too, though I'm not sure event of they didn't allow  it for the switch to Switch.

They did say item sharing was a lot more possible in January, as a way of introducing crossplay slowly and in increments.

And it is majorly important to me that the stuff I spend money on (Primed Cosmetics and Vaulted Warframes) stay with me when I start over on another platform.

As for platinum, they can generate as much of that as they need- but it’ll probably only be usable in the in game marketplace.

I think they call it “free platinum”. I once got 7400+ of it for reporting an exploit.

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To be fair, it's not an impossibility to do it at all so long as the accounts are able to be linked. The main problem would be insuring data integrity and security, and deciding how robust the sharing should be. It would likely be a bit of a headache to keep up with every conceivable item--though still doable--but a happy medium should certainly be that at a minimum all PA purchases and items bought with Plat are shared across platforms.

To be frank I don't think it hasn't been implemented because of the overall difficulty, but because DE stretches themselves thin trying to do too much at once. There's the "forever in beta" spiel that they use to gloss over how much of the game is unpolished and how many things have been broken for months or years, but it's really not an excuse. QoL that involves real dollars spent should be a priority, but from a business standpoint I get that it isn't because far too many do simply pull out their wallet and buy the same items again on each platform, so why dedicate work hours to putting a fix in when they get player's money either way?

Glad that you see throwing cash at them isn't going to change things, and I do commiserate with you that it's a pain to have to deny yourself items that would make your game play on all platforms more enjoyable if you ever want to hope for change. If you stick to that you'll be ahead of the game, because if the number of people who claimed they weren't buying Chroma Prime PA lined up with how many really abstained we would have seen a Chroma rework ASAP. It's so easy to buy digital goods and so tempting to think "I'm just one player, it won't matter what I do" so I understand why changes don't happen quickly, but it would be nice if more people would stick to their guns to get DE to pay attention.

The threat of boycotting worked to keep For Honor from implementing horrible changes, it stopped EA from putting loot boxes in the latest Battlefront, it hit EA again with their CoD: WWII release; actually putting the wallet away when companies ignore player concerns can make a difference. I think that with WF the passion of the dev team and how active they are with the community keeps a lot of people from pulling the plug, but I don't see liking DE's staff as a reason to keep spending when they outright ignore so many things that are wrong and just keep plodding along with what they want to do instead of making fixes. They broke a weapon about a year or so back and in update after update thread that followed I posted a link to the original bug threads about it; it was something that would take all of 30 seconds to look at and say that the mistake wasn't a mistake and they just wanted to make the weapon useless or to put it in line items for a quick fix by changing two numbers. They did neither, and that's par for the course because there's always too much going on in the game looking forward, spewing out more content that never gets polished and ends up being far less engaging than it could be as there's always something waiting to go wrong.

Anyway, so long as players pump money into the game as it is things just aren't going to change.

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Crossplay would be nice but I also think that it's just to difficult and would take to much time.

And item sharing is not really needed. We can trade and the things that we cant trade are not worth it or it has a reason.

For the Prime Access: it's expensive and it will always be. It's the thing where they get reliable money from people. There is no other way for them because plat is ez to farm and often just to expensive without a discount.

Edited by DerGreif2
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2 hours ago, DerGreif2 said:

And item sharing is not really needed.

People pay hundreds of dollars for cosmetic items.

Hundreds. Just to make their space ship look prettier during the loading screen, or dress up their virtual cat or operator.

“Fashion frame is the true endgame” as they say, and primed cosmetics are the one thing you can’t farm or trade for. So why on God’s green Earth WOULDN’T they place immense importance on making sure those of us who actually do shell out for them feel satisfied?

People like me keep this game afloat. Make it profitable, worthwhile. Hundreds of dollars. For cosmetic items. And the moment I change platforms, all of it goes up in smoke.

I wouldn’t even mind starting over, speaking personally. I wouldn’t mind having to repurchase or recraft my weapons or Warframes. It’s fine.

But making me repurchase those cosmetics? And worse, making me wait years to do so? That’s called biting the hand that feeds you.


Of course, there are those who would be even less forgiving of losing their progress. People who invested hundreds of hours, and bought Forma, and credit and affinity boosters, who worked their fingers to the nubs trying to create the perfect builds. But me, I’d redo all of that. I just want my exclusive cosmetics.

It just ain’t fair when paying players lose the stuff they paid for just because they decided to play on a different platform. It’s disrespectful when only PC players get to keep their stuff but the rest of us aren’t even considered.

There ain’t never gonna be a good excuse for that.

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I also love fashion frame BUT just because of that we dont need item sharing. If you spend your money on cosmetics on PC dont expect to have them on other accounts as well. I also buy more than other people in warframe so I understand you but still. Fashion frame in a personal thing. It's not a main part of the game regardless of the fashion frame memes.

Edited by DerGreif2
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9 minutes ago, DerGreif2 said:


Look, dude. It not okay. It never gonna be okay. You hear me? Just cuz’ you don’t curr don’ mean the rest of us gotta let it go, you feel me?

Item sharing is nothing short of an absolute necessity, cuz’ no customer deserves to be disrespected that way. Just cuz’ you fine getting screwed over don’t mean you can come in here shouting “it all good”. It ain’t.

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On 2019-02-17 at 12:14 AM, True_Naeblis said:

So you demand DE value your time and money better by implementing item sharing.

I like the way you put this.

This is a nice and concise summary of what I’m doing.

I may not be doing it well, but this is what I’m doing.

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31 minutes ago, (NSW)Gregory said:

Look, dude. It not okay. It never gonna be okay. You hear me? Just cuz’ you don’t curr don’ mean the rest of us gotta let it go, you feel me?

Item sharing is nothing short of an absolute necessity, cuz’ no customer deserves to be disrespected that way. Just cuz’ you fine getting screwed over don’t mean you can come in here shouting “it all good”. It ain’t.

It has nothing to do with disrespect dude. Calm down. You bought the cosmetics for that one account. End of the story. If you want them at another place: you have buy them again. Thats the negative part when you having more than one account. You have to deal with it. And item sharing is not a topic that is important for the most people.

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Actually, you know what? No. I'm going to play Anthem after all.

It's like others have said, DE isn't going to learn anything if I keep giving them my money. If I do play Warframe at all, I'm going to challenge myself by going entirely FTP.

I know Anthem is an unfinished mess right now, but fudge it, I always regretted not getting the Founders pack in Warframe.

Legion of Dawn + Pre-order bonuses, you're mine. Including the GameStop exclusive Pre-order bonus, the Edge of Resolve Vinyl.

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On 2019-02-20 at 1:16 PM, (XB1)Erudite God said:

Why? Those are pretty random features that I don't really see would add anything to the game. 

Things crossplay would add to the game:

Being able to play with friends from other platforms. You know. Friends. People you enjoy spending time with. Sometimes they aren’t on the same console as you, and they may not feel like spending 300+ dollars to remedy that.

Not to mention it’ll be easier to find people to group up with for certain content when all the player bases are pooled together.

Things item sharing would add to the game:

If you played for years on one console, spent hundreds upon hundreds of dollars, and then started over on another- you lose everything you purchased.

If you have to ask why this is a huge deal, it just means you’re fortunate enough to have never changed platforms. Then again, you play on the Xbox apparently, which is the second best platform to play on next to the PC, so of course you wouldn’t understand the need.

Heck, depending on the person, Xbox might actually be #1, just because of the difficulty and cost of building/buying and maintaining a high end PC vs having what is essentially a high end PC pretending to be a console for only a couple hundred bucks...I mean...it’s pretty neat.

Btw, if anyone wants to add me as a friend on the Xbox, my gamer tag is Fat Gregory.

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1 hour ago, (NSW)Gregory said:

I feel like, with Nightwave releasing simultaneously on all platforms, we’re getting closer to build synchronicity.

So that’s promising huh?

I wouldn't considering Prime Access and Riven changes have always gone live on all platforms at once.

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4 hours ago, Atsia said:

I wouldn't considering Prime Access and Riven changes have always gone live on all platforms at once.

Wait a minute.

Aren’t all the builds the same right now?

Profit Taker is out on all Platforms, and so is Nightwave.

If not totally, they are at least nearly in sync.

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And, here I am.

New account, starting over as a 100% free to play player.

Should be an interesting challenge, and with Nightwave offering inventory slots, it's certainly a good time to be ftp.

I really would like to be able to support the game financially, but...well, not until item sharing is implemented.

Give me the stuff I've already bought, then we'll talk.

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